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Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.

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Casey Hawthorne

Feb 16, 2010, 6:38:41 PM2/16/10
Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to
have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.

Andrej Mitrovic

Feb 16, 2010, 7:41:58 PM2/16/10
On Feb 16, 7:38 pm, Casey Hawthorne <>

> Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to
> have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.
> --
> Regards,
> Casey

Gary's friend Geoffrey Grosenbach says in his blog post (which Gary
linked to): "Python has no comparable equivalent to Ruby’s do end
block. Python lambdas are limited to one line and can’t contain
statements (for, if, def, etc.). Which leaves me wondering, what’s the

I'm sorry, lambda's do support if's and for's. Also, lambda's are
expressions, not statements, but you can pass them around, keep them
in a dictionary if you want to. And if you need more than one line of
statements, for crying out loud use a def? And who needs those "do-
end" blocks anyway, trying to turn Python into Pascal?

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 17, 2010, 12:19:07 AM2/17/10
On Feb 16, 11:41 am, Andrej Mitrovic <>

I used to think anonymous functions (AKA blocks, etc...) would be a
nice feature for Python.

Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)

I became enlightened.


Feb 17, 2010, 12:56:11 AM2/17/10
In article <>,

Jonathan Gardner <> wrote:
>I used to think anonymous functions (AKA blocks, etc...) would be a
>nice feature for Python.
>Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
>with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
>I became enlightened.

Aahz ( <*>

"At Resolver we've found it useful to short-circuit any doubt and just
refer to comments in code as 'lies'. :-)"

David Cournapeau

Feb 17, 2010, 3:04:33 AM2/17/10
to Andrej Mitrovic,
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 4:41 AM, Andrej Mitrovic
<> wrote:
> Gary's friend Geoffrey Grosenbach says in his blog post (which Gary
> linked to): "Python has no comparable equivalent to Ruby’s do end
> block. Python lambdas are limited to one line and can’t contain
> statements (for, if, def, etc.). Which leaves me wondering, what’s the
> point?"
> I'm sorry, lambda's do support if's and for's. Also, lambda's are
> expressions, not statements, but you can pass them around, keep them
> in a dictionary if you want to. And if you need more than one line of
> statements, for crying out loud use a def?

I think that's a bit of a strawman: the point made by the OP is that
it enables writing simple DSL easier, and the ruby's community seems
to value this. They are not advocating using anonymous functions where
"normal" functions would do.



Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 17, 2010, 8:02:13 AM2/17/10
In message <60b1abce-4381-46ab-91ed->, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

> Also, lambda's are expressions, not statements ...

Is such a distinction Pythonic, or not? For example, does Python distinguish
between functions and procedures?

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 17, 2010, 8:02:56 AM2/17/10
In message
Jonathan Gardner wrote:

> I used to think anonymous functions (AKA blocks, etc...) would be a
> nice feature for Python.
> Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
> with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)

Didn’t it have source line numbers in it?

What more do you need?

Bruno Desthuilliers

Feb 17, 2010, 10:46:02 AM2/17/10
Aahz a �crit :

> In article <>,
> Jonathan Gardner <> wrote:
>> I used to think anonymous functions (AKA blocks, etc...) would be a
>> nice feature for Python.
>> Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
>> with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
>> I became enlightened.
> +1 QOTW

++1 QOTW !-)

Had the same problem trying to debug some javascript...

Bruno Desthuilliers

Feb 17, 2010, 10:48:54 AM2/17/10
Lawrence D'Oliveiro a �crit :

> In message <60b1abce-4381-46ab-91ed-
>>, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> Also, lambda's are expressions, not statements ...
> Is such a distinction Pythonic, or not?

Python is (by design) a statement-based language, so yes, this
distinction is pythonic !-)

John Bokma

Feb 17, 2010, 6:39:30 PM2/17/10
Jonathan Gardner <> writes:

> Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
> with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
> I became enlightened.

If it was Perl [1], I doubt it. Because line numbers are reported, and
if that doesn't help you, you can annotate anonymous functions with a
nick name using

local *__ANON__ = 'nice name';

Finding an issue, and not looking for a solution is not called becoming
enlightened ;-)

~$ perl -e '
use Carp;

my $anon = sub { local *__ANON__ = "hello, world"; croak "oops"; };

oops at -e line 4
main::hello, world() called at -e line 5

As you can see, and a line number is generated, and the nice name is

If you generate anonymouse functions on the fly based on parameters, you
can encode this into the nice name, of course.

Sadly, often bold statements about a language are made in ignorance.

[1] perl is the program that executes Perl programs ;-).

John Bokma j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development


Feb 17, 2010, 6:51:50 PM2/17/10
Aren't lambda forms better described as function?

Colin W.

Terry Reedy

Feb 17, 2010, 7:50:32 PM2/17/10
On 2/17/2010 1:51 PM, cjw wrote:
> On 17-Feb-10 05:48 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro a écrit :

>>> In message <60b1abce-4381-46ab-91ed-
>>>>, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>>>> Also, lambda's are expressions, not statements ...
>>> Is such a distinction Pythonic, or not?
>> Python is (by design) a statement-based language, so yes, this
>> distinction is pythonic !-)
> Aren't lambda forms better described as function?

They are expressions that evaluate to function objects nearly identical
to that produced by the def statememt they abbreviate. The only
difference is the .__name__ attribute.

Terry Jan Reedy

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 17, 2010, 10:46:52 PM2/17/10
In message <hlhdsi$2pn$>, cjw wrote:

> Aren't lambda forms better described as function?

Is this a function?

lambda : None

What about this?

lambda : sys.stdout.write("hi there!\n")

Terry Reedy

Feb 17, 2010, 10:59:14 PM2/17/10

To repeat: Python lambda expressions evaluate to function objects
identical, except for .__name__ attribute, to the equivalent def statememnt.

>>> type(lambda:None)
<class 'function'>
>>> import sys
>>> type(lambda : sys.stdout.write("hi there!\n"))
<class 'function'>

Ben Finney

Feb 17, 2010, 11:17:51 PM2/17/10

They are both lambda forms in Python. As a Python expression, they
evaluate to (they “return”) a function object.

\ “It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out |
`\ how nature *is*. Physics concerns what we can *say* about |
_o__) nature…” —Niels Bohr |
Ben Finney

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 18, 2010, 12:37:15 AM2/18/10

Of course they are; the first is a function that takes no arguments and
returns None, and the second is a function that takes no arguments,
returns None, and has a side-effect of writing "hi there\n" to stout.

But I imagine you already know that, so I'm not really sure I understand
the point of your (rhetorical?) question.


Jonathan Gardner

Feb 18, 2010, 1:00:50 AM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 10:39 am, John Bokma <> wrote:

> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
> > Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
> > with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
> > I became enlightened.
> If it was Perl [1], I doubt it. Because line numbers are reported, and
> if that doesn't help you, you can annotate anonymous functions with a
> nick name using
> local *__ANON__ = 'nice name';
> Finding an issue, and not looking for a solution is not called becoming
> enlightened ;-)
> ~$ perl -e '
> use Carp;
> my $anon = sub { local *__ANON__ = "hello, world"; croak "oops"; };
> $anon->();
> '
> oops at -e line 4
>         main::hello, world() called at -e line 5
> As you can see, and a line number is generated, and the nice name is
> shown.
> If you generate anonymouse functions on the fly based on parameters, you
> can encode this into the nice name, of course.
> Sadly, often bold statements about a language are made in ignorance.

$ perl -e '$a = sub () {die "it may have been javascript, but"}; $b =
sub () {die "I am pretty sure it was perl"}; $b->()'

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 18, 2010, 1:02:41 AM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 12:02 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message
> <>,

I don't know, but I tend to find the name of the function I called to
be useful. It's much more memorable than line numbers, particularly
when line numbers keep changing.

I doubt it's just me, though.

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 18, 2010, 1:04:00 AM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 12:02 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <60b1abce-4381-46ab-91ed-

>>, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> > Also, lambda's are expressions, not statements ...
> Is such a distinction Pythonic, or not? For example, does Python distinguish
> between functions and procedures?

Not to the programmer, no. Callables are callable, no matter what they
are, and they are all called the same way.

(What the heck is a procedure, anyway? Is this different from a
subroutine, a method, or a block?)

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 18, 2010, 1:06:41 AM2/18/10
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:39:30 -0600, John Bokma wrote:

> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>> Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
>> with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
>> I became enlightened.
> If it was Perl [1], I doubt it. Because line numbers are reported, and
> if that doesn't help you, you can annotate anonymous functions with a
> nick name using
> local *__ANON__ = 'nice name';


> As you can see, and a line number is generated, and the nice name is
> shown.

