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Non Continuous Subsequences

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Jul 30, 2008, 12:32:25 PM7/30/08
This post is not about practical stuff, so if you have little time,
you may ignore it.

This is a task of the site:

A subsequence contains some subset of the elements of this sequence,
in the same order. A continuous subsequence is one in which no
elements are missing between the first and last elements of the
subsequence. The task is to enumerate all non-continuous subsequences
for a given sequence.

Translating the Scheme code to Python was easy (and I think this is
quite more readable than the Scheme version):

def ncsub(seq, s=0):
if seq:
x = seq[:1]
xs = seq[1:]
p2 = s % 2
p1 = not p2
return [x + ys for ys in ncsub(xs, s + p1)] + ncsub(xs, s +
return [[]] if s >= 3 else []


>>> ncsub(range(1, 4))
[[1, 3]]
>>> ncsub(range(1, 5))
[[1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4]]
>>> ncsub(range(1, 6))
[[1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 4, 5], [1,
3, 4], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3], [1, 4, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5], [2, 3, 5], [2, 4,
5], [2, 4], [2, 5], [3, 5]]

To test its speed I use this:

from sys import argv

def ncsub(seq, s=0):
if seq:
x = seq[:1]
xs = seq[1:]
p2 = s % 2
p1 = not p2
return [x + ys for ys in ncsub(xs, s + p1)] + ncsub(xs, s +
return [[]] if s >= 3 else []

import psyco; psyco.bind(ncsub)
print len( ncsub(range(1, int(argv[1]))) )

On a 2 GHz CPU it needs 6.4s with n=20 (the output contains 524_097
sublists!), and 7.8s without Psyco, so I think the speed isn't bad.

With the libs I have written for D, translating the Python code is not
difficult (with n=20 it runs in 3.72s with the last DMD compiler):

import d.all;

T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq, int s=0) {
if (seq.length) {
T[] xs = seq[1..$];
int p2 = s % 2;
int p1 = !p2;
return map((T[] ys){return seq[0]~ys;}, ncsub(xs, s+p1)) ~
ncsub(xs, s+p2);
} else
return s >= 3 ? [DA!(T)] : null;

void main() {
foreach (m; xrange(4, 7))
putr(ncsub(range(1, m)));

But with normal D the program is short enough anyway (but a slower to
run (4.7s with n=20) and faster to compile, about 0.1s with full
optimizations and about 0.07s without):

import std.stdio: writefln;

T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq, int s=0) {
if (seq.length) {
T[][] aux;
foreach (ys; ncsub(seq[1..$], s + !(s % 2)))
aux ~= seq[0] ~ ys;
return aux ~ ncsub(seq[1..$], s + s % 2);
} else
return s >= 3 ? [new T[0]] : null;

void main() {
writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3]));
writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3, 4]));
writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

The Scheme version is eager, it comes from the first Haskell version,
that I think is lazy.

In Python the management of lazy iterables feels almost bolted-on
compared to Haskell, for example in Haskell lazy iterables don't
exhaust like in Python (because they are immutable), and while you
create a lazy list you can refer to the items already created.

But in many cases you can create a lazy code in Python too, even if
that may be harder. So I have tried to create a lazy version for
Python, hoping to speed up the code avoiding the creation and joining
of most/all sublists, but I have failed so far (once I have created a
lazy Python version, I can probably create a short lazy version in D
too, my D libs contain most of itertools module too).

In my failed attempts I have used chain() to join the sublists,
islice() to slice their items, and iter() to make the management more
uniform when the input seq is a Python list instead of an xrange, etc.


if seq:

can be replaced by something like:

x =
except StopIteration:

If you have some time to waste you may suggest me how to write a lazy
version in Python :-)


Bruce Frederiksen

Jul 31, 2008, 12:36:05 PM7/31/08

> <snip>

> But in many cases you can create a lazy code in Python too, even if
> that may be harder. So I have tried to create a lazy version for
> Python, hoping to speed up the code avoiding the creation and joining
> of most/all sublists, but I have failed so far (once I have created a
> lazy Python version, I can probably create a short lazy version in D
> too, my D libs contain most of itertools module too).
> In my failed attempts I have used chain() to join the sublists,
> islice() to slice their items, and iter() to make the management more
> uniform when the input seq is a Python list instead of an xrange, etc.

