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Rationale behind unwind-protect and double errors

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Ulrich Neumerkel

Jan 15, 2009, 3:18:27 PM1/15/09
When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
(e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
the protected-form.

Is there some rationale behind this behaviour? Why isn't
the protected-form preferred?

Raffael Cavallaro

Jan 15, 2009, 3:57:18 PM1/15/09
On 2009-01-15 15:18:27 -0500, (Ulrich
Neumerkel) said:

? (unwind-protect (error "protected-form error") (error "cleanup-form error"))
> Error: protected-form error
> While executing: CCL::CHEAP-EVAL-IN-ENVIRONMENT, in process Listener(5).
> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> Type :? for other options.
1 > :pop
> Error: cleanup-form error
> While executing: CCL::CHEAP-EVAL-IN-ENVIRONMENT, in process Listener(5).
> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> Type :? for other options.
1 > :pop

I see similar behavior in ecl, sbcl and lispworks.

Raffael Cavallaro, Ph.D.

Pascal J. Bourguignon

Jan 15, 2009, 4:34:33 PM1/15/09
to (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:

The preference is given to the cleanup-forms by all the conformant
implementations because it is specified so.

Events 2 and 3 are actually performed interleaved, in the order
corresponding to the reverse order in which they were
established. The effect of this is that the cleanup clauses of an
unwind-protect see the same dynamic bindings of variables and
catch tags as were visible when the unwind-protect was entered.

See also the various cll discussions on the subject:

[pjb@galatea :0.0 ~]$ clall '(catch :result (unwind-protect (throw :result 1) (throw :result 2)))'

CLISP 2.47 (2008-10-23) (built on galatea.local [])

Evaluation of
produced nothing on *STANDARD-OUTPUT*
produced nothing on *ERROR-OUTPUT*
produced no error
produced the following values:
--> 2

SBCL 1.0.22

Evaluation of
produced nothing on *STANDARD-OUTPUT*
produced nothing on *ERROR-OUTPUT*
produced no error
produced the following values:
--> 2

ECL 0.9i

Evaluation of
produced nothing on *STANDARD-OUTPUT*
produced nothing on *ERROR-OUTPUT*
produced no error
produced the following values:
--> 2

International Allegro CL Free Express Edition 8.1 [Mac OS X (Intel)] (Jun 29, 2008 13:34)

Evaluation of
produced nothing on *STANDARD-OUTPUT*
produced nothing on *ERROR-OUTPUT*
produced no error
produced the following values:
--> 2


__Pascal Bourguignon__

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 15, 2009, 5:11:15 PM1/15/09
On 2009-01-15, Ulrich Neumerkel <> wrote:
> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not

You can hardly do that what GCL does is Common Lisp behavior.

> the protected-form.

What do you mean by preference to the protected form?

They don't execute concurrently. You mean what if the cleanup form is being
executed because of a nonlocal exit in the protected form, and the cleanup form
decides to also perform a nonlocal exit?

Firstly, let's discuss the error (or, generally, condition) case. Signaling a
condition is not a control transfer. The search for a handler takes place
without terminating any forms. A handler may choose to perform a nonlocal exit
(for instance by invoking a restart).

Non-local exits may be performed by INVOKE-RESTART, GO, RETURN-FROM and THROW.

> Is there some rationale behind this behaviour? Why isn't
> the protected-form preferred?

It makes a lot of sense to abort the original control transfer if a cleanup
form invokes another one! What would it mean to continue the original control
transfer? That would require control transfer forms in cleanup bodies to have
no effect. What should be behavior of the following be:

(go end-a)
(print 1)
(if condition
(go end-b))
(print 2)
(print 3))
(print end-a)
(go end)
(print end-b)
(go end)

Let's suppose that CONDITION is true. And let's suppose that the protected
form is preferred; i.e. the control tranfer initiated by the protected form (GO
END-A) is not aborted by the execution of (GO END-B). So what does that mean?

Let's consider two possible designs:

Design 1:

(GO END-B) is simply ignored, and control passes into (PRINT

Design 2:

that (GO END-B) causes the dynamic control transfer which is currently in
progress to simply continue, so that (PRINT 2) (PRINT 3) are not performed, but
control simply passes to the label END-A?

I can see serious problems with both of these designs. Those problems stem from
the fact that (GO END-B) does not in fact go to the destination END-B.

The behavior is wrestled away from the (GO END-B) form by a ``spooky action at
a distance'' so to speak, leading to surprising behaviors.

If the programmer wants the behavior of Design 1 (control transfer is ignored),
he can simply not write any control transfer form into the cleanup body.

Any advantage of Design 2 could be achieved by instead giving the preference to
the control transfer escaping from the cleanup form, but providing a special
form called, say (RESUME) which could be used in a cleanup form to resume the
original control transfer, similar to the ``throw;'' construct in C++ for
re-throwing the current exception. I.e. the programmer would write (if
condition (resume)) which would mean, if the condition is true, then dont'
evaluate any more cleanup forms here, just continue with the control transfer.
But note that you can already express this idea like this:

(unless condition
... remaining cleanup forms)

I.e. if the condition is true, nothing more is done in the cleanup handler and
so control implicitly returns. You can also use a block, and so (RETURN) or
(RETURN-FROM) will give the functionality:

(unwind-protect protected-form
(block nil
(if condition
... rest ))

(Note that the (RETURN) is a dynamic control transfer, but it does not abort the
dynamic control transfer from the protected form. Why? Because its scope is
nested within that of the cleanup block; it does not escape. The new control
transfer only ``overtakes'' the outer one if it escapes from the cleanup block.)