Given that it has a nice name, what makes it an anonymous function?

It seems to me that Perl effectively has three ways of creating
functions, one anonymous and two named (even if one syntax for creating a
named function is almost identical to the syntax for creating an
anonymous function). Once you annotate a function with a nickname, it's
no different from giving it a name.

If this is the case, then your answer to "anonymous functions are a PITA"
is "don't use anonymous functions", which exactly the same answer we'd
give here in Python land. The only difference is that Perl provides two
ways of making a named function, and Python only one[1].

[1] Technically, you can make named functions with the new module and a
bit of work, so Python has two ways too.


Rhodri James

Feb 18, 2010, 1:20:42 AM2/18/10

In classic Pascal, a procedure was distinct from a function in that it had
no return value. The concept doesn't really apply in Python; there are no
procedures in that sense, since if a function terminates without supplying
an explicit return value it returns None.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 18, 2010, 1:39:05 AM2/18/10
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:04:00 -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote:

> (What the heck is a procedure, anyway? Is this different from a
> subroutine, a method, or a block?)

The name is used in Pascal, which probably means it originated from
Fortran or Algol.

A subroutine is a generic piece of code which can be re-used by some
unspecified mechanism (GOSUB in Basic, by calling it in most other
languages). A function is a subroutine that returns a result, and a
procedure is a subroutine that doesn't return anything (not even None, or
the equivalent thereof) and operates entirely by side-effect.


John Bokma

Feb 18, 2010, 2:23:19 AM2/18/10
Steven D'Aprano <> writes:

> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:39:30 -0600, John Bokma wrote:


>> If it was Perl [1], I doubt it. Because line numbers are reported, and
>> if that doesn't help you, you can annotate anonymous functions with a
>> nick name using
>> local *__ANON__ = 'nice name';
> [...]
>> As you can see, and a line number is generated, and the nice name is
>> shown.
> Given that it has a nice name, what makes it an anonymous function?

You can't do

nice name();

It just changes what perl reports.

> If this is the case, then your answer to "anonymous functions are a

I don't think anon functions are in general a
PITA. Like with most things, (I) use them in moderation.

> is "don't use anonymous functions", which exactly the same answer we'd
> give here in Python land. The only difference is that Perl provides two
> ways of making a named function, and Python only one[1].

Note that the local trick doesn't create a named function. There are
other ways of course to create named functions in Perl, e.g.

perl -e '*foo=sub { print "hello, world\n" }; foo();'

Which can be fun:

perl -e '
my $name = our $AUTOLOAD;
*$AUTOLOAD = sub { local $" = ", "; print "$name(@_)\n" };
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
bar("hello", "world!");


main::bar(hello, world!)

NB: calling foo 10 returns 1 (return value of print).

Steve Howell

Feb 18, 2010, 2:27:41 AM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 5:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano

Those are useful clarifications, but they are not completely

Some people make the definition of function more restrictive--"if it
has side effects, it is not a function."

Python's definition of a method is also not universal. In some
circles, method is more akin to Steven's definition of a procedure--it
does not necessarily have to be associated with a class.

It's all very confusing, which is why Pythonistas are typically
adamant about clarifying definitions within Python's context, which is
understandable. To the extent that we're all talking about one
programming language, we should use the same terms.

A quick Google search does not turn up an official definition of a
Ruby block, although the term "block" is colloquially used in both
Python and Ruby to refer to a bunch of lines of code executed in a
particular context, like a loop.

Python may not support the broadest notion of anonymous functions, but
it definitely has anonymous blocks. You can write this in Python:

for i in range(10):
print i
print i * i
print i * i * i

Python does not force you to do this:

def do_stuff(i):
print i
print i * i
print i * i * i
for i in range(10):

Steve Howell

Feb 18, 2010, 3:10:31 AM2/18/10
On Feb 16, 4:19 pm, Jonathan Gardner <>

I use Ruby a lot in my day job, and we rarely use blocks are as
anonymous callback functions, which was probably the source of your
pain in other languages.

Often Ruby blocks are just three or four lines of code that are
inlined into a still small function, so as long as the outer function
is still small (which Ruby's blocks help with--they promote
terseness), it's pretty easy to find a buggy function within a
traceback that is not overly big.

It's also possible in Ruby to use quality-promoting techniques like
unit testing, pair programming, deliberateness, etc., to avoid the
need for looking at tracebacks in the first place.

Python is not immune to hard-to-understand tracebacks, since you often
don't often know how a method got itself into the stracktrace in the
first place:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in <module>
File "", line 2, in foo
File "", line 5, in bar
raise Exception('I am broken!')
Exception: I am broken!

Even though there's no direct lexical reference to bar() in foo(), lo
and behold, foo() ends up calling bar():

def foo(method):

def bar():
raise Exception('I am broken!')

def broken_function_factory():
return bar

method = broken_function_factory()

Carl Banks

Feb 18, 2010, 3:18:14 AM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 10:39 am, John Bokma <> wrote:
> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
> > Then I looked at a stack trace from a different programming language
> > with lots of anonymous functions. (I believe it was perl.)
> > I became enlightened.
> If it was Perl [1], I doubt it. Because line numbers are reported

Ok so sonetimes I'm looking at a stack trace and sometimes I can tell
what the bug is just by lookong at the function namess. But if it has
just line numbers I have to dig through my code looking for the line.

> and
> if that doesn't help you, you can annotate anonymous functions with a
> nick name using
> local *__ANON__ = 'nice name';
> Finding an issue, and not looking for a solution is not called becoming
> enlightened ;-)

The issue is that a stacktrace showing a bunch of nameless line
numbers can be a bad idea, not that Perl might be deficient (and we
already know that in any case), so it's not good to use a lot of
them. Anyway once you annotate an anonymous function, it's no longer

> ~$ perl -e '
> use Carp;
> my $anon = sub { local *__ANON__ = "hello, world"; croak "oops"; };
> $anon->();
> '
> oops at -e line 4
>         main::hello, world() called at -e line 5
> As you can see, and a line number is generated, and the nice name is
> shown.
> If you generate anonymouse functions on the fly based on parameters, you
> can encode this into the nice name, of course.
> Sadly, often bold statements about a language are made in ignorance.

I don't see what he said was any kind of a bold statement about a
language, arguably it was about the coding style. That Perl allows
annotating functions doesn't mean people do it.

Carl Banks

Message has been deleted

Duncan Booth

Feb 18, 2010, 9:23:29 AM2/18/10
Jonathan Gardner <> wrote:

Some problems with using just line numbers to track errors:

In any language it isn't much use if you get a bug report from a shipped
program that says there was an error on line 793 but no report of
exactly which version of the shipped code was being run.

Microsoft love telling you the line number: if IE gets a Javascript
error it reports line number but not filename, so you have to guess
which of the HTML page or one of many included files actually had the
error. Plus the line number that is reported is often slightly off.

Javascript in particular is often sent to the browser compressed then
uncompressed and eval'd. That makes line numbers completely useless for
tracking down bugs as you'll always get the line number of the eval.
Also the way functions are defined in Javascript means you'll often have
almost every function listed in a backtrace as 'Anonymous'.

Duncan Booth

Steve Howell

Feb 18, 2010, 2:15:20 PM2/18/10
On Feb 18, 1:23 am, Duncan Booth <> wrote:

If this is an argument against using anonymous functions, then it is a
quadruple strawman.

Shipping buggy code is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Obscuring line numbers is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Having your customers stay on older versions of your software is a bad
idea, even with named functions.

Not being able to know which version of software you're customer is
running is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Of course, using anonymous functions in no way prevents you from
capturing a version number in a traceback. And in most modern source
control systems, it is fairly easy to revert to an old version of that

def factory():
return lambda: 15 / 0

def bar(method):

def foo(method):

def baz(method):

print 'problem with version 1.234a'

problem with version 1.234a

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 14, in <module>
File "", line 11, in baz
File "", line 8, in foo

File "", line 5, in bar

File "", line 2, in <lambda>
return lambda: 15 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Duncan Booth

Feb 18, 2010, 3:50:29 PM2/18/10
Steve Howell <> wrote:

> If this is an argument against using anonymous functions, then it is a
> quadruple strawman.
> Shipping buggy code is a bad idea, even with named functions.

I doubt very much whether I have ever shipped any bug-free code but
even if it was fit for purpose when shipped it is quite possible that the
software will interact badly with other software that did not exist at the
time of shipping.

> Obscuring line numbers is a bad idea, even with named functions.

In principle I agree, but where Javascript is concerned compressing the
downloaded files is generally a pretty good idea and practicality beats

> Having your customers stay on older versions of your software is a bad
> idea, even with named functions.