Try this:

import itertools

def ncsub(seq, s = 0):

if seq:
x = seq[:1]
xs = seq[1:]
p2 = s % 2

p1 = 1 - p2
return itertools.chain(
itertools.imap(lambda ys: x + ys, ncsub(xs, s + p1)),
ncsub(xs, s + p2))

return [[]] if s >= 3 else []

>>> ncsub(range(1, 4))
<itertools.chain object at 0xb7de528c>
>>> list(ncsub(range(1, 4)))
[[1, 3]]
>>> list(ncsub(range(1, 5)))

[[1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4]]

>>> list(ncsub(range(1, 6)))

Jul 31, 2008, 1:43:11 PM7/31/08
Bruce Frederiksen:

Your solution is a bit different from what I was thinking about (I was
thinking about a generator function, with yield), but it works.

This line:

> return itertools.chain(
> itertools.imap(lambda ys: x + ys, ncsub(xs, s + p1)),
> ncsub(xs, s + p2))

Can be written in a simpler way:
return chain((x + ys for ys in ncsub(xs, s + p1)), ncsub(xs, s + p2))

I'll think more about all this,
bye and thank you,


Jul 31, 2008, 1:46:50 PM7/31/08
On Jul 30, 11:32 am, wrote:
> This post is not about practical stuff, so if you have little time,
> you may ignore it.
> This is a task of the site:
> A subsequence contains some subset of the elements of this sequence,
> in the same order. A continuous subsequence is one in which no
> elements are missing between the first and last elements of the
> subsequence. The task is to enumerate all non-continuous subsequences
> for a given sequence.

That's equivalent to asking which n-bit binary numbers have
at least one 0 bracketed by 1s, isn't it?

import gmpy
import re

for i in xrange(32):
s = gmpy.digits(i,2).zfill(5) # convert to base 2 (padded)
m ='10+1',s) # at least one 0 between 1s
if m:
z = [j+1 for j,i in enumerate(s) if i=='1']
print z

## [3, 5]
## [2, 5]
## [2, 4]
## [2, 4, 5]
## [2, 3, 5]
## [1, 5]
## [1, 4]
## [1, 4, 5]
## [1, 3]
## [1, 3, 5]
## [1, 3, 4]
## [1, 3, 4, 5]
## [1, 2, 5]
## [1, 2, 4]
## [1, 2, 4, 5]
## [1, 2, 3, 5]

Kay Schluehr

Jul 31, 2008, 5:19:32 PM7/31/08
Here is an evil imperative, non-recursive generator:

def ncsub(seq):
n = len(seq)
R = xrange(n+1)
for i in xrange(1,2**n):
S = []
nc = False
for j in R:
k = i>>j
if k == 0:
if nc:
yield S
elif k%2 == 1:
elif S:
nc = True

And here is a cython version without yield expression which won't work
with cython:

def ncsub(seq):
n = len(seq)
cdef int i,j,k,nc
res = []
R = xrange(n+1)
for i in xrange(1,2**n):
S = []
nc = False
for j in R:
k = i>>j
if k == 0:
if nc:
elif k%2 == 1:
elif S:
nc = True
return res

Application: list(ncsub(range(19)))

On my 1.5GHz notebook your original version needed 11.2s ( psyco
version = 9.5s), my pure Python generator got it in 7.75s and the
cython version in 2.3s.

[Yes, I have too much time...]

Jul 31, 2008, 9:56:45 PM7/31/08
Kay Schluehr:

>[Yes, I have too much time...]

Thank you for your code. If you allow me to, I may put some code
derived from yours back into the site.