So with the current design, you have all the flexibility and predictable

Some relevant sections in the CLHS are

5.3 The Data and Control Flow Dictionary (UNWIND-PROTECT)

``If a non-local exit occurs during execution of
cleanup-forms, no special action is taken.'')

5.2 Transfer of Control to an Exit Point.

5.3 The Data and Control Flow Dictionary (THROW)

Here is an example in which a cleanup form invokes another throw:

``The consequences of the following are undefined because the catch of b is
passed over by the first throw, hence portable programs must assume that its
dynamic extent is terminated. The binding of the catch tag is not yet
disestablished and therefore it is the target of the second throw.

(catch 'a
(catch 'b
(unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
(throw 'b 2))))


I.e. during the processing of (THROW 'A 1), the exit point (CATCH 'A ...) can
be identified and its dynamic extent can be terminated before the cleanup for
the UNWIND-PROTECT are invoked. This is because of the ordering of steps 1 and
2 in described in 5.2. The binding for the catch tag B is still visible, but
that exit point is no longer available. Our TAGBODY example doesn't have this
problem because the exit point for all the GO forms is established by the same
TAGBODY, which remains active, but the example illustrates that there are
potential pitfalls when trying to ``hijack'' an existing non-local return.

Depending on the exit point of the non-local return, the one you want to jump
from out of the cleanup for may be no longer available, and undefined behavior

So you see, if a cleanup form performs a non-local exist, the exit point must
not be one that intervened between the original non-local exit and /its/ exit
point! It must either be the same one as the target of the in-progress control
transfer that is being ``hijacked'', or it must be one which encloses that one.
So the new control transfer must either be nested within the cleanup form
entirely, or else if it escapes, it must go at least as far as the original.
The takeover of the original escape plan can only extend that escape plan; it
cannot cancel the escape plan! If you invoke a (THROW 'X ..) to a (CATCH X
...) somewhere, the CATCH is being terminated. If an intervening UNWIND-PROTECT
tries to prevent the CATCH from terminating, the behavior is undefined. An
intervening UNWIND-PROTECT can either initiate another (THROW 'X ...) to the
same catch, or a control transfer to something outside. Either way, the CATCH
will be terminated.

So in a very real sense, there is a preference given to the original control
transfer: it's distance cannot be rolled back.

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 15, 2009, 5:43:33 PM1/15/09
On 2009-01-15, Pascal J. Bourguignon <> wrote:
> (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:
>> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
>> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
>> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
>> the protected-form.
>> Is there some rationale behind this behaviour? Why isn't
>> the protected-form preferred?
> The preference is given to the cleanup-forms by all the conformant
> implementations because it is specified so.
> Events 2 and 3 are actually performed interleaved, in the order
> corresponding to the reverse order in which they were
> established. The effect of this is that the cleanup clauses of an
> unwind-protect see the same dynamic bindings of variables and
> catch tags as were visible when the unwind-protect was entered.

This text is actually only tangentially relevant to the issue.

Even though cleanup forms in the unwind protect see the same bindings for
places that catch dynamic control, those places may have already terminated
their extent as a result of Event 1.

The binding being visible does not define what happens if you actually use the

I quoted again the undefined-behavior example from the description of THROW:

(catch 'a
(catch 'b
(unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
(throw 'b 2))))

The THROW of B has the inner catch as destination, but that exit point is not
available because it was torn down during step 1 of the processing of the THROW
of A (it is an intervening exit point in the pat of that transfer).

The upshot is that cleanup clauses can re-initiate a new control transfer, but
that transfer must escape at least as far as the original one being hijacked.
(To restate the concluding remark from my other article).


Here you avoid the problem because the :RESULT catch is not only visible, but
its extent is still intact. It is the exit point for the original throw, and
not an /intervening/ exit point that would be torn down.

So the cleanup clause can re-initiate a new control transfer to this same exit
point, which takes place of the old control transfer.

The cleanup clause cannot hijack the transfer such that the original exit point
fails to be reached, as happens in the undefined behavior example above.

The THROW A guarantees that (if no undefined behavior chicanery occurs) CATCH A
will be reached. Once (THROW 'A 1) is initiated, one of the following three
must happen:

1. CATCH A terminates and returns value 1

2. CATCH A terminates and returns some other value.
(An intervening clean-up form has hijacked the jump with another
one to the same catch, using a different return value).

3. CATCH A terminates by way of control passing through it.
(An intervening clean-up form has hijacked the control transfer,
replacing it with an even greater leap to some enclosing exit
point, causing the CATCH A exit point to be disestablished).

So in fact Lisp doesn't give complete precedence to the new transfer. The new
transfer has a great deal of control over what happens, but it must not try to
shorten the original control transfer.

Ulrich Neumerkel

Jan 15, 2009, 6:46:42 PM1/15/09
Kaz Kylheku <> writes:

Thank you for your detailed explanation!

>On 2009-01-15, Ulrich Neumerkel <> wrote:
>> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
>> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
>> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
>You can hardly do that what GCL does is Common Lisp behavior.
>> the protected-form.
>What do you mean by preference to the protected form?
>They don't execute concurrently. You mean what if the cleanup form is being
>executed because of a nonlocal exit in the protected form, and the cleanup form
>decides to also perform a nonlocal exit?

Yes. But in that situation (offline, no interaction) consider only
errors like file-error etc.. I should have been more explicit.
Do not consider restarts or other complex handler operations. The
protected-form performs the actual work, wherease cleanup-form will
remove some of the generated temporary data.

Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.

In this manner the actual reason that caused the trouble first
is now overshadowed by the minor error.

