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FAQ 6.3 How can I pull out lines between two patterns that are themselves on different lines?

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PerlFAQ Server

2006年2月18日 06:03:002006/2/18
This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq6.pod, which
comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to
reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community
to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete
perlfaq is at .


6.3: How can I pull out lines between two patterns that are themselves on different lines?

You can use Perl's somewhat exotic ".." operator (documented in perlop):

perl -ne 'print if /START/ .. /END/' file1 file2 ...

If you wanted text and not lines, you would use

perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n" while /START(.*?)END/gs' file1 file2 ...

But if you want nested occurrences of "START" through "END", you'll run
up against the problem described in the question in this section on
matching balanced text.

Here's another example of using "..":

while (<>) {
$in_header = 1 .. /^$/;
$in_body = /^$/ .. eof();
# now choose between them
} continue {
reset if eof(); # fix $.


The perlfaq-workers, a group of volunteers, maintain the perlfaq. They
are not necessarily experts in every domain where Perl might show up,
so please include as much information as possible and relevant in any
corrections. The perlfaq-workers also don't have access to every operating
system or platform, so please include relevant details for corrections
to examples that do not work on particular platforms. Working code is
greatly appreciated.

If you'd like to help maintain the perlfaq, see the details in perlfaq.pod.

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