>Here is an evil imperative, non-recursive generator:

I like imperative, non-recursive code :-)

If you count the number of items of the results, you find the sequence
The series grows as:
lambda n: sum(C(n, k) for k in xrange(3, n+1))

I have modified your code a little, here and there, so I can show it
again. Here are some timings.

n = 19 => result = 261_972 subs
n = 21 => result = 1_048_365 subs

Timings, seconds, best of 3:
N=19 N=21
v1: 2.51 17.88
v2: 0.63 3.58
v3: 2.47 10.65
v4: 0.61 3.55
v5: 0.84 5.45
v6: 0.64 2.67
v7: 0.58 3.07
v8: 0.44 1.83
v9: 0.07 0.21
v10: 2.22 9.58

v9 computes the 67_108_512 subs of n=27 in 14.54 s.

The versions:
v1) original eager Python+Psyco version
v2) eager Python+Psyco version
v3) lazy Python version
v4) eager Python+Psyco version plus optimization
v5) eager D version with my libs
v6) lazy D version with my libs
v7) eager D version without my libs plus optimization
v8) lazy D version without my libs
v9) lazy D version without my libs, no allocations
10) lazy Python version, no allocations

Used DMD compiler V.1.033 with:
-O -release -inline
Python 2.5.2, Psyco 1.5.2.

Some comments:
- The current Python GC manages memory more efficienty than the
current default D GC. This is a known issue, D is a much younger
language, and there are various different situations (not just
regarding its GC) where it's slower (for example regarding I/O,
associative arrays, etc).
- Being compiled, and having a very light iteration protocol, D is
much faster in the lazy version. Avoiding to allocate new memory
reduces total time a lot.
- In D when n is small the eager version is faster, but things change
with n is large, because this time the allocation time and the cache
misses start to dominate.
- The Python version doesn't improve much when you know much long the
result is, while the D version improves significantly. This because
the list append in Python is much more efficient than in D. Python is
a much more refined language, and despite D supposed to be a fast
compiled "to the metal" system language, it's often not faster. For
example Python dicts are often faster than D AAs. D is currently in
quick development so its data structures and many details aren't
optimized. Python is much older and its data structures are well
optized, lot of smart people has made them fast.
- If you avoid memory allocation in D you can generally go quite fast.
- Comparing different languages like this is useful for D, because
it's young, and doing such comparisons I have found many performance
problems in it, sometimes they have even being discussed, understood,
- In D another possible output is an uint (integer not signed always
32 bits), where the bits = 1 are the items in the current subset. This
may be fast enough.




# 1) original eager Python+Psyco version

from sys import argv

def ncsub(seq, s=0):
if seq:
x = seq[:1]
xs = seq[1:]
p2 = s % 2
p1 = not p2
return [x + ys for ys in ncsub(xs, s + p1)] + ncsub(xs, s +
return [[]] if s >= 3 else []

import psyco; psyco.bind(ncsub)
n = 10 if len(argv) < 2 else int(argv[1])
print len( ncsub(range(1, n)) )


# 2) eager Python+Psyco version

from sys import argv

def ncsub(seq):
n = len(seq)

res = []
for i in xrange(1, 2 ** n):

S = []
nc = False

for j in xrange(n + 1):

k = i >> j
if k == 0:
if nc:

elif k % 2:

elif S:
nc = True
return res

import psyco; psyco.bind(ncsub)
n = 10 if len(argv) < 2 else int(argv[1])
print len( ncsub(range(1, n)) )


# 3) lazy Python version
# Psyco not used because makes it slower

from sys import argv

def leniter(iterator):
nelements = 0
for _ in iterator:
nelements += 1
return nelements

def ncsub(seq):
n = len(seq)

for i in xrange(1, 2 ** n):

S = []
nc = False

for j in xrange(n + 1):

k = i >> j
if k == 0:
if nc:
yield S

elif k % 2:

elif S:
nc = True

n = 10 if len(argv) < 2 else int(argv[1])
print leniter( ncsub(range(1, n)) )


# 4) eager Python+Psyco version plus optimization

def C(n, k):
result = 1
for d in xrange(1, k+1):
result *= n
n -= 1
result /= d
return result

nsubs = lambda n: sum(C(n, k) for k in xrange(3, n+1))

def ncsub(seq):
n = len(seq)

result = [None] * nsubs(n)
pos = 0

for i in xrange(1, 2 ** n):