I think that's their decision, not mine.

> Not being able to know which version of software you're customer is
> running is a bad idea, even with named functions.

I agree, but getting a complete coherent description out of a customer is
not always an easy task. (I'm reading the word 'customer' here to include
the case where there is no monetary relationship between the software
author and the entity using it, but even when there is I think this still

Steve Howell

Feb 18, 2010, 4:15:46 PM2/18/10
On Feb 18, 7:50 am, Duncan Booth <> wrote:

> Steve Howell <> wrote:
> > If this is an argument against using anonymous functions, then it is a
> > quadruple strawman.
> > Shipping buggy code is a bad idea, even with named functions.
> I doubt very much whether I have ever shipped any bug-free code but
> even if it was fit for purpose when shipped it is quite possible that the
> software will interact badly with other software that did not exist at the
> time of shipping.
> > Obscuring line numbers is a bad idea, even with named functions.
> In principle I agree, but where Javascript is concerned compressing the
> downloaded files is generally a pretty good idea and practicality beats
> purity.
> > Having your customers stay on older versions of your software is a bad
> > idea, even with named functions.
> I think that's their decision, not mine.
> > Not being able to know which version of software you're customer is
> > running is a bad idea, even with named functions.
> mpr

> I agree, but getting a complete coherent description out of a customer is
> not always an easy task. (I'm reading the word 'customer' here to include
> the case where there is no monetary relationship between the software
> author and the entity using it, but even when there is I think this still
> true.)

Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's unforgivable to occasionally
ship software with bugs. It happens.

Compressing Javascript is sometimes necessary, but I believe that
often mangles named functions too.

To the the extent that your customer is running old software and
cannot always coherently describe tracebacks over a telephone, that
problem can be solved in the software itself, assuming an Internet
connection. The software can capture the traceback and report back to
a server with the version number.

So, much of the argument against anonymous functions presented so far
is really orthogonal to whether functions are named or not.

Circling back to the original topic, Ruby blocks, I think there is a
misconception about how blocks are often used in Ruby. Usually Ruby
blocks are inlined into a function and execute within that function.

def print_numbers()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
[n * n, n * n * n]
}.reject { |square, cube|
square == 25 || cube == 64
}.map { |square, cube|
}.each { |n|
puts n
raise 'problem here'


The bug that I inserted into the "each" block gets reported in the

foo.rb:10:in `print_numbers': problem here (RuntimeError)
from foo.rb:2:in `each'
from foo.rb:2:in `print_numbers'
from foo.rb:14

(I do prefer Python tracebacks BTW, but that is again orthogonal to
blocks vs. named functions.)

The blocks of code in the above Ruby code are somewhat analogous to
blocks of code in Python that happen within certain control
structures, such as "if," "while," "with," etc. The extra
expressiveness of Ruby comes from the fact that you can act on those
blocks with your own method. Of course, there is always a tradeoff
between expressiveness and simplicity. I know the person who gave the
talk about Ruby vs. Python, and trust me, nine times out of ten, he
prefers Python's simplicity to Ruby's expressiveness. But he likes

I'm in the same boat. I use Python a lot, Ruby less so, but when I'm
in Ruby-land, I actually enjoy the expressiveness of blocks. They're
not particularly dangerous, and they allow you to express certain
sequential operations tersely and sequentially. The contrived code
below maps numbers to squares and cubes, then rejects a couple tuples,
then maps back to cubes, then prints each of the cubes.

def print_numbers()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
[n * n, n * n * n]
}.reject { |square, cube|
square == 25 || cube == 64
}.map { |square, cube|
}.each { |n|
puts n

IMHO there is no reason that I should have to name the content of each
of those four blocks of code, nor should I have to introduce the
"lambda" keyword.

I don't have a less contrived example handy, but the techniques above
apply often when you are filtering and massaging data.

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 18, 2010, 10:17:57 PM2/18/10

There really ought to be a special level of Hell for people who misuse
"strawman" to mean "a weak or invalid argument" instead of what it
actually means, which is a weak or invalid argument NOT HELD by your
opponent, which you (generic you) made up specifically for the sake of
shooting down.

If you actually read what Duncan says, he prefixes his response with:

"Some problems with using just line numbers to track errors".

Duncan's post is an argument against relying on line numbers as your
main, or only, source of information about the location of bugs in

In fact, this post is remarkable for the sheer number of actual strawman
arguments that you (Steve Howell) use:

> Shipping buggy code is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Strawman #1: nobody said that shipping buggy code was a good idea, with
or without named functions. But shipping buggy code *happens*, no matter
how careful you are, so you need to expect bug reports back from users.

(And they will be *hard to find* bugs, because if they were easy to find
you would have found them in your own testing before shipping.)

> Obscuring line numbers is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Strawman #2: nobody said that obscuring line numbers was a good idea. But
apparently compressing Javascript is valuable for other reasons, and
obscuring the line numbers is the side-effect of doing so.

And even knowing the line numbers is not necessarily useful, because many
bugs aren't due to the line that raises the stack trace. Just because you
know the line which failed doesn't mean you know how to fix the bug.

> Having your customers stay on older versions of your software is a bad
> idea, even with named functions.

Strawman #3: nobody said that staying on older versions is a good idea.
But sometimes it happens whether you like it or not.

(Although I'd like to point out that from the end user's perspective,
sometimes we don't want your stinkin' new version with all the anti-
features and pessimations and will stick to the old version for as long
as possible. If you don't like it, then think a bit harder before adding
anti-features like fragile, easily-corrupted databases which perform
really, really badly when your home directory is mounted over the
network. I'm talking to you, Firefox developers.)

And it doesn't really matter: you either end-of-life the old version, in
which case you don't need to do anything about the bug report except say
"upgrade", or you decide to continue support, in which case it doesn't
matter whether the bug is reported for an old version or the latest
version, you still need to fix it.

> Not being able to know which version of software you're customer is
> running is a bad idea, even with named functions.

Strawman #4.

See the pattern? When you attack a position the other guy hasn't taken,
that's a strawman. When you make a weak argument, it's just a weak


Jonathan Gardner

Feb 18, 2010, 10:49:38 PM2/18/10
On Feb 18, 8:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>     def print_numbers()
>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>         }.map { |square, cube|
>             cube
>         }.each { |n|
>             puts n
>         }
>     end

If this style of programming were useful, we would all be writing Lisp
today. As it turned out, Lisp is incredibly difficult to read and
understand, even for experienced Lispers. I am pleased that Python is
not following Lisp in that regard.

for n in range(1,6):
square = n*n
cube = n*n*n
if square == 25 or cube == 64: continue
print cube

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 18, 2010, 11:00:51 PM2/18/10
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 08:15:46 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

> Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's unforgivable to occasionally ship
> software with bugs. It happens.

"Occasionally"? Oh, if only.

I would say that there probably isn't a non-trivial application in the
world that is entirely bug-free. If you're shipping something more
complex than the proverbial "Hello World", chances are high that there
will be bugs, and the more complex the app, the more bugs are likely.

> Compressing Javascript is sometimes necessary, but I believe that often
> mangles named functions too.

It doesn't mangle the function, it mangles reporting of line numbers. But
if you know the name of the function, it is much easier to recover from
that loss of information.

> To the the extent that your customer is running old software and cannot
> always coherently describe tracebacks over a telephone, that problem can
> be solved in the software itself, assuming an Internet connection. The
> software can capture the traceback and report back to a server with the
> version number.

I don't understand why you repeatedly mention "old software". It is
irrelevant: the software is either supported, or not supported. If it's
not supported, you don't care about the bugs. If it is supported, then it
doesn't matter whether it is version 2.2 or 2.3 or the bleeding edge 2.4-
pre-alpha straight out of subversion, you still have to go through the
same process of finding the bug, solving it, then rolling the fix out to
all supported versions where the bug applies.

That's not to say that the version number isn't useful information to
have, because it can be, but distinguishing between old versions and the
current version isn't a useful distinction. In a sense, there are no old
versions, there are merely multiple supported current versions.

> So, much of the argument against anonymous functions presented so far is
> really orthogonal to whether functions are named or not.

Not so. The point is that anonymous functions lack useful information,
namely the function name. Because line numbers can be unreliable or even
missing completely, and even when reliable many people have a mental
blind-spot for them (I know I do, and I'm gratified to see I'm not the
only one), lacking a good name for the function is a handicap. Not
necessarily an insurmountable one, but anonymous functions are more
troublesome than named functions.

You wouldn't name your functions:

f01, f02, f03, f04, ... f99

(say), unless you were trying to deliberately obfuscate your code.
Anonymous functions are even more obfuscated than that. You can get away
with it so long as you're only dealing with a few, in well-defined
placed, but you wouldn't want to use them all over the place.


