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Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

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Oct 3, 2003, 5:23:16 AM10/3/03
I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to
add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
they were offered identation-based syntax?

Paul Rubin

Oct 3, 2003, 5:51:33 AM10/3/03
to writes:
> If the answer is yes, would many Python programmers switch to Lisp
> or Scheme if they were offered identation-based syntax?

I don't think the syntax is that big a deal. But programming in lisp
or scheme has a creaky feeling these days, because the traditional
runtime libraries in those languages have fallen so far behind the


Oct 3, 2003, 7:26:38 AM10/3/03

Well, there's always a programming language which has
more features than another. However documentation,
libraries, software-engineering tools and developer
community have also to be accounted for.

So whenever a special features is deemed necessary
but not available in the language I suggest to use
code generators.

E.g. you cannot express grammars in C/Java for
parsing so usually you stick to yacc/bison/flex/cups etc.

In C++ BOOST provides capabilites to express a parser
by means of template metaprogramming but compile times
are huge. In my opinion are old fashioned parser
generators more transparent.
So it's probably not worth the trouble.

I have successfuly implemented a simple code generator
for real-time control applications in Python
which outputs C-source.

Today I'd suggest to use XML-files to describe
the problem and generate source code from it.
Source code needed for assembling the final
result could also be embedded into the XML-files.

Eclipse uses a kind of JSP to generate code
from templates. (Examples exist
for generating source code for enumerations
which are not yet supported by Java)
However it's still very primitive.
At the rapid pace at which Eclipse
is developed I am curious what way it is going to take.


Oct 3, 2003, 7:47:16 AM10/3/03
to writes:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> the best thing going for it.

I've used Python. I don't agree.

> It is very readable and easy
> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
> be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
> keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to
> add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
> of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
> would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
> they were offered identation-based syntax?

Yes, you would be able to add macros to Python. No, it isn't anywhere
as easy as it is with Lisp.

I imagine you could come up with a readtable hack for reading
pythonesque syntax in lisp. *shudder*

Tomasz Zielonka

Oct 3, 2003, 8:06:49 AM10/3/03
to napisał:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately.

Well, there is Haskell which also offers indentation-base syntax and one
of it's compilers (GHC) recently added the Template Haskell extension.

This is a statically typed, non-strict purely functional language with
higher order and polymorphic functions, algebraic datatypes, etc. so
it's a BIT different than Python, but it's worth trying :)

PS. Haskell also allows to use {, } and ; instead of indentation. I
wonder why Python doesn't.

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links

Tomasz Zielonka

Oct 3, 2003, 8:09:06 AM10/3/03
to napisał:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately.

Well, there is Haskell which also offers indentation-based syntax and one
of its compilers (GHC) recently added the Template Haskell extension.

This is a statically typed, non-strict, purely functional language with

higher order and polymorphic functions, algebraic datatypes,

type-classes base overloading, etc. so it's a BIT different than Python,
but it's worth trying IMO.

Tomasz Zielonka

Oct 3, 2003, 8:10:11 AM10/3/03
to napisał:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately.

Well, there is Haskell which also offers indentation-based syntax and

of its compilers (GHC) recently added the Template Haskell extension.

This is a statically typed, non-strict, purely functional language with
higher order and polymorphic functions, algebraic datatypes,

type-class based overloading, etc. so it's a BIT different than Python,
but it's worth trying IMO :)

Jeremy Yallop

Oct 3, 2003, 8:51:22 AM10/3/03
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> napisał:
>> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
>> the best thing going for it.

I've used Python rather a lot, and I don't agree with this, FWIW.

> PS. Haskell also allows to use {, } and ; instead of indentation. I
> wonder why Python doesn't.


Tomasz Zielonka

Oct 3, 2003, 9:14:50 AM10/3/03
Jeremy Yallop wrote:
>> PS. Haskell also allows to use {, } and ; instead of indentation. I
>> wonder why Python doesn't.

A state of the art sophisticated parser? :)))

You almost got me. I don't know very much about Python and I had to
check that # is a beginning of a comment.

Do you know the meaning of 'instead of' ?

You still have to use indentation, right? You can't write:

if 1: #{ print 2 #} else: #{ print 3 #}

instead of

if 1: #{
print 2
else: #{
print 3

because that would be read as

if 1:

> Jeremy.

Mark Brady

Oct 3, 2003, 11:02:13 AM10/3/03
This whole thread is a bad idea. If you like python then use python.
Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
just me, I prefer S-exps and there seems to be a rebirth in the Scheme
and Common Lisp communities at the moment. Ironically this seems to
have been helped by python. I learned python then got interested in
it's functional side and ended up learning Scheme and Common Lisp. A
lot of new Scheme and Common Lisp developers I talk to followed the
same route. Python is a great language and I still use it for some

Paul Rubin's comments are just pure fud.

Some great scheme implementations with large modern libraries (not yet
a match for python but growing fast):

Common Lisp has a fantastic wiki site (links to implementations and
loads of libraries) with everything you need to get started at:

Also see:

Many of the latest Scheme and Lisp mailing lists can be browsed from:

Develop in the language that suits you but despite the fud you do have
a choice,
Python, Scheme and Common Lisp are all fine languages with good
libraries and FFI capabilities.


Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in message news:<>...


Oct 3, 2003, 11:37:32 AM10/3/03
to (Mark Brady) writes:
> Paul Rubin's comments are just pure fud.

> Develop in the language that suits you but despite the fud you do have
> a choice,
> Python, Scheme and Common Lisp are all fine languages with good
> libraries and FFI capabilities.

I think that's incorrect: The Common Lisp language has no FFI (foreign
function call) capabilities. Each CL _implementation_ has one (which
is usually compatible to itself). This is exactly the reason why
there are way more libraries out there for Python, Perl, maybe Ruby
than for any single CL implementation. The same probably holds for

Toni Nikkanen

Oct 3, 2003, 11:44:36 AM10/3/03
to (Mark Brady) writes:

> just me, I prefer S-exps and there seems to be a rebirth in the Scheme
> and Common Lisp communities at the moment. Ironically this seems to
> have been helped by python. I learned python then got interested in
> it's functional side and ended up learning Scheme and Common Lisp.

It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)? I think
that for me, it was the LPC language used in LPmuds. It had a
frightening feature called lambda closures, and useful functions such
as map and filter. Then one day I just decided to bite the bullet and
find out where the heck all that stuff came from (my background was
strongly in C-like languages at that point. LPC is like C with some
object-oriented and some FP features.)

Yes, I know, there's nothing frightening in lambda closures. But the
way they were implemented in LPC (actually just the syntax) was
terrible :)

Alex Martelli

Oct 3, 2003, 12:40:36 PM10/3/03
to wrote:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
> be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
> keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to

You can surely hack a "pre-processor" on top of the Python
interpreter. With the Python 2.3 architecture of import
hooks, it might even be quite feasible to experiment with
this idea as a pure Python package and distribute it as such:
just add a hook that scans incoming source files (modules)
for definitions and/or occurrences of the 'macros' you want,
and (respectively) squirrels away the definitions, and/or
expands the macros. As for designing the syntax for macro
definitions and expansions while remaining 'amazing', I'll
pass -- but surely it's not beyond human possibilities;-).

Anyway, see later in this post for a toy-level example.

> add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
> of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
> would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
> they were offered identation-based syntax?

If you could make all of the existing Python extensions,
libraries, frameworks, etc, instantly available from Lisp or
Scheme, you'd gain a LOT of kudos in the Lisp or Scheme
community, I suspect. That most existing Python coders
would be happy to leave the semantic simplicity of their
chosen language for the richness of Common Lisp, I very,
very strongly doubt, but in any case until the whole array
of existing extensions &c is available it's not an issue;-).

So, anyway, here's the promised toy-level example of using
custom importers with the new Python 2.3 mechanics to get
macros. I'm cutting corners to the bone (just to mix a
couple metaphors...) by using the C preprocessor (!) as my
"macro expander", ignoring packages, _and_ only looking for
"C-macro" definitions AND expansions in files with extension
".pyp" (all others, I'll leave alone...). Oh, also, I do
not worry about saving bytecode for such files -- I'm gonna
preprocess and recompile them on every run of the program
(far too much trouble, when macros exist, to determine
whether a bytecode file is up to date -- one should check
it, not only with respect to the date of ONE source file,
but rather of a hard-to-pin-down collection of macro and
include files... so, in the spirit of cutting corners and
keeping this a VERY toy-level example, I'm punting:-). So,
here's the gist...:

import sys
import os
import imp

prepro = 'cat %s | gcc -E -'

class MacroImporter(object):

def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path

def find_module(self, modname):
look_for_file = os.path.join(self.path, modname+'.pyp')
self.code = os.popen(prepro % look_for_file).read()
if self.code: return self
else: return None

def load_module(self, modname):
mod = imp.new_module(modname)
sys.modules[modname] = mod
mod.__file__ = "<Macro-Expanded %s>" % modname
exec self.code in mod.__dict__
return mod


example = open('pippo.pyp', 'w')
#define unless(cond) if not(cond)
def pippo(x):
print 'x is', x
unless(x>=2): print ' x is smaller than two'
unless(x<=4): print ' x is bigger than four'

import pippo

Removing the various oversimplifications, and, in particular, designing
a better macro scheme than gcc -E supplies, is left as a trivial exercise
for the reader (I have in fact devised a perfect scheme, of course, but,
unfortunately, the margins of this post are too narrow for me to write it


Kenny Tilton

Oct 3, 2003, 1:33:25 PM10/3/03

Toni Nikkanen wrote:

> (Mark Brady) writes:
>>just me, I prefer S-exps and there seems to be a rebirth in the Scheme
>>and Common Lisp communities at the moment. Ironically this seems to
>>have been helped by python. I learned python then got interested in
>>it's functional side and ended up learning Scheme and Common Lisp.
> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?

<g> We wonder alike. That's why I started:

That recently got repotted from another cliki and it's a little mangled,
but until after ILC2003 I am a little too swamped to clean it up. But
there is still a lot of good stuff in there. On this page I grouped
folks according to different routes to Lisp (in the broadest sense of
that term):

You will find some old-timers because I made the survey super-inclusive,
but my real interest was the same as yours: where are the New Lispniks
coming from?

Speaking of which, Mark Brady cited Python as a stepping-stone, and I
have been thinking that might happen, but the survey has yet to confirm.
Here's one:'s%20Road%20to%20Lisp

So Ping! Mark Brady, please hie ye (and all the others who followed the
same road to Lisp) to the survey and correct the record.

I think
> that for me, it was the LPC language used in LPmuds. It had a
> frightening feature called lambda closures, and useful functions such
> as map and filter. Then one day I just decided to bite the bullet and
> find out where the heck all that stuff came from (my background was
> strongly in C-like languages at that point. LPC is like C with some
> object-oriented and some FP features.)
> Yes, I know, there's nothing frightening in lambda closures. But the
> way they were implemented in LPC (actually just the syntax) was
> terrible :)

You could cut and paste that into the survey as well. :)


Terry Reedy

Oct 3, 2003, 1:36:32 PM10/3/03

"Mark Brady" <> wrote in message

> This whole thread is a bad idea.

I could agree that the OP's suggestion is a bad idea but do you
actually think that discussion and more publicity here for Lisp/Scheme
is bad? You make a pretty good pitch below for more Python=>Lisp

> If you like python then use python.

As I plan to do.

> Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
> just me, I prefer S-exps and there seems to be a rebirth in the

> and Common Lisp communities at the moment. Ironically this seems to
> have been helped by python. I learned python then got interested in
> it's functional side and ended up learning Scheme and Common Lisp. A
> lot of new Scheme and Common Lisp developers I talk to followed the
> same route. Python is a great language and I still use it for some
> things.

Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)? If I
were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
basis might I make a choice?

Terry J. Reedy

Toni Nikkanen

Oct 3, 2003, 1:42:53 PM10/3/03
Kenny Tilton <> writes:

> Speaking of which, Mark Brady cited Python as a stepping-stone, and I
> have been thinking that might happen, but the survey has yet to
> confirm.

It usually happens that when I google for some scheme/lisp-isms,
I get lots of Python mailing list messages as results. There's
something going on with that.

Kenny Tilton

Oct 3, 2003, 1:52:07 PM10/3/03

Kenny Tilton wrote:

> Toni Nikkanen wrote:
>> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
>> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?
> <g> We wonder alike. That's why I started:
> That recently got repotted from another cliki and it's a little mangled,
> but until after ILC2003 I am a little too swamped to clean it up.

Me and my big mouth. Now that I have adevrtised the survey far and wide,
and revisited it and seen up close the storm damage, sh*t, there goes
the morning. :) Well, I needed a break from RoboCells:

I am going to do what I can to fix up at least the road categorization,
and a quick glance revealed some great new entries, two that belong in
my Top Ten (with apologies to those getting bumped).


Rene van Bevern

Oct 3, 2003, 2:44:15 PM10/3/03
On 03 Oct 2003 14:44:36 +0300, Toni Nikkanen <> wrote:
> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?

i came from C, learned some other languages and then ruby. I wanted to
know why one could write "lambda" instead of the proc keyword and i got
pointed out to lambda calculus and lisp ;) because lambda did not make
sense to me, because i only knew its meaning as a greek letter.

also there were a lot of people on the ruby newsgroup talking about LISP
and so i wanted to try it.

First i was discouraged because of the lack of libraries. i also doubted
that LISP hat the power and versatileness of ruby, but in this point i
was very wrong ;)

At the moment i am still learning, have read the Gentle Introduction to
Symbolic Computation, On Lisp and now reading in CLTL2 about the things
the other two books did not cover.

I know at least one more person who came to LISP/Scheme over ruby. Maybe
it needs ruby and python to enlighten people without confusing them with
a syntax they are not used to first. ;)


Lothar Scholz

Oct 3, 2003, 2:47:57 PM10/3/03
Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in message news:<>...

Funny. Yesterday i downloaded the trial version of Franz Lisp (Allegro
I can'T say if the runtime libraries are out of date because there is
absolute no documentation for the runtime libraries - of course they
also bundle the ANSI-Common Lisp book.

I found that they still want to sell every fucking line of code in an
extra library raising the price to an unexceptable high value.

Jeremy H. Brown

Oct 3, 2003, 3:25:31 PM10/3/03
"Terry Reedy" <> writes:
> Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
> not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
> give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

According to the "Revised(5) Report on the Algorithmic Language
Scheme", "Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive
dialect of the Lisp programming language..." It's certainly not a
dialect of Common Lisp, although it is one of CL's ancestors.

I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:

Scheme Common Lisp
Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness
Namespaces one two (functions, variables)
Continuations yes no
Object system no yes
Exceptions no yes
Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
Implementations >10 ~4
Performance "worse" "better"
Standards IEEE ANSI
Reference name R5RS CLTL2
Reference length 50pp 1029pp
Standard libraries "few" "more"
Support Community Academic Applications writers

The Scheme community has the SRFI process for developing additional
almost-standards. I don't know if the CL community has something
equivalent; I don't think they did a year ago.

> If I were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
> versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
> basis might I make a choice?

Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.


Duane Rettig

Oct 3, 2003, 4:25:23 PM10/3/03
to (Jeremy H. Brown) writes:

> "Terry Reedy" <> writes:
> > Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
> > not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
> > give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

> I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
> comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
> than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:

This is actually a pretty good list. I'm not commenting on
completeness, but I do have a couple of corrections:

> Scheme Common Lisp
> Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness
> Namespaces one two (functions, variables)
> Continuations yes no
> Object system no yes
> Exceptions no yes
> Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
> Implementations >10 ~4


See - it lists 9 commercial
implementations, and 7 opensource implementations. There are
probably more.

> Performance "worse" "better"
> Standards IEEE ANSI
> Reference name R5RS CLTL2


No, CLtL2 is definitely _not_ a reference for ANSI Common Lisp.
It was a snapshot taken in the middle of the ANSI process, and
is out of date in several areas. References which are much closer
to the ANSI spec can be found online at


> Reference length 50pp 1029pp
> Standard libraries "few" "more"
> Support Community Academic Applications writers
> The Scheme community has the SRFI process for developing additional
> almost-standards. I don't know if the CL community has something
> equivalent; I don't think they did a year ago.

There are many grassroots defacto standards efforts to extend CL in
several areas. Some of these are listed here:

> > If I were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
> > versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
> > basis might I make a choice?
> Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

Agreed, but of course, I'd recommend CL :-)

Duane Rettig Franz Inc.
555 12th St., Suite 1450
Oakland, Ca. 94607 Phone: (510) 452-2000; Fax: (510) 452-0182

Rayiner Hashem

Oct 4, 2003, 12:45:45 PM10/4/03
> Object system no yes
To be fair, most Scheme implementations come with one, and you can always
download an external one if you want.

> Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
Again, depends on the implementation. Gambit offers CL-style macros too.

> Performance "worse" "better"
Depends on the implementation. Bigloo did a bit better on the Great Computer
Language Shootout than did CMUCL, though, there were complaints that the
CL-code was sub-par. In the few small benchmarks I've tried on my machine,
Bigloo is pretty competitive with CMUCL.

Dave Pearson

Oct 3, 2003, 4:31:50 PM10/3/03
* Rene van Bevern <>:

> First i was discouraged because of the lack of libraries. i also doubted
> that LISP hat the power and versatileness of ruby, but in this point i was
> very wrong ;)

I'm not sure if "wrong" relates to both the points in that paragraph or just
the ruby point. But reading the above made me think about this post
from the other day.

Not that this actually says that your first point is wrong, but I guess it's
a list many people don't notice at first.

Dave Pearson

Jeremy H. Brown

Oct 3, 2003, 5:53:05 PM10/3/03
Duane Rettig <> writes:
> (Jeremy H. Brown) writes:
> This is actually a pretty good list. I'm not commenting on
> completeness, but I do have a couple of corrections:

> > Implementations >10 ~4
> ===========================================^
> See - it lists 9 commercial
> implementations, and 7 opensource implementations. There are
> probably more.

Thanks. I hadn't realized the spread was that large.

> > Performance "worse" "better"
> > Standards IEEE ANSI
> > Reference name R5RS CLTL2
> ============================================^
> No, CLtL2 is definitely _not_ a reference for ANSI Common Lisp.
> It was a snapshot taken in the middle of the ANSI process, and
> is out of date in several areas. References which are much closer
> to the ANSI spec can be found online at
> or

Thanks again.

> >
> > Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.
> Agreed, but of course, I'd recommend CL :-)

I've arrived at the conclusion that it depends both on your task/goal
and your personal inclinations.


Marco Antoniotti

Oct 3, 2003, 5:58:24 PM10/3/03

Why do I feel like crying? :{


Alexander Schmolck

Oct 3, 2003, 5:51:38 PM10/3/03
to writes:

> writes:
> > I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
> > the best thing going for it.
> I've used Python. I don't agree.

I'd be interested to hear your reasons. *If* you take the sharp distinction
that python draws between statements and expressions as a given, then python's
syntax, in particular the choice to use indentation for block structure, seems
to me to be the best choice among what's currently on offer (i.e. I'd claim
that python's syntax is objectively much better than that of the C and Pascal
descendants -- comparisons with smalltalk, prolog or lisp OTOH are an entirely
different matter).


Kenny Tilton

Oct 3, 2003, 6:00:44 PM10/3/03

Kenny Tilton wrote:

> Kenny Tilton wrote:
>> Toni Nikkanen wrote:
>>> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
>>> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?
>> <g> We wonder alike. That's why I started:
>> That recently got repotted from another cliki and it's a little
>> mangled, but until after ILC2003 I am a little too swamped to clean it
>> up.
> Me and my big mouth. Now that I have adevrtised the survey far and wide,
> and revisited it and seen up close the storm damage, sh*t, there goes
> the morning. :)

OK, I copied over all the twenty-plus pages that got lost in the
repotting, fixed the survey questions, and even took the time to
annotate my Top Ten list:'s%20RtLS%20Top-Ten

Check it out. The Switch Date pages have been restored, but I do not
think the cross-indexing works until pages get edited and resaved. That
is not the most fascinating breakdown in the world, so it may be a while
before I fuss with that. But this breakdown is cool:

More responses always welcome.


Terry Reedy

Oct 3, 2003, 6:23:13 PM10/3/03

"Jeremy H. Brown" <> wrote in message
> "Terry Reedy" <> writes:

> > give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

> than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:
Thank you. This is just the sort of preview I wanted.

> Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

My present interest is intellectual broadening. I think I should
start with parts of the current version of SICP and then read a modern
CL chapter on macros.

Terry J. Reedy

Joe Marshall

Oct 3, 2003, 6:38:21 PM10/3/03
Alexander Schmolck <> writes:

(I'm ignoring the followup-to because I don't read comp.lang.python)

Indentation-based grouping introduces a context-sensitive element into
the grammar at a very fundamental level. Although conceptually a
block is indented relative to the containing block, the reality of the
situation is that the lines in the file are indented relative to the
left margin. So every line in a block doesn't encode just its depth
relative to the immediately surrounding context, but its absolute
depth relative to the global context. Additionally, each line encodes
this information independently of the other lines that logically
belong with it, and we all know that when some data is encoded in one
place may be wrong, but it is never inconsistent.

There is yet one more problem. The various levels of indentation
encode different things: the first level might indicate that it is
part of a function definition, the second that it is part of a FOR
loop, etc. So on any line, the leading whitespace may indicate all
sorts of context-relevant information. Yet the visual representation
is not only identical between all of these, it cannot even be

Is this worse than C, Pascal, etc.? I don't know.
Worse than Lisp, Forth, or Smalltalk? Yes.

Mark Brady

Oct 3, 2003, 6:50:22 PM10/3/03
"Terry Reedy" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "Mark Brady" <> wrote in message
> > This whole thread is a bad idea.
> I could agree that the OP's suggestion is a bad idea but do you
> actually think that discussion and more publicity here for Lisp/Scheme
> is bad? You make a pretty good pitch below for more Python=>Lisp
> converts.

You are right of course, however I dislike cross posting and I also
dislike blatantly arguing with people over language choice. I would
prefer to lead by example. I think one good program is worth a
thousand words. For example people listen to Paul Graham
( when he advocates Common Lisp
because he wrote Viaweb using it and made a fortune thanks to Lisp's
features (details in the link).

> > If you like python then use python.
> As I plan to do.

Nothing wrong with that. Most people on these groups would agree that
Python is a very good choice for a wide range of software projects and
it is getting better with every release.

