a company that works with my company writes a lot of of their code in
Python (lucky jerks). I've seen their code and it basically looks like
"""Function that does stuff"""
def doStuff():
while not wise(up):
yield scorn
Now my question is this: How do I kill these people without the
authorities thinking they didn't deserve it?
kill -9 seems to work for me.
You may want to explain, one day, why what they are doing is wrong.
Jonathan Gardner
They are thinking in JavaDoc, not Python.
"""Function that does stuff"""
def doStuff():
while not wise(up):
yield scorn
def doOtherStuff():
"""Function that does stuff"""
while wise(up):
yield joy
print doStuff.__doc__
print doOtherStuff.__doc__
program output:
Function that does stuff
Well, the above isn't *wrong* as such, it is equivalent to:
# Function that does stuff
def doStuff():
while not wise(up):
yield scorn
which means the biggest problem is that they had the perfect opportunity
to create a useful docstring and instead f***ed it up by turning it into
a useless comment.
The best way to teach them better is to introduce them to the joys of
help(doStuff) and doctests.
> # Function that does stuff
> def doStuff():
> while not wise(up):
> yield scorn
> which means the biggest problem is that they had the perfect opportunity
> to create a useful docstring and instead f***ed it up by turning it into
> a useless comment.
> The best way to teach them better is to introduce them to the joys of
> help(doStuff) and doctests.
Try the ROI (Return On Investment) argument.
A programmer costs $X per hour (at first blush, take their salary, multiply
by 1.5 for indirect costs, and divide by 2000 working hours per year). It
took them N minutes to write that text, so now you know how much that piece
of text cost in dollars.
Given that you've invested that money, what's the best way to maximize your
ROI? Well, you could take that text, and put it in front of the 'def'
line. The ROI in that you can read the text when you view the source code.
Perhaps by printing it out on green-bar, or carving it into clay tablets
with a pointed stick.
Or, you could put it after the 'def' line. Now, you can still read it when
viewing the source file. But, you can also access it with help(). Or by
getting the functions __doc__ string. Three times the ROI! Even the most
pointy-haired bean counter can grok the fullness of that.
kill -1 -1
Back in the days of thin X terminals I used that one as a quicker
alternative to actually logging out. It is also useful if you start a
fork bunny and need to hit the panic switch before the machine grinds
to a halt.
Is the problem that they've got the docstring in the wrong place,
or that the comment isn't saying anything that can't be read in
the method name?
The first is easily fixable with a bit of tutorial about how
a properly placed docstring prints out in various contexts, plus
a quick script to move the suckers.
The second is going to take more work to get the point across
that comments that reproduce what the method name says are waste.
John Roth
> On Feb 24, 1:23 pm, Andreas Waldenburger <use...@geekmail.INVALID>
> wrote:
> > a company that works with my company writes a lot of of their code
> > in Python (lucky jerks). I've seen their code and it basically
> > looks like this:
> >
> > """Function that does stuff"""
> > def doStuff():
> > while not wise(up):
> > yield scorn
> > [snip]
> Is the problem that they've got the docstring in the wrong place,
> or that the comment isn't saying anything that can't be read in
> the method name?
It's the first. I am superficial like that. I just needed a docstring
to illustrate and didn't want to get overly creative.
Not that they don't write redundant docstrings.
And they use mixedCase function/method names.
And they write getters and setters gratuitously.
> The first is easily fixable with a bit of tutorial about how
> a properly placed docstring prints out in various contexts, plus
> a quick script to move the suckers.
Well, I'm not really in a position to tell them that. I'd be kind of
the dork of the office in doing so. Thus my kvetching here. :)
So basically, there is nothing to discuss, really. I just wanted to
remind everyone that there are still morons out there (as in "lacking
esprit and mental flexibility"), make everyone feel better about
themselves (because surely THEY don't do that!) and then carry on.
> The second is going to take more work to get the point across
> that comments that reproduce what the method name says are waste.
They seem to need the reassurance, I guess, so why not let them. ;)
That being said, yoru OP's still soemhow funny, I would have shot them
on sight :-)
Reminiscent of:
mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
And, yes, I've actually seen that as well as:
; This is a comment
Tim Daneliuk tun...@tundraware.com
PGP Key: http://www.tundraware.com/PGP/
> Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > And they use mixedCase function/method names.
> >
> and ? whatIsTheProblem ?
Thanks for proving my point. ;)
No seriously though: Let it go. I wasn't being serious. As long as it
works and I don't have to work with it, I don't care how anybody writes
their code.
> On 2/24/2010 2:23 PM, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > [stuff]
> Reminiscent of:
> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
Well, there might be some confusion there as to what gets moved where,
wouldn't you say? I guess this goes away after a couple of months,
> And, yes, I've actually seen that as well as:
> ; This is a comment
I hope it was in a tutorial-situation. Or maybe it was written by one of
those "ironic" programmers?
> On 2/24/2010 2:23 PM, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > a company that works with my company writes a lot of of their code in
> > Python (lucky jerks). I've seen their code and it basically looks like
> > this:
> >
> > """Function that does stuff"""
> > def doStuff():
> > while not wise(up):
> > yield scorn
> >
> > Now my question is this: How do I kill these people without the
> > authorities thinking they didn't deserve it?
> >
> > /W
> >
> Reminiscent of:
> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
> And, yes, I've actually seen that as well as:
> ; This is a comment
OK, if we're going to do this, how about this one, that I just found
yesterday in some production C++ code. I'm so glad somebody took the time
to explain to me what p7 through p9 are. I never would have figured it out
* Tracing facility. Writes the message to the specified output stream.
* If output stream is NULL, writes the message to the process log.
* @param msg_id The message id to use for lookup.
* @param ostr The output stream.
* @param p1 The first substition parameter.
* @param p2 The second substition parameter.
* @param p3 The third substition parameter.
* @param p4 The fourth substition parameter.
* @param p5 The fifth substition parameter.
* @param p6 The sixth substition parameter.
* @param p7 The seventh substition parameter.
* @param p8 The eigth substition parameter.
* @param p9 The ninth substition parameter.
> """Function that does stuff"""
> def doStuff():
> while not wise(up):
> yield scorn
> Now my question is this: How do I kill these people without the
> authorities thinking they didn't deserve it?
Their unit tests are just as complete, illustrative, and
administratively sanctioned, right?
>> Reminiscent of:
>> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
> Well, there might be some confusion there as to what gets moved where,
> wouldn't you say?
Depends on what assembler you're used to. I certainly find having the
operands that way round confusing.
I agree to that statement, I was surprised that mov AX,BX assumes that
BX is the source, and AX the destination. I never programmed in
assembler though.