In a programming situation the debuggerhook break - going into the
first signaled error might be a good reaction. But offline, with
some toplevel that briefly logs the error and recovers, priorities
are differnt. In the examples you gave, the control flows are much
more anticipated. That is not in the case in this situation -
here errors are caused e.g. by an temporally overflowing file system.

Jan 15, 2009, 8:16:10 PM1/15/09
On Jan 16, 12:46 am, (Ulrich
Neumerkel) wrote:

> Kaz Kylheku <> writes:
> Thank you for your detailed explanation!
> >On 2009-01-15, Ulrich Neumerkel <> wrote:
> >> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
> >> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
> >> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
> >You can hardly do that what GCL does is Common Lisp behavior.
> >> the protected-form.
> >What do you mean by preference to the protected form?
> >They don't execute concurrently. You mean what if the cleanup form is being
> >executed because of a nonlocal exit in the protected form, and the cleanup form
> >decides to also perform a nonlocal exit?
> Yes. But in that situation (offline, no interaction) consider only
> errors like file-error etc.. I should have been more explicit.
> Do not consider restarts or other complex handler operations. The
> protected-form performs the actual work, wherease cleanup-form will
> remove some of the generated temporary data.
> Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
> The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.

What happens if the protected form signals an error? Does it
get out of the UNWIND-PROTECT and runs the clean up form? NO.
Some available handler gets called in the error context. If the
then wants to, say, abort and get out of the protect form,
the clean-up forms will be executed. If there is an error, again a
handler will be called - this time in the context of the clean-up

See for example this:

(define-condition e1 (error) ())
(define-condition e2 (error) ())

? (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (print c) (abort))))
(unwind-protect (progn
(print 'doing-e1-pre)
(error 'e1)
(print 'doing-e1-post))
(print 'doing-e2-pre)
(error 'e2)
(print 'doing-e2-post)))

#<E1 #x29A73E6>
#<E2 #x29A7406>

It is similar to some code that logs the error and just aborts (uses
the next abort restart).

It prints first an e1 condition for the protected form
and then a e2 condition for the clean-up form.

If you observe something else, you should post a code example.
Remember what you observe depends on the handlers and restarts that
are available and what they are doing. In a Lisp IDE
some handlers and restarts are usually available by default.

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 15, 2009, 8:23:18 PM1/15/09
On 2009-01-15, Ulrich Neumerkel <> wrote:
> Kaz Kylheku <> writes:
> Thank you for your detailed explanation!
>>On 2009-01-15, Ulrich Neumerkel <> wrote:
>>> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
>>> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
>>> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
>>You can hardly do that what GCL does is Common Lisp behavior.
>>> the protected-form.
>>What do you mean by preference to the protected form?
>>They don't execute concurrently. You mean what if the cleanup form is being
>>executed because of a nonlocal exit in the protected form, and the cleanup form
>>decides to also perform a nonlocal exit?
> Yes. But in that situation (offline, no interaction) consider only
> errors like file-error etc.. I should have been more explicit.
> Do not consider restarts or other complex handler operations. The
> protected-form performs the actual work, wherease cleanup-form will
> remove some of the generated temporary data.
> Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).

You mean the error is signaled and then a non-local exit takes place
which leaves the data in a bad state?

> The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.

Cleanup form says, I cannot clean up because the state is fubar.

> In this manner the actual reason that caused the trouble first
> is now overshadowed by the minor error.

The error no longer exists at this point. It was already handled. Only the
last part of that is happening now: the transfer of control to a restart.

So the situation is: there was some error, and the protocol for that error
found a suitable way to continue via a non-local exit to a restart. Only now,
the cleanup handler discovers that it's not possible to clean up after the
original error.

> In a programming situation the debuggerhook break - going into the
> first signaled error might be a good reaction. But offline, with

By offline you seem to mean in the deployment field.

> some toplevel that briefly logs the error and recovers, priorities
> are differnt. In the examples you gave, the control flows are much
> more anticipated. That is not in the case in this situation -
> here errors are caused e.g. by an temporally overflowing file system.

I'd say that, firstly, you have to code the module such that the cleanup
forms can always execute. Don't allow corrupt, irrecoverable state!
Arguably, a violated invariant is a programming bug. Though there
can be things in the external environment that are irrecoverable.

The error handling protocol is broken in this case because the software thinks
it can handle the situation and recover, but in fact there is a possiblity that
the state may be irrecoverable.

You could design a better protocol to anticipate this situation, maybe
along these lines.

Since the cleanup form suspects that the state may be bad, don't put all of the
responsibility into the cleanup form. In addition to the cleanup form, you
could set up an error handler (which catches the same kind of error).
The error handler will actually decline to handle the error by returning, so
that the condition looks for another handler. But before returning handler can
record information about the error (stash it in a hidden local variable). When
the cleanup form later executes, and is not able to clean up, it can look at
the stashed error information. Then it has better information based on which to
do something. It can signal a stronger form of that error, a variant which
says ``this error occured, and state recovery is not possible''. The higher
layer of software can distinguish this and react to it differently.

If you can specify how the software should respond to all the possible
situations, you can craft the error recovery protocol to match the

Mark Wooding

Jan 15, 2009, 9:11:34 PM1/15/09
to (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:

> Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
> The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.

No. The original error has already been handled by this point.

Lisp's condition system is much more powerful and sensible than the
C++/Java/Python/etc. try/catch exception handling system. Let's examine
that system for a bit before I explain why Lisp is different. If you're
very unlucky, I'll also explain why Java's exceptions are quite so
godawful slow. (I'll pick on Java here because it's an easy target.
Err..., no, because it's fairly well known and representative of a
number of languages with similar exception handling facilities -- it's
better known than Python and it's much simpler than C++. But it is also
an easy target -- and GLS should have known better.)