Feb 18, 2010, 11:04:28 PM2/18/10
On Feb 18, 11:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>     def print_numbers()
>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>         }.map { |square, cube|
>             cube
>         }.each { |n|
>             puts n
>         }
>     end
> IMHO there is no reason that I should have to name the content of each
> of those four blocks of code, nor should I have to introduce the
> "lambda" keyword.

You could do it without intermediate names or lambdas in Python as:
def print_numbers():
for i in [ cube for (square, cube) in
[(n*n, n*n*n) for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6]]
if square!=25 and cube!=64 ]:
print i

But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:

def print_numbers():
tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
cube!=64 ]
for f in filtered:
print f

John Bokma

Feb 18, 2010, 11:47:18 PM2/18/10
Jonathan Gardner <> writes:

> On Feb 18, 8:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>>     def print_numbers()
>>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
>>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>>         }.map { |square, cube|
>>             cube
>>         }.each { |n|
>>             puts n
>>         }
>>     end
> If this style of programming were useful, we would all be writing Lisp
> today. As it turned out, Lisp is incredibly difficult to read and
> understand, even for experienced Lispers. I am pleased that Python is
> not following Lisp in that regard.
> for n in range(1,6):

^ should be 7

But for the rest, I agree with you. I can read Steve's version, but even
to an experienced Perl programmer that looks quite noisy :-)

John Bokma j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico -

John Bokma

Feb 18, 2010, 11:50:29 PM2/18/10
John Bokma <> writes:

> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>> On Feb 18, 8:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>>>     def print_numbers()
>>>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
>>>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>>>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>>>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>>>         }.map { |square, cube|
>>>             cube
>>>         }.each { |n|
>>>             puts n
>>>         }
>>>     end
>> If this style of programming were useful, we would all be writing Lisp
>> today. As it turned out, Lisp is incredibly difficult to read and
>> understand, even for experienced Lispers. I am pleased that Python is
>> not following Lisp in that regard.
>> for n in range(1,6):
> ^ should be 7
> But for the rest, I agree with you. I can read Steve's version, but even
> to an experienced Perl programmer that looks quite noisy :-)

Oh, wait, it's Ruby :-D.

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 19, 2010, 1:11:19 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 3:04 pm, "" <> wrote:
> You could do it without intermediate names or lambdas in Python as:
> def print_numbers():
>     for i in [ cube for (square, cube) in
>                          [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6]]
>                if square!=25 and cube!=64 ]:
>         print i
> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
> def print_numbers():
>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
> cube!=64 ]
>     for f in filtered:
>         print f

Step away from the keyboard! This is a programmer's arrest!

There are laws around here, laws that we can't allow to be broken.
You've just broken 12 of them. You think the laws don't apply to you,
huh, punk? HUH?

I'm sentencing you to three months HARD LABOR in Ruby for that code
you just wrote. And if you think it's too harsh, then I'll sentence
you to NINE MONTHS PHP and see how you feel about that!


Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 3:43:14 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 3:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-> wrote:
> [...]

> You wouldn't name your functions:
> f01, f02, f03, f04, ... f99


> (say), unless you were trying to deliberately obfuscate your code.
> Anonymous functions are even more obfuscated than that. You can get away
> with it so long as you're only dealing with a few, in well-defined
> placed, but you wouldn't want to use them all over the place.

I have contributed to the confusion of this discussion by talking
about "anonymous functions," when the original context was "anonymous
blocks." As I mentioned in an earlier response, most anonymous blocks
in Ruby are placed within outer functions, so they're not that hard to
locate in a traceback that provides only function names. And, of
course, it is often the case that you host Ruby code on your own web
server, or that you distribute Ruby code without compressing it, in
which case you get a sane traceback that provides line numbers.

You actually use anonymous blocks in your own code, in a few, well-
defined places (generally loops).

These excerpts are taken from

quotient = a//mm
a, mm = mm, a%mm
xx, x = x - quotient*xx, xx
yy, y = y - quotient*yy, yy

rail = # The rail we add to.
assert 0 <= rail < rails

# Save one non-chaff character.
# And toss away more chaff.
n = self.hash(key) % factor
key = self.mod_key(key)
self.get_chars(n, msg)

# Careful here! Not all classes have a __dict__!
adict = getattr(obj, '__dict__', {})
for name, attr in adict.items():
if inspect.ismethoddescriptor(attr):
d[nm + '.' + name] = attr.__get__(obj)

If any of the above code were to fail on a customer site, you'd
probably want to get line numbers in a traceback. I'm guessing you
probably don't distribute your code in compressed form, and you
probably take care to make sure it works right in the first place, and
you probably have source control to help you pull up old versions of
your code. I notice that you even have a __version__ identifier in
your source code, which users of your library could capture in their
tracebacks. In other words, you probably use mostly the same
practices that I use, except that we seem to differ on the utility or
expressiveness or Ruby blocks, or maybe we're arguing at cross

Steve Holden

Feb 19, 2010, 3:48:21 AM2/19/10
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 06:15:20 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
Next week: Lesson 2 - Ad Hominem Attacks

Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 3:57:35 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 3:04 pm, "" <> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 11:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
> >     def print_numbers()
> >         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
> >             [n * n, n * n * n]
> >         }.reject { |square, cube|
> >             square == 25 || cube == 64
> >         }.map { |square, cube|
> >             cube
> >         }.each { |n|
> >             puts n
> >         }
> >     end
> > IMHO there is no reason that I should have to name the content of each
> > of those four blocks of code, nor should I have to introduce the
> > "lambda" keyword.
> You could do it without intermediate names or lambdas in Python as:
> def print_numbers():
>     for i in [ cube for (square, cube) in
>                          [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6]]
>                if square!=25 and cube!=64 ]:
>         print i

The problem with list comprehensions is that they read kind of out of
order. On line 2 you are doing the first operation, then on line 3
you are filtering, then on line 1 your are selecting, then on line 4
you are printing.

For such a small example, your code is still quite readable.

> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
> def print_numbers():
>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
> cube!=64 ]
>     for f in filtered:
>         print f

The names you give to the intermediate results here are
terse--"tuples" and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.

In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be
something like this:


Paul Rubin

Feb 19, 2010, 3:58:21 AM2/19/10
Steve Howell <> writes:

>> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
>> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
>> def print_numbers():
>>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
>>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
>> cube!=64 ]
>>     for f in filtered:
>>         print f
> The names you give to the intermediate results here are
> terse--"tuples" and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.

But that example makes tuples and filtered into completely expanded
lists in memory. I don't know Ruby so I've been wondering whether the
Ruby code would run as an iterator pipeline that uses constant memory.

> In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be
> something like this:
> departments
> departments_in_new_york
> departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> employees_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> names_of_employee_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle

might be of interest. Maybe Ruby and/or Python could grow something similar.

Feb 19, 2010, 4:27:06 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 10:58 pm, Paul Rubin <no.em...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Steve Howell <> writes:
> >> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
> >> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
> >> def print_numbers():
> >>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
> >>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
> >> cube!=64 ]
> >>     for f in filtered:
> >>         print f
> > The names you give to the intermediate results here are
> > terse--"tuples" and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.
> But that example makes tuples and filtered into completely expanded
> lists in memory.  I don't know Ruby so I've been wondering whether the
> Ruby code would run as an iterator pipeline that uses constant memory.

I don't know how Ruby works, either. If it's using constant memory,
switching the Python to generator comprehensions (and getting constant
memory usage) is simply a matter of turning square brackets into

def print_numbers():
tuples = ((n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6))
filtered = ( cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
cube!=64 )

for f in filtered:
print f

Replace (1,2,3,4,5,6) with xrange(100000000) and memory usage still
stays constant.

Though for this particular example, I prefer a strict looping solution
akin to what Jonathan Gardner had upthread:

for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6):

square = n*n
cube = n*n*n
if square == 25 or cube == 64: continue
print cube

> > In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be

> > something like this:
> >    departments
> >    departments_in_new_york
> >    departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> >    employees_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> >    names_of_employee_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle

I don't think the assertion that the names would be ridiculously long
is accurate, either.

Something like:

departments = blah
ny_depts = blah(departments)
non_bonus_depts = blah(ny_depts)
non_bonus_employees = blah(non_bonus_depts)
employee_names = blah(non_bonus_employees)

If the code is at all well-structured, it'll be just as obvious from
the context that each list/generator/whatever is building from the
previous one as it is in the anonymous block case.

