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British PL/I standard

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David Muxworthy

Aug 19, 2011, 10:33:41 AM8/19/11
There is a British Standard for PL/I which was copied from European
standard 26160:1989 which in turn was simply a copy of ISO 6160:1979.
BSI have just become aware that the European standard was withdrawn
some time ago and now propose withdrawing the BS. On the other hand
the ISO standard was reconfirmed as recently as 2008.

The BSI programming languages committee (IST/5) has not had a PL/I
representative since 1991. This message is therefore to ask if PL/I
users in the UK (are there any?) would be affected by withdrawal of
the BS. Obviously withdrawal would have no technical effect but just
could affect contracts.

Separately there is the PL/I General Purpose standard ISO 6522:1992,
also reconfirmed in 2008. BSI also standardized a copy of that but
still regard it as current.

David Muxworthy
(member of IST/5)


Aug 19, 2011, 12:59:56 PM8/19/11

BSI might want to look at updating the BS standards, in view of
significant enhancements to the language by IBM from 1994
to the present time.

Peter Flass

Aug 19, 2011, 2:21:12 PM8/19/11

Everyone should want to look at this, but I don't think anyone is going
to, unfortunately.

John Wood

Sep 9, 2011, 3:02:04 PM9/9/11
In article <j2ls83$3ln$>, David Muxworthy
<> writes
>The BSI programming languages committee (IST/5) has not had a PL/I
>representative since 1991. This message is therefore to ask if PL/I
>users in the UK (are there any?) would be affected by withdrawal of
>the BS. Obviously withdrawal would have no technical effect but just
>could affect contracts.

I am currently using PLI for my project work, just now it is Windows
based, and in the future I would prefer a Linux base, but I don't think
that a withdrawal of BS would affect me at all since I have had no
contracts either past or present which even mention British Standards.
John Wood Birmingham UK
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