So: an error occurs in our Java program: an exception is constructed (if
necessary) and thrown. The runtime system takes over and looks at the
call stack. It unwinds the stack until it finds an active `try' block.
It looks to see whether the `try' block has attached a `catch' clause
which matches the exception, or a `finally' clause. If the latter, it
executes the stuff in the `finally' block, and continues the search[1]. If
the former, it executes the matching handler. In both of these cases,
the `catch' or `finally' code is executed in the same dynamic context as
the immediately surrounding stuff -- any functions called within the
`try' are dead and gone. They can't come back.

The most important point to notice here is that, in a `finally' block,
the exception hasn't yet been caught. When the `finally' code finishes,
we'll resume the search for a matching handler.

Right. Lisp is different. (Take that out of context and use it as a
slogan.) Lisp, at least in this regard, is /better/. When a condition
is signalled (ooh, new words -- think `exception is thrown' if it makes
you feel happier, though the concepts are subtly different), the SIGNAL
(or ERROR, or whatever) function looks at a table of active handlers,
and picks the most recent handler which matches, and invokes it. There
and then. No unwinding, nothing. Not even a hint of UNWIND-PROTECT.

The handler can do all sorts of things now. It can return, for
instance, in which case the system looks for another handler; if we run
out of handlers, the program might continue merrily on its away,
blithely assuming that everything has been fixed. Or the handler might
make a nonlocal jump -- GO, RETURN, THROW, or INVOKE-RESTART -- in which
case we start unwinding stack frames and doing UNWIND-PROTECT stuff.
But the critical difference here is that the condition handlers have
/already/ had their chance to do something about the condition, and
we're just finding a safe place to continue execution.

(HANDLER-CASE does do unwinding before it invokes your handler; but
if you cared, you'd use HANDLER-BIND instead, right?)

So, why do Java's exceptions suck? It's because Java exception objects
(java.lang.Throwable things) carry a stack backtrace with them, which
exception handlers might look at and do things with. But by the time
the exception handler's been called, some of the stack frames have
already been discarded. Therefore the runtime must reify the stack in
advance (or at least build the backtrace while it's unwinding the

Lisp doesn't need to do this. If you register a condition handler using
HANDLER-BIND, it gets called in the context of the whatever signalled
the condition -- so the stack is still there for poking, prodding,
fiddling with or printing. Or debugging, of course.

It's a crying shame that other languages haven't adopted Lisp's clear
separation between handling conditions and resuming execution.

[1] Java discards its exception if a `finally' block `ends abruptly' --
e.g., returns, or throws an exception. This really will lose
exceptions. Sorry: Java blows goats.

> In a programming situation the debuggerhook break - going into the
> first signaled error might be a good reaction. But offline, with
> some toplevel that briefly logs the error and recovers, priorities
> are differnt.

But that's not a problem. The toplevel HANDLER-BINDs its handler; the
condition is signalled, the handler logs its message, and then THROWs or
INVOKE-RESTARTs from some safe place. If some UNWIND-PROTECT form in
the way finds itself in a bad state and signals a condition, well, that
gets handled too. Nothing is lost; everything is good.

-- [mdw]

GP lisper

Jan 16, 2009, 2:38:29 AM1/16/09
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 02:11:34 +0000, <> wrote:
> Right. Lisp is different. (Take that out of context and use it as a
> slogan.) Lisp, at least in this regard, is /better/. When a condition
> is signalled (ooh, new words -- think `exception is thrown' if it makes
> you feel happier, though the concepts are subtly different), the SIGNAL
> (or ERROR, or whatever) function looks at a table of active handlers,
> and picks the most recent handler which matches, and invokes it. There
> and then. No unwinding, nothing. Not even a hint of UNWIND-PROTECT.
> The handler can do all sorts of things now.

Cool stuff, thanks for explanation.
This is why asdf can recompile upon encountering stale fasls.

Lisp is different - I wonder if I have enough lifetimes to learn it

Tobias C. Rittweiler

Jan 16, 2009, 3:00:36 PM1/16/09
to (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:

> Yes. But in that situation (offline, no interaction) consider only
> errors like file-error etc.. I should have been more explicit.
> Do not consider restarts or other complex handler operations. The
> protected-form performs the actual work, wherease cleanup-form will
> remove some of the generated temporary data.
> Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
> The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.
> In this manner the actual reason that caused the trouble first
> is now overshadowed by the minor error.
> In a programming situation the debuggerhook break - going into the
> first signaled error might be a good reaction. But offline, with
> some toplevel that briefly logs the error and recovers, priorities
> are differnt. In the examples you gave, the control flows are much
> more anticipated. That is not in the case in this situation -
> here errors are caused e.g. by an temporally overflowing file system.


(unwind-protect-case ()
(:normal (format t "PROTECTED-FORM executed normally.~%"))
(:abort (format t "PROTECTED-FORM aborted preemptively.~%"))
(:always (format t "Either case.~%")))

Available in Alexandria:



Jan 16, 2009, 3:29:10 PM1/16/09
On Jan 15, 6:11 pm, Mark Wooding <> wrote:
> (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:
> > Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> > for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
> > The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.
> No.  The original error has already been handled by this point.
> [snip]

BTW, this post made the programming "reddit":

There's a fair amount of discussion there - mostly explaining the
condition system to non-Lisp programmers.