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 4:46:04 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 2:49 pm, Jonathan Gardner <>

There's definitely a cognitive dissonance between imperative
programming and functional programming. It's hard for programmers
used to programming in an imperative style to appreciate a functional
approach, because functional solutions often read "upside down" in the
actual source code and common algebraic notation:

def compute_squares_and_cubes(lst):
return [(n * n, n * n * n) for n in lst]

def reject_bad_values(lst):
return [(square, cube) for (square, cube) \
in lst if not (square == 25 or cube == 64)]

def cubes_only(lst):
return [cube for square, cube in lst]

def print_results(lst):
# 1. compute_squares_and_cubes
# 2. reject_bad_values
# 3. take cubes_only
# 4. print values
for item in \
cubes_only( # 3
reject_bad_values( # 2
compute_squares_and_cubes(lst))): # 1
print item # 4

You can, of course, restore the natural order of operations to read
top-down with appropriate use of intermediate locals:

def print_results(lst):
lst2 = compute_squares_and_cubes(lst)
lst3 = reject_bad_values(lst2)
lst4 = cubes_only(lst3)
for item in lst4:
print item

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 4:57:47 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 7:58 pm, Paul Rubin <no.em...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Steve Howell <> writes:
> >> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
> >> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
> >> def print_numbers():
> >>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
> >>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
> >> cube!=64 ]
> >>     for f in filtered:
> >>         print f
> > The names you give to the intermediate results here are
> > terse--"tuples" and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.
> But that example makes tuples and filtered into completely expanded
> lists in memory.  I don't know Ruby so I've been wondering whether the
> Ruby code would run as an iterator pipeline that uses constant memory.

That's a really good question. I don't know the answer. My hunch is
that you could implement generators using Ruby syntax, but it's
probably not implemented that way.

The fact that Python allows you to turn the intermediate results into
generator expressions is a very powerful feature, of course.

> > In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be
> > something like this:
> >    departments
> >    departments_in_new_york
> >    departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> >    employees_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> >    names_of_employee_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle


> might be of interest.  Maybe Ruby and/or Python could grow something similar.

Can you elaborate?

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 5:05:04 AM2/19/10

I agree that the names don't have to be as ridiculously long as my
examples, but using intermediate locals forces you to come up with
consistent abbreviations between adjacent lines, which adds to the
maintenance burden. When the requirements change so that bonuses
apply to NY and PA departments, you would have to change three places
in the code instead of one.

To the extent that each of your transformations were named functions,
you'd need to maintain the names there as well (something more
descriptive than "blah").

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 5:35:48 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 7:58 pm, Paul Rubin <no.em...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Steve Howell <> writes:
> >> But frankly, although there's no reason that you _have_ to name the
> >> content at each step, I find it a lot more readable if you do:
> >> def print_numbers():
> >>     tuples = [(n*n, n*n*n) for n in (1,2,3,4,5,6)]
> >>     filtered = [ cube for (square, cube) in tuples if square!=25 and
> >> cube!=64 ]
> >>     for f in filtered:
> >>         print f
> > The names you give to the intermediate results here are
> > terse--"tuples" and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.
> But that example makes tuples and filtered into completely expanded
> lists in memory.  I don't know Ruby so I've been wondering whether the
> Ruby code would run as an iterator pipeline that uses constant memory.

Running the following code would probably answer your question. At
least in the case of and Array.reject, under my version of
Ruby, each block transforms the entire array before passing control to
the next block.

def print_numbers()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|

puts 'first block', n

[n * n, n * n * n]
}.reject { |square, cube|

puts 'reject', square

square == 25 || cube == 64
}.map { |square, cube|

}.each { |cube|
puts cube


But I'm running only version 1.8.7. Version 1.9 of Ruby apparently
introduced something more akin to generators and Unix pipelines:

I haven't tried them myself.

Paul Rubin

Feb 19, 2010, 5:26:52 AM2/19/10
Steve Howell <> writes:
>> might be of interest.  Maybe Ruby and/or Python could grow something similar.
> Can you elaborate?

List comprehensions are a Python feature you're probably familiar with,
and I think Ruby has something like them too. They originally came from
Haskell. GHC (the main Haskell implementation) now supports an extended
list comprehension syntax with SQL-like features. I haven't used it
much yet, but here's an example from a poker ranking program
( that I did as a Haskell exercise:

let (winners:others) =
[zip c ls | ls <- lines cs
, let {h = mkHand ls; c=classify h}
, then group by c
, then sortWith by Down c]

It's reasonably evocative and doing the same thing with the older
syntax would have been a big mess. "Down" basically means sort
in reverse order.

Kurt Smith

Feb 19, 2010, 5:37:59 AM2/19/10
to Python List
> --

# sent the original to the wrong place -- resending to python-list.

Somewhat off topic, but only somewhat: you could use coroutines to
get a pipeline effect.

# Shamelessly lifted from David Beazley's

def coroutine(co):
def _inner(*args, **kwargs):
gen = co(*args, **kwargs)
return gen
return _inner

def squares_and_cubes(lst, target):
for n in lst:
target.send((n * n, n * n * n))

def reject_bad_values(target):
while True:
square, cube = (yield)
if not (square == 25 or cube == 64):
target.send((square, cube))

def cubes_only(target):
while True:
square, cube = (yield)

def print_results():
while True:
print (yield)


Steven D'Aprano

Feb 19, 2010, 5:41:31 AM2/19/10
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 22:48:21 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:

> Next week: Lesson 2 - Ad Hominem Attacks

I wouldn't pay any attention to Steve, all Stevens are notorious liars.


Gregory Ewing

Feb 19, 2010, 5:52:20 AM2/19/10
Steve Howell wrote:

> Python may not support the broadest notion of anonymous functions, but
> it definitely has anonymous blocks. You can write this in Python:
> for i in range(10):
> print i
> print i * i
> print i * i * i

There's a clear difference between this and a Ruby block,
however. A "block" in Ruby is implemented by passing a
callable object to a method. There is no callable object
corresponding to the body of a for-loop in Python.

The important thing about Ruby blocks is not that they're
anonymous, but that they're concrete objects that can
be manipulated.

The Ruby approach has the advantage of making it possible
to implement user-defined control structures without
requiring a macro facility. You can't do that in Python.

However, there's something that Python's iterator protocol
makes possible that you can't do with a block-passing
approach. You can have multiple iterators active at once,
and pull values from them as an when required in the
calling code. Ruby's version of the iterator protocol
can't handle that, because once an iterator is started
it retains control until it's finished.

Also, most people who advocate adding some form of
block-passing facility to Python don't seem to have
thought through what would happen if the block contains
any break, continue, return or yield statements.

This issue was looked into in some detail back when there
was consideration of implementing the with-statement
by passing the body as a function. Getting these
statements to behave intuitively inside the body
turned out to be a very thorny problem -- thorny enough
to cause the block-passing idea to be abandoned in
favour of the current implementation.


Steven D'Aprano

Feb 19, 2010, 5:46:31 AM2/19/10
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 19:57:35 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

> The names you give to the intermediate results here are terse--"tuples"
> and "filtered"--so your code reads nicely.
> In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be
> something like this:
> departments
> departments_in_new_york
> departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> employees_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> names_of_employee_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle

Those last two could be written more concisely as:


But seriously... if you have a variable called "departments_in_new_york",
presumably you also have variables called "departments_in_washington",
"departments_in_los_angeles", "departments_in_houston",
"departments_in_walla_walla", and so forth. If so, this is a good sign
that you are doing it wrong and you need to rethink your algorithm.


Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 5:50:58 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 9:41 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-

Especially when their last name starts with H.



Steven D'Aprano

Feb 19, 2010, 6:00:17 AM2/19/10
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 18:52:20 +1300, Gregory Ewing wrote:

> The Ruby approach has the advantage of making it possible to implement
> user-defined control structures without requiring a macro facility. You
> can't do that in Python.


> Also, most people who advocate adding some form of block-passing
> facility to Python don't seem to have thought through what would happen
> if the block contains any break, continue, return or yield statements.

That is the only time I ever wanted blocks: I had a series of functions
containing for loops that looked something vaguely like this:

for x in sequence:
except some_exception:

where code_B was different in each function, so I wanted to pull it out
as a code block and do this:

def common_loop(x, block):
except some_exception:

for x in sequence:
common_loop(x, block)

The problem was that the blocks contained a continue statement, so I was


Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 6:07:23 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 9:46 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-

Sure, but it could also be that you're launching a feature that is
only temporarily limited to New York departments, and any investment
in coming up with names for the New York filter function or
intermediate local variables becomes pointless once you go national:

# version 1
emps = [
['Bob Rich', 'NY', 55],
['Alice Serf', 'NY', 30],
['Joe Peasant', 'MD', 12],
['Mary Pauper', 'CA', 13],
] { |name, state, salary|
salary < 40
}.select { |name, state, salary|
# limit bonuses to NY for now...reqs
# may change!
state == 'NY'
}.each { |name, state, salary|
new_salary = salary * 1.1
puts "#{name} gets a raise to #{new_salary}!"