> /**
> * Tracing facility. Writes the message to the specified output stream.
> * If output stream is NULL, writes the message to the process log.
> *
> * @param msg_id The message id to use for lookup.
> * @param ostr The output stream.
> * @param p1 The first substition parameter.
> * @param p2 The second substition parameter.
> * @param p3 The third substition parameter.
> * @param p4 The fourth substition parameter.
> * @param p5 The fifth substition parameter.
> * @param p6 The sixth substition parameter.
> * @param p7 The seventh substition parameter.
> * @param p8 The eigth substition parameter.
> * @param p9 The ninth substition parameter.
> */
Well at least they did explain something. ;-) You should be happy you
don't have to deal with PHP programmers that tend to write
20-positional-argument function AND programmer 1 knows what params 1-7
do, programmer 2 knows what params 8-15 do and nobody knows what params
16-20 do.
You could think of it as a not bad use of the design principle "Clear The
Simple Stuff Out Of The Way First". Destinations are commonly a lot simpler
than sources -- just as in Python assignment statements. So you can tell
more or less at a glance what's going to be changed, then get into the deep
analysis to find what it's going to be changed to.
It depends on the assembler. Some are dst, src and others are
the other way around. Some vary depending on the instruction.
Grant Edwards grante Yow! Sign my PETITION.
The obvious solution to this problem is to write the assembler code in
your own way, and then use Python to change the code to the appropriate
target. Any of the solutions listed here would presumably suffice.
Mark Lawrence.
> Reminiscent of:
> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
That's a *good* comment, because without it most English-speaking people
would assume you were moving the contents of AX into BX.
> And, yes, I've actually seen that as well as:
> ; This is a comment
Which might be a good comment, if it were part of an unfamiliar file
format where the reader were not expected to know what is a comment and
what is significant. For instance, I've seen similar comments at the top
of config files.
However, I'm pretty sure that a comment like this is inexcusable:
x = x + 1 # Add one to x.
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:09:36 -0600, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
>> Reminiscent of:
>> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
> That's a *good* comment, because without it most English-speaking people
> would assume you were moving the contents of AX into BX.
Eh? It's a bad comment, it's of the same quality as:
> x = x + 1 # Add one to x.
You think the former is good because (I guess) you are not familiar with
the language. The same reason why beginners comment their code like in
your example.
John Bokma j3b
Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - http://johnbokma.com/
http://castleamber.com/ - Perl & Python Development
The assembly languages of virtually all the processors that I've come
across put the destination first, eg. x86:
which does:
AX := AX - BX
AX := BX
and ARM:
SUB R0,R1,R2
which does:
R0 := R1 - R2
R0 := R1
The only assembly language I know of which does it the other way round
is 68x00:
which does:
D1 := D1 - D0
D1 := D0
I know which I prefer! :-)
A bit off-topic, but there are /two/ main syntaxes for x86 assembly, namely
Intel syntax (the above syntax, used by MASM, old TASM etc.) and AT&T syntax.
C:\test> echo int main(){ int x = 42; } >blah.cpp
C:\test> g++ blah.cpp -S -masm=intel
C:\test> type blah.s | find "42"
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 42
C:\test> g++ blah.cpp -S -masm=att
C:\test> type blah.s | find "42"
movl $42, -4(%ebp)
C:\test> _
Personally I find the AT&T syntax very hard to read.
All those percent signs hurt my eyes...
> and ARM:
> SUB R0,R1,R2
> MOV R0,R1
> which does:
> R0 := R1 - R2
> R0 := R1
> The only assembly language I know of which does it the other way round
> is 68x00:
> SUB D0,D1
> MOVE D0,D1
> which does:
> D1 := D1 - D0
> D1 := D0
> I know which I prefer! :-)
- Alf
> Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au> writes:
>> On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:09:36 -0600, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
>>> Reminiscent of:
>>> mov AX,BX ; Move the contents of BX into AX
>> That's a *good* comment, because without it most English-speaking
>> people would assume you were moving the contents of AX into BX.
> Eh? It's a bad comment, it's of the same quality as:
>> x = x + 1 # Add one to x.
> You think the former is good because (I guess) you are not familiar with
> the language. The same reason why beginners comment their code like in
> your example.
Well, in the second example, x+1 could not possibly be anything other
than adding one to x in any language, programming or human: using "+" for
addition is close enough to universal these days. Unless x is some fancy
object that plays operator overloading tricks, then what else could x+1
On the other hand, mv AX,BX is not only ambiguous but in the example
given the move occurs in the counter-intuitive direction, at least for
English-speakers and probably most speakers of European languages. So
even an experienced coder might like the reminder that this specific
assembly language moves things backwards compared to his intuition, or
compared to the way the rest of the language does things.
Admittedly an experienced coder might be so used to that syntax that he
no longer needs the comment, in which case he might find it unnecessary.
But comments aren't written for the benefit of people who find it
obvious. They're written for everyone else. ANY comment could be
dismissed as unnecessary for somebody who is so familiar with the
language and code in question that it is obvious what it is doing.
Also, some assemblies perform the move in different directions according
to the arguments. So you might have:
mv AX,BX ; move contents of BX into AX
mv @CX,DX ; move contents of @CX into DX
Horrible, yes, but apparently some assembly languages did something like
It's interesting that my silly example raised this amount of
commentary. My general view about all this is that comments should be
written on the assumption that the reader knows the language in
question. It is not the purpose of a comment to provide a tutorial on
the language (unless you're actually writing a tutorial program).
Rather, a comment should illuminate the *logic* of the activity by
either amplifying, clarifying, or otherwise providing a rationale' for
the code in question. Demanding that programmers provide comments
about the syntax and semantics of the language is - to me - absurd.
For example, some time ago, I was doing some programming with embedded
PIC-based hardware. The comments for that code are intended to
illuminate how the *hardware* was being exploited, not how to use PIC
incf current_col,F ; pickup next column to scan
movlw MAX_COL+1 ; if current_col > MAX_COL then
subwf current_col,W ; we just did last column, so start over
btfss STATUS,Z ; zero means we need to start over
goto key_scan ; nope, go look for key hits
clrf current_col ; yes, reinit column counter
goto scan
The only possible exception to this I can think of is when there is
some non-obvious side-effect (i.e. language and/or hardware is
mov A,B ; Moving A into B also will also arm
; the nuclear warhead if the CPU is
; hotter than 110C
But it isn't English, it's assembler. If someone doesn't know that
assembler they have no business trying to work in it.