Jan 17, 2009, 2:46:14 PM1/17/09
Mark Wooding wrote:


> Lisp's condition system is much more powerful and sensible than the
> C++/Java/Python/etc. try/catch exception handling system. Let's examine
> that system for a bit before I explain why Lisp is different. If you're
> very unlucky, I'll also explain why Java's exceptions are quite so
> godawful slow. (I'll pick on Java here because it's an easy target.
> Err..., no, because it's fairly well known and representative of a
> number of languages with similar exception handling facilities -- it's
> better known than Python and it's much simpler than C++. But it is also
> an easy target -- and GLS should have known better.)

First off, thanks for a good post. However, although I agree that Java
is an easy target ( :-D ), I don't think it is entirely fair to Guy Steele
to say that he "should have known better". First off, Guy was/is not the
only person involved in the Java language design choices. Second, I
believe Guy has been very forthright in his discussions on the design of
Java. Design decisions were made, and there were ramifications for the
choices they made. As Guy has said, they were specifically targetting
C++ users when designing Java, and they made design decisions that matched
that goal. They were very pragmatic about it -- the decisions were
intended to match that goal as best they could at the time those decisions
were made, and with the information they had at the time.

Guy is an incredibly intelligent person, and I believe him to be a
brilliant language designer. Honestly, he comes across as one of the most
humble brilliant people I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. In
this day and age, that quality gives him extra credibility in my eyes.

While I don't care to program in Java (or C++) if I can avoid it (and yes
I have done a considerable amount of work in both languages), I don't
believe that the design choices made for the language were the result
of Guy not "knowing better". On the contrary, I think Guy *did* know
for the most part what they were getting into with the choices they made.
Those choices were aimed at a specific goal (well, a set of goals, with one
of the primary goals being to attract C++ developers), and I think to a
large extent they succeeded in achieving their goals.

In all fairness, I learned Java before learning Lisp, and before that, I
had done a fair amount of programming in C++. Java did seem better than
C++ in some ways, but I wasn't satisfied with it. My exposure to C++
and Java both made me long for something better, and that is the road
that led me to Lisp. So in some sense, I am at least partial evidence
that Java has had some success in bringing C++ developers to Lisp (even
if it is only because it was better, but not near "better enough").

Barry Kelly

Jan 17, 2009, 9:53:33 PM1/17/09
Mark Wooding wrote:

> (Ulrich Neumerkel) writes:
> > Now an error is signaled in the protected-form and (part of) the state
> > for cleanup-form is corrupted (related to the signalled error).
> > The cleanup-form thus reports its own seemingly unrelated error.

> Lisp's condition system is much more powerful and sensible than the

> C++/Java/Python/etc. try/catch exception handling system.

Be careful what you bundle together there! C++ doesn't have a
try/finally exception handling system. Moreover, C++ on Windows usually
supports structured exception handling (SEH), which does not use the
mechanism you outline.

SEH scans the stack twice. The first time, it calls handlers in reverse
order of registration (handlers are registered on function entry) asking
them if they handle this particular exception. Any handler can return a
condition code to tell the OS to essentially ignore the exception and
continue with the next instruction (a bit like VB 'On Error Resume
Next'); perhaps the handler repaired the error condition.

It's only after it has found a handler that indicates that it can handle
the given exception that the OS goes back and actually unwinds the
stack. That process involves calling all the handlers a second time,
only this time passing them a flag indicating that unwinding is actually
taking place. That's when 'finally' blocks get run. The OS keeps on
going until it reaches the handler that indicated it could handle the

That's how things work in Win32. The situation in Win64 is slightly
different, as rather than FS:[0] containing a pointer to the head of the
exception chain, program-counter-based lookup tables are used instead.
However, the two-phase exception dispatch is still used.

> It's a crying shame that other languages haven't adopted Lisp's clear
> separation between handling conditions and resuming execution.

Visual Basic does have a 'On Error Resume Next', and the CLR uses an
SEH-like mechanism that supports exception filters (it calls them
"filter handlers"), which exposes the possibility of resumption to such
languages that need it.

-- Barry


Paolo Bonzini

Jan 18, 2009, 9:27:57 AM1/18/09

> Right.  Lisp is different.  (Take that out of context and use it as a
> slogan.)  Lisp, at least in this regard, is /better/.  When a condition
> is signalled (ooh, new words -- think `exception is thrown' if it makes
> you feel happier, though the concepts are subtly different), the SIGNAL
> (or ERROR, or whatever) function looks at a table of active handlers,
> and picks the most recent handler which matches, and invokes it.  There
> and then.  No unwinding, nothing.  Not even a hint of UNWIND-PROTECT.

Except that almost always stack-frames searching is used to find the
active handler, Smalltalk exception handling is the same as Lisp', in

> The handler can do all sorts of things now.  It can return, for
> instance, in which case the system looks for another handler; if we run
> out of handlers, the program might continue merrily on its away,
> blithely assuming that everything has been fixed.  Or the handler might
> make a nonlocal jump -- GO, RETURN, THROW, or INVOKE-RESTART -- in which
> case we start unwinding stack frames and doing UNWIND-PROTECT stuff.
> But the critical difference here is that the condition handlers have
> /already/ had their chance to do something about the condition, and
> we're just finding a safe place to continue execution.

Regarding this:

> So, why do Java's exceptions suck?  It's because Java exception objects
> (java.lang.Throwable things) carry a stack backtrace with them, which
> exception handlers might look at and do things with.  But by the time
> the exception handler's been called, some of the stack frames have
> already been discarded.  Therefore the runtime must reify the stack in
> advance (or at least build the backtrace while it's unwinding the
> stack).

