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My own accounting python euler problem

10 προβολές
Παράβλεψη και μετάβαση στο πρώτο μη αναγνωσμένο μήνυμα


μη αναγνωσμένη,
7 Νοε 2009, 4:39:07 μ.μ.7/11/09
In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to time
confronted to the following problem:

A customer sends us a check for a given amount, but without specifying
what invoices it cancels. It is up to us to find out which ones the
payment corresponds to.

For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
invoices: $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.

However, let's now say that the outstanding invoices are $300, $200,
$100 and that the check is for $300. In this case there are already
two possibilities. The customer is paying the $300 invoice or the $200
and $100. In other words, there is more than one solution to the

My first question is:
1. given a list of invoives I=[500, 400, 450, 200, 600, 700] and a
check Ch=600
how can I print all the different combinations of invoices that the
check is possibly cancelling

1.a. first approach using "brute force", that is, exploring all
different combinations: every single invoice, all of 2-element tuples,
3-element tuples, etc...

1.b can all the solutions be found without exploring all possible
combinations? some problems can be solved by discarding some invoices,
for example those whose amounts are greater than the amount of the
check. Any ideas?

My second question is:
2. this time there are also credit notes outstanding, that is,
invoices with negative amounts. For example, I=[500, 400, -100, 450,
200, 600, -200, 700] and a check Ch=600

2.a is the "brute force" method used in 1.a still applicable now that
"I" contains negative values?

2.b same as 1.b. However, this time I can imagen that the number of
invoices that can be discarded is a lot more reduced.

I am a fan of Python, which I find very elegant, powerful and easy to
develop with. I would like to find answers to the problems described
above, partially because I am still learning python, and I would like
to make use of it.

Can anybody help?

Jack Diederich

μη αναγνωσμένη,
7 Νοε 2009, 4:45:15 μ.μ.7/11/09
ως vsoler, pytho...@python.org
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 4:39 PM, vsoler <vicent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to time
> confronted to the following problem:

> For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
> invoices:  $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
> time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.
[big snip]


Unless your customers are giant defense contractors you should be able
to brute force a solution. If they are so big that it doesn't take
micro seconds to brute force a solution then you probably have more
problems than just matching checks to invoices...


Robert P. J. Day

μη αναγνωσμένη,
7 Νοε 2009, 4:47:36 μ.μ.7/11/09
ως vsoler, pytho...@python.org
On Sat, 7 Nov 2009, vsoler wrote:

> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to
> time confronted to the following problem:
> A customer sends us a check for a given amount, but without
> specifying what invoices it cancels. It is up to us to find out
> which ones the payment corresponds to.
> For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
> invoices: $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
> time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.
> However, let's now say that the outstanding invoices are $300, $200,
> $100 and that the check is for $300. In this case there are already
> two possibilities. The customer is paying the $300 invoice or the
> $200 and $100. In other words, there is more than one solution to
> the problem.
> My first question is: 1. given a list of invoives I=[500, 400, 450,
> 200, 600, 700] and a check Ch=600 how can I print all the different
> combinations of invoices that the check is possibly cancelling

that sounds like the classic knapsack problem:


it's NP-complete.


Robert P. J. Day Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page: http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rpjday

Robert P. J. Day

μη αναγνωσμένη,
7 Νοε 2009, 5:13:11 μ.μ.7/11/09
ως vsoler, pytho...@python.org
On Sat, 7 Nov 2009, vsoler wrote:

> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to
> time confronted to the following problem:
> A customer sends us a check for a given amount, but without
> specifying what invoices it cancels. It is up to us to find out
> which ones the payment corresponds to.
> For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
> invoices: $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
> time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.
> However, let's now say that the outstanding invoices are $300, $200,
> $100 and that the check is for $300. In this case there are already
> two possibilities. The customer is paying the $300 invoice or the
> $200 and $100. In other words, there is more than one solution to
> the problem.
> My first question is:
> 1. given a list of invoives I=[500, 400, 450, 200, 600, 700] and a
> check Ch=600
> how can I print all the different combinations of invoices that the
> check is possibly cancelling

by the way, there's a bit more to it than just seeing if you can
match the cheque amount exactly. some python solutions are here:


and a general solution allows you to place different "values" on which
items you pack into your knapsack.