A good comment would be "move number of sheep into accumulator" or
something equally as descriptive. A person who knows the assembler
knows that the BX register will be copied (not "moved" btw) into the AX
register. What they want from the comment is some idea why.
Yes, understanding assembler is hard. You aren't going to learn it
from the comments.
D'Arcy J.M. Cain <da...@druid.net> | Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/ | and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082) (eNTP) | what's for dinner.
> The assembly languages of virtually all the processors that I've come
> across put the destination first, eg. x86:
Incorrect. x86 assembly has two distinct syntax branches, "Intel
syntax" (which is most common in the Windows world according to
Wikipedia) and "AT&T syntax".
See for example:
>> Also, some assemblies perform the move in different directions
>> according to the arguments. So you might have:
>> mv AX,BX ; move contents of BX into AX mv @CX,DX ; move contents of
>> @CX into DX
>> Horrible, yes, but apparently some assembly languages did something
>> like that.
> Ah, yes, "apparently". That's like saying "someone down the pub told
> me...". ;-)
Not down the pub, somebody on Usenet. Are you trying to suggest that
people might propagate falsehoods on the Internet???
> The only possible exception to this I can think of is when there is some
> non-obvious side-effect (i.e. language and/or hardware is
> "misfeatured"):
> mov A,B ; Moving A into B also will also arm
> ; the nuclear warhead if the CPU is
> ; hotter than 110C
I had an embedded device that did *just that*, but only on Tuesdays.
A good way to control Python contractors is (given that firstly there
are functional specifications to comply with, and tests to pass) is to
impose the following condition:
that all code delivered must reach a score of (say) 9.5 or more when
checked by pylint
and pylint could be the way to demonstrate the problems to the
If payment depends on such a measure, things will change quite
> /W
> --
It doesn't matter. Both your comments are wrong from my point of
view. Someone who doesn't know in which direction the move happens is
certainly not qualified to modify the code. And as for learning, he/she
should start with a book, not with a piece of code that requires a
comment on every line unless one can guess its meaning.
> A good way to control Python contractors is (given that firstly there
> are functional specifications to comply with, and tests to pass) is to
> impose the following condition:
> that all code delivered must reach a score of (say) 9.5 or more when
> checked by pylint
Now that *is* a good idea. I hadn't thought about that.
But as I said: a) I am (we are) not in a position to impose this (We
don't work with the code, we just run the software). And
b) I wasn't quite serious with this anyway.
But still, I'll keep that in mind.
> You could think of it as a not bad use of the design principle "Clear The
> Simple Stuff Out Of The Way First". Destinations are commonly a lot simpler
> than sources
That's not usually true in assembly languages, though,
where the source and destination are both very restricted
and often about the same complexity.
That's not to say that right-to-left is the wrong way
to do it in an assembly language, but there are less
misleading words than "move" that could be used.
Z80 assembly language uses "load", which makes things
considerably clearer:
LD A, B ; load A with B
CLC ; clear the carry
LDA first ; accumulator := byte at first
ADCA second ; accumulator := accumulator + byte at second + carry
STA result ; byte at third := accumulator
> Mel wrote:
>> You could think of it as a not bad use of the design principle "Clear The
>> Simple Stuff Out Of The Way First". Destinations are commonly a lot
>> simpler than sources
Calculations for immediate values could be just about anything.
Thus explaining why some people never can get the hang of Tuesdays.
Aahz (aa...@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/
"Many customs in this life persist because they ease friction and promote
productivity as a result of universal agreement, and whether they are
precisely the optimal choices is much less important." --Henry Spencer
I'm glad I'm too young to had to code in assembler, or to bear the
vision of those unlikely space suits from the 70's ;-)
I personally believe that the end users have _every_ right to impose
quality requirements on code used within their business...although I
may not bring this up in front of them at meetings :)
Huh? That's like demanding a certain type of truck or vehicle
maintenance plan from a trucking company. Sure, you *could* do it, but
that effectively only limits your options. I think there should be a
clear separation of concerns here.
If they transported down to a planet and there was a man in a red shirt
who you'd never seen before, he'd be the one to die! :-)
BTW, the first programming I did was in hexadecimal (C4xx was "LDI xx").
If my truck contains food items that spoils quickly, I would want to
make sure that the trucking company takes good care of their
refrigeration system and that the truck have as little chance as
possible for breakdown due to poor maintenance.
My point was that it should not be any of your concern *how* they do
it, only *that* they do it.
Back in the software world: Those guys write code that works. It does
what it's supposed to do. Why should we care where they put their
> Back in the software world: Those guys write code that works. It does
> what it's supposed to do. Why should we care where they put their
> comments?
Software usually needs to be maintained and extended over the course of its
lifetime. The original team that wrote it may not be available in the future.
Furthermore, docstrings are not comments. They become part of the function
object and can be introspected at runtime. This is a very important tool when
working with code at the interactive prompt and for the collection of API
documentation. Comments are less useful than docstrings; the OP's complaint was
that his programmers were putting the function documentation in other places
than docstrings, rendering them less useful than they could have been.
Robert Kern
"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
an underlying truth."
-- Umberto Eco
> On 2010-03-01 11:22 , Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > Back in the software world: Those guys write code that works. It
> > does what it's supposed to do. Why should we care where they put
> > their comments?
> Software usually needs to be maintained and extended over the course
> of its lifetime. The original team that wrote it may not be available
> in the future.
> Furthermore, docstrings are not comments. They become part of the
> function object and can be introspected at runtime. This is a very
> important tool when working with code at the interactive prompt and
> for the collection of API documentation. Comments are less useful
> than docstrings; the OP's complaint was that his programmers were
> putting the function documentation in other places than docstrings,
> rendering them less useful than they could have been.
No, the OP complained about those guys being idiots. I should know,
because I posted it.
> Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> [snip]
> > Back in the software world: Those guys write code that works. It
> > does what it's supposed to do. Why should we care where they put
> > their comments?
> >
> >
> If you've bought the code and want to maintain it, you'd better make
> sure it's possible.
Fair enough, but we don't want to maintain it.
> By the way, the ISO 9001 standard ask for your out sourced processing
> to be compliant with your QA objectives, so if you care about your
> code, then you should care for the code you buy.
We did not buy code. If it were written in C or such, we would never
get to see it.
It's not our concern.
From your original post.
a company that works with my company writes a lot of of their code in
Python (lucky jerks). I've seen their code and it basically looks like
So what is the relationship between your company and this other company?
When it gets down to pounds, shillings and pence (gosh, I'm old!:) it
sure as hell could make a tremendous difference in the long term, given
that usually maintainance costs are astronomical when compared to
initial development costs.
Mark Lawrence.