This is a matter of storing only program counters in an array. It
does not cost very much, only this:

> Lisp doesn't need to do this.  If you register a condition handler using
> HANDLER-BIND, it gets called in the context of the whatever signalled
> the condition -- so the stack is still there for poking, prodding,
> fiddling with or printing.  Or debugging, of course.

is the real killer for Java exceptions.


Mark Wooding

Jan 18, 2009, 9:40:36 AM1/18/09
Barry Kelly <> writes:

> Be careful what you bundle together there! C++ doesn't have a
> try/finally exception handling system.

True. C++ programmers usually use destructors for the same purpose. I
don't think that matters much for the purposes of this discussion,
though the correction is appreciated.

> Moreover, C++ on Windows usually supports structured exception
> handling (SEH), which does not use the mechanism you outline.

The mechanism I described matches the specification in the C++ standard
pretty well. If an implementation doesn't work that way, then it's
broken. Implementation extensions are another matter, but `Windows C++'
isn't the same as `C++'.

(OK, so technically the extent to which stack unwinding is interleaved
with searching for a handler is implementation defined. The difference
is detectable, for example, by examining the dynamic context in a
`terminate' handler -- C++98 15.3#9 [except.handle]. But the important
thing is that the stack is unwound prior to invoking an exception
handler or destructor, and that happens the same way in either case.)

[snip interesting description of Windows SEH, which looks like it can
emulate Lisp conditions.]

>> It's a crying shame that other languages haven't adopted Lisp's clear
>> separation between handling conditions and resuming execution.
> Visual Basic does have a 'On Error Resume Next', and the CLR uses an
> SEH-like mechanism that supports exception filters (it calls them
> "filter handlers"), which exposes the possibility of resumption to
> such languages that need it.

Also interesting. Thanks for your article!

I note that the C# language doesn't expose this richer exception-
handling semantics to programmers, despite the language's general
objective to provide an interface to the whole of the .NET platform.

(And just as a largely irrelevant aside, could Microsoft have chosen a
less searchable name for their platform?)

-- [mdw]

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 18, 2009, 1:00:53 PM1/18/09
On 2009-01-18, Mark Wooding <> wrote:
> Barry Kelly <> writes:
>> Be careful what you bundle together there! C++ doesn't have a
>> try/finally exception handling system.
> True. C++ programmers usually use destructors for the same purpose. I
> don't think that matters much for the purposes of this discussion,
> though the correction is appreciated.
>> Moreover, C++ on Windows usually supports structured exception
>> handling (SEH), which does not use the mechanism you outline.
> The mechanism I described matches the specification in the C++ standard
> pretty well. If an implementation doesn't work that way, then it's
> broken. Implementation extensions are another matter, but `Windows C++'
> isn't the same as `C++'.
> (OK, so technically the extent to which stack unwinding is interleaved
> with searching for a handler is implementation defined. The difference
> is detectable, for example, by examining the dynamic context in a
> `terminate' handler -- C++98 15.3#9 [except.handle]. But the important
> thing is that the stack is unwound prior to invoking an exception
> handler or destructor, and that happens the same way in either case.)
> [snip interesting description of Windows SEH, which looks like it can
> emulate Lisp conditions.]

Note that WIndows SEH is language independent, and not strictly a
feature of just Microsoft C and C++. It's part of what you might call
the Windows ABI.

It's analogous to POSIX signal handlers. A signal can be delivered to
a process even if its executable image wasn't derived from C source code.

The __try/__except/__finally syntax is just the glue to the underlying

Windows excetpions are used for hardware things too, like memory
access violations.

They are more sanely designed than C++ or Java exception handling. Windows
excpetion handling deos the smart thing: it saves the machine state and
searches the stack for a handler without unwinding.

Each exception handling frame may supply a filter expression: a piece of code
that is called during the search. This piece of code can return an indication
to the the search that it should continue searching, similarly to how a Lisp
condition handler can simply return to indicate that it's declining the
condition. The filter expression can return two other indications: one is that
it wants to handle the exception, which means that a non-local transfer will
take place to the rest of the handling code in the local frame. This resembles
HANDLER-CASE. The third possibility is that the code which triggered the
exception can be restarted. So for instance the filter expression could handle
a page fault and restart the faulting instruction.

Of course, Microsoft could not possibly have invented this. It came from
DEC: exception handling on VMS and in Digital Unix. (Pardon me, OpenVMS
and Tru64). For instance search for a document called ``OpenVMS Calling
Standard'', chapter 6.

Mark Wooding

Jan 18, 2009, 2:57:08 PM1/18/09
Paolo Bonzini <> writes:

> This is a matter of storing only program counters in an array. It
> does not cost very much, only this:


It costs enough to make Java exceptions a poor mechanism for non-local
control transfer. Which is a shame, because there isn't another one.

-- [mdw]

George Neuner

Jan 19, 2009, 4:36:27 PM1/19/09
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 14:40:36 +0000, Mark Wooding
<> wrote:

>Barry Kelly <> writes:
>> Be careful what you bundle together there! C++ doesn't have a
>> try/finally exception handling system.
>True. C++ programmers usually use destructors for the same purpose. I
>don't think that matters much for the purposes of this discussion,
>though the correction is appreciated.

Yes, some programmers try to use destructors, but destructor semantics
are different from try-finally (which C++ does not have). The
preferred idiom for emulating try-finally is to use a conditional
block after try-catch.

It's actually pretty easy to implement a decent try-finally in C++
using preprocessor macros. It isn't perfect because there are too
many ways to implement an exception (dynamically, on the stack, object
or primitive type, etc.) and the exception may need to be preserved
outside the catch block to be thrown again. But it's not hard if you
can pick an implementation and standardize your code base.

