I am looking for HTMLgen module but not to find this, the link
referenced in www.python.org it does not exist.
I have need to develop in cgi and would want to do it of the possible
traditional form but, i like any module for my help.
Thank a lot,
Caracas, Venezuela.
Since gentoo and debian (I think) were packaging it you can get it
from their package repositories.
Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown
> I am looking for HTMLgen module but not to find this, the link
> referenced in www.python.org it does not exist.
> I have need to develop in cgi and would want to do it of the possible
> traditional form but, i like any module for my help.
I like HyperText a lot more than HTMLGen - but it's no more available.
Both pyWeb <http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/pyweb/docs/> and XIST
<http://www.livinglogic.de/Python/xist/> have evolved from it.
But I prefer to use a templating system rather than building HTML by code
Gabriel Genellina
Thank a lote.
BTW, the newest version of XIST supports both (i.e. building HTML by
hand *and* a templating system). This templating system is even
crossplattform (currently Python and Java are supported).
Allow me to second this idea. I used to be a huge HTMLgen fan, and I built
several CGI web sites using it, but I am now convinced that a templating
solution is better in virtually every case.
Tim Roberts, ti...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.