> On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 18:42:17 +0100 Jean-Michel Pichavant
> <jeanm...@sequans.com> wrote:
> > Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > [snip]
> > > Back in the software world: Those guys write code that works. It
> > > does what it's supposed to do. Why should we care where they put
> > > their comments?
> > >
> > If you've bought the code and want to maintain it, you'd better make
> > sure it's possible.
> >
> Fair enough, but we don't want to maintain it.
Do you want it maintained beyond the span of your agreement with the
current developers? Do you want to have free choice in who will maintain
it over the period that you need it maintained?
I understood “want to maintain it” in Jean-Michel's message to include
the possibility to get someone else to maintain it on your terms.
> It's not our concern.
Then I don't see what that problem is.
\ “To save the world requires faith and courage: faith in reason, |
`\ and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true.” |
_o__) —Bertrand Russell |
Ben Finney
> Ah, yes, Star Trek (the original series).
> If they transported down to a planet and there was a man in a red shirt
> who you'd never seen before, he'd be the one to die! :-)
Of course. Everybody knows there's an endless supply of red shirts.
> Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> > [snip]
> > We did not buy code. If it were written in C or such, we would never
> > get to see it.
> >
> > It's not our concern.
> >
> > /W
> >
> From your original post.
> <quote>
> a company that works with my company writes a lot of of their code in
> Python (lucky jerks). I've seen their code and it basically looks like
> this:
> </quote>
> So what is the relationship between your company and this other
> company?
They write a piece of software that we run as a component in a software
ecosystem that we (and others) have developed.
> When it gets down to pounds, shillings and pence (gosh, I'm
> old!:) it sure as hell could make a tremendous difference in the long
> term, given that usually maintainance costs are astronomical when
> compared to initial development costs.
I totally agree, but as long as their software works, why should we
care how their code looks? It's totally their responsibility. Why
should we nanny every partner we have?
Don't get me wrong; our whole system is more fragile than I find
comfortable. But I guess getting 10ish different parties around the
globe to work in complete unison is quite a feat, and I'm surprised it
even works as it is. But it does, and I'm glad we don't have to
micromanage other people's code.
> > It's not our concern.
> Then I don't see what that problem is.
There is none. I was griping about how stupid they are. That is a
personal problem I have with their *code* (not software), and I thought
I'd just share my superiority complex with everyone.
I had hoped that everyone just read it, went like "Oh geez.", smiled it
off with a hint of lesson learned and got back to whatever it was they
were doing. Alas, I was wrong ... and I'm sorry.
> Don't get me wrong; our whole system is more fragile than I find
> comfortable. But I guess getting 10ish different parties around the
> globe to work in complete unison is quite a feat, and I'm surprised it
> even works as it is. But it does, and I'm glad we don't have to
> micromanage other people's code.
It's rather odd that you think of “require general quality standards,
independently measurable and testable” to be “micromanaging”.
I guess that when even the *customers* will resist implementing such
quality expectations, it's little surprise that the vendors continue to
push out such shoddy work on their customers.
\ “Why am I an atheist? I ask you: Why is anybody not an atheist? |
`\ Everyone starts out being an atheist.” —Andy Rooney, _Boston |
_o__) Globe_ 1982-05-30 |
Ben Finney
> Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> >
> > I had hoped that everyone just read it, went like "Oh geez.",
> > smiled it off with a hint of lesson learned and got back to
> > whatever it was they were doing. Alas, I was wrong ... and I'm
> > sorry.
> >
> There's something wrong saying that stupid people write working code
> that totally satisfies your needs. Don't you agree ? ;-)
No, in fact I don't.
It works. They are supposed to make it work. And that's what they do.
Whether or not they put their docstrings in the place they should does
not change that their code works.
Sorry, you guys drained all the funny out of me.
> Andreas Waldenburger <use...@geekmail.INVALID> writes:
> > Don't get me wrong; our whole system is more fragile than I find
> > comfortable. But I guess getting 10ish different parties around the
> > globe to work in complete unison is quite a feat, and I'm surprised
> > it even works as it is. But it does, and I'm glad we don't have to
> > micromanage other people's code.
> It's rather odd that you think of “require general quality standards,
> independently measurable and testable” to be “micromanaging”.
I should know better than to argue these things, but I don't. Hmph.
We demand testable quality standards, but not of their code. We demand
it of their software. We say *what* we want, they decide *how* they'll
do it. Noncompliance will be fined, by a contractually agreed
amount. Everything beyond that is micromanaging and detracts workforce
from the stuff *we* have to do.
We are in exactly the same kind of bond with a company that buys our
system (and support). I have yet to see any one of them demand to see
how we write our code. Why should they care? (Rhetorical question, I
refuse to discuss this any further.)
> I guess that when even the *customers* will resist implementing such
> quality expectations, it's little surprise that the vendors continue
> to push out such shoddy work on their customers.
When I'm building bicycles I can go to the trouble of going by what
method of galvanization my tires are produced. Or I save myself the
trouble and just take the best offer and hold them responsible when
they don't deliver on their promise. Both possible, both work, and both
appropriate in certain situations.
You can keep discussing if you want, I've said more than I was hoping
The real background is that a very long time ago at Intel
the first guy that wrote an assembler, got it "wrong", i.e.
violated the conventions established already at the time.
No nothing clever, nothing conscious, just reinventing the wheel
Next time you tell me that the MSDOS "file" system was well thought
out :-)
> Mel.
Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar&c.xs4all.nl &=n http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst
Don't let a few nitpickers do that! I thought it was funny; after that,
just remember that every Usenet thread drifts away from *your* point.
> No nothing clever, nothing conscious, just reinventing the wheel
> badly.
> Next time you tell me that the MSDOS "file" system was well thought
> out :-)
Just a mediocre copy of the CP/M filesystem, which was in turn
copied from DEC's RSTS or RSX.
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! Kids, don't gross me
at off ... "Adventures with
gmail.com MENTAL HYGIENE" can be
carried too FAR!
Most of the customers I've worked for have insisted we follow best
practices. Sometimes they even invent their own best practices that
nobody has even heard of, and that's fun (not). You're the first one I've
ever met that bitches publicly that your contractors don't follow best
practice, but objects strenuously to the idea that you are right to care
about that they don't.
Wow. Just... wow.
P.S. next time you want some not-quite-best-practice Python code written,
send me an email off-list. I'll be more than happy to do not-quite-best-
practice work for you.
> We demand testable quality standards, but not of their code. We demand
> it of their software. We say *what* we want, they decide *how* they'll
> do it. Noncompliance will be fined, by a contractually agreed amount.
> Everything beyond that is micromanaging and detracts workforce from the
> stuff *we* have to do.