>> Moreover, C++ on Windows usually supports structured exception
>> handling (SEH), which does not use the mechanism you outline.
>The mechanism I described matches the specification in the C++ standard
>pretty well. If an implementation doesn't work that way, then it's
>broken. Implementation extensions are another matter, but `Windows C++'
>isn't the same as `C++'.

Windows SEH is completely independent of C++. It is part of the
Windows API and can be used from any language that can make system

>I note that the C# language doesn't expose this richer exception-
>handling semantics to programmers, despite the language's general
>objective to provide an interface to the whole of the .NET platform.

.NET (like JVM) is severely lacking in control knobs. A number of
important things like threading, mutual exclusion, load file control,
etc. have only half-assed, lowest denominator implementations and make
your life miserable if you require behavior different from what is

That said, SEH is accessible from all .NET languages - but it doesn't
play particularly nicely with any of them.


Daniel Weinreb

Jan 19, 2009, 6:06:42 PM1/19/09

(Sorry, I posted this to the wrong subject line...)

By "cleanup handler" I mean the rest of the subforms of unwind-protect
after the first one.

The following is mistaken:

I quoted again the undefined-behavior example from the description

(catch 'a
(catch 'b
(unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
(throw 'b 2))))

The THROW of B has the inner catch as destination, but that exit
point is not
available because it was torn down during step 1 of the processing
of the THROW
of A (it is an intervening exit point in the pat of that

(throw 'a 1) enters the Lisp runtime's stack unwinding code. Before
it reaches the catch of 'a, it sees the presence of the
unwind-protect. So it executes the cleanup handler, namely (throw 'b
2). The catch for 'b then returns. Although 'a was thrown, it is
never caught.

Regarding this comment:

[1] Java discards its exception if a `finally' block `ends
abruptly' --
e.g., returns, or throws an exception. This really will lose
exceptions. Sorry: Java blows goats.

Java and Common Lisp behave the same way. If a condition is signaled
with "error" inside the dynamic extent of the cleanup handler, and is
not handled within that dynamic scope, then control will be thrown
through the unwind-protect and the form of the unwind-protect never

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Well, it's not easy to say.
Suppose a Lisp function F really does contain an unwind-protect
handler that could, under some circumstance, signal a condition.
Every function should have a well-defined "contract" saying what it
promises to do, including under what conditions it will signal
conditions (and say what class and anything specific about the
condition instance). In functions like F, you have to be very careful
to get this right.

At ITA, I introduced a macro called safe-unwind-protect, which makes
sure that the above never happens, by wrapping a handler-case for t
(everything) around the cleanup handler. We use it more often
than plain unwind-protect.

By the way, Guy Steele absolutely understood what he was doing. This
whole issue was confusing back in the early Lisp machine days, and I'm
pretty sure that any attempt for a cleanup handler to throw went into
the debugger, and you had to try manually to figure out what to do.
It was, as you'd expect, confusing.

Daniel Weinreb

Jan 19, 2009, 6:07:16 PM1/19/09

(Sorry, I posted this to the wrong subject line...)

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 19, 2009, 9:23:19 PM1/19/09
On 2009-01-19, Daniel Weinreb <> wrote:
> Ulrich Neumerkel wrote:
>> When in unwind-protect both the protected-form and the
>> cleanup-form produce an error or just throw, Common Lisp
>> (e.g. GCL) gives preference to the cleanup-form and not
>> the protected-form.
>> Is there some rationale behind this behaviour? Why isn't
>> the protected-form preferred?
> (Sorry, I posted this to the wrong subject line...)
> By "cleanup handler" I mean the rest of the subforms of unwind-protect
> after the first one.
> The following is mistaken:

The following can't be mistaken because it's from ANSI Lisp. :)

> Regarding this comment:
> [1] Java discards its exception if a `finally' block `ends
> abruptly' --
> e.g., returns, or throws an exception. This really will lose
> exceptions. Sorry: Java blows goats.

Only goats?

> Java and Common Lisp behave the same way.

No they don't, because as others have pointed out repeatedly in this thread,
the procesing of a signaled Lisp condition doesn't unwind the stack.

Java unwinds the stack while searching for a handler; Lisp does not.

This is a very big difference.

> If a condition is signaled
> with "error" inside the dynamic extent of the cleanup handler, and is
> not handled within that dynamic scope, then control will be thrown
> through the unwind-protect and the form of the unwind-protect never
> returns.

The signaling of a condition has absolutely no interaction with unwind-protect,
because no unwinding is taking place.

Unwinding takes place when an error is handled, not during the search for
a handler.

Handling an error means that a matching handler is found, invoked, and instead
of returning (to continue the search) that handler terminates not by
returning, but by invoking a dynamic, non-local control transfer somewhere.
That's how a handler expresses ``I am taking this error, thank you''.

It is at this point that your unwind-protect activates --- /if/ the control
transfer jumps far enough to pass through your dynamic contour. At this
point, the condition is no longer being signaled.

The error handler might well /not/ make a control transfer that jumps far
enough. For instance, the place where the error is signaled (below you) may
provide a nearby set of restarts, and the handler (whose binding is established
above you, but being invoked without unwinding through you) may find one of
these restarts that are below you and invoke it.

> At ITA, I introduced a macro called safe-unwind-protect, which makes
> sure that the above never happens, by wrapping a handler-case for t
> (everything) around the cleanup handler. We use it more often
> than plain unwind-protect.

Ouch, that macro has a behavior that is not very nice!