say a customer has outstanding invoices for 200, 400 and 600, and
you get a cheque for 600. what do you apply that against? the single
invoice for 600, or the two for 200 and 400? that depends.

if all invoices have the same "value", it won't matter. but if the
invoice for 600 just went out, while the two others are just about to
become, say, overdue so that a penalty is about to be applied, your
customer would probably *really* appreciate it if you applied that
cheque to the older invoices.

in general, then, you can not only see what matches exactly but,
for the sake of your customer, you can give higher value to paying off
older invoices. that's how the general knapsack problem works.

Martin P. Hellwig

μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 2:27:43 π.μ.8/11/09
vsoler wrote:
As mentioned in the other answers, your problem is best solved by a long
overdue organisational decision instead of a technical one.

Most popular solutions are:
- All invoices are essential a single credit amount, money coming in is
taken of from the big pile.
- Invoices are split by date, creating multiple credit amounts, any
money coming in is used the pay of the oldest one.

The latter one allows more easily for different interest and penalty rates.

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'


μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 5:43:42 π.μ.8/11/09


> My first question is:
> 1. given a list of invoives I=[500, 400, 450, 200, 600, 700] and a
> check Ch=600
> how can I print all the different combinations of invoices that the
> check is possibly cancelling

Incidentally, I'm currently learning python myself, and was working on
more or less the same problem as an exercise;

For listing all different subsets of a list (This is what I came up
with. Can it be implemented shorter, btw?):

def subsets(L):
S = []
if (len(L) == 1):
return [L, []]
for s in subsets(L[1:]):
S.append(s + [ L[0]])
return S

Now, to use the above piece of code (after 'import subset'):

>>> subset.subsets([4,7,8,2])
[[2], [2, 4], [2, 7], [2, 7, 4], [2, 8], [2, 8, 4], [2, 8, 7], [2, 8, 7,
4], [], [4], [7], [7, 4], [8], [8, 4], [8, 7], [8, 7, 4]]
>>> map(sum,subset.subsets([4,7,8,2]))
[2, 6, 9, 13, 10, 14, 17, 21, 0, 4, 7, 11, 8, 12, 15, 19]

It's not a real solution yet, and as others have pointed out the problem
is NP complete but it might help to get you going.


Robert P. J. Day

μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 7:14:00 π.μ.8/11/09
ως Ozz, pytho...@python.org

does your solution allow for the possibility of different invoices
of equal amounts? i would be reluctant to use the word "subset" in a
context where you can have more than one element with the same value.


μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 7:20:42 π.μ.8/11/09


> For listing all different subsets of a list (This is what I came up
> with. Can it be implemented shorter, btw?):
> def subsets(L):
> S = []
> if (len(L) == 1):
> return [L, []]

better to check for the empty set too, thus;

if (len(L) == 0):
return [[]]

The order of the sets looks better too;

>>> subset.subsets([1,2,3])
[[], [1], [2], [2, 1], [3], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 2, 1]]



μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 7:27:46 π.μ.8/11/09
Robert P. J. Day schreef:

> does your solution allow for the possibility of different invoices
> of equal amounts? i would be reluctant to use the word "subset" in a
> context where you can have more than one element with the same value.

I think it handles different invoices of equal amounts correctly.
I agree with you though that the term subset may not be the best name in
this context because of those duplicates.