You specify the Functional Requirements but not the Design Requirements.
Fair enough.
> We are in exactly the same kind of bond with a company that buys our
> system (and support). I have yet to see any one of them demand to see
> how we write our code. Why should they care? (Rhetorical question, I
> refuse to discuss this any further.)
It is true that most people don't care how code is written. But they
*should* care, because how it is written directly impacts the quality of
the code. Saying "I don't care how it is written" is precisely the same
as saying "I don't care how reliable, secure or efficient the code is".
Of course people do this. People also inhale carcinogenic chemicals, vote
bad laws into place, drive too fast, ingest noxious chemicals, and spend
hours on Usenet debating the number of angels that can dance on the head
of a pin.
>> I guess that when even the *customers* will resist implementing such
>> quality expectations, it's little surprise that the vendors continue to
>> push out such shoddy work on their customers.
> When I'm building bicycles I can go to the trouble of going by what
> method of galvanization my tires are produced. Or I save myself the
> trouble and just take the best offer and hold them responsible when they
> don't deliver on their promise. Both possible, both work, and both
> appropriate in certain situations.
Many years ago, I assisted a professional building architect design a
software system for specifying the requirements of major architectural
works such as bridges and high-rise buildings. They specify *everything*,
right down to the type of sand used in the concrete and the grade of
steel used for the frame. When using the wrong type of sand could mean
that the bridge collapses in 35 years, you soon learn that, yes, you damn
well better care.
> It works. They are supposed to make it work. And that's what they do.
> Whether or not they put their docstrings in the place they should does
> not change that their code works.
No-one has been denying that.
What the quality of their source code *does* affect, though, is its
maintainability over time – especially in the inevitable event that the
relationship with you as their customer comes to an end.
The arguments I've seen here in this sub-thread have been in favour of
customers demanding that the code meets functional requirements *and*
soruce code quality requirements.
Just as customers should demand both that a building be built to do its
job well, *and* that its architectural plans meet measurable, testable
industry standards of quality for independent re-use at some
indeterminate later date.
If we don't demand such things as customers of program developers, we
deserve what programs we get.
\ “Special today: no ice cream.” —mountain inn, Switzerland |
`\ |
_o__) |
Ben Finney
> BTW, the first programming I did was in hexadecimal (C4xx was "LDI xx").
Hey, a SC/MP! That was my first programming language,
too. What sort of machine was it in?
> Just a mediocre copy of the CP/M filesystem, which was in turn
> copied from DEC's RSTS or RSX.
It was actually an improvement over CP/M's file
system. CP/M didn't have hierarchical directories
or timestamps and recorded file sizes in 128-byte
blocks rather than bytes.
> Just as customers should demand both that a building be built to do its
> job well, *and* that its architectural plans meet measurable, testable
> industry standards of quality for independent re-use at some
> indeterminate later date.
A problem is that it's very hard to come up with
*measurable* standards of code quality.
There's no equivalent in the software world of
specifying a grade of steel or type of sand.
The things that really matter are all subjective.
True, but one can look at "best practice", or even "standard practice".
For Python coders, using docstrings is standard practice if not best
practice. Using strings as comments is not.
Or one can simply use *reason*: what justification is there for putting
comments in strings at the top of the function? The only one I can see is
if you are writing for an embedded device, you may want to remove doc
strings to save memory -- and even that is implementation dependent.
What justification is there for putting docstrings in functions? Code
becomes self-documenting, you can run Python tools that extract and run
doctests, standard tools in the standard library work, other coders will
immediately understand what you have done, and (unlike the behaviour of
string-comments) the behaviour of docstrings is guaranteed by the
Unless you are writing for an embedded devise, there is NO objective
reason for putting comments in strings above the function, and MANY
objective reasons for putting them into docstrings. Okay, this isn't
quite the same as measuring the strength of concrete under compression,
but it's not a subjective choice like "tea or coffee?".
If they are generating their doc with doxygen, I think it's the right
choice. See:
Oops, after a second look, doxygen needs comments before the function,
not doc strings.
Python already have a well-defined mechanism to remove docstrings with
the -O flag; there is really no other reason but plain ignorance and
inflexibility to think in other language than
Neither did the original MS-DOS filesystem.
> or timestamps and recorded file sizes in 128-byte blocks
> rather than bytes.
I thought that was true of the original MS-DOS filesystem as
well, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! I like the way ONLY
at their mouths move ... They
gmail.com look like DYING OYSTERS
I definitely remember that old MS-DOS programs would treat
Ctrl-Z as an EOF marker when it was read from a text file and
would terminate a text file with a Ctrl-Z when writing one.
I don't know if that was because the underlying filesystem was
still did everything in blocks or if it was because those
MS-DOS programs were direct ports of CP/M programs. I would
have sworn that the orignal MS-DOS file API was FCB based and
worked almost exactly like CP/M. IIRC, the "byte stream" API
showed up (in the OS) sever versions later. The byte stream
API was implemented by many compiler vendor's C libraries on
top of the block-oriented FCB API.
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! I had a lease on an
gmail.com '81 ...
> I definitely remember that old MS-DOS programs would treat Ctrl-Z as an
> EOF marker when it was read from a text file and would terminate a text
> file with a Ctrl-Z when writing one.
I believe that Windows (at least up to Windows XP) still supports using
ctrl-Z as EOF when reading text files.
In case some of you youngsters think that there is a typo in the above,
no, he means a total of 640 bytes. In today's terms that would be
approx 0.0000006GB.
Makes me want to go down to the basement and fire up the Altair. :-)
D'Arcy J.M. Cain <da...@druid.net> | Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/ | and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082) (eNTP) | what's for dinner.
It does, at least when the Ctrl Z is the sole contents of a "line".
And it's a pain. :-(
As a practical matter, when entering text in a console window the F6 key
generates Ctrl Z.
- Alf
Actually cmd.exe (at least on Windows XP) still treats Ctrl-Z as an EOF marker.
I think that it always had a hierarchical file system although I am not
sure about 86-DOS or QDOS on which is was based.
> > or timestamps and recorded file sizes in 128-byte blocks
> > rather than bytes.
> I thought that was true of the original MS-DOS filesystem as
> well, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
And that is why text files in MS-DOS and CP/M before it end with ^Z.
They needed a way to tell where the end of the information was. Why
they used ^Z (SUB - Substitute) instead of ^C (ETX - End of TeXt) or
even ^D (EOT - End Of Transmission) is anyone's guess.
The hierarchical file system wasn't introduced until MS-DOS 2.0.