# version 2
emps = [
['Bob Rich', 'NY', 55],
['Alice Serf', 'NY', 30],
['Joe Peasant', 'MD', 12],
['Mary Pauper', 'CA', 13],
] { |name, state, salary|
salary < 40
}.each { |name, state, salary|
new_salary = salary * 1.1
puts "#{name} gets a raise to #{new_salary}!"

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 6:44:16 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 9:37 pm, Kurt Smith <> wrote:

Wow! It took me a while to get my head around it, but that's pretty

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 7:13:28 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 9:52 pm, Gregory Ewing <> wrote:
> Steve Howell wrote:
> > Python may not support the broadest notion of anonymous functions, but
> > it definitely has anonymous blocks.  You can write this in Python:
> >     for i in range(10):
> >         print i
> >         print i * i
> >         print i * i * i
> There's a clear difference between this and a Ruby block,
> however. A "block" in Ruby is implemented by passing a
> callable object to a method. There is no callable object
> corresponding to the body of a for-loop in Python.
> The important thing about Ruby blocks is not that they're
> anonymous, but that they're concrete objects that can
> be manipulated.


> The Ruby approach has the advantage of making it possible
> to implement user-defined control structures without
> requiring a macro facility. You can't do that in Python.
> However, there's something that Python's iterator protocol
> makes possible that you can't do with a block-passing
> approach. You can have multiple iterators active at once,
> and pull values from them as an when required in the
> calling code. Ruby's version of the iterator protocol
> can't handle that, because once an iterator is started
> it retains control until it's finished.

Is this still true or Ruby today?

> Also, most people who advocate adding some form of
> block-passing facility to Python don't seem to have
> thought through what would happen if the block contains
> any break, continue, return or yield statements.

For sure. It's certainly not clear to me how Ruby handles all those
cases, although I am still quite new to Ruby, so it's possible that I
just haven't stumbled upon the best explanations yet.

> This issue was looked into in some detail back when there
> was consideration of implementing the with-statement
> by passing the body as a function. Getting these
> statements to behave intuitively inside the body
> turned out to be a very thorny problem -- thorny enough
> to cause the block-passing idea to be abandoned in
> favour of the current implementation.

I found these links in the archive...were these part of the discussion
you were referring to?

Anh Hai Trinh

Feb 19, 2010, 10:01:53 AM2/19/10
to Steve Howell, Kurt Smith

This pipeline idea has actually been implemented further, see <http://>.

from stream import map, filter, cut
range(10) >> map(lambda x: [x**2, x**3]) >> filter(lambda t: t[0]!
=25 and t[1]!=64) >> cut[1] >> list
[0, 1, 8, 27, 216, 343, 512, 729]


Roald de Vries

Feb 19, 2010, 3:50:41 PM2/19/10
> This pipeline idea has actually been implemented further, see <http://
> from stream import map, filter, cut
> range(10) >> map(lambda x: [x**2, x**3]) >> filter(lambda t: t[0]!
> =25 and t[1]!=64) >> cut[1] >> list
> [0, 1, 8, 27, 216, 343, 512, 729]

Wow, cool!

Just to show that you can easily add the
to Python:

from __future__ import print_function

class rubified(list):
map = lambda self, f: rubified(map(f, self))
filter = lambda self, f: rubified(filter(f, self))
reject = lambda self, f: rubified(filter(lambda x: not f(x),
# each = lambda self, f: rubified(reduce(lambda x, y:
print(y), self, None))
def each(self, f):
for x in self: f(x)

def __new__(cls, value):
return list.__new__(cls, value)

def print_numbers():
rubified([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).map(lambda n:
[n * n, n * n * n]).reject(lambda (square, cube):
square == 25 or cube == 64).map(lambda (square, cube):
cube).each(lambda n:

Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 4:32:53 PM2/19/10

Sure, that definitely achieves the overall sequential structure of
operations that I like in Ruby. A couple other example have been
posted as well now, which also mimic something akin to a Unix

A lot of Ruby that I see gets spelled like this: { |arg1, arg2|
}.reject { |arg|
}.collect { |arg}

With your class you can translate into Python as follows: arg1, arg2:
).reject(lambda arg:
).collect(lambda arg:

So for chaining transformations based on filters, the difference
really just comes down to syntax (and how much sugar is built into the
core library).

The extra expressiveness of Ruby comes from the fact that you can add
statements within the block, which I find useful sometimes just for
debugging purposes:

debug = true
data = strange_dataset_from_third_party_code()
data.each { |arg|
if debug and arg > 10000
puts arg
# square the values
arg * arg

Steven D'Aprano

Feb 19, 2010, 5:30:42 PM2/19/10
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 08:32:53 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

> The extra expressiveness of Ruby comes from the fact that you can add
> statements within the block, which I find useful sometimes just for
> debugging purposes:
> debug = true
> data = strange_dataset_from_third_party_code()
> data.each { |arg|
> if debug and arg > 10000
> puts arg
> end
> # square the values
> arg * arg
> }

How is that different from this?

debug = true
data = strange_dataset_from_third_party_code()

for i, arg in enumerate(data):

if debug and arg > 10000

print arg
# square the values
data[i] = arg * arg

I don't see the extra expressiveness. What I see is that the Ruby snippet
takes more lines (even excluding the final brace), and makes things
implicit which in my opinion should be explicit. But since I'm no Ruby
expert, perhaps I'm misreading it.


Steve Howell

Feb 19, 2010, 5:56:15 PM2/19/10
On Feb 19, 9:30 am, Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-

You are reading the example out of context.

Can you re-read the part you snipped?

The small piece of code can obviously be written imperatively, but the
point of the example was not to print a bunch of squares.

Lie Ryan

Feb 19, 2010, 10:05:04 PM2/19/10
On 02/19/10 14:57, Steve Howell wrote:
> In a more real world example, the intermediate results would be
> something like this:
> departments
> departments_in_new_york
> departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> employees_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle
> names_of_employee_in_departments_in_new_york_not_on_bonus_cycle

I fare better, in less than ten-seconds thinking:


as a bonus, they would be much more resilient when there are change of
eligibility requirements.

Names doesn't have to exactly describe what's in it; in fact, if your
names is way too descriptive, it may take significantly more brain-cycle
to parse. A good name abstracts the objects contained in it.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 20, 2010, 6:28:17 AM2/20/10
In message <>, Ben Finney wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:
>> In message <hlhdsi$2pn$>, cjw wrote:
>> > Aren't lambda forms better described as function?
>> Is this a function?
>> lambda : None
>> What about this?
>> lambda : sys.stdout.write("hi there!\n")
> They are both lambda forms in Python. As a Python expression, they
> evaluate to (they “return”) a function object.

So there is no distinction between functions and procedures, then?

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 20, 2010, 6:29:20 AM2/20/10
In message <84166541-c10a-47b5-ae5b->, Steve Howell wrote:

> Some people make the definition of function more restrictive--"if it
> has side effects, it is not a function."

Does changing the contents of CPU cache count as a side-effect?

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 20, 2010, 6:30:26 AM2/20/10
In message <op.u8at0suda8ncjz@gnudebst>, Rhodri James wrote:

> In classic Pascal, a procedure was distinct from a function in that it had
> no return value. The concept doesn't really apply in Python; there are no
> procedures in that sense, since if a function terminates without supplying
> an explicit return value it returns None.

If Python doesn’t distinguish between procedures and functions, why should
it distinguish between statements and expressions?

Ben Finney

Feb 20, 2010, 7:02:18 AM2/20/10
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:

> So there is no distinction between functions and procedures, then?

In Python, no.

\ “When we pray to God we must be seeking nothing — nothing.” |
`\ —Saint Francis of Assisi |
_o__) |
Ben Finney

Ben Finney

Feb 20, 2010, 7:04:00 AM2/20/10
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:

> If Python doesn’t distinguish between procedures and functions, why
> should it distinguish between statements and expressions?

I don't see the connection between those two predicates. Why does the
former matter when determining the “should” of the latter?

\ “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Wuh, I think |
`\ so, Brain, but wouldn't anything lose its flavor on the bedpost |
_o__) overnight?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

Feb 20, 2010, 7:13:36 AM2/20/10
On Feb 20, 1:28 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:

> In message <>, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:
> >> In message <hlhdsi$>, cjw wrote:
> >> > Aren't lambda forms better described as function?
> >> Is this a function?
> >>     lambda : None
> >> What about this?
> >>     lambda : sys.stdout.write("hi there!\n")
> > They are both lambda forms in Python. As a Python expression, they
> > evaluate to (they “return”) a function object.
> So there is no distinction between functions and procedures, then?