Dan Bishop

μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 11:52:37 π.μ.8/11/09
On Nov 8, 4:43 am, Ozz <notva...@wathever.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > My first question is:
> > 1. given a list of invoives I=[500, 400, 450, 200, 600, 700] and a
> > check Ch=600
> > how can I print all the different combinations of invoices that the
> > check is possibly cancelling
> Incidentally, I'm currently learning python myself, and was working on
> more or less the same problem as an exercise;
> For listing all different subsets of a list (This is what I came up
> with. Can it be implemented shorter, btw?):
> def subsets(L):
>          S = []
>          if (len(L) == 1):
>                  return [L, []]
>          else:
>                  for s in subsets(L[1:]):
>                          S.append(s)
>                          S.append(s + [ L[0]])
>          return S

You can avoid the S list my making it a generator:

def subsets(L):
if L:

for s in subsets(L[1:]):

yield s
yield s + [L[0]]
yield []


μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 12:16:27 μ.μ.8/11/09


Instead of subsets, do you mean permutations/combinations? Since 2
invoices can have the same amount perhaps the terms permutation is

Vicente Soler


μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 12:27:01 μ.μ.8/11/09
ως pytho...@python.org
Here's my own take on it:

def list_possible_invoices(invoices, check):
if check:
# The check hasn't yet been fully consumed.
for index, inv in enumerate(invoices):
# If this invoice doesn't exceed the check then it consume
some of the check.
if inv <= check:
# Try to consume the remainder of the check.
for inv_list in list_possible_invoices(invoices[index +
1 : ], check - inv):
yield [inv] + inv_list
# The check has been fully consumed.
yield []

invoices = [500, 400, 450, 200, 600, 700]
check = 600

# List all the possible subsets of invoices.
# Sorting the invoices first in descending order lets us reduce the
number of possibilities to try.
for inv_list in list_possible_invoices(sorted(invoices, reverse=True),
print inv_list

geremy condra

μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 12:31:26 μ.μ.8/11/09
ως Dan Bishop, pytho...@python.org

What you're describing is the powerset operation. Here's the example
from the python docs:

def powerset(iterable):
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))

What I find interesting is that running it through timeit, it is much
slower than the code suggested by Dan Bishop.

setup = """
from itertools import chain, combinations

x = list(range(100))

def subsets1(L):

S = []
if (len(L) == 1):
return [L, []]

for s in subsets1(L[1:]):

S.append(s + [ L[0]])
return S

def subsets2(L):

if L:
for s in subsets(L[1:]):
yield s
yield s + [L[0]]
yield []

def subsets3(iterable):
s = list(iterable)
return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))

#timeit.timeit("subsets1(x)", setup) doesn't appear to terminate
timeit.timeit("subsets2(x)", setup)
timeit.timeit("subsets3(x)", setup)

I'm getting numbers roughly 3:1 in Dan's favor.

Geremy Condra

geremy condra

μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 12:36:39 μ.μ.8/11/09
ως Dan Bishop, pytho...@python.org
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 12:31 PM, geremy condra <deba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Dan Bishop <dan...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What you're describing is the powerset operation. Here's the example
> from the python docs:
> def powerset(iterable):
>    "powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
>    s = list(iterable)
>    return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
> What I find interesting is that running it through timeit, it is much
> slower than the code suggested by Dan Bishop.
> setup = """
> from itertools import chain, combinations
> x = list(range(100))
> def subsets1(L):
>       S = []
>       if (len(L) == 1):
>               return [L, []]
>       else:
>               for s in subsets1(L[1:]):

>                       S.append(s)
>                       S.append(s + [ L[0]])
>       return S
> def subsets2(L):

>   if L:
>       for s in subsets(L[1:]):
>           yield s
>           yield s + [L[0]]
>   else:
>       yield []
> def subsets3(iterable):
>    s = list(iterable)
>    return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
> """
> #timeit.timeit("subsets1(x)", setup) doesn't appear to terminate
> timeit.timeit("subsets2(x)", setup)
> timeit.timeit("subsets3(x)", setup)
> I'm getting numbers roughly 3:1 in Dan's favor.
> Geremy Condra

I made a mistake copying it on line 18 of the above; it should be
subsets2, rather than just subsets.