Versions prior to that were flat filesystem just like CP/M.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table
At the time FAT12 was introduced, DOS did not support hierarchical
directories, and the maximum number of files was typically limited
to a few dozen. Hierarchical directories were introduced in MS-DOS
version 2.0.
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! I wonder if I could
at ever get started in the
gmail.com credit world?
> Makes me want to go down to the basement and fire up the Altair. :-)
Please don't, or else I fire up that univ Yugoslavian copy of VAX with
Pascal compiler (where I wrote my first program) and I will start my
first program of ping-pong.
It was a few hundred lines but took 5 minutes to compile; "VAX" was
theoretically multitasking, but when more than 3 people were trying to
do smth on it simultaneously, it was basically seizing up.
> They needed a way to tell where the end of the information
> was. Why
> they used ^Z (SUB - Substitute) instead of ^C (ETX - End of
> TeXt) or
> even ^D (EOT - End Of Transmission) is anyone's guess.
That has always puzzled me to. ETX and EOT were well established, why no use one of them? I'd love to know what they were thinking.
Ed Keith
Blog: edkeith.blogspot.com
MS-DOS had a hierarchical file system from version 2.0.
> That has always puzzled me to. ETX and EOT were well established,
> why no use one of them? I'd love to know what they were thinking.
It goes back to ancient PDP operating systems, so may well
predate Unix, depending which exact OS was the first to use it.
Not only that, I discovered that one of the bits in the extra RAM
was faulty - stuck at 0 (or was it 1)?
But I was still able to play Nim and Duck Shoot (after keying it in)!
You tell these young kids, and they just don't believe you!
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010 http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS: http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/
Probably nothing: what many people do with confronted with a problem.
It reminds me of why Windows uses backslashes for path separation
instead of slashes: what I've *heard*, and do not know if it's true,
it's because Gates fancied using / for options switch instead of -, and
to hell with established practice.
There were numerous incompatible and primitive transfer protocols in
those days. They probably wanted to pick something that was NOT well
established so it would pass through without, for example, causing End
Of Transmission.
>> That has always puzzled me to. ETX and EOT were well established, why
>> no use one of them? I'd love to know what they were thinking.
> Probably nothing: what many people do with confronted with a problem.
> It reminds me of why Windows uses backslashes for path separation
> instead of slashes: what I've *heard*, and do not know if it's true,
> it's because Gates fancied using / for options switch instead of -,
> and to hell with established practice.
Using / for the option switch _was_ the established practice (if you
came from a DEC background the way that CP/M and DOS did).
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! Boy, am I glad it's
at only 1971...
> Puts me in mind of Mario Wolczko's early attempts to implement SmallTalk
> on a VAX 11/750. The only bitmapped display we had available was a Three
> Rivers PERQ, connected by a 9600bps serial line. We left it running at
> seven o'clock one evening, and by nine am the next day it had brought up
> about two thirds of the initial VM loader screen ...
> You tell these young kids, and they just don't believe you!
For the uncouth yobs, err, culturally-challenged:
(Four Yorkshiremen)
Did you ever play Star Trek with sound effects? I was never able to
get it to work but supposedly if you put an AM radio tuned to a
specific frequency near the side with the I/O card it would generate
static that was supposed to be the sound of explosions.
Of course, the explosions were happening in a vaccum so maybe the
silence was accurate. :-)
That was because CP/M used slashes for options and DOS copied that. By
the time hierarchy was added it was too late to change.
> From: David Robinow <drob...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Docstrings considered too complicated
> To: pytho...@python.org
> Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 2:54 PM
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Ed
> Keith <e_...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > --- On Wed, 3/3/10, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
> >
> >> They needed a way to tell where the end of the
> information
> >> was. Why
> >> they used ^Z (SUB - Substitute) instead of ^C (ETX
> - End of
> >> TeXt) or
> >> even ^D (EOT - End Of Transmission) is anyone's
> guess.
> >
> > That has always puzzled me to. ETX and EOT were well
> established, why no use one of them? I'd love to know what
> they were thinking.
> There were numerous incompatible and primitive transfer
> protocols in
> those days. They probably wanted to pick something that was
> NOT well
> established so it would pass through without, for example,
> causing End
> Of Transmission.
That makes a lot of sense.
There was some hardware that could be added to provide some sort of
video output, IIRC.
<checks wikipedia>
Aha, here it is:
and also here:
The top-left picture looks like it has all its chips, so is the
fully-expanded version.
Oh, I forgot about the red reset button!
> For the uncouth yobs, err, culturally-challenged:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1a1wHxTyo
> (Four Yorkshiremen)
That's the definitive version. I mean, if you're going to talk vintage,
talk vintage.
> mk wrote:
>> D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
>>> Makes me want to go down to the basement and fire up the Altair. :-)
>> Please don't, or else I fire up that univ Yugoslavian copy of VAX with
>> Pascal compiler (where I wrote my first program) and I will start my
>> first program of ping-pong.
>> It was a few hundred lines but took 5 minutes to compile; "VAX" was
>> theoretically multitasking, but when more than 3 people were trying to
>> do smth on it simultaneously, it was basically seizing up.
>> Regards,
>> mk
> Puts me in mind of Mario Wolczko's early attempts to implement SmallTalk
> on a VAX 11/750. The only bitmapped display we had available was a Three
> Rivers PERQ, connected by a 9600bps serial line. We left it running at
> seven o'clock one evening, and by nine am the next day it had brought up
> about two thirds of the initial VM loader screen ...
> You tell these young kids, and they just don't believe you!
There's old, and then there's old. http://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/739532 is a
film of EDSAC being programmed in 1951, with a commentary added by Maurice
Wilkes in 1976. Maybe just a bit before my time (by a decade or so :-)
Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses
> On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 14:42:00 +0000
> MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> > Gregory Ewing wrote:
> > Mk14 from Science of Cambridge, a kit with hex keypad and 7-segment
> > display, which I had to solder together, and also make my own power
> > supply. I had the extra RAM and the I/O chip, so that's 256B (including
> > the memory used by the monitor) + 256B additional RAM + 128B more in the
> > I/O chip.
> In case some of you youngsters think that there is a typo in the above,
> no, he means a total of 640 bytes. In today's terms that would be
> approx 0.0000006GB.
640 bytes! Man, did you have it easy. When I was a kid, we had to walk 10
miles uphill to school in the snow, oh, wait, wrong story. When I was a
kid, we had a D2 kit (http://tinyurl.com/yfgyq4u). We had 256 bytes of
RAM. And we thought we were lucky! Some of the other kids, if they wanted
to store a number, they had to scratch the bits into stone tablets with
their bare hands...