Not in most modern languages, no. i think the major places they are
differentiated are in functional languages and in pre-1993ish
languages (give or take a few years), neither of which applies to
Python or Ruby.

Steve Holden

Feb 20, 2010, 7:12:55 AM2/20/10
Ben Finney wrote:
> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:
>> If Python doesn’t distinguish between procedures and functions, why
>> should it distinguish between statements and expressions?
> I don't see the connection between those two predicates. Why does the
> former matter when determining the “should” of the latter?
Because s similar dichotomy exists between the two pairs.

Procedure <= function not returning a value
Statement <= expression not returning a value

Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC

Feb 20, 2010, 7:17:10 AM2/20/10
On Feb 20, 1:30 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-

Because the latter are different in Python (and in Ruby, and in most
modern languages), while the former aren't distinguished in Python or
Ruby or most modern languages? Primarily functional languages are the
main exception, but other than them it's pretty uncommon to find any
modern language that does distinguish procedures and functions, or one
that doesn't distinguished statements and expressions.

You can certainly find exceptions, but distinguishing statements and
expressions is absolutely commonplace in modern languages, and
distinguishing functions and procedures is in the minority.

Lie Ryan

Feb 20, 2010, 7:16:02 AM2/20/10

There are non-trivial languages that have been made without procedures
and statements and non-trivial programs written on those languages.
There is technically no need for a lambda that supports statements;
someone could simply write a full-blown Monad framework and all of the
things required for IO Monad and all their syntax sugars up to near a
level of Haskell. Then we can do away with 'def's and all the statements
or make them syntax sugar for the Monads.

Now, why don't we start a PEP to make python a fully-functional language

Lie Ryan

Feb 20, 2010, 7:24:13 AM2/20/10
On 02/20/10 18:17, wrote:
> On Feb 20, 1:30 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
> central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
>> In message <op.u8at0suda8ncjz@gnudebst>, Rhodri James wrote:
>>> In classic Pascal, a procedure was distinct from a function in that it had
>>> no return value. The concept doesn't really apply in Python; there are no
>>> procedures in that sense, since if a function terminates without supplying
>>> an explicit return value it returns None.
>> If Python doesn�t distinguish between procedures and functions, why should

>> it distinguish between statements and expressions?
> Because the latter are different in Python (and in Ruby, and in most
> modern languages), while the former aren't distinguished in Python or
> Ruby or most modern languages? Primarily functional languages are the
> main exception, but other than them it's pretty uncommon to find any
> modern language that does distinguish procedures and functions, or one
> that doesn't distinguished statements and expressions.
> You can certainly find exceptions, but distinguishing statements and
> expressions is absolutely commonplace in modern languages, and
> distinguishing functions and procedures is in the minority.

But it all boils down to "Although practicality beats purity."

Carl Banks

Feb 20, 2010, 7:30:21 AM2/20/10
On Feb 19, 10:30 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-

Because the real world works is more complex than simplified one-
sentence generalizations.

Carl Bnkas

Carl Banks

Feb 20, 2010, 7:36:10 AM2/20/10
On Feb 19, 11:12 pm, Steve Holden <> wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:
> >> If Python doesn’t distinguish between procedures and functions, why
> >> should it distinguish between statements and expressions?
> > I don't see the connection between those two predicates. Why does the
> > former matter when determining the “should” of the latter?
> Because s similar dichotomy exists between the two pairs.
> Procedure <= function not returning a value
> Statement <= expression not returning a value

So if your language distinguishes between procedures and functions, it
manifestly has to distinguish between statements and expressions, but
there's no reason that the converse has to be true, expecially if an
expression is a legal statement.

Carl Banks

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 20, 2010, 7:53:55 AM2/20/10
to Lie Ryan,
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
> Now, why don't we start a PEP to make python a fully-functional language
> then?

Because people don't think the same way that programs are written in
functional languages.

Jonathan Gardner

Chris Rebert

Feb 20, 2010, 8:44:10 AM2/20/10
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:17 PM,
<> wrote:
> On Feb 20, 1:30 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
> central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
>> If Python doesn’t distinguish between procedures and functions, why should
>> it distinguish between statements and expressions?
> Because the latter are different in Python (and in Ruby

I think your Ruby assertion needs fact-checking:

irb(main):001:0> a = 7 # assignments have a value
=> 7
irb(main):002:0> puts(b = 42) # as further proof
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> b
=> 42
irb(main):004:0> c = [6,4,5]
=> [6, 4, 5]
irb(main):005:0> if false
irb(main):006:1> c.reverse!
irb(main):007:1> else
irb(main):008:1* c.sort!
irb(main):009:1> end # even the if-else control structure has a value
=> [4, 5, 6]
irb(main):010:0> begin # same with exception handling
irb(main):011:1* raise "a runtime error"
irb(main):012:1> rescue RuntimeError
irb(main):013:1> "sounds bad"
irb(main):014:1> end
=> "sounds bad"
irb(main):015:0> def foo # and same with method bodies
irb(main):016:1> 99
irb(main):017:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):018:0> foo
=> 99

Quoth Wikipedia regarding Ruby (programming language):
"For practical purposes there is no distinction between expressions
and statements"


Michael Sparks

Feb 20, 2010, 2:13:06 PM2/20/10
On Feb 18, 4:15 pm, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>     def print_numbers()
>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|

>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>         }.map { |square, cube|
>             cube
>         }.each { |n|
>             puts n
>         }
>     end

This strikes me as a terrible example. For example, this is
significantly clearer:
def print_numbers()
for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
square, cube = n * n, n * n * n
if square != 25 and cube != 64:
print n

I /can/ see arguments for ruby style blocks in python, but not for
this sort of thing, or lisp style quoted expressions[1]. ie I can see
situations where you have more complex code in real life where they
will definitely simplify things.

[1] This is perhaps more appropriate because '(a b c) is equivalent
to (quote a b c), and quote a b c can be viewed as close to
python's expression "lambda: a b c"

However, I can also see that in simple situations - such as the
example you post - they will have a tendency to make code
significantly less clear/direct.

I suppose, if I have a choice between something (hard being possible &
simple code looking simple) and (hard things being simpler & simple
things looking harder), I'd probably personally choose the former.
This is not because I don't like hard things being simple, but because
I think that simple things are more common and making them look harder
is a mistake.

I'm well aware that's opinion however,



Steve Howell

Feb 20, 2010, 4:41:10 PM2/20/10
On Feb 20, 6:13 am, Michael Sparks <> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 4:15 pm, Steve Howell <> wrote:
> ...
> >     def print_numbers()
> >         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
> >             [n * n, n * n * n]
> >         }.reject { |square, cube|
> >             square == 25 || cube == 64
> >         }.map { |square, cube|
> >             cube
> >         }.each { |n|
> >             puts n
> >         }
> >     end
> This strikes me as a terrible example. For example, this is
> significantly clearer:
>     def print_numbers()
>         for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
>             square, cube = n * n, n * n * n
>             if square != 25 and cube != 64:
>                 print n

This is not an exact translation. My example prints the cubes. It is
my fault for using "n" as the parameter in the last block. I would
rename the parameter to cube.

> I /can/ see arguments for ruby style blocks in python, but not for
> this sort of thing, or lisp style quoted expressions[1]. ie I can see
> situations where you have more complex code in real life where they
> will definitely simplify things.
> [1] This is perhaps more appropriate because '(a b c) is equivalent
>     to (quote a b c), and quote a b c can be viewed as close to
>     python's expression "lambda: a b c"
> However, I can also see that in simple situations - such as the
> example you post - they will have a tendency to make code
> significantly less clear/direct.
> I suppose, if I have a choice between something (hard being possible &
> simple code looking simple) and (hard things being simpler & simple
> things looking harder), I'd probably personally choose the former.
> This is not because I don't like hard things being simple, but because
> I think that simple things are more common and making them look harder
> is a mistake.

I agree with much of what you are saying. The example is indeed
terribly contrived.

I'm not sure I agree that there is anything unclear or undirect about
the Ruby, though. I've been fairly immersed in Ruby code, so maybe
it's been warping my brain, but once you get over the unfamiliarity of
the syntax, you see that there's actually a rhythm to the code.

Setting aside punctuation and parameter lists, the code clearly
expresses the transformations and actions in the natural order that
you'd do them:

LIST map

In English, for the list elements, map them to tuples of squares and
cubes, reject the oddballs, take the cube, and print it out.