S = []
nc = False

for j in xrange(n + 1):

k = i >> j
if k == 0:
if nc:

result[pos] = S
pos += 1
elif k % 2:

elif S:
nc = True

return result

from sys import argv
import psyco; psyco.full()

n = 10 if len(argv) < 2 else int(argv[1])
print len( ncsub(range(1, n)) )


// 5) eager D version with my libs
// all the D code is generic (templated)

import d.all, std.conv;

T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq) {
int n = len(seq);
T[][] result;
auto R = xrange(n + 1);
foreach (i; xrange(1, 1 << n)) {
T[] S;
bool nc = false;
foreach (j; R) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc)
result ~= S;
} else if (k % 2)
S ~= seq[j];
else if (S.length)
nc = true;
return result;

void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;
putr( len( ncsub(range(1, n)) ) );


// 6) lazy D version with my libs

import d.all, std.conv;

struct Ncsub(T) {
T[] seq;
void generator() {
int n = len(seq);
foreach (i; xrange(1, 1 << n)) {
T[] S;
bool nc = false;
foreach (j; xrange(n + 1)) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc)
} else if (k % 2)
S ~= seq[j];
else if (S.length)
nc = true;
mixin Generator!(T[]);

void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;
putr( len( Ncsub!(int)(range(1, n)) ) );


// 7) eager D version without my libs plus optimization

import std.stdio: putr = writefln;
import std.conv: toInt;

long C(long n, long k) {
long result = 1;
for (long d = 1; d < k+1; d++) {
result *= n;
result /= d;
return result;

long nsubs(long n) {
long tot = 0;
for (int k = 3; k <= n; k++)
tot += C(n, k);
return tot;

T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq) {
auto result = new T[][nsubs(seq.length)];
int pos;
for (int i = 1; i < (1 << seq.length); i++) {
T[] S;
bool nc = false;
for (int j; j < seq.length + 1; j++) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc)
result[pos++] = S;
} else if (k % 2)
S ~= seq[j];
else if (S.length)
nc = true;
return result;

void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;

auto range = new int[n - 1];
foreach (i, ref el; range)
el = i + 1;

putr( ncsub(range).length );


// 8) lazy D version without my libs

import std.conv: toInt;
import std.stdio: putr = writefln;

struct Ncsub(T) {
T[] seq;

int opApply(int delegate(ref int[]) dg) {
int result, n = seq.length;

for (int i = 1; i < (1 << seq.length); i++) {
T[] S;
bool nc = false;
for (int j; j < seq.length + 1; j++) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc) {
result = dg(S);
if (result)
break OUTER;
} else if (k % 2)
S ~= seq[j];
else if (S.length)
nc = true;

return result;

void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;

auto range = new int[n - 1];
foreach (i, ref el; range)
el = i + 1;

int count;
foreach (sub; Ncsub!(int)(range))


// 9) lazy D version without my libs, no allocations
// the slicing S[0..len_S] doesn't copy memory

import std.conv: toInt;
import std.stdio: putr = writefln;

struct Ncsub(T) {
T[] seq;

int opApply(int delegate(ref int[]) dg) {
int result, n = seq.length;
auto S = new int[n];

for (int i = 1; i < (1 << seq.length); i++) {
int len_S;
bool nc = false;
for (int j; j < seq.length + 1; j++) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc) {
T[] auxS = S[0 .. len_S];
result = dg(auxS);
if (result)
break OUTER;
} else if (k % 2)
S[len_S++] = seq[j];
else if (len_S)
nc = true;

return result;

void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;

auto range = new int[n - 1];
foreach (i, ref el; range)
el = i + 1;

int count;
foreach (sub; Ncsub!(int)(range))


# 10) lazy Python version, no allocations

from sys import argv

def leniter(iterator):
nelements = 0
for _ in iterator:
nelements += 1
return nelements

def ncsub(seq, S):
n = len(seq)
for i in xrange(1, 2 ** n):
lenS = 0
nc = False
for j in xrange(n + 1):

k = i >> j
if k == 0:
if nc:

yield lenS
elif k % 2:
S[lenS] = seq[j]
lenS += 1
elif lenS:
nc = True

n = 10 if len(argv) < 2 else int(argv[1])
s = [None] * (n-1)
print leniter( ncsub(range(1, n), s) )


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