When's the last time you had a computer where the instruction manual warned
you against wearing silk or nylon clothing?
And CP/M got it from the various PDP-11 operating systems. I *think*
that Tops-10 had it as well. In fact, I think using / to delimit
commandline options goes back to the PDP-8.
-Ed Falk, fa...@despams.r.us.com
> Mk14 from Science of Cambridge, a kit with hex keypad and 7-segment
> display, which I had to solder together, and also make my own power
> supply. I had the extra RAM and the I/O chip, so that's 256B (including
> the memory used by the monitor) + 256B additional RAM + 128B more in the
> I/O chip.
Luxury! Mine was a Miniscamp, based on a design published in
Electronics Australia in the 70s. 256 bytes RAM, 8 switches
for input, 8 LEDs for output. No ROM -- program had to be
toggled in each time.
Looked something like this:
except that mine wasn't built from a kit and didn't look
quite as professional as that one.
It got expanded in various ways, of course ("hacked" would
be a more accurate word). Memory expanded to 1.5KB, hex keyboard
and display (built into an old calculator case), cassette tape
interface based on a circuit scrounged from another magazine
article (never quite got it to work properly, wouldn't go at
more than about 4 bytes/sec, probably because I used resistors
and capacitors salvaged from old TV sets). Still no ROM, though.
Had to toggle in a bootstrap to load the keyboard/display
monitor (256 bytes) from tape.
Somewhere along the way I replaced the CPU with a 6800 -
much nicer instruction set! (Note for newtimers -- that's
*two* zeroes, not three.)
During that period, my holy grail was alphanumeric I/O. I was
envious of people who wrote articles about hooking surplus
teleprinters, paper tape equipment and other such cool
hardware to their homebrew micros -- sadly, no such thing was
available in NZ.
Then one day a breakthrough came -- a relative who worked
in the telephone business (government-owned in NZ at the time)
managed to get me an old teleprinter. It was Baudot, not ASCII,
which meant uppercase only, not much punctuation, and an
annoyingly stateful protocol involving letters/figures shift
characters, but it was heaps better than nothing. A bit of
hackery, of both hardware and software varieties, and I got
it working. It was as noisy as hell, but I could input and
As a proof of concept, I wrote an extremely small BASIC
interpreter that used one-character keywords. The amount of
room left over for a program was even smaller, making it
completely useless. But it worked, and I had fun writing it.
One thing I never really got a grip on with that computer
was a decent means of program storage. Towards the end of it's
life, I was experimenting with trying to turn an old 8-track
cartridge player into a random access block storage device,
using a tape loop. I actually got it to work, more or less,
and wrote a small "TOS" (Tape Operating System) for it that
could store and retrieve files. But it was never reliable
enough to be practical.
By that stage, umpteen layers of hackery using extremely
dubious construction techniques had turned the machine into
something of a Frankenstein monster. Calling it a bird's nest
would have been an insult to most birds. I wish I'd taken
some photos, they would have been good for scaring potential
future grandchildren.
My next computer was a Dick Smith Super 80 (*not* System 80,
which would have been a much better machine), Z80-based, built
from a kit. I had a lot of fun hacking around with that, too...
but that's another story!
> And that is why text files in MS-DOS and CP/M before it end with ^Z.
> They needed a way to tell where the end of the information was. Why
> they used ^Z (SUB - Substitute) instead of ^C (ETX - End of TeXt) or
> even ^D (EOT - End Of Transmission) is anyone's guess.
Well, ^C is what people used for interrupting their BASIC
programs. And ^D would have made it almost compatible with
unix, which would have been far too sensible!
My guess is that it was chosen for its mnemonic value --
end of alphabet, end of file.
Also remember there were programs like Wordstar that used
control key combinations for all manner of things. It might
have been the only key left on the keyboard that wasn't
used for anything else.
> It goes back to ancient PDP operating systems, so may well
> predate Unix, depending which exact OS was the first to use it.
Yes, I think it was used in RT-11, which also had
block-oriented disk files.
There were two kinds of devices in RT-11, character
and block, and the APIs for dealing with them were
quite different. They hadn't fully got their heads
around the concept of "device independent I/O" in
those days, although they were trying.
> Puts me in mind of Mario Wolczko's early attempts to implement SmallTalk
> on a VAX 11/750. The only bitmapped display we had available was a Three
> Rivers PERQ, connected by a 9600bps serial line. We left it running at
> seven o'clock one evening, and by nine am the next day it had brought up
> about two thirds of the initial VM loader screen ...
A couple of my contemporary postgraduate students worked on
getting Smalltalk to run on an Apple Lisa. Their first attempt
at a VM implementation was written in Pascal, and it wasn't
very efficient. I remember walking into their room one day
and seeing one of them sitting there watching it boot, drawing
stuff on the screen v...e...r...y... s...l...o...w...l...y...
At least their display was wired directly to the machine
running the code. I hate to think what bitmapped graphics at
9600 baud would be like!
> Did you ever play Star Trek with sound effects?
Not on that machine, but I played a version on an Apple II
that had normal speaker-generated sounds. I can still
remember the sound that a photon torpedo (a # character IIRC)
made as it lurched its way drunkenly across the sector and
hit its target. Bwoop... bwoop... bwoop... bwoop... bwoop...
bwoowoowoowoowoop! (Yes, a photon torpedo makes exactly
five bwoops when it explodes. Apparently.)
I carried a listing of it around with me for many years
afterwards, and attempted to port it to various machines,
with varying degrees of success. The most successful port
was for a BBC Master that I picked up in a junk shop one
But I couldn't get the sounds right, because the BBC's
sound hardware was too intelligent. The Apple made sounds
by directly twiddling the output bit connected to the
loudspeaker, but you can't do that with a BBC -- you
have to go through its fancy 3-voice waveform generating
chip. And I couldn't get it to ramp up the pitch rapidly
enough to make a proper photon-torpedo "bwoop" sound. :-(
I also discovered that the lovely low-pitched beep that
the original game used to make at the command prompt had
a lot to do with the resonant properties of the Apple
II's big plastic case. Playing a square wave through
something too high-fidelity doesn't sound the same at
> I was never able to
> get it to work but supposedly if you put an AM radio tuned to a
> specific frequency near the side with the I/O card it would generate
> static that was supposed to be the sound of explosions.
> Of course, the explosions were happening in a vaccum so maybe the
> silence was accurate. :-)
Something like that might possibly happen for real. I could
imagine an explosion in space radiating electromagnetic
noise that would sound explosion-like if you picked it
up on a radio.
This might explain why the Enterprise crew could hear things
exploding when they shot them. They were listening in at RF!