Geremy Condra


μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 2:33:54 μ.μ.8/11/09
Dan Bishop schreef:

> You can avoid the S list my making it a generator:
> def subsets(L):
> if L:
> for s in subsets(L[1:]):
> yield s
> yield s + [L[0]]
> else:
> yield []

Nice one. Thanks!



μη αναγνωσμένη,
8 Νοε 2009, 2:42:09 μ.μ.8/11/09
vsoler schreef:

> Instead of subsets, do you mean permutations/combinations? Since 2
> invoices can have the same amount perhaps the terms permutation is
> better.

As some other poster already suggested 'powerset' (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_set ) may be a better name, except
for those duplicates, of course. On the other hand, I think viewing it
as a powerset is the most 'natural' in this case. (imo permutations are
about the order of objects, not about whether the objects are included
in a set or not)



μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 7:57:04 π.μ.10/11/09
On Nov 8, 2:42 pm, Ozz <notva...@wathever.com> wrote:
> vsoler schreef:
And, of course, you'd want to take a look a this: http://xkcd.com/287/


> > Instead of subsets, do you mean permutations/combinations?  Since 2
> > invoices can have the same amount perhaps the terms permutation is
> > better.

> As some other poster already suggested 'powerset' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_set) may be a better name, except

Steven D'Aprano

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 8:59:56 π.μ.10/11/09
On Sun, 08 Nov 2009 12:31:26 -0500, geremy condra wrote:

> What you're describing is the powerset operation. Here's the example
> from the python docs:


> What I find interesting is that running it through timeit, it is much
> slower than the code suggested by Dan Bishop.

Your test doesn't show what you think it shows. You shouldn't just
blindly apply timeit without testing to see that the functions return
what you think they return. Your test is, I'm afraid, totally bogus and
the conclusion you draw is completely wrong.


> #timeit.timeit("subsets1(x)", setup) doesn't appear to terminate
> timeit.timeit("subsets2(x)", setup)
> timeit.timeit("subsets3(x)", setup)

For the sake of speed, I've used a smaller x. Here are the results of
calling the three functions:

>>> x = range(3)
>>> subsets1(x)
[[2], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1, 0], [], [0], [1], [1, 0]]
>>> subsets2(x)
<generator object subsets2 at 0xb7c6311c>
>>> subsets3(x)
<itertools.chain object at 0xb7c608ac>

The reason subsets1() "doesn't appear to terminate" is that you are
trying to list all the subsets of x = range(100). That's a LOT of
subsets: 2**100 to be precise, or approximately 1.2e30.

subsets2() and subsets3() return a generator function and an iterator
object respectively. There may be some overhead difference between those,
but that's trivial compared to the cost of generating the subsets

A better way of doing the timing is as follows:

from itertools import chain, combinations

from timeit import Timer

# use a number small enough to calculate in a reasonable time
x = list(range(10))

def subsets1(L):
S = []
if (len(L) == 1):
return [L, []]
for s in subsets1(L[1:]):
S.append(s + [ L[0]])
return S

def subsets2(L):
if L:
for s in subsets2(L[1:]):

yield s
yield s + [L[0]]
yield []

def subsets3(iterable):
s = list(iterable)
return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in

setup = "from __main__ import subsets1, subsets2, subsets3, x"

# Check the three functions return the same results:
x1 = sorted(subsets1(x))
x2 = sorted(subsets2(x))
x3 = sorted(list(t) for t in subsets1(x))
assert x1 == x2 == x3

# Set up some timers.
t1 = Timer("subsets1(x)", setup)
t2 = Timer("list(subsets2(x))", setup)
t3 = Timer("list(subsets3(x))", setup)

# And run them!
for t in (t1, t2, t3):
print min(t.repeat(number=1000, repeat=5))

The results I get are:


Which as you can see, shows that the recipe in the docs is nearly ten
times faster than Dan's version. That's not surprising -- the docs
version uses highly optimized C code from itertools, while Dan's version
uses slow-ish Python code and recursion.