I think that if you can get over S-exps then Scheme and Common Lisp
feel very like python. I would recommend Pythonistas to at least
experiment with Common Lisp or Scheme even if you are perfectly happy
with Python. After all you have nothing to lose. If you don't like it
then fine you always have Python and you've probably learned something
and if you do like it then you have another language or two under your

> > Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
> > just me, I prefer S-exps and there seems to be a rebirth in the
> cheme
> > and Common Lisp communities at the moment. Ironically this seems to
> > have been helped by python. I learned python then got interested in
> > it's functional side and ended up learning Scheme and Common Lisp. A
> > lot of new Scheme and Common Lisp developers I talk to followed the
> > same route. Python is a great language and I still use it for some
> > things.
> Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
> not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
> give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)? If I
> were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
> versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
> basis might I make a choice?
> Terry J. Reedy

This is a difficult question to answer. It's a bit like trying to
explain the differences between Ruby and Python to a Java developer

*Personally* I find it best to think of Scheme and Common Lisp as two
different but very closely related languages. The actual languages and
communities are quite different.

Common Lisp is a large, very pragmatic, industrial strength language
and its community reflects this. Common Lisp has loads of features
that you would normally only get in add on libraries built right into
the language, it's object
system "CLOS" has to be experienced to be believed and its macro
system is stunning. Some very smart people have already put years of
effort into making it capable of great things such as Nasa's award
winning remote agent software

Scheme is a more functional language and unlike Common Lisp is has a
single namespace for functions and variables (Python is like Scheme in
this regard). Common Lisp can be just as functional but on the whole
the Scheme community seem to embrace functional programming to a
greater extend.

Scheme is like python in that the actual language is quite small and
uses libraries for many of the same tasks Python would use them for,
unlike Common Lisp that has many of these features built into the
language. It also has a great but slightly different macro system
although every implementation I know also has Common Lisp style

Scheme doesn't have a standard object system (it's more functional)
but has libraries to provide object systems. This is very hard to
explain to python developers, scheme is kind of like a big python
metaclass engine where different object systems can be used at will.
It's better than I can describe and it is really like a more powerful
version of Pythons metaclass system.

Pythonistas who love functional programming may prefer Scheme to
Common Lisp while Pythonistas who want a standard amazing object
system and loads of built in power in their language may prefer Common

To be honest the these tutorials will do a far better job than I

For Scheme get DrScheme:

and go to

'Teach yourself scheme in fixnum days' :

For Common Lisp get the trial version of Lispworks:

and go get Mark Watsons free web book:


Ps. If anyone spots a mistake in this mail please correct me, it will
have been an honest one and not an attempt to slander your favourite
language and I will be glad to be corrected, in other words there is
no need to flame me :)

Edi Weitz

Oct 3, 2003, 7:29:45 PM10/3/03
On 03 Oct 2003 13:37:32 +0200, Matthias <n...@spam.pls> wrote:

> I think that's incorrect: The Common Lisp language has no FFI
> (foreign function call) capabilities. Each CL _implementation_ has
> one (which is usually compatible to itself). This is exactly the
> reason why there are way more libraries out there for Python, Perl,
> maybe Ruby than for any single CL implementation. The same probably
> holds for Scheme.

I'd say the Python /language/ also has no FFI capabilities. Either
that, or the Jython people are lying when they say that Jython "is an
implementation of the [...] language Python." (On the same website:
"Many of these modules are not yet implemented. Those coded in C for
CPython must be re-implemented in Java for Jython.")

Common Lisp and Scheme are languages defined by ANSI standards -
that's why you can have different implementations. Python, Perl, and
Ruby are defined by a reference implementation. You're comparing
apples and oranges.


Paolo Amoroso

Oct 3, 2003, 8:09:55 PM10/3/03
[followup to comp.lang.lisp only]

mike420 writes:

> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is

> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy

I think everyone who used Lisp will agree that its syntax is the best
thing going for it.

> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
> macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
> be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
> keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to

Yes, it can be done. This is called "Greenspun's Tenth Rule of

Paolo Amoroso <>

Doug Tolton

Oct 3, 2003, 8:52:33 PM10/3/03
On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 13:33:25 GMT, Kenny Tilton <>

>> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
>> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?
><g> We wonder alike. That's why I started:

Kenny, something you said in the passed bugged me just a little. It
was when you began grouping the Surveys together, you made the
suggestion that the people who were learning Lisp due to a
dissatisfaction with their current language were the future of Lisp
and for some reason you seemed to rule out all the people who were led
to Lisp by Paul Graham from this group.

While it's true that I heard about Lisp and many of it's advantages
from Paul Graham, I ultimately have decided to cast my lot with Lisp
because of my deep dissatisfaction with the so called Languages for
the Masses.

So I guess I felt a little left out of the "future of Lisp" group,
even though I came to Lisp under my own will power and without the
prodding and poking of a college professor. Interestingly I never
took a single Lisp or Scheme class for my CS degree. I wonder what
that says about my degree.

Even so, I am very much looking forward to your Cells talk at the ILC.
Is it still going to be deliverable in a blacked out room?

Good luck on your preparation.

Doug Tolton
(format t "~a@~a~a.~a" "dtolton" "ya" "hoo" "com")

Joe Marshall

Oct 3, 2003, 9:03:44 PM10/3/03
Paolo Amoroso <> writes:

> [followup to comp.lang.lisp only]
> mike420 writes:
>> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
>> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
> I think everyone who used Lisp will agree that its syntax is the best
> thing going for it.

I wouldn't! I think Lisp has a lot *more* than just syntax going for it!


Oct 3, 2003, 9:45:11 PM10/3/03
to (Mark Brady) wrote in message news:<>...

> Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
> just me, I prefer S-exps ...

I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
make this claim also.
However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a simple

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i in range(len(v)):
v[i] = x

To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
boggles my mind.

The second thing that puzzles me is the usage of the LISP macro
system. This system is touted as one of LISPs major strengths. I
believe the "Do" above is a macro. Is that the best syntax that can
be achieved with a macro for "Do". I would think there would already
be macros to write the Scheme code above in a format similar to the
Python code below, or some more readable syntax. I have looked for
repositories of such macros and I can't find any. This leads me to
think that in practice LISP macros are not used. Couple this with the
fact that LISP programmers seem happier with S-exprs, and I can't see
why a LISP programmer would even want to write a macro.

I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
is why hasn't this already been done.


Oct 3, 2003, 10:01:34 PM10/3/03
On 03 Oct 2003 11:25:31 -0400, Jeremy H. Brown <> wrote:

> I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
> comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
> than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:
> Scheme Common Lisp

> Namespaces one two (functions, variables)

Common Lisp has actually more than two namespaces.

> Implementations >10 ~4

There are loads more.

> Performance "worse" "better"


> Support Community Academic Applications writers

Also nonsense.

> Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

Very good point.


Alex Martelli

Oct 3, 2003, 10:13:42 PM10/3/03
Mark Brady wrote:

> This is a difficult question to answer. It's a bit like trying to
> explain the differences between Ruby and Python to a Java developer
> ;-)

Been there, done that, it's not all _that_ difficult. The average Java
developer is quite able to understand the differences if you explain them
in terms of similarities and differences from Lisp ("Python has immutable
strings like Java, while Ruby's strings are mutable; Ruby has single
inheritance like Java, plus mix-ins, while Python has multiple inheritance,
with certain limitations", etc) and ability to interoperate ("Python has an
implementation that runs on a JVM, uses any Java class, and can generate
.class and .jar files just as if you had coded in Java, Ruby doesn't").

I think the "cultural" differences are subtler and more interesting (and
also, no doubt, even more debatable:-) -- the distinction between a Python
culture that takes pride in simplicity, uniformity, and avoidance of clever
tricks, versus a Ruby one that's quite different in these regards, IMHO.

Similarly, I suspect (but with even less reason to believe my observations
are correct) that the concept of a language being small and simple may be a
source of pride to the Scheme crowd (as it is, say, to the Python or C
ones), while that of a language being large and comprehensive may appeal to
Common Lispers (as it does, say, to C++ites or Perlmongers).

Such "soft-sciences" considerations may help guide one's choices about what
language to study next, I believe. E.g., a Pythonista who's looking for a
brisk "change of pace" might be more likely to find it in large-language
Common Lisp, while one who's looking for another "small, simple language"
culture might be more likely to find it in Scheme.


Peter Seibel

Oct 3, 2003, 10:13:27 PM10/3/03
to (MetalOne) writes:

> (Mark Brady) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
> > just me, I prefer S-exps ...
> I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
> find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
> make this claim also. However, from an earlier post on
> comp.lang.python comparing a simple loop.
> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))
> Python
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i in range(len(v)):
> v[i] = x
> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
> boggles my mind.

Well, over in comp.lang.lisp (where we speak Common Lisp, more so than
Scheme) we might write that:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v)) (setf (aref v i) x)))


(defun vector-fill (v x)
(loop for i below (length v)
do (setf (aref v i) x))) (defun vector-fill (v x)

which seems pretty similar to the Python version.

(If of course we didn't already have the FILL function that does just

> The second thing that puzzles me is the usage of the LISP macro
> system. This system is touted as one of LISPs major strengths. I
> believe the "Do" above is a macro. Is that the best syntax that can
> be achieved with a macro for "Do".

Nope. Common Lisp includes the standard macros DOTIMES and LOOP as
shown above.

> I would think there would already be macros to write the Scheme code
> above in a format similar to the Python code below, or some more
> readable syntax. I have looked for repositories of such macros and I
> can't find any.

I'm sure the Scheme folks will tell you were you can find such
repositories for Scheme. But Common Lisp has them built in.

> This leads me to think that in practice LISP macros are not used.

That is decidedly not true of Common Lisp.

> Couple this with the fact that LISP programmers seem happier with
> S-exprs, and I can't see why a LISP programmer would even want to
> write a macro.

Well, macros aren't intended to get you away from s-exps though the
LOOP macro does to a certain extent. They are just intended to get you
to more to-the-point s-exps. You put your finger right on it when you
wondered why there wasn't a better way to write your loop than DO. If
DOTIMES didn't already exist, you'd write it as a macro that expands
into DO. That is: DO is a almost completely general looping construct
which makes it more than you want in a lot of situations. Macros let
you turn what you want to write (DOTIMES) into the right version of
the more general, more powerful construct (DO).

> I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
> the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
> ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
> stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

Hmmm. If all three of those times have been with Scheme, you might
want to try Common Lisp for a change of pace.

> If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
> think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
> is why hasn't this already been done.

Some (including me) would argue it has. They just don't define
"improve" as "get rid of all sexps".


Peter Seibel

Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Oct 3, 2003, 10:22:47 PM10/3/03
to (MetalOne) writes:

> [..] However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a

> simple loop.
> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))
> Python
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i in range(len(v)):
> v[i] = x
> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly

> boggles my mind. [..]

The scheme example can only have been written by someone who is on the
outset determined to demonstrate that sexp-syntax is complicated. This
is how I'd write it in Common Lisp:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v))
(setf (aref v i) x)))

As you can see, it matches the python example quite closely.

> [..] If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax,

> then I think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting
> question to me is why hasn't this already been done.

Lisp macros and syntactic abstractions are one of those things whose
power and elegance it is somewhat hard to explain to those who have
not experienced it themselves first hand. Paul Graham's book "On Lisp"
is considered by many to be a good introduction to the subject.

