>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> for x in a:
... if x == 3:
... a.remove(x)
... print x
>>> a
[1, 2, 4, 5]
Sure, the resulting list is correct. But 4 is never printed during the
What I was really trying to do was this:
apps = [name for name in os.listdir(ROOT) if
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ROOT, name))]
apptitles = {}
for name in apps:
app = __import__(name)
apptitles[name] = getattr(app, 'TITLE', name.title())
which worked fine, until I actually had a directory with no module in it.
Then that directory was correctly removed from the list, but the _next_
one was skipped, so its title was never assigned, which caused problems
later in the program.
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 -- pass it on
You have to iterate over a copy of 'a', so for x in a[:]. Modifying a
list while iterating over is a recipe for problems. (As it is in many
other programming languages.)
You should not change/modify the original sequence iterating over.
In the list comprehension, try changing os.listdir(ROOT) to
os.listdir(ROOT)[:] so you are get a copy of the original list.
If you're going to delete elements from
a list while iterating over it, then do
it in reverse order:
>>> a = [ 98, 99, 100 ]
>>> last_idx = len(a) - 1
>>> for i, x in enumerate(a[::-1]):
... if x == 99: del(a[last_idx - i])
... print x
>>> a
[98, 100]
Hope this helps,
Why so hard? Reversing it that way creates a copy, so you might as
well do:
>>> a = [ 98, 99, 100 ]
>>> for i, x in enumerate(a[:]):
... if x == 99: del(a[i])
... print x
Well ... you could use:
>>> for i in range(len(a)-1, -1, -1):
... print a[i]
... if a[i] == 3: del a[i]
>>> print a
[1, 2, 4, 5]
Why so hard?
>>> a = [ 98, 99, 100, 98, 99, 100 ]
>>> for i, x in enumerate(a[:]):
if x == 99: del(a[i])
>>> a
[98, 100, 98, 99]
oops! But:
>>> a = [ 98, 99, 100, 98, 99, 100 ]
>>> last_idx = len(a) - 1
>>> for i, x in enumerate(a[::-1]):
if x == 99: del(a[last_idx - i])
>>> a
[98, 100, 98, 100]
Reversing it works. Your code doesn't.
How about...
for name in apps:
app == __import__(name)
apptitles[name] = getattr(app, 'TITLE', name.title())
except ImportError:
# Remove apps with no title, ie those that didn't import.
apps = [name for name in apps if apptitles.get(name)]
Alternatives for the last line would be 'apps = filter(apptitles.get,
or 'apps = apptitles.keys()'.
Paul Hankin
Why so hard? :)
a = [x for x in a if x != 99]
OK, so this doesn't modify a in place.. but how often do you really
need to do that?
If I really had to modify it in place (and the condition wasn't really
x == 99), how about:
bad_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(a) if x == 99]
for bad_index in reversed(bad_indices):
del a[bad_index]
Paul Hankin
how about
>>> li = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> filter(lambda x: x != 3, li)
[1, 2, 4, 5]
I haven't measured it, but this should be the fast solution in all
the thread ...
li.remove(3) is probably faster.
But that only removes the first ocurrence of item==3.
In a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3], the filter solution will
efectively remove all items with value == 3 while li.remove(3) will
only remove the first ocurrence.
from itertools import ifilter
print [x for x in ifilter(lambda x: x != 99, li)]
Will this one be faster or slower than filter?
Hmm, interesting, I didn't realize that (shoulda checked the docs).
Or one could use the trick of counting from the right (untested):
n = len(a)
for i, x in enumerate(a):
if x == 99: del a[i-n]
Or one can put on his bellbottoms, horn-rimmed glasses, and wear a mullet:
i = 0
while i < len(a):
if a[i] == 99:
del a[i]
i += 1
Neil Cerutti <mr.cerut...@gmail.com>
def inplacefilter(pred, alist):
"""inplacefilter(pred, alist): filters the given list like
but works inplace, minimizing the used memory. It returns None.
>>> pr = lambda x: x > 2
>>> l = []
>>> inplacefilter(pr, l)
>>> l
>>> l = [1,2,2]
>>> inplacefilter(pr, l)
>>> l
>>> l = [3]
>>> inplacefilter(pr, l)
>>> l
>>> l = [1,2,3,1,5,1,6,0]
>>> r = filter(pr, l) # normal filter
>>> r
[3, 5, 6]
>>> inplacefilter(pr, l)
>>> r == l
slow = 0
for fast, item in enumerate(alist):
if pred(item):
if slow != fast:
alist[slow] = alist[fast]
slow += 1
del alist[slow:]
If you use Psyco you can replace the enumerate() with a manually
incremented counter to speed up the code a bit, like this (untested):
def inplacefilter(pred, alist):
slow = 0
fast = 0
for item in alist:
if pred(item):
if slow != fast:
alist[slow] = alist[fast]
slow += 1
fast += 1
del alist[slow:]
Quadratic time!! Yowch!! Back to the future:
def rocket_science(xs):
for x in xs:
if x != 99:
yield x
a[:] = list(rocket_science(a))
> n = len(a)
> for i, x in enumerate(a):
> if x == 99: del a[i-n]
Oops. That can't work. Don't know what I was thinking here. I
probably did had one mental refactoring too many...
<lamely>It's probably a fairly peppy quadratic operation though.</lamely>
Besides, wherever will I find plutonium or a bolt of lightning?
Neil Cerutti <mr.cerut...@gmail.com>
> Quadratic time!! Yowch!! Back to the future:
> def rocket_science(xs):
> for x in xs:
> if x != 99:
> yield x
> a[:] = list(rocket_science(a))
I call "useless use of list"!
a[:] = rocket_science(a)
> Anyone else noticed that the OP has not actually replied to any of the
> suggestions...
Sorry. I was just fascinated at the turns it was taking. But the first
answer was fine for me:
for name in apps[:]:
Thanks all.