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Unable to read large files from zip

閲覧: 13 回

Kevin Ar18

2007/08/28 21:10:592007/08/28

I posted this on the forum, but nobody seems to know the solution:

I have a zip file that is several GB in size, and one of the files inside of it is several GB in size. When it comes time to read the 5+GB file from inside the zip file, it fails with the following error:
File "...\", line 491, in read bytes =
OverflowError: long it too large to convert to int
Note: all the other smaller files up to that point come out just fine.
Here's the code:
import zipfile
import re
dataObj = zipfile.ZipFile("","r")
for i in dataObj.namelist():
-----print i+" -- >="+str(dataObj.getinfo(i).compress_size /1024 / 1024)+"MB"
-----if(i[-1] == "/"):
----------print "Directory -- won't extract"
----------fileName = re.split(r".*/",i,0)[1]
----------fileData =

There have been one or more posts about 2GB limits with the zipfile module, as well as this bug report: Also, older zip formats have a 4GB limit. However, I can't say for sure what the problem is. Does anyone know if my code is wrong or if there is a problem with Python itself?
If Python has a bug in it, then is there any other alternative library that I can use (It must be free source: BSD, MIT, Public Domain, Python license; not copyleft/*GPL)? If not that, is there any similarly licensed code in another language (like c++, lisp, etc...) that I can use?
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Nick Craig-Wood

2007/08/29 7:30:082007/08/29
Kevin Ar18 <> wrote:
> I posted this on the forum, but nobody seems to know the solution:
> I have a zip file that is several GB in size, and one of the files inside of it is several GB in size. When it comes time to read the 5+GB file from inside the zip file, it fails with the following error:
> File "...\", line 491, in read bytes =
> OverflowError: long it too large to convert to int

That will be an number which is bigger than 2**31 == 2 GB which can't
be converted to an int.

It would be explained if zinfo.compress_size is > 2GB, eg

>>> f=open("z")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

However it would seem nuts that zipfile is trying to read > 2GB into
memory at once!

> There have been one or more posts about 2GB limits with the zipfile
> module, as well as this bug report:
> Also, older zip formats have a
> 4GB limit. However, I can't say for sure what the problem is.
> Does anyone know if my code is wrong

Your code looks OK to me.

> or if there is a problem with Python itself?

Looks likely.

> If Python has a bug in it

...then you have the source and you can have a go at fixing it!

Try editing and getting it to print out some debug info and
see if you can fix the problem. When you have done submit the patch
to the python bug tracker and you'll get that nice glow from helping
others! Remember python is open source and is made by *us* for *us* :-)

If you need help fixing then you'd probably be better off
asking on python-dev.

Nick Craig-Wood <> --

David Bolen

2007/08/29 8:31:122007/08/29
Nick Craig-Wood <> writes:

> Kevin Ar18 <> wrote:
>> I posted this on the forum, but nobody seems to know the solution:
>> I have a zip file that is several GB in size, and one of the files inside of it is several GB in size. When it comes time to read the 5+GB file from inside the zip file, it fails with the following error:
>> File "...\", line 491, in read bytes =
>> OverflowError: long it too large to convert to int
> That will be an number which is bigger than 2**31 == 2 GB which can't
> be converted to an int.
> It would be explained if zinfo.compress_size is > 2GB, eg
> >>> f=open("z")
> >>>**31)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int
> However it would seem nuts that zipfile is trying to read > 2GB into
> memory at once!

Perhaps, but that's what the read(name) method does - returns a string
containing the contents of the selected file. So I think this runs
into a basic issue of the maximum length of Python strings (at least
in 32bit builds, not sure about 64bit) as much as it does an issue
with the zipfile module. Of course, the fact that the only "read"
method zipfile has is to return the entire file as a string might
be considered a design flaw.

For the OP, if you know you are going to be dealing with very large
files, you might want to implement your own individual file
extraction, since I'm guessing you don't actually need all 5+GB of the
problematic file loaded into memory in a single I/O operation,
particularly if you're just going to write it out again, which is what
your original forum code was doing.

I'd probably suggest just using the getinfo(name) method to return the
ZipInfo object for the file in question, then process the appropriate
section of the zip file directly. E.g., just seek to the proper
offset, then read the data incrementally up to the full size from the
ZipInfo compress_size attribute. If the files are compressed, you can
incrementally hand their data to the decompressor prior to other

E.g., instead of your original:

fileData =
fileHndl = file(fileName,"wb")

something like (untested):

CHUNK = 65536 # I/O chunk size

fileHndl = file(fileName,"wb")

zinfo = dataObj.getinfo(i)
compressed = (zinfo.compress_type == ZLIB_DEFLATED)
if compressed:
dc = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
remain = zinfo.compress_size
while remain:
bytes =, CHUNK))
remain -= len(bytes)
if compressed:
bytes = dc.decompress(bytes)

if compressed:
bytes = dc.decompress('Z') + dc.flush()
if bytes:


Note the above assumes you are only reading from the zip file as it
doesn't maintain the current read() method invariant of leaving the
file pointer position unchanged, but you could add that too. You
could also verify the file CRC along the way if you wanted to.

Might be even better if you turned the above into a generator, perhaps
as a new method on a local ZipFile subclass. Use the above as a
read_gen method with the write() calls replaced with "yield bytes",
and your outer code could look like:

fileHndl = file(fileName,"wb")
for bytes in dataObj.read_gen(i):

-- David

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