I am quite comforatble with Common Lisp's syntax, and I see no
particular need for some set of macros to improve its syntax. In fact
I have no idea what so ever as to what such a set of macros would look

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Paul Rubin

Oct 3, 2003, 10:29:22 PM10/3/03
to (MetalOne) writes:
> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))

I think you could write the scheme code like this:

(define vector-fill! (v x)
(let ((i 0))
(while (< i (length v))
(vector-set! v i x)
(set! i (1+ i)))))

> I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
> the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
> ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
> stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

If you go crazy with macros, lisp gets confusing, that's for sure.

Daniel Silva

Oct 3, 2003, 10:32:57 PM10/3/03
to MetalOne
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, MetalOne wrote:
> I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
> find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
> make this claim also.
> However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a simple
> loop.
> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))
> Python
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i in range(len(v)):
> v[i] = x
> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
> boggles my mind.

I'd prefer one of these two implementations myself:

(define (vector-fill! v x)
(let loop ([i (sub1 (vector-length v))])
(unless (< i 0)
(vector-set! v i x)
(loop (sub1 i)))))

(define (vector-fill-again! v x)
(for-each (lambda (i)
(vector-set! v i x))
(build-list (vector-length v) identity)))

The second one actually does almost exactly what the Python version does,
other than creating a lambda and mapping identity across range(len(v)).

If you want to use macros to make a for-each that does just what your
example asks for:

(define-syntax (for stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ idx lst exp) #`(for-each (lambda (idx)

And given a function range that does the same thing:

(define (range r)
(build-list r identity))

Now you have the same for loop:

(define (my-vector-fill! v x)
(for i (range (vector-length v))
(vector-set! v i x)))

- Daniel

Kenny Tilton

Oct 3, 2003, 10:34:58 PM10/3/03

Doug Tolton wrote:
> On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 13:33:25 GMT, Kenny Tilton <>
> wrote:
>>>It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
>>>Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?
>><g> We wonder alike. That's why I started:
> Kenny, something you said in the passed bugged me just a little. It
> was when you began grouping the Surveys together, you made the
> suggestion that the people who were learning Lisp due to a
> dissatisfaction with their current language were the future of Lisp
> and for some reason you seemed to rule out all the people who were led
> to Lisp by Paul Graham from this group.
> While it's true that I heard about Lisp and many of it's advantages
> from Paul Graham, I ultimately have decided to cast my lot with Lisp
> because of my deep dissatisfaction with the so called Languages for
> the Masses.

First of all, you are absolutely right. Taxonomies all suck. Thank god
for multiple inheritance, since you fall into two classes. Don't forget,
in the "By Road" taxonomy one is allowed multiple Roads. I think
someone had six or seven.

Second, I think you misconstrued my enthusiasm for stories involving a
deliberate search for A Better Way(tm). That does not make those newbies
better for Lisp, it's just worse news for the status quo.

You see, I once read a piece about how timing is everything in these
techno-competitions. The better mouse-trap also must get a break
timing-wise, or some lesser technology gets in and cannot be unseated.
It wasn't Gabriel's "Worse Is Better", but similar. The danger is that
no matter how good is Lisp, that won't help if Java cannot be unseated.
The fact that people (such as yourself) gallop for the mountains when
they find the barn door open suggests Java's dominance today will not
help it tomorrow (meaning I guess that dominance is great only below a
certain level of suckitude).

All I was saying was that stories where people kicked out the sides of
the barn to escape are even stronger evidence that, contrary to the
doomsday pattern in the piece I read, in fact we are in more of a Yogi
scenario: It ain't over till it's over.

But most of all, taxonomies suck and are arbitray and have artificial
boundaries. I doubt you would have reacted as you did to what Graham
wrote if you were not at some level searching for an escape route.

> Even so, I am very much looking forward to your Cells talk at the ILC.
> Is it still going to be deliverable in a blacked out room?

Sure. I splurged on the laptop with the screen you can view from 90% on
either side. Everyone can come up on stage and we'll just huddle around
for the demo. I slouch at the keyboard as well, so everyone should be
able to see. :)


ps. Come to think of, maybe the very worst news for Java is people who
like it and /still/ switch to Lisp. Hmmmm....


Grzegorz Chrupala

Oct 3, 2003, 10:55:19 PM10/3/03
Rene van Bevern <> wrote in message news:<slrnbnr2p...@negoyl.vb-network>...

> I know at least one more person who came to LISP/Scheme over ruby. Maybe
> it needs ruby and python to enlighten people without confusing them with
> a syntax they are not used to first. ;)

I can't remember how *exactly* I came to use scheme (unfortuantely I
don't keep a diary), but trying to reconstruct it looks something like

I am actually not a programmer, but mostly a linguist. About four
years ago I got interested in computational linguistics and decided to
learn a programming language. The first programming book I picked up
was "The Gentle Introduction..." (Common Lisp). I made sense to me but
I couldn't find a plug'n' play lisp implementation (I was pretty
computer-illiterate at the time: could only manage v. basic stuff on
Windoze). So I put that aside and decided to have a go at Perl (widely
used in NLP). That was much easier, I installed the ActiveState win32
port no problems and picked Perl up from online tutorials and the
multitude of other easily accessible Perl resources. After I've played
with perl for a while I heard about Python and Ruby, which to me
looked like more sophisticated versions of Perl, and I switched to
Ruby for most of my toy and not-so-toy scripts. While reading
ruby-talk and other ruby-stuff I kept coming across references to
Scheme and Lisp, which I was already vaguely familiar with from my
perusal of the "Gentle Introduction". At this point I was already
using Linux and so could easily install Clisp and half a dozen Scheme
implementations. Schemes such as Gauche, Bigloo and PLT seemed like
they were better suited to writing the sort of small programs or CGI
scripts that I was using Perl and Ruby for, so I sort of settled for
Scheme. (Sometime during this time I also learned Prolog in a
university course and it made me aware of the various advantages, as
well as some disadvantages, of using a very high level languages in
At the moment I am quite happy with Scheme although I do miss the
large lively communities and the amout of libraries associated with
Perl, Python and Ruby. I hope the "revival" of Lisp-like languages
some of you have observed will gain momentum and that CL anb Scheme
will catch up with Python and Ruby in the areas where they are behind.


Doug Tolton

Oct 3, 2003, 11:47:14 PM10/3/03
On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 12:40:36 GMT, Alex Martelli <>

> wrote:
>> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
>> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy

>> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
>> macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
>> be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
>> keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to

>You can surely hack a "pre-processor" on top of the Python
>interpreter. With the Python 2.3 architecture of import
>hooks, it might even be quite feasible to experiment with
>this idea as a pure Python package and distribute it as such:
>just add a hook that scans incoming source files (modules)
>for definitions and/or occurrences of the 'macros' you want,
>and (respectively) squirrels away the definitions, and/or
>expands the macros. As for designing the syntax for macro
>definitions and expansions while remaining 'amazing', I'll
>pass -- but surely it's not beyond human possibilities;-).
>Anyway, see later in this post for a toy-level example.

>> add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
>> of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
>> would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
>> they were offered identation-based syntax?

>If you could make all of the existing Python extensions,
>libraries, frameworks, etc, instantly available from Lisp or
>Scheme, you'd gain a LOT of kudos in the Lisp or Scheme
>community, I suspect. That most existing Python coders
>would be happy to leave the semantic simplicity of their
>chosen language for the richness of Common Lisp, I very,
>very strongly doubt, but in any case until the whole array
>of existing extensions &c is available it's not an issue;-).
>So, anyway, here's the promised toy-level example of using
>custom importers with the new Python 2.3 mechanics to get
>macros. I'm cutting corners to the bone (just to mix a
>couple metaphors...) by using the C preprocessor (!) as my
>"macro expander", ignoring packages, _and_ only looking for
>"C-macro" definitions AND expansions in files with extension
>".pyp" (all others, I'll leave alone...). Oh, also, I do
>not worry about saving bytecode for such files -- I'm gonna
>preprocess and recompile them on every run of the program
>(far too much trouble, when macros exist, to determine
>whether a bytecode file is up to date -- one should check
>it, not only with respect to the date of ONE source file,
>but rather of a hard-to-pin-down collection of macro and
>include files... so, in the spirit of cutting corners and
>keeping this a VERY toy-level example, I'm punting:-). So,
>here's the gist...:
>import sys
>import os
>import imp
>prepro = 'cat %s | gcc -E -'
>class MacroImporter(object):
> def __init__(self, path):
> self.path = path
> def find_module(self, modname):
> look_for_file = os.path.join(self.path, modname+'.pyp')
> self.code = os.popen(prepro % look_for_file).read()
> if self.code: return self
> else: return None
> def load_module(self, modname):
> mod = imp.new_module(modname)
> sys.modules[modname] = mod
> mod.__file__ = "<Macro-Expanded %s>" % modname
> exec self.code in mod.__dict__
> return mod
>example = open('pippo.pyp', 'w')
>#define unless(cond) if not(cond)
>def pippo(x):
> print 'x is', x
> unless(x>=2): print ' x is smaller than two'
> unless(x<=4): print ' x is bigger than four'
>import pippo
>Removing the various oversimplifications, and, in particular, designing
>a better macro scheme than gcc -E supplies, is left as a trivial exercise
>for the reader (I have in fact devised a perfect scheme, of course, but,
>unfortunately, the margins of this post are too narrow for me to write it


I'm somewhat suprised to see you posting a toy example of <gasp>
Macro's in Python. When this discussion came up on comp.lang.python,
to say that you were averse to them would be a major understatement.*&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=comp.lang.python.*&

What caused your change of heart?

Erann Gat

Oct 3, 2003, 11:46:01 PM10/3/03
In article <>, (MetalOne) wrote:

> (Mark Brady) wrote in message
> > Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
> > just me, I prefer S-exps ...
> I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
> find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
> make this claim also.
> However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a simple
> loop.
> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))
> Python
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i in range(len(v)):
> v[i] = x
> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
> boggles my mind.

In Common Lisp you can write:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(loop for i from 0 below (length v) do

(setf (aref v i) x)))


(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v))
(setf (aref v i) x)))

But if you focus on examples like this you really miss the point. Imagine
that you wanted to be able to write this in Python:

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i from 0 to len(v)-1:
v[i] = x

You can't do it because Python doesn't support "for i from ... to ...",
only "for i in ...". What's more, you can't as a user change the language
so that it does support "for i from ... to ...". (That's why the xrange
hack was invented.)

In Lisp you can. If Lisp didn't already have LOOP or DOTIMES as part of
the standard you could add them yourself, and the way you do it is by
writing a macro.

That's what macros are mainly good for, adding features to the langauge in
ways that are absolutely impossible in any other language. S-expression
syntax is the feature that enables users to so this quickly and easily.

> I can't see
> why a LISP programmer would even want to write a macro.

That's because you are approaching this with a fundamentally flawed
assumption. Macros are mainly not used to make the syntax prettier
(though they can be used for that). They are mainly used to add features
to the language that cannot be added as functions.

For example, imagine you want to be able to traverse a binary tree and do
an operation on all of its leaves. In Lisp you can write a macro that
lets you write:

(doleaves (leaf tree) ...)

You can't do that in Python (or any other langauge).

Here's another example of what you can do with macros in Lisp:

(with-collector collect
(do-file-lines (l some-file-name)
(if (some-property l) (collect l))))

This returns a list of all the lines in a file that have some property.
DO-FILE-LINES and WITH-COLLECTOR are macros, and they can't be implemented
any other way because they take variable names and code as arguments.



