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looking for a simple way to load a program from another python program..

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no leída,
13 ago 2006, 3:51:00 p.m.13/8/2006
I was looking for a simple way to load a simple python program from
another python program.

I tried


The file name is a csound instrument editor..

The error I am getting is

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\boa-constructor\test of
snake\", line 212, in OnCabelItems0Menu
NameError: global name 'cabel' is not defined
Localisation of messages is disabled, using default language.
time resolution is 279.365 ns

This is with cabel in the current directory. I have managed to use
import to run it but it will only do it once. I may be able to use the
exec commands but I don't want to exit the program I am using only to
run other programs and then exit. I would also perfer that cabel is in
it's own directory.

thanks in advance for any help

Simon Forman

no leída,
13 ago 2006, 4:46:25 p.m.13/8/2006

Read the docs: os.system() takes a string. You're calling it with an
uninitialized variable name. Unless you have something like "cabel =
'cabel'" somewhere before your call os.system() you can expect that

"import cabel" will only work once because python's module import
mechanism caches imported modules to save time when a script imports
them more than once. To force the module to be reloaded use the reload
function: "reload(cabel)"

os.system() docs:
(But see the subprocess module too:


Caleb Hattingh

no leída,
13 ago 2006, 4:48:05 p.m.13/8/2006
Hi Eric

Check that ".py" and ".pyw" are in your PATHEXT environment variable
(are you using Windows?). Then, if the folder that cabel is in is in
your PATH environment variable, and the correct association for .py
files is set up (i.e. they get run by python.exe),


should work.

Alternatively, you could not do any of those things, and run


with '' in the same folder as the parent script, and that
should work too, assuming that the path to your python executable is on
the PATH environment variable.

If you run other commands from python quite frequently, it is probably
a good idea to look into the "os.popen" set of commands, for more


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no leída,
13 ago 2006, 6:17:47 p.m.13/8/2006

import cabel and reload(cabel) seem to work fine. I am not sure why I
am having trouble with os.system, probily something to do with the
path. Is one better than the other when it comes to distributing
software?? Thanks for the help. Hopefully this message I get isn't
anything important.. (I will have to look into os.popen later.

Luis M. González

no leída,
13 ago 2006, 6:41:33 p.m.13/8/2006
Try this:

import os

This should work with any program or file, not only python ones.

Hope this helps,

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no leída,
14 ago 2006, 11:43:45 a.m.14/8/2006
para wrote:

I am new to Python coding myself, but I've found that the easiest way to
start another script from within a script, is to use the
execfile('') command.

There may be better ways of loading other Python scripts -- better ways that
I'm not yet aware of -- but execfile() works for me.

There are several things that I will never be:
* I will never be attracted to females.
* I will never enjoy the company of others.
Exactly how these realities bode for my enemy, is not of my concern.

Gabriel Genellina

no leída,
14 ago 2006, 5:40:26 p.m.14/8/2006
At Sunday 13/8/2006 16:51, wrote:

> I was looking for a simple way to load a simple python program from
>another python program.
>I tried
>The file name is a csound instrument editor..

>NameError: global name 'cabel' is not defined

Have you tried os.system("")

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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no leída,
14 ago 2006, 8:25:39 p.m.14/8/2006

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> At Sunday 13/8/2006 16:51, wrote:
> > I was looking for a simple way to load a simple python program from
> >another python program.
> >
> >I tried
> >
> >os.system(cabel)
> >
> >The file name is a csound instrument editor..
> >
> >NameError: global name 'cabel' is not defined
> Have you tried os.system("")
That did not seem to work, os.startfile worked great. I haven't tried
passing commands to csound with it yet but maybe os.sytem will work
better with that than it did python since I got the idea to use that to
pass arguments to them from a csound example. won't have time until
this weekend to try that though, or the exec(file)..

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