To show this is no fluke, I increased the size of x and ran the tests

>>> x = list(range(15)) # 32000+ subsets
>>> x1 = sorted(subsets1(x))
>>> x2 = sorted(subsets2(x))
>>> x3 = sorted(list(t) for t in subsets1(x))
>>> assert x1 == x2 == x3
>>> t1 = Timer("subsets1(x)", setup)
>>> t2 = Timer("list(subsets2(x))", setup)
>>> t3 = Timer("list(subsets3(x))", setup)
>>> for t in (t1, t2, t3):
... print min(t.repeat(number=1000, repeat=5))


geremy condra

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 9:24:56 π.μ.10/11/09
ως Steven D'Aprano, pytho...@python.org
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Steven D'Aprano
<st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au> wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Nov 2009 12:31:26 -0500, geremy condra wrote:
>> What you're describing is the powerset operation. Here's the example
>> from the python docs:
> [...]
>> What I find interesting is that running it through timeit, it is much
>> slower than the code suggested by Dan Bishop.
> Your test doesn't show what you think it shows. You shouldn't just
> blindly apply timeit without testing to see that the functions return
> what you think they return. Your test is, I'm afraid, totally bogus and
> the conclusion you draw is completely wrong.


Doh! I even noticed that the asymptotic times didn't match up
and still blew right past the obvious answer. Thanks (again) for
the correction, Steven.

Geremy Condra


μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 11:08:13 π.μ.10/11/09
ως pytho...@python.org
Gerry wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2:42 pm, Ozz <notva...@wathever.com> wrote:
>> vsoler schreef:
> And, of course, you'd want to take a look a this: http://xkcd.com/287/
I've found 2 solutions.

(And I really should get back to what I was doing...)


μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 11:14:24 π.μ.10/11/09
Gerry wrote:

> On Nov 8, 2:42 pm, Ozz <notva...@wathever.com> wrote:
>> vsoler schreef:
> And, of course, you'd want to take a look a this: http://xkcd.com/287/

:) I remember that.

mwilson@tecumseth:~/sandbox$ python xkcd_complete.py
[1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1] 1505
[7] 1505


John Machin

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 5:46:49 μ.μ.10/11/09
On Nov 8, 8:39 am, vsoler <vicente.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to time
> confronted to the following problem:
> A customer sends us a check for a given amount, but without specifying
> what invoices it cancels. It is up to us to find out which ones the
> payment corresponds to.
> For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
> invoices:  $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
> time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.
> However, let's now say that the outstanding invoices are $300, $200,
> $100 and that the check is for $300. In this case there are already
> two possibilities. The customer is paying the $300 invoice or the $200
> and $100. In other words, there is more than one solution to the
> problem.

The problems that you mention are only a SUBSET of the total problem.
Example: oustanding invoices are for 300, 200, and 100 and the cheque
is for 450 -- in general the total of the cheque amounts does not
equal the total of any possible selection of outstanding invoice

I would be very surprised if a real accounting department did not
already have a set of business rules for dealing with a problem that
has existed since invoices and cheques were invented.

I would be extremely surprised if a real accounting department could
be persuaded to imagine a subset of their unpaid/underpaid/overpaid
invoice problem as being an instance of the (extended) knapsack
problem :-)

John Machin

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 5:59:13 μ.μ.10/11/09
On Nov 8, 8:39 am, vsoler <vicente.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to time
> confronted to the following problem:

> My second question is:
> 2. this time there are also credit notes outstanding, that is,
> invoices with negative amounts. For example,  I=[500, 400, -100, 450,
> 200, 600, -200, 700] and a check Ch=600

How can a credit note be "outstanding"? The accounting department
issues a credit note without recording what invoice it relates to?