P.S. Here is the code for WITH-COLLECTOR and DO-FILE-LINES:

(defmacro with-collector (var &body body)
(let ( (resultvar (gensym "RESULT")) )
`(let ( (,resultvar '()) )
(flet ( (,var (item) (push item ,resultvar)) )
(nreverse ,resultvar))))

(defmacro do-file-lines ((linevar filename &optional streamvar) &body body)
(let ( (streamvar (or streamvar (gensym "S"))) )
`(with-open-file (,streamvar ,filename)
(do ( (,linevar (read-line ,streamvar nil nil)
(read-line ,streamvar nil nil)) )
( (null ,linevar) )


(defmacro doleaves ((var tree) &body body)
`(walkleaves (lambda (,var) ,@body) ,tree))


(defun walkleaves (fn tree)
(iterate loop1 ( (tree tree) )
(if (atom tree)
(funcall fn tree)
(progn (loop1 (car tree)) (and (cdr tree) (loop1 (cdr tree)))))))

; This is the really cool way to iterate
(defmacro iterate (name args &rest body)
`(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'car args) ,@body))
(,name ,@(mapcar #'cadr args))))


Doug Tolton

Oct 4, 2003, 12:29:49 AM10/4/03
On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 22:13:42 GMT, Alex Martelli <>

>Similarly, I suspect (but with even less reason to believe my observations
>are correct) that the concept of a language being small and simple may be a
>source of pride to the Scheme crowd (as it is, say, to the Python or C
>ones), while that of a language being large and comprehensive may appeal to
>Common Lispers (as it does, say, to C++ites or Perlmongers).

Ugh, you didn't seriously just compare to CL to C++ and Perl! That's
Heresy in these parts.

I was going to go into a long winded explanation of why that
comparison isn't correct, but it's so wrong on so many levels that I'm
not going to even attempt it.

Suffice it to say that CL has much more in common with Python that in
does with Perl or C++. It is about practicality rather than purity.

I'm not even going to touch the differences between Scheme and CL, if
you want a good history just google for them.

However I will say that coming from Python, I feel much more
comfortable in CL than in Scheme.

Kenny Tilton

Oct 4, 2003, 12:41:12 AM10/4/03

Grzegorz Chrupala wrote:

> Rene van Bevern <> wrote in message news:<slrnbnr2p...@negoyl.vb-network>...
>>I know at least one more person who came to LISP/Scheme over ruby. Maybe
>>it needs ruby and python to enlighten people without confusing them with
>>a syntax they are not used to first. ;)
> I can't remember how *exactly* I came to use scheme (unfortuantely I
> don't keep a diary), but trying to reconstruct it looks something like
> this:

It would be valuable to have what you wrote next in:

Lisp there is defined as "any member of the Lisp family".

Aside: oh, great. Now the survey is going to get thrown off the ALU
Cliki by the Iki Police. um, could you all find something less
productive to focus on? Cutting and pasting thirty pages is /so/ helpful
to the Lisp community. Not!!!

You can be response #78...oops, #79.

Or e-mail me a go-ahead and I'll do the legwork.


Grzegorz Chrupala

Oct 4, 2003, 6:52:38 AM10/4/03
Kenny Tilton <> wrote in message news:<IGofb.5735$>...

> It would be valuable to have what you wrote next in:

OK, I've put it in there.

[By the way, the Wiki seems to make it impossible to spell non-ascii
names correctly in page titles. The last but one letter in my name is
(integer->char 322) rather than (integer->char 108)]

[By the way, SCHEMERS, are we going to have a wiki like COMMON Lispers
do? I know it's been asked before, just nagging :)]


Sampo Smolander

Oct 4, 2003, 6:53:37 AM10/4/03
In comp.lang.scheme Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> I think you could write the scheme code like this:

> (define vector-fill! (v x)

I guess parenthesising like

(define (vector-fill! v x)

would be more schemey.

[Followups set to scheme-group only]


Oct 4, 2003, 7:10:45 AM10/4/03
Jeremy H. Brown wrote:
> According to the "Revised(5) Report on the Algorithmic Language
> Scheme", "Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive
> dialect of the Lisp programming language..." It's certainly not a
> dialect of Common Lisp, although it is one of CL's ancestors.

> I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
> comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
> than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:
> Scheme Common Lisp
> Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness

Hello --

I would just like to point out that there's more choice out there in
the Lisp family than Scheme - Common Lisp.
In particular, I would like to mention ISLISP, which is an
ISO-standard Lisp. Apparently, the story goes somewhat like this: when
lispers went for an ANSI standard, they left out the Europeans and the
Japanese - which were the other people heavily using Lisp at the time.
Thus, ANSI Common Lisp was made all-American. So the people left out
went for an ISO-standard Lisp.
I don't know why this happened, I suspect (and I might be *very*
wrong) it had something to do with competition way back when Lisp were
aiming higher expectations market-wise (the French being very proud of
Prolog :-) ).
I have recently bumped into ISLISP. It is pretty good. It has full
documentation and two usable implementations: a GPL TISL, and a free for
non-commercial use OpenLisp (for now, at least, and I can't say for now
if this will change - for the better).
I don't have time to write a comparison table now, but let me just
say that it mentions in its documentation the purpose of merging the
perceived best features of "the family": "It attempts to bridge the gap
between the various incompatible members of the Lisp family of languages
(most notably Common Lisp, Eulisp, LeLisp, and Scheme) by focusing on
standardizing those areas of widespread agreement." (check the URLs
bellow, this quote from KMP's ISLISP site). However, it's not as big as
Common Lisp (but some people mention that Common Lisp is a large as it
is because it ported functionality that was from the Lisp Machines - but
I might be wrong, what do I know about Lisp Machines - I wish...).
ISLISP has objects, generic functions, defmacro and other good
things. One of its stated aims was industry-use, not academia (that's
from the spec).
The TISL implementation is not so much developed as OpenLisp, but
it's functional and GPLed. OpenLisp is lovely, and it beats the hell out
of Scheme and Common Lisp on the *huge* number of platforms it compiles
on. OpenLisp has compiled on over 60 platforms (yes! 16 to 64 bits!),
and is actively ported today to over 20! So, it's pretty amazing, when
you take into consideration that platform differences are an issue,
particularly with Common Lisp implementations (CLISP being the most
portable), when you need to interact with the OS. So, this is a
non-issue solved on OpenLisp, just as it is solved on Python or Perl. It
approaches Perl or Python in portability (or beats them, I dunno).
OpenLisp's author, unfortunately, isn't much of a "marketing" person...
I have tested it under win32 and NetBSD on Alpha.

BTW, I bumped into OpenLisp because of a Lisp-friendly unix shell
account provider,SDF Public Access Unix Network, a non-profit, that
supports OpenLisp for CGI (also having the usual Python/Perl, etc).
I mention ISLISP here because people are unaware of its existence,
and it's quite a jewel, really.
And let's be honest, who needs Python/Perl/Ruby when you have Lisp? ;-)

Well, that's my 2c, get to know and enjoy ISLISP.



OpenLisp by Eligis

TISL GPL'd ISLISP form Tohoku University (Japan) (under active development)

ISLISP - Standards

More ISLISP documentation, this site maintained
by Kent Pitman

ISLISP in Java

TBK's links on ISLISP

Grzegorz Chrupala

Oct 4, 2003, 7:17:30 AM10/4/03
to (MetalOne) wrote in message news:<>...

> Scheme
> (define vector-fill!
> (lambda (v x)
> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
> ((= i n))
> (vector-set! v i x)))))
> Python
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i in range(len(v)):
> v[i] = x
> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
> boggles my mind.

Pick a construct your pet language has specialized support, write an
ugly equivalent in a language that does not specifically support it
and you have proved your pet language to be superior to the other
language. (I myself have never used the "do" macro in Scheme and my
impression is few people do. I prefer "for-each", named "let" or the
CL-like "dotimes" for looping).
The point is if you want you can easily implement something like
"range" in Scheme (as shown by other posters). It would be more
illustrative choose an area where one of the languages is inherently
underpowered. For example I was shocked at how awkward Paul Graham's
"accumulator generator" snippet is in Python:

class foo:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def __call__(self, i):
self.n += i
return self.n

> If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
> think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
> is why hasn't this already been done.

There are libraries that let you write Scheme in Python-like
indentation syntax (<URL:>, look for
Alternative Syntaxes). However, they are not widely used.



Oct 4, 2003, 7:36:25 AM10/4/03
Marco Antoniotti wrote:
> wrote:
>> I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
>> the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
>> for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
>> macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
>> be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while keeping
>> its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to
>> add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
>> of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
>> would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
>> they were offered identation-based syntax?
> Why do I feel like crying? :{
> Cheers
> --
> Marco
Because it makes you wonder: "why?"



Oct 4, 2003, 7:52:55 AM10/4/03
Mark Brady wrote:

> Pythonistas who love functional programming may prefer Scheme to
> Common Lisp while Pythonistas who want a standard amazing object
> system and loads of built in power in their language may prefer Common
> Lisp.


> Regards,
> Mark.
> Ps. If anyone spots a mistake in this mail please correct me, it will
> have been an honest one and not an attempt to slander your favourite
> language and I will be glad to be corrected, in other words there is
> no need to flame me :)

I would just say that CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) is not "standard"
in the sense people take OOP to be nowadays, but able to encompass and
go beyond the JAVA, C++, Python, etc, paradigm. This fact was
demonstrated briefly on Paul Graham's ANSI Common LISP book, and
elsewhere, and it's basically a satori.



Oct 4, 2003, 8:15:06 AM10/4/03
Alex Martelli wrote:

> Mark Brady wrote:
> ...
>>This is a difficult question to answer. It's a bit like trying to
>>explain the differences between Ruby and Python to a Java developer
> Been there, done that, it's not all _that_ difficult. The average Java
> developer is quite able to understand the differences if you explain them
> in terms of similarities and differences from Lisp ("Python has immutable
> strings like Java, while Ruby's strings are mutable; Ruby has single
> inheritance like Java, plus mix-ins, while Python has multiple inheritance,
> with certain limitations", etc) and ability to interoperate ("Python has an
> implementation that runs on a JVM, uses any Java class, and can generate
> .class and .jar files just as if you had coded in Java, Ruby doesn't").
> I think the "cultural" differences are subtler and more interesting (and
> also, no doubt, even more debatable:-) -- the distinction between a Python
> culture that takes pride in simplicity, uniformity, and avoidance of clever
> tricks, versus a Ruby one that's quite different in these regards, IMHO.

Python: similarities with Common Lisp, ever greenspunning itself
(Dylan's C3MRO class-precedence algorithm being the latest, the whole
model of interaction, the indentation wanna-be-s-exprs, the syntax
similarities pointed out by Norvig - and the name "python" - wonder
where they got /that/ from ;-)). Sure, a nice language.
Ruby: of similarities with Smalltalk (Smalltalk cum Perl cum mixins?)
Have they sorted out their namespace problem already?

The originals were made by clever people, some eons ago, and remain

I used to think Perl was bad, but I educated myself more, and came to
appreciate the Parrot guys. Now I think at least they were somewhat
original (AWK/shell/C notwithstanding).


Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 8:45:41 AM10/4/03
Grzegorz Chrupala wrote:

> class foo:
> def __init__(self, n):
> self.n = n
> def __call__(self, i):
> self.n += i
> return self.n

some might prefer:

def foo(n):
tot = [n]
def acc(i):
tot[0] += i
return tot[0]
return acc

which is roughly equivalent. It's true that most Pythonistas prefer to
use class instances, rather than closures, in order to group together
some state and some behavior, and the language favours that; and Python
separates expressions and statements quite firmly, so one just can't
increment-and-return in one stroke, nor define-and-return-function ditto.
But I don't see how these issues spell "awkwardness" in this case.