A handler-case that catches everything intervenes and potentially wrecks all
error-handling protocols passing through it. You've seized an error that your
code perhaps knows nothing about, and decided to handle it by making a dynamic
exit from the handler to your function (implicitly within HANDLER-CASE, since
that's what HANDLER-CASE does).

Even if you now re-signal that same condition, so that the search for
a handler continues, you've done a chunk of unwinding, which may have wrecked
the possibility of restarting!

In general a function has no business intercepting errors this way; you must
allow the error search to procede through your dynamic contour and find a
proper handler, without interjecting with any unwinding.

The action you want to intercept is the final dynamic control transfer when the
restart is invoked.

You can also intercept the search for the error handler---without triggering

Use HANDLER-BIND instead of HANDLER-CASE to register a handling function. Use
it to handle T (everything). When the error bubbles up, use the handler to
make a note of some information related to the error. Then simply return from
the handler to decline the error, and cause the search to continue.

Later when your UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup activates, you can make some decisions
based on the fact that the error search had passed through earlier.

That's just a rough idea; it would probably have to be refined based on
experimenting with actual situations. It's hard to forsee everything.
One question is what to do with false alarms: the error search passed your way,
but the ensuing non-local transfer did not pass through you, but went to
a restart down in the lower-level module, which merrily continued.

You're trying to detect whether there is a bad situation in some other error
handling protocol, without participating properly in that protocol, and that is
probably not going to work.

I.e. you want to detect that some problem occured in some other error handling
that causes your cleanup handlers not to be applicable, and turn that situation
into an error. For that to work, you need to have some way of knowing that
there was a problem, please don't try to recover. You need to pay attention to
that indication even if there is no dynamic control transfer out of your code.
(What if the module is irrecoverable, but instead of signaling an error, it
eturns an error code?)

Kaz Kylheku

Jan 29, 2009, 12:43:19 AM1/29/09
On 2009-01-19, Daniel Weinreb <> wrote:
> By "cleanup handler" I mean the rest of the subforms of unwind-protect
> after the first one.
> The following is mistaken:
> I quoted again the undefined-behavior example from the description
> of THROW:
> (catch 'a
> (catch 'b
> (unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
> (throw 'b 2))))

I've revisited this again, and this time read the X3J13 cleanup issue
(exit-extent:minimal) which hinges on the very problem discussed here. I had
read it before, but it makes a heck of a lot more sense this time around.

I no longer agree with the standardized behavior, which has consequences like
the above throw being undefined.

In fact the reason it was left undefined is to have made it possible for this
minimal extent proposal to pass, and what made the proposal passable is that it
was easy for implementors.

Those already having the minimal semantics (the catch B is torn down
before the cleanup and unwinding takes place, and so is not available)
did not have to change. Those having other semantics also didn't have to
change, thanks to the magic of undefined behavior!

This is simply a case of the committee codifying broken, inelegant behavior
in a move that makes is practically tantamount to disallowing control transfers
out of unwind-protect cleanups.

I accept the sane argument presented near the bottom, against the
MINIMAL proposal.

I could present my own version of the argument like this: the extent of exit
points should be intimately tied to the general idea of dynamic extent of
forms. Therefore exit points should not be destroyed in advance, before the
unwinding of dynamic scopes takes place.

If we have a (let ....) for a special variable nested within a (catch ...),
then that catch tag must not be torn down until the special variable binding
is torn down.

Take this example:

(catch 'a
(catch 'b
(let ((*x* 42)) ;; special defvar
(unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
(throw 'b *x*)))))

In (throw 'b *x*), the use of *x* is valid, but not the use of catch tag
B is not, even though catch tag B has is in a broader dynamic contour
which surrounds that of *X*! This just seems wrong. It requires a
notion of exit point extent that is dissociated from dynamic extent (how
many flavors of dynamic extent do we need?). So in fact the control transfer
initiated by (throw 'a 1) is simply allowed to march up the activation
chain and blow off exit points that stand between it, and the target exit
point, while the constructs that established those points remain in place.
(No unwinding is taking place yet, just ``pre-unwinding annihilation of
exits''). This is a dirty behavior, like an explicit free function for
deallocating memory, when you already have commited to a more semantically
clean model of managed memory.

The excuse for this no longer holds. The behavior may have been voted in
11-5 in 1989, but now it's 2009.

Tobias C. Rittweiler

Jan 29, 2009, 4:02:39 AM1/29/09
Kaz Kylheku <> writes:

> I no longer agree with the standardized behavior, which has consequences like
> the above throw being undefined.


In practise, I don't know of any implementation which wouldn't
DTRT. It'd be broken (not by conformance, but by quality.)


Pascal J. Bourguignon

Jan 29, 2009, 4:28:00 AM1/29/09
Kaz Kylheku <> writes:

> On 2009-01-19, Daniel Weinreb <> wrote:
>> By "cleanup handler" I mean the rest of the subforms of unwind-protect
>> after the first one.
>> The following is mistaken:
>> I quoted again the undefined-behavior example from the description
>> of THROW:
>> (catch 'a
>> (catch 'b
>> (unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
>> (throw 'b 2))))
> I've revisited this again, and this time read the X3J13 cleanup issue
> (exit-extent:minimal) which hinges on the very problem discussed here. I had
> read it before, but it makes a heck of a lot more sense this time around.
> I no longer agree with the standardized behavior, which has consequences like
> the above throw being undefined.
> In fact the reason it was left undefined is to have made it possible for this
> minimal extent proposal to pass, and what made the proposal passable is that it
> was easy for implementors.

> [...]

> The excuse for this no longer holds. The behavior may have been voted in
> 11-5 in 1989, but now it's 2009.

It's probably worth a CDR to define a common, defined, behavior.

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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