Raymond Hettinger

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 6:35:12 μ.μ.10/11/09

> In the accounting department I am working for we are from time to time
> confronted to the following problem:
> A customer sends us a check for a given amount, but without specifying
> what invoices it cancels. It is up to us to find out which ones the
> payment corresponds to.
> For example, say that the customer has the following outstanding
> invoices:  $300, $200, $50; and say that the check is for $250. This
> time it is clear, the customer is paying bills $200 and $50.

I worked on a similar problem involving frequent bank deposits
(the bank recorded only the amount of the deposit with no other
information to let us know which store made the deposit) and
those deposits to general ledger entries.

As pointed-out by others, the purest statement of the problem is
computationally unfeasible; however, the real-world application
can provide useful heuristics to that limit the search space.

1) Dates can be used to provide some alignment. Customers tend
to pay the oldest invoices first and they don't pay before the first
invoice is sent. Also, there can be a typical time lag that helps
identify where to start a search (i.e. the customer typically takes
45 days to pay an invoice).

2) Search smallest groupings first (eliminate exact matches) then
groupings of two items and groupings of three items.

3) Sometime the values on the list possess properties that make
them stand-out and easier to match-up. Given invoices of
[10, 11, 12, 1000, 13, 14], the 1000 should be easy to match-up
in any grouping of payments. Likewise, when looking for groupings,
start with the most unique values. Given [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5,
6.1, 7],
start by trying to match the 6.1 since there is only one occurrence.


Steven D'Aprano

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 9:25:47 μ.μ.10/11/09
On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:46:49 -0800, John Machin wrote:

> The problems that you mention are only a SUBSET of the total problem.
> Example: oustanding invoices are for 300, 200, and 100 and the cheque is
> for 450 -- in general the total of the cheque amounts does not equal the
> total of any possible selection of outstanding invoice amounts.
> I would be very surprised if a real accounting department did not
> already have a set of business rules for dealing with a problem that has
> existed since invoices and cheques were invented.

As a sometimes accounts department, let me put my hand up for that.

Yes. Generally the rule is, "call the damn customer and ask them what
they're smoking", only more politely.

Usually they'll have some convoluted breakdown of what amount they are
paying off each invoice. Sometimes they will have taken off a settlement
discount for prompt payment (often whether or not they actually paid
promptly). Sometimes they overpay, or underpay, or apply credits to the
wrong invoice, or pay invoices twice, or pay the wrong amount, or just
make up a number from thin air. Sometimes they themselves will have no
idea what the amount represents. And, I can guarantee, they will *ALWAYS*
use a different rounding scheme to whatever accounting software you use,
so there's always odd one or two cents that need to be manually adjusted

> I would be extremely surprised if a real accounting department could be
> persuaded to imagine a subset of their unpaid/underpaid/overpaid invoice
> problem as being an instance of the (extended) knapsack problem :-)

That's because the average accounting department is mathematically
illiterate :)

Nevertheless, many accounting software packages, like Quickbooks, will
take a wild stab at allocating payments for you, usually using some
variation of "if you can't find an exact match for a single invoice, just
blindly allocate it to the oldest invoices you can". Frankly, I'd much
prefer a knapsack solution.


Steven D'Aprano

μη αναγνωσμένη,
10 Νοε 2009, 9:30:15 μ.μ.10/11/09

Yes, that can happen.

(1) Human error, or laziness, or dumb software that doesn't understand
credits apply to specific invoices.

(2) The credit note represents a settlement discount, rebate,
"advertising allowance" or other kickback, or similar.

(3) An invoice is paid in full, then later the client claims a refund
against it. If granted, the credit can't be applied to the invoice that
is already flagged as paid, so it remains as an "unallocated" credit note.

(4) Or simply that the boss forbids you from allocating credit notes
until payment is received.


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