Bengt Richter

Oct 4, 2003, 9:16:02 AM10/4/03
On 4 Oct 2003 00:17:30 -0700, (Grzegorz Chrupala) wrote:

> (MetalOne) wrote in message news:<>...
>> Scheme
>> (define vector-fill!
>> (lambda (v x)
>> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
>> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
>> ((= i n))
>> (vector-set! v i x)))))
>> Python
>> def vector_fill(v, x):
>> for i in range(len(v)):
>> v[i] = x

I guess you could also just write

v[:] = [x]*len(v)

instead of calling a function (though it takes more space), e.g.,

>>> v=range(10)
>>> id(v),v
(9442064, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> v[:] = [55]*len(v)
>>> id(v),v
(9442064, [55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55])

using id(v) to show that the same object is mutated.

>> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
>> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
>> boggles my mind.
>Pick a construct your pet language has specialized support, write an
>ugly equivalent in a language that does not specifically support it
>and you have proved your pet language to be superior to the other
>language. (I myself have never used the "do" macro in Scheme and my
>impression is few people do. I prefer "for-each", named "let" or the
>CL-like "dotimes" for looping).
>The point is if you want you can easily implement something like
>"range" in Scheme (as shown by other posters). It would be more
>illustrative choose an area where one of the languages is inherently
>underpowered. For example I was shocked at how awkward Paul Graham's
>"accumulator generator" snippet is in Python:
>class foo:
> def __init__(self, n):
> self.n = n
> def __call__(self, i):
> self.n += i
> return self.n

Do you like this better?

>>> def foo(n):
... box = [n]
... def foo(i): box[0]+=i; return box[0]
... return foo
>>> bar = foo(10)
>>> bar(1)
>>> bar(2)
>>> bar(37)
>>> baz = foo(100)
>>> bar(1), baz(23)
(51, 123)

>> If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
>> think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
>> is why hasn't this already been done.
>There are libraries that let you write Scheme in Python-like
>indentation syntax (<URL:>, look for
>Alternative Syntaxes). However, they are not widely used.

Bengt Richter

Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 9:44:58 AM10/4/03
Erann Gat wrote:

> But if you focus on examples like this you really miss the point. Imagine
> that you wanted to be able to write this in Python:
> def vector_fill(v, x):
> for i from 0 to len(v)-1:
> v[i] = x
> You can't do it because Python doesn't support "for i from ... to ...",
> only "for i in ...". What's more, you can't as a user change the language
> so that it does support "for i from ... to ...". (That's why the xrange
> hack was invented.)

Almost right, except that xrange is a hack. Since in Python you cannot
change the language to suit your whims, you USE the language (designed
by a pretty good language designer) -- by coding an iterator that is
suitable to put where the ... are in "for i in ...".

> In Lisp you can. If Lisp didn't already have LOOP or DOTIMES as part of
> the standard you could add them yourself, and the way you do it is by
> writing a macro.

Good summary: if you fancy yourself as a language designer, go for Lisp;
if you prefer to use a language designed by somebody else, without you
_or any of the dozens of people working with you on the same project_
being able to CHANGE the language, go for Python.

> That's what macros are mainly good for, adding features to the langauge in
> ways that are absolutely impossible in any other language. S-expression
> syntax is the feature that enables users to so this quickly and easily.

Doesn't Dylan do a pretty good job of giving essentially the same
semantics (including macros) without S-expression syntax? That was
my impression, but I've never used Dylan in production.

> For example, imagine you want to be able to traverse a binary tree and do
> an operation on all of its leaves. In Lisp you can write a macro that
> lets you write:
> (doleaves (leaf tree) ...)
> You can't do that in Python (or any other langauge).

Well, in Ruby, or Smalltalk, you would pass your preferred code block
to the call to the doleaves iterator, giving something like:

doleaves(tree) do |leaf|

while in Python, where iterators are "the other way around" (they
get relevant items out rather than taking a code block in), it would be:

for leaf in doleaves(tree):

In either case, it may not be "that" (you are not ALTERING the syntax
of the language, just USING it for the same purpose), but it's sure close.
(In Dylan, I do believe you could ``do that'' -- except the surface
syntax would not be Lisp-ish, of course).

> Here's another example of what you can do with macros in Lisp:
> (with-collector collect
> (do-file-lines (l some-file-name)
> (if (some-property l) (collect l))))
> This returns a list of all the lines in a file that have some property.
> DO-FILE-LINES and WITH-COLLECTOR are macros, and they can't be implemented
> any other way because they take variable names and code as arguments.

If you consider than giving e.g. the variable name as an argument to
do-file-lines is the crucial issue here, then it's probably quite true
that this fundamental (?) feature "cannot be implemented any other way";
in Ruby, e.g., the variable name would not be an argument to dofilelines,
it would be a parameter at the start of the block receiving & using it:

dofilelines(somefilename) do |l|
collect l if someproperty? l

However, it appears to me that the focus on where variable names are
to be determined may be somewhat misplaced. The key distinction does
seem to be: if you're happy using a language as it was designed (e.g.,
in this example, respecting the language designer's concept that the
names for the control variables of a block must appear within | vertical
bars | at the start of the block -- or, in Python, the reversed concept
that they must appear between the 'for' and 'in' in the "for ... in ...:
statement), macros are not relevant; if you do want to design and use
your own language (including, for example, placing variable names in
new and interesting places) then macros can let you do that, while
other constructs would be insufficiently powerful.

If you dream of there being "preferably only one obvious way to do it",
as Pythonistas do (try "import this" at an interactive Python prompt),
macros are therefore a minus; if you revel in the possibilities of there
being many ways to do it, even ones the language designer had never even
considered (or considered and rejected in disgust:-), macros then become
a huge plus.

Therefore, I entirely agree that people who pine for macros should
use them in a language that accomodates them quite well, is designed
for them, cherishes and nurtures and exhalts them, like some language
of the Lisp family (be it Common, ISO, Scheme, ...), or perhaps Dylan
(which often _feels_ as if "of the Lisp family" even though it does
not use S-expressions), rather than trying to shoehorn them willy-nilly
into a language to whose overall philosophy they are SO utterly foreign,
like Python (Ruby, and even more Perl, may be a different matter;
google for "Lingua Latina Perligata" to see what Perl is already able
to do in terms of within-the-language language design and syntax
alteration, even without anything officially deemed to be 'macros'...
it IS, after all, a language CENTERED on "more than one way to do it").


Rene van Bevern

Oct 4, 2003, 9:48:10 AM10/4/03
On 3 Oct 2003 16:31:50 GMT, Dave Pearson <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if "wrong" relates to both the points in that paragraph or just
> the ruby point. But reading the above made me think about this post
> from the other day.
> Not that this actually says that your first point is wrong, but I guess it's
> a list many people don't notice at first.

well, ok, this list *looks* large and you seem to find libraries for a
lot of tasks there. the other thing is, that many of these libraries are
badly-documented or in an early development stage. many of them have
examples, though, which are very good, even better than a huge
collection of documentation (in some cases).


james anderson

Oct 4, 2003, 10:08:04 AM10/4/03

? do you know of a macos port of this? or even a linux/ppc port?

i was perplexed when i looked at the islisp description. in particular, it is
not obvious why they decided that it was appropriate that it is best that "the
correct syntax of filenames is implementation defined." especially for a
system which intends wide portability it seems couterproductive to establish
such an impediment to application portability. i've looked for mention of
logical-pathname extensions, but have not yet succeeded. can you say anythiing
about how applications which have been used on various of the islisp
implementations cope with this?


synthespian wrote:
> ...

> (etc)
> Hello --
> I would just like to point out that there's more choice out there in
> the Lisp family than Scheme - Common Lisp.
> In particular, I would like to mention ISLISP, which is an
> ISO-standard Lisp. Apparently, the story goes somewhat like this: when
> lispers went for an ANSI standard, they left out the Europeans and the
> Japanese - which were the other people heavily using Lisp at the time.
> Thus, ANSI Common Lisp was made all-American. So the people left out
> went for an ISO-standard Lisp.


Alan Crowe

Oct 4, 2003, 11:31:45 AM10/4/03
MetalOne wrote

> If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP
> syntax, then I think that might be an amazing thing. An
> interesting question to me is why hasn't this already been
> done.

I think the issue is the grandeur of the Lisp vision. More
ambitious projects require larger code bases. Ambition is
hard to quantify. Nevertheless one must face the issue of
scaling. Does code size go as the cube of ambition, or is it
the fourth power of ambition? Or something else entirely.

Lisp aspires to change the exponent, not the constant
factor. The constant factor is very important. That is why
CL has FILL :-) but shrinking the constant factor has been
done (and with C++ undone).

Macros can be used to abbreviate code. One can spot that one
is typing similar code over and over again. One says
"whoops, I'm typing macro expansions". Do you use macros to
tune the syntax, so that you type N/2 characters instead of
N characters, or do you capture the whole concept in macro
and eliminate the repetition altogether?

The point is that there is nowhere very interesting to go
with syntax tuning. It is the bolder goal of changing the
exponent, and thus seriously enlarging the realm of the
possible, that excites.

Alan Crowe

Paolo Amoroso

Oct 4, 2003, 9:23:28 AM10/4/03
[followup to comp.lang.lisp only]

Peter Seibel writes:

> (defun vector-fill (v x)
> (dotimes (i (length v)) (setf (aref v i) x)))

I personally prefer:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v))
(setf (aref v i) x)))

Paolo Amoroso <>

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Oct 4, 2003, 12:59:04 PM10/4/03
Alex Martelli <> writes:

> Good summary: if you fancy yourself as a language designer, go for
> Lisp; if you prefer to use a language designed by somebody else,
> without you _or any of the dozens of people working with you on the
> same project_ being able to CHANGE the language, go for Python.

I believe it is very unfortunate to view lisp macros as something that
is used to "change the language". Macros allow syntactic abstraction
the same way functions allow functional abstraction, and is almost as
important a part of the programmer's toolchest. While macros _can_ be
used to change the language in the sense of writing your own
general-purpose iteration construct or conditional operator, I believe
this is an abuse of macros, precisely because of the implications this
has for the readability of the code and for the language's user

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

David Rush

Oct 4, 2003, 12:11:49 PM10/4/03
On 03 Oct 2003 14:44:36 +0300, Toni Nikkanen <> wrote:
> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?

Emacs. I've noticed over the years that people don't really get Emacs
religion until they've started hacking elisp. I know that the frustration
of having almost-but-not-quite the behavior I wanted on top of having all
that source code was a powerful incentive for me to learn Lisp. Of course
my apreciation of Emacs only increased as I went...

The thing that sealed it for me was re-programming SCWM's behavior so that
I could use X w/no mouse &cet. That got me hooked on Scheme (I had been
hacking SML at roughly the same time while looking for the foundations of
OOP), which was really just about perfect semantically.

david rush
(\x.(x x) \x.(x x)) -> (s i i (s i i))
-- aki helin (on comp.lang.scheme)

Grzegorz Chrupala

Oct 4, 2003, 1:24:11 PM10/4/03
to (Bengt Richter) wrote in message news:<blm34i$l6s$0...@>...

> Do you like this better?
> >>> def foo(n):
> ... box = [n]
> ... def foo(i): box[0]+=i; return box[0]
> ... return foo
> ...