> True, but one can look at "best practice", or even "standard practice".
> For Python coders, using docstrings is standard practice if not best
> practice. Using strings as comments is not.
In that particular case, yes, it would be possible to
objectively examine the code and determine whether docstrings
were being used as opposed to above-the-function comments.
However, that's only a very small part of what goes to make
good code. Much more important are questions like: Are the
comments meaningful and helpful? Is the code reasonably
self-explanatory outside of the comments? Is it well
modularised, and common functionality factored out where
appropriate? Are couplings between different parts
minimised? Does it make good use of library code instead
of re-inventing things? Is it free of obvious security
You can't *measure* these things. You can't objectively
boil them down to a number and say things like "This code
is 78.3% good; the customer requires it to be at least
75% good, so it meets the requirements in that area."
That's the way in which I believe that software engineering
is fundamentally different from hardware engineering.
> However, that's only a very small part of what goes to make good code.
> Much more important are questions like: Are the comments meaningful
> and helpful? Is the code reasonably self-explanatory outside of the
> comments? Is it well modularised, and common functionality factored
> out where appropriate? Are couplings between different parts
> minimised? Does it make good use of library code instead of
> re-inventing things? Is it free of obvious security flaws?
> You can't *measure* these things. You can't objectively boil them down
> to a number and say things like "This code is 78.3% good; the customer
> requires it to be at least 75% good, so it meets the requirements in
> that area."
That doesn't reduce the value of automating and testing those measures
we *can* make.
> That's the way in which I believe that software engineering is
> fundamentally different from hardware engineering.
Not at all. There are many quality issues in hardware engineering that
defy simple measurement; that does not reduce the value of standardising
quality minima for those measures that *can* be achieved simply.
\ “Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time.” —Bill |
`\ Gates, 2004-01-24 |
_o__) |
Ben Finney
I was actually interested in electronics at the time, and it was such
things as Mk14 which lead me into computing.
You are conflating two independent questions:
(a) Can we objectively judge the goodness of code, or is it subjective?
(b) Is goodness of code quantitative, or is it qualitative?
You can turn any qualitative measurement into a quantitative measurement
by turning it into a score from 0 to 10 (say). Instead of "best/good/
average/poor/crap" just rate it from 1 through 5, and now you have a
measurement that can be averaged and compared with other measurements.
The hard part is turning subjective judgements ("are these comments
useful, or are they pointless or misleading?") into objective judgements.
It may be that there is no entirely objective way to measure such things.
But we can make quasi-objective judgements, by averaging out all the
individual quirks of subjective judgement:
(1) Take 10 independent judges who are all recognised as good Python
coders by their peers, and ask them to give a score of 1-5 for the
quality of the comments, where 1 means "really bad" and 5 means "really
good". If the average score is 4 or higher, gain a point. If the average
score is 3 or lower, lose a point.
(2) Take 10 independent judges, as above, and rate the code on how self-
explanatory it is. An average score of 3 or higher gives a point; an
average of under 2 loses a point.
(Note that I'm more forgiving of non-self-explanatory code than I am of
bad comments. Better to have no comments than bad ones!)
And so on, through all the various metrics you want to measure.
If the total number of points exceeds some threshold, the software
passes, otherwise it fails, and you have a nice list of all the weak
areas that need improvement.
You can do fancy things too, like discard the highest and lowest score
from the ten judges (to avoid an unusually strict, or unusually slack,
judge from distorting the scores).
If this all seems too expensive, then you can save money by having fewer
judges, perhaps even as few as a single code reviewer who is trusted to
meet whatever standards you are hoping to apply. Or have the judges rate
randomly selected parts of the code rather than all of it. This will
severely penalise code that isn't self-explanatory and modular, as the
judges will not be able to understand it and consequently give it a low
Of course, there is still a subjective component to this. But it is a
replicable metric: any group of ten judges should give quite similar
scores, up to whatever level of confidence you want, and one can perform
all sorts of objective statistical tests on them to determine whether
deviations are due by chance or not.
To do all this on the cheap, you could even pass it through something
like PyLint, which gives you an objective (but not very complete)
measurement of code quality.
The real problem isn't that defining code quality can't be done, but that
it can't be done *cheaply*. There are cheap methods, but they aren't very
good, and good methods, but they're very expensive.
> (a) Can we objectively judge the goodness of code, or is it subjective?
> (b) Is goodness of code quantitative, or is it qualitative?
Yes, I'm not really talking about numeric vs. non-numeric,
but objective vs. subjective. The measurement doesn't have
to yield a numeric result, it just has to be doable by some
objective procedure. If you can build a machine to do it,
then it's objective. If you have to rely on the judgement of
a human, then it's subjective.
> But we can make quasi-objective judgements, by averaging out all the
> individual quirks of subjective judgement:
> (1) Take 10 independent judges who are all recognised as good Python
> coders by their peers, and ask them to give a score of 1-5 for the
> quality of the comments...
Yes, but this is an enormous amount of effort to go to, and
at the end of the day, the result is only reliable in a
statistical sense.
This still seems to me to be qualitatively different from
something like testing the tensile strength of a piece of
steel. You can apply a definite procedure and obtain a
definite result, and no human judgement is required at all.
> By the standards of just a few years later, that's not so much a
> microcomputer as a nanocomputer!
Although not quite as nano as another design published
in EA a couple of years earlier, the EDUC-8:
It had a *maximum* of 256 bytes -- due to the architecture,
there was no way of addressing any more. Also it was
divided into 16-byte pages, with indirect addressing
required to access anything in a different page from
the instruction. Programming for it must have been
rather challenging.
As far as I know, the EDUC-8 is unique in being the
only computer design ever published in a hobby magazine
that *wasn't* based on a microprocessor -- it was all
built out of 9000 and 7400 series TTL logic chips!
Byte Magazine once published plans for building a computer that had one
instruction. I believe it was a six bit address so that would make it
a max of 64 bytes. If I recall, the single instruction was "SUBTRACT
AND JUMP ON CARRY." Now that's nano!
D'Arcy J.M. Cain <da...@druid.net> | Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/ | and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082) (eNTP) | what's for dinner.
My programming reference manual for MSDOS 6.0 (1993)
states the FCB stuff as "superseded" (not obsolete or obsolescent).
It states:
"A programmer should not use a superseded function except to
maintain compatibility with versions of MS-DOS earlier than
version 2.0."
FCB did *not* support paths, but you could access the current
>Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! I had a lease on an
Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar&c.xs4all.nl &=n http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst
There was the 74 computer in Elektuur (now Elektor).
That was a quite respectable computer, built (you guessed)
from 74-series chips. How many were built, I don't know.