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
[n * n, n * n * n]
}.reject { |square, cube|
square == 25 || cube == 64
}.map { |square, cube|

}.each { |cube|
puts cube

For such a small problem, I agree it's verbose. But it's also
completely flat--you don't need to use an "if" statement to express
the concept of rejection.

John Bokma

Feb 21, 2010, 6:22:30 PM2/21/10
Jonathan Gardner <> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
>> Now, why don't we start a PEP to make python a fully-functional language
>> then?
> Because people don't think the same way that programs are written in
> functional languages.

Heh! When I learned Miranda it felt natural to me. Prolog on the other

In short: I am afraid you're overgeneralizing here; it depends on one's
background. If not, citation needed ;-)

John Bokma j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 22, 2010, 8:00:19 PM2/22/10
to John Bokma,
On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM, John Bokma <> wrote:
> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
>>> Now, why don't we start a PEP to make python a fully-functional language
>>> then?
>> Because people don't think the same way that programs are written in
>> functional languages.
> Heh! When I learned Miranda it felt natural to me. Prolog on the other
> hand...
> In short: I am afraid you're overgeneralizing here; it depends on one's
> background. If not, citation needed ;-)

Unfortunately, this is something that is hardly measurable. Short of a
survey (of whom? of what?), there can be no objective evaluation. To
date, I don't know of any such studies or surveys.

I won't deny that really smart people enjoy the challenge of
programming in a functional style, and some even find it easier to
work with. However, when it comes to readability and maintenance, I
appreciate the statement-based programming style, simply because it's
easier for me to understand an debug.

Jonathan Gardner

Paul Rubin

Feb 22, 2010, 8:07:30 PM2/22/10
Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
> I won't deny that really smart people enjoy the challenge of
> programming in a functional style, and some even find it easier to
> work with. However, when it comes to readability and maintenance, I
> appreciate the statement-based programming style, simply because it's
> easier for me to understand an debug.

One thing those people are after is programs that work properly the
first time they are run, and thus don't need debugging. They achieve
that a surprising amount of the time.

John Bokma

Feb 22, 2010, 8:31:18 PM2/22/10
Jonathan Gardner <> writes:

> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM, John Bokma <> wrote:
>> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
>>>> Now, why don't we start a PEP to make python a fully-functional language
>>>> then?
>>> Because people don't think the same way that programs are written in
>>> functional languages.
>> Heh! When I learned Miranda it felt natural to me. Prolog on the other
>> hand...
>> In short: I am afraid you're overgeneralizing here; it depends on one's
>> background. If not, citation needed ;-)
> Unfortunately, this is something that is hardly measurable. Short of a
> survey (of whom? of what?), there can be no objective evaluation. To
> date, I don't know of any such studies or surveys.
> I won't deny that really smart people enjoy the challenge of
> programming in a functional style, and some even find it easier to
> work with. However, when it comes to readability and maintenance, I
> appreciate the statement-based programming style, simply because it's
> easier for me to understand an debug.

In my class there where basically 2 groups of people: the ones who got
functional programming and the ones who had a hard time with it. The
latter group consisted mostly of people who had been programming in
languages like C and Pascal for years; they had a hard time thinking
functionally. The former group consisted mostly of people who had little
or no programming experience, with a few exceptions (including me :-) ).

So I have the feeling it has more to do with your background then how
people think / are wired.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 22, 2010, 11:00:48 PM2/22/10
In message <>, wrote:

So they are worth distinguishing where they are distinguished, except where
they’re not?

Paul Rubin

Feb 22, 2010, 11:00:08 PM2/22/10
John Bokma <> writes:
> In my class there where basically 2 groups of people: the ones who got
> functional programming and the ones who had a hard time with it. The
> latter group consisted mostly of people who had been programming in
> languages like C and Pascal for years; they had a hard time thinking
> functionally.

I've heard it expressed this way (paraphrased): functional programming
has a steep unlearning curve.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 23, 2010, 3:10:03 AM2/23/10
In message
<>, Michael
Sparks wrote:

> [1] This is perhaps more appropriate because '(a b c) is equivalent
> to (quote a b c), and quote a b c can be viewed as close to
> python's expression "lambda: a b c"

You got to be kidding.

Jonathan Gardner

Feb 23, 2010, 4:35:15 AM2/23/10
to John Bokma,
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:31 PM, John Bokma <> wrote:
> In my class there where basically 2 groups of people: the ones who got
> functional programming and the ones who had a hard time with it. The
> latter group consisted mostly of people who had been programming in
> languages like C and Pascal for years; they had a hard time thinking
> functionally. The former group consisted mostly of people who had little
> or no programming experience, with a few exceptions (including me :-) ).
> So I have the feeling it has more to do with your background then how
> people think / are wired.

That's encouraging. If functional programming is really more natural
to those who are less familiar with math and programming, then perhaps
there is a future for it.

Unfortunately, I don't know that just knowing how to program
functionally is enough. Even the functional folks have a hard time
optimizing routines (time or memory). Even with DBAs, they have to
know how the functional SQL query is translated into discrete machine

As it is now, the vast majority (all?) of the programmers who do any
programming seriously are familiar with the statement-based approach.
A minority understand let alone appreciate the functional approach.

Jonathan Gardner

Steve Howell

Feb 23, 2010, 5:11:25 AM2/23/10
On Feb 22, 8:35 pm, Jonathan Gardner <>

Hi Jonathon. I understand three major programming paradigms--
imperative, OO, and functional. My first instinct is always
imperative, as I just want the computer to *do* stuff.

I am not an expert in any paradigm and it is possible that I am
overlooking other major paradigms.

My gut instinct is that functional programming works well for lots of
medium sized problems and it is worth learning.

Paul Rubin

Feb 23, 2010, 5:06:32 AM2/23/10
Steve Howell <> writes:
> My gut instinct is that functional programming works well for lots of
> medium sized problems and it is worth learning.

I think it's worth learning because it will make you a better programmer
even if you never use it for anything beyond academic exercises. It's
just like playing Bach fugues in some of your practice hours will make
you a better musician even if you are professionally a heavy metal rock

Steve Howell

Feb 23, 2010, 5:17:36 AM2/23/10

Sorry for misspelling your name, and yes I agree that you always want
some notion of what happens under the covers (in any paradigm).

Steve Howell

Feb 23, 2010, 5:27:04 AM2/23/10
On Feb 22, 9:06 pm, Paul Rubin <no.em...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

Well said, and your analogy is based in fact--some pretty awesome rock
guitarists have training in classical and jazz.

Alf P. Steinbach

Feb 23, 2010, 6:03:00 AM2/23/10
* Paul Rubin:

Uhm, Paganini...

As I understand it he invented the "destroy your instruments on stage". :-)


- Alf (off-topic)

Anh Hai Trinh

Feb 23, 2010, 2:59:40 PM2/23/10
On Feb 23, 1:03 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:
> Uhm, Paganini...
> As I understand it he invented the "destroy your instruments on stage". :-)
> Cheers,
> - Alf (off-topic)

You probably meant Franz Liszt, who regularly broke piano strings.
Paganini was also a "rock-star" virtuoso but he did not destroy any
Guarnerius or Stradivarius violins in his possession (at least not to
anyone's knowledge :)

As for functional programming, different people take it to mean
different things. For some, simply using first-class functions
qualifies as functional programming. Others require their functions
to be pure so that their call graphs can be automatically reduced and
their results can be lazily evaluated. If you takes the former view,
most Python programmers already do functional programming :p


Timothy N. Tsvetkov

Feb 23, 2010, 7:09:10 PM2/23/10
On Feb 16, 10:41 pm, Andrej Mitrovic <>
> On Feb 16, 7:38 pm, Casey Hawthorne <>
> wrote:
> > Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to
> > have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Casey
> Gary's friend Geoffrey Grosenbach says in his blog post (which Gary
> linked to): "Python has no comparable equivalent to Ruby’s do end
> block. Python lambdas are limited to one line and can’t contain
> statements (for, if, def, etc.). Which leaves me wondering, what’s the
> point?"
> I'm sorry, lambda's do support if's and for's. Also, lambda's are
> expressions, not statements, but you can pass them around, keep them
> in a dictionary if you want to. And if you need more than one line of
> statements, for crying out loud use a def? And who needs those "do-
> end" blocks anyway, trying to turn Python into Pascal?

I think there are some nice use-cases for anonymous functions /
blocks. First, mentioned above, is pretty DSL. And the second is using
blocks in map/reduce functions. Yes, you can pass there a function but
I believe that in most situations it is more readable to pass a
multiline anonymous function / block than defined somewhere function
written only for a single map/reduce operation. And often when you use
reduce it is a bit more complicated then just one line function.

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