It's still a hack that shows an area where Python has unnecessary
limitations, isn't it?
As Paul Graham says (<URL:>):

> Python users might legitimately ask why they can't just write
> def foo(n):
> return lambda i: return n += i
> or even
> def foo(n):
> lambda i: n += i

-- Grzegorz

Oct 4, 2003, 4:48:00 PM10/4/03

But syntactic abstractions *are* a change to the language, it just
sounds fancier.

I agree that injudicious use of macros can destroy the readability of
code, but judicious use can greatly increase the readability. So
while it is probably a bad idea to write COND1 that assumes
alternating test and consequence forms, it is also a bad idea to
replicate boilerplate code because you are eschewing macros.

Erann Gat

Oct 4, 2003, 4:09:37 PM10/4/03
In article <uEwfb.222927$>, wrote:

> Erann Gat wrote:
> ...

> > (That's why the xrange hack was invented.)
> Almost right, except that xrange is a hack.

I presume you meant to say that xrange is *not* a hack. Well, hackiness
is to some extent a matter of taste. The only reason xrange exists is
because range uses more memory than it needs to in the context where it is
most often used. IMO, any construct that exists solely to work around an
inefficiency which should never have been there in the first place (as
evidenced by the fact that Python is unique among programming langauges in
having this particular inefficiency) is a hack.

> Since in Python you cannot change the language to suit your whims

That seems to be the crux of the difference between Python and Lisp. For
some reason that I don't quite fathom, Pythonistas seem to think that this
limitation in their language is actually a feature. It boggles my mind.

> Good summary: if you fancy yourself as a language designer, go for Lisp;

By using Lisp you *become* a language designer in the normal course of
learning to program in it. After a while you even become a good language

> if you prefer to use a language designed by somebody else, without you
> _or any of the dozens of people working with you on the same project_
> being able to CHANGE the language, go for Python.

If you prefer to remain forever shackled by the limitations imposed by
someone else, someone who may not have known what they were doing, or
someone who made tacit assumptions that are not a good fit to your
particular problem domain, then by all means go for Python. (Oh, you also
have to be willing to give up all hope of ever having efficient
native-code compilation.)

> > That's what macros are mainly good for, adding features to the langauge in
> > ways that are absolutely impossible in any other language. S-expression
> > syntax is the feature that enables users to so this quickly and easily.
> Doesn't Dylan do a pretty good job of giving essentially the same
> semantics (including macros) without S-expression syntax?

Similar, but not quite the same. But there are other reasons to use
S-expressions besides macros. For example, supposed you are writing code
for a mission-critical application and you want to write a static analyzer
to check that the code has a particular property. That's vastly easier to
do if your code is in S-expressions because you don't have to write a

> > For example, imagine you want to be able to traverse a binary tree and do
> > an operation on all of its leaves. In Lisp you can write a macro that
> > lets you write:
> >
> > (doleaves (leaf tree) ...)
> >
> > You can't do that in Python (or any other langauge).
> Well, in Ruby, or Smalltalk, you would pass your preferred code block
> to the call to the doleaves iterator, giving something like:
> doleaves(tree) do |leaf|
> ...
> end

True. For any single example (especially simple ones) I can give you can
almost certainly find some language somewhere that can do that one thing
with a specialized construct in that language. The point is, macros let
you do *all* these things with a single mechanism.

> while in Python, where iterators are "the other way around" (they
> get relevant items out rather than taking a code block in), it would be:
> for leaf in doleaves(tree):
> ...

Forcing you to either waste a lot of memory or write some very awkward code.

Here's another example: suppose you're writing embedded code and you need
to write a critical section, that is, code that runs with no interrupts
enabled. In Lisp you can use macros to add a macro that lets you write:

(critical-section [code])

Getting this macro right is non-trivial because you have to make sure that
it works properly if critical sections are nested, and if there are
non-local exits from the code.

Another example: suppose you want to write some code that insures that a
particular condition is maintained while a code block executes. In Lisp
you can render that as:

(with-maintained-condition [condition] [code])


(with-maintained-condition (< minval (reactor-temp) maxval)

What's more, WITH-MAINTAINED-CONDITION can actually look at the code in
the CONDITION part and analyze it to figure out how to take action to
avoid having the condition violated, rather than just treating the
condition as a predicate.

> However, it appears to me that the focus on where variable names are
> to be determined may be somewhat misplaced.

Yes, I'm only focusing on that because I wanted to come up with simple
examples. The problem is that the real power of macros can't really be
conveyed with a simple example. By definition, any simple macro can
easily be replaced with simple code. WITH-MAINTAINED-CONDITION starts to
come closer to indicating what macros are capable of.

> If you dream of there being "preferably only one obvious way to do it",
> as Pythonistas do

So which is the one obvious way to do it, range or xrange?

> (try "import this" at an interactive Python prompt),

Nice. I particularly like the following:

"Errors should never pass silently."


"In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess."

I predict that if Python is ever used in mission-critical applications
that it is only a matter of time before a major disaster is caused by
someone cutting and pasting this:

def foo():
if baz():

and getting this:

def foo():
if baz():

> if you revel in the possibilities of there
> being many ways to do it, even ones the language designer had never even
> considered (or considered and rejected in disgust:-), macros then become
> a huge plus.

If you are content to forever be a second-class citizen in the programming
world, to blindly accept the judgements of the exalted language designers
as if they are gospel, even when the language designers obviously don't
know what they're doing as Guido clearly didn't in early version of Python
as evidenced by the fact that proper lexical scoping wasn't added until
version 2, even when the language designers come up with horrible messes
like C++, if you are willing to take on faith that the language designers
anticipated every need you might ever have in any programming domain you
might ever choose to explore, then indeed macros are of no use to you.

If on the other hand you dream of obtaining a deep understanding of what
programming is and how languages work, if you dream of some day writing
your own compilers rather than waiting for someone else to write them for
you, if you want to write code that trancends the ordinary and explores
ideas and modes of thought that no one has explored before, and you want
to do all this without having to overcome arbitrary obstacles placed in
your way by people who think they know more than you do but really don't,
then macros - and Lisp macros in particular - are a huge win.


Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 5:02:41 PM10/4/03
Grzegorz Chrupala wrote:

>> >>> def foo(n):
>> ... box = [n]
>> ... def foo(i): box[0]+=i; return box[0]
>> ... return foo
>> ...
> It's still a hack that shows an area where Python has unnecessary
> limitations, isn't it?

Debatable, and debated. See the "Rebinding names in enclosing
scopes" section of .

Essentially, Guido prefers classes (and instances thereof) to
closures as a way to bundle state and behavior; thus he most
emphatically does not want to add _any_ complication at all,
when the only benefit would be to have "more than one obvious
way to do it".

Guido's generally adamant stance for simplicity has been the
key determinant in the evolution of Python. Guido is also on
record as promising that the major focus in the next release
of Python where he can introduce backwards incompatibilities
(i.e. the next major-number-incrementing release, 3.0, perhaps,
say, 3 years from now) will be the _elimination_ of many of
the "more than one way to do it"s that have accumulated along
the years mostly for reasons of keeping backwards compatibility
(e.g., lambda, map, reduce, and filter, which Guido mildly
regrets ever having accepted into the language).

> As Paul Graham says (<URL:>):
>> Python users might legitimately ask why they can't just write
>> def foo(n):
>> return lambda i: return n += i

The rule Python currently use to determine whether a variable
is local is maximally simple: if the name gets bound (assigned
to) in local scope, it's a local variable. Making this rule
*any* more complicated (e.g. to allow assignments to names in
enclosing scopes) would just allow "more than one way to do
it" (making closures a viable alternative to classes in more
cases) and therefore it just won't happen. Python is about
offering one, and preferably only one, obvious way to do it,
for any value of "it". And another key principle of the Zen
of Python is "simple is better than complex".

Anybody who doesn't value simplicity and uniformity is quite
unlikely to be comfortable with Python -- and this should
amply answer the question about the motivations for reason
number 1 why the above foo is unacceptable in Python (the
lambda's body can't rebind name n in an enclosing scope).

Python draws a firm distinction between expressions and
statements. Again, the deep motivation behind this key
distinction can be found in several points in the Zen of
Python, such as "flat is better than nested" (doing away
with the expression/statement separation allows and indeed
encourages deep nesting) and "sparse is better than dense"
(that 'doing away' would encourage expression/statements
with a very high density of operations being performed).

This firm distinction should easily explain other reasons
why the above foo is unacceptable in Python: n+=i is a
statement (not an expression) and therefore it cannot be
held by a 'return' keyword; 'return' is a statement and
therefore cannot be in the body of a 'lambda' keyword.

>> or even
>> def foo(n):
>> lambda i: n += i

And this touches on yet another point of the Zen of Python:
explicit is better than implicit. Having a function
implicitly return the last expression it computes would
violate this point (and is in fact somewhat error-prone,
in my experience, in the several languages that adopt
this rule).

Somebody who is unhappy with this drive for explicitness,
simplicity, uniformity, and so on, cannot be happy with
Python. If he wants a very similar language from most
points of view, BUT with very different philosophies, he
might well be quite happy with Ruby. Ruby does away with
any expression/statement distinction; it makes the 'return'
optional, as a method returns the last thing it computes;
it revels in "more than one way to do it", clever and cool
hacks, not perhaps to the extent of Perl, but close enough.

In Ruby, the spaces of methods and data are separate (i.e.,
most everything is "an object" -- but, differently from
Python, methods are not objects in Ruby), and I do not
think, therefore, that you can write a method that builds
and returns another method, and bind the latter to a name --
but you can return an object with a .call method, a la:

def outer(a) proc do |b| a+=b end end

x = outer(23)
puts # emits 123
puts # emits 223

[i.e., I can't think of any way you could just use x(100)
at the end of such a snippet in Ruby -- perhaps somebody
more expert of Ruby than I am can confirm or correct...?]
but apart from this it seems closer to what the above
quotes appear to be probing for. In particular, it lets
you be MUCH, MUCH denser, if that is your purpose in life,
easily squeezing that outer function into a (short) line.
Python is NOT about making code very dense, indeed, as
above mentioned, it sees _sparseness_ as a plus; a typical
Pythonista would cringe at the density of that 'outer'
and by contrast REVEL at the "sparsity" and "explicitness"
(due to the many names involved:-) of, e.g.:

def make_accumulator(initial_value):
accumulator = Bunch(value=initial_value)
def accumulate(addend):
accumulator.value += addend
return accumulator.value
return accumulate

accumulate = make_accumulator(23)
print accumulate(100) # emits 123
print accumulate(100) # emits 223

(using the popular Bunch class commonly defined as:
class Bunch(object):
def __init__(self, **kwds):
). There is, of course, a cultural gulf between this
verbose 6-liner [using an auxiliary class strictly for
reasons of better readability...!] and the terse Ruby
1-liner above, and no doubt most practitioners of both
languages would in practice choose intermediate levels,
such as un-densifying the Ruby function into:

def outer(a)
proc do |b|

or shortening/densifying the Python one into:

def make_accumulator(a):
value = [a]
def accumulate(b):
value[0] += b
return value[0]
return accumulate

but I think the "purer" (more extreme) versions are
interesting "tipizations" for the languages, anyway.


Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 5:07:12 PM10/4/03
Frode Vatvedt Fjeld wrote:

> Alex Martelli <> writes:
>> Good summary: if you fancy yourself as a language designer, go for
>> Lisp; if you prefer to use a language designed by somebody else,
>> without you _or any of the dozens of people working with you on the
>> same project_ being able to CHANGE the language, go for Python.
> I believe it is very unfortunate to view lisp macros as something that
> is used to "change the language". Macros allow syntactic abstraction

Maybe "enhance" can sound more positive? An enhancement, of course,
IS a change -- and if one were to perform any change, he'd surely be
convinced it WAS going to be an enhancement. (Whether it really
turned out to be one is another issue).

> the same way functions allow functional abstraction, and is almost as
> important a part of the programmer's toolchest. While macros _can_ be
> used to change the language in the sense of writing your own
> general-purpose iteration construct or conditional operator, I believe
> this is an abuse of macros, precisely because of the implications this
> has for the readability of the code and for the language's user
> community.

Sure, but aren't these the examples that are being presented? Isn't
"with-collector" a general purpose iteration construct, etc? Maybe
only _special_ purpose ones should be built with macros (if you are
right that _general_ purpose ones should not be), but the subtleness
of the distinction leaves me wondering about the practice.



Oct 4, 2003, 5:19:33 PM10/4/03
Thanks for everybody's responses. I found them quite informative.

Jens Axel Søgaard

Oct 4, 2003, 5:24:06 PM10/4/03
to Alex Martelli
Alex Martelli wrote:

> Essentially, Guido prefers classes (and instances thereof) to
> closures as a way to bundle state and behavior; thus he most
> emphatically does not want to add _any_ complication at all,
> when the only benefit would be to have "more than one obvious
> way to do it".
> Guido's generally adamant stance for simplicity has been the
> key determinant in the evolution of Python.

The following is taken from "All Things Pythonic - News from Python UK"
written by Guido van Rossum April 17,

During Simon's elaboration of an example (a type-safe printf function)
I realized the problem with functional programming: there was a simple
programming problem where a list had to be transformed into a
different list. The code to do this was a complex two-level lambda
expression if I remember it well, and despite Simon's lively
explanation (he was literally hopping around the stage making
intricate hand gestures to show how it worked) I failed to "get" it. I
finally had to accept that it did the transformation without
understanding how it did it, and this is where I had my epiphany about
loops as a higher level of abstraction than recursion - I'm sure that
the same problem would be easily solved by a simple loop in Python,
and would leave no-one in the dark about what it did.


Jens Axel Søgaard

David Rush

Oct 4, 2003, 4:25:38 PM10/4/03
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 09:36:32 -0400, Terry Reedy <> wrote:
> ... Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
> not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
> give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

Do you even begin to appreciate how inflammatory such a request is when
posted to to both c.l.l and c.l.s?

Anyway, as a fairly heavily biased Schemer:

Scheme vs Common Lisp

1 name space vs multiple name spaces
This is a bigger issue than it seems on the surface, BTW

#f vs nil
In Scheme an empty list is not considered to be the same
thing as boolean false

emphasis on all values being first-class vs ad-hoc values
Scheme tries to achieve this, Lisp is by conscious design a
compromise system design, for both good and bad

small semantic footprint vs large semantic footprint
Scheme seems relatively easier to keep in mind as an
additional language.CL appears to have several sub-languages
embedded in it. This cuts both ways, mind you.

Thos eare the most obvious surface issues. My main point is that it is
pretty much silly to consider any of the above in isolation. Both languages
make a lot of sense in their design context. I vastly prefer Scheme because
it suits my needs (small semantic footprint, powerful toolkit) far better
than CL (everything is there if you have the time to look for it). I should
point out that I build a lot of funny data structures (suffix trees and
IR magic) for which pre-built libraries are both exceedingly rare and
incorrectly optimized for the specific application.

I also like the fact that Scheme hews rather a lot closer to the
foundations of CS than CL, but then again that's all part of the small
footprint for me.

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters

Oct 4, 2003, 5:31:00 PM10/4/03
to (Grzegorz Chrupala) wrote previously:

|shocked at how awkward Paul Graham's "accumulator generator" snippet is
|in Python:
|class foo:
| def __init__(self, n):
| self.n = n
| def __call__(self, i):
| self.n += i
| return self.n

Me too. The way I'd do it is probably a lot closer to the way Schemers
would do it:

>>> def foo(i, accum=[0]):
... accum[0]+=i
... return accum[0]
>>> foo(1)
>>> foo(3)

Shorter, and without an awkward class.

Yours, David...

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Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 6:06:17 PM10/4/03
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters wrote:

> (Grzegorz Chrupala) wrote previously:
> |shocked at how awkward Paul Graham's "accumulator generator" snippet is
> |in Python:
> |class foo:
> | def __init__(self, n):
> | self.n = n
> | def __call__(self, i):
> | self.n += i
> | return self.n
> Me too. The way I'd do it is probably a lot closer to the way Schemers
> would do it:
> >>> def foo(i, accum=[0]):
> ... accum[0]+=i
> ... return accum[0]
> ...
> >>> foo(1)
> 1
> >>> foo(3)
> 4
> Shorter, and without an awkward class.

There's an important difference: with your approach, you cannot just
instantiate multiple independent accumulators like with the other --
a = foo(10)
b = foo(23)
in the 'class foo' approach, just as in all of those where foo returns an
inner-function instance, a and b are now totally independent accumulator
callables -- in your approach, 'foo' itself is the only 'accumulator
callable', and a and b after these two calls are just two numbers.

Making a cookie, and making a cookie-cutter, are quite different issues.


David Eppstein

Oct 4, 2003, 6:22:02 PM10/4/03
In article <>,

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters <> wrote:

> (Grzegorz Chrupala) wrote previously:
> |shocked at how awkward Paul Graham's "accumulator generator" snippet is
> |in Python:
> |class foo:
> | def __init__(self, n):
> | self.n = n
> | def __call__(self, i):
> | self.n += i
> | return self.n
> Me too. The way I'd do it is probably a lot closer to the way Schemers
> would do it:
> >>> def foo(i, accum=[0]):
> ... accum[0]+=i
> ... return accum[0]
> ...
> >>> foo(1)
> 1
> >>> foo(3)
> 4
> Shorter, and without an awkward class.

There's an important difference between these two: the object-based
solution (and the solutions with two nested functions and a closure)
allow more than one accumulator to be created. Yours only creates a
one-of-a-kind accumulator.

I happen to like the object-based solution better. It expresses more
clearly to me the intent of the code. I don't find the class awkward;
to me, a class is what you use when you want to keep some state around,
which is exactly the situation here. "Explicit is better than
implicit." Conciseness is not always a virtue.

David Eppstein
Univ. of California, Irvine, School of Information & Computer Science

Marco Antoniotti

Oct 4, 2003, 6:48:08 PM10/4/03

Rayiner Hashem wrote:
>>Object system no yes
> To be fair, most Scheme implementations come with one, and you can always
> download an external one if you want.

Not in R^nRS not in Scheme.

>>Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
> Again, depends on the implementation. Gambit offers CL-style macros too.

Why not use CL then?

>>Performance "worse" "better"
> Depends on the implementation. Bigloo did a bit better on the Great Computer
> Language Shootout than did CMUCL, though, there were complaints that the
> CL-code was sub-par. In the few small benchmarks I've tried on my machine,
> Bigloo is pretty competitive with CMUCL.

Bigloo is not a standard Scheme.


Oct 4, 2003, 6:55:50 PM10/4/03
to (Erann Gat) writes:

> I predict that if Python is ever used in mission-critical applications
> that it is only a matter of time before a major disaster is caused by
> someone cutting and pasting this:
> def foo():
> if baz():
> f()
> g()
> and getting this:
> def foo():
> if baz():
> f()
> g()

At least the infamous `missing period' bug involved something with a
printed representation.

Alexander Schmolck

Oct 4, 2003, 6:56:59 PM10/4/03
[comp.lang.functional removed]
Peter Seibel <> writes:

> which seems pretty similar to the Python version.
> (If of course we didn't already have the FILL function that does just
> that.)

Just for the record, in python all you'd write is: v[:] = a


David Rush

Oct 4, 2003, 6:08:46 PM10/4/03
Since no one has done a point-by-point correction of the errors w/rt

On 03 Oct 2003 11:25:31 -0400, Jeremy H. Brown <> wrote:
> Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:
> Scheme Common Lisp
> Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness
orthogonality compromise

> Namespaces one two (functions, variables)
more than two, actually

> Continuations yes no
> Object system no yes

It really depends on how you define 'object system' as to whether or not
Scheme has one. I personally think it does, but you have to be prepared
to crawl around the foundations of OOP (and CS generally) before this
becomes apparent. It helps if you've ever lived with unconventional
object systems like Self.

> Exceptions no yes
yes, via continuations which reify the
fundamental control operators in all languages

> Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
most Schemes provide defmacro style macros as
they are relatively easy to implement correctly
(easier than syntax-rules anyway)

> Implementations >10 ~4
too many to count. The FAQ lists over twenty. IMO
there are about 9 'major' implementations which
relatively complete compliance to R5RS and/or
significant extension libraries

> Performance "worse" "better"
This is absolutely wrong. Scheme actually boasts
of the most efficient compliers on the planet in
StaLIn (Static Language Implementation) Scheme
Larceny, Bigloo, and Gambit are also all quite
when compiled.

> Standards IEEE ANSI
Hrmf. 'Scheme' and 'Standard' are slightly skewed
This is probably both the greatest weakness of
language and also its greatest strength. R5RS is
of a description to programmers of how to write
code than it is a constraint on implementors.
Scheme is
probably more of a "family" of languages than
Lisp is
at that.

Anyway, Nobody really pays much attention to
IEEE, although
that may change since it's being reworked this
year. The
real standard thus far has been the community
document called R5RS, the Revised^5 Report on the
Language Scheme. There is a growing consensus
that it needs
work, but nobody has yet figured out how to make
a new version happen (And I believe that the IEEE effort is just
bringing IEEE up to date w/R5RS)

> Reference name R5RS CLTL2
> Reference length 50pp 1029pp
> Standard libraries "few" "more"
Well, we're up to SRFI-45 (admittedly a number of
them have been withdrawn, but the code and specification are still
available) and there's very little overlap.
Most of the SRFIs have highly portable

> Support Community Academic Applications writers
in outlook, perhaps, but the academic component
has dropped fairly significantly over the years. The best implementations
still come out of academia, but the better libraries are starting to come
from people in the industry.
There is also an emphasis on heavily-armed
which is sadly lacking in other branches of the
industry. Remember - there is no Scheme

Mario S. Mommer

Oct 4, 2003, 7:13:43 PM10/4/03
to (MetalOne) writes:
> I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
> the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
> ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
> stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.


Although people are right when they say that S-exprs are simpler, and
once you get used to them they are actually easier to read, I think
the visual impact they have on those not used to it is often

And to be honest, trying to deal with all these parenthesis in an
editor which doesn't help you is not an encouraging experience, to say
the least. You need at least a paren-matching editor, and it is a real
big plus if it also can reindent your code properly. Then, very much
like in python, the indent level tells you exactly what is happening,
and you pretty much don't see the parens anymore.

Try it! In emacs, or Xemacs, open a file ending in .lisp and
copy/paste this into it:

;; Split a string at whitespace.
(defun splitatspc (str)
(labels ((whitespace-p (c)
(find c '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline))))
(let* ((posnew -1)
(posold 0)
(buf (cons nil nil))
(ptr buf))
(loop while (and posnew (< posnew (length str))) do
(setf posold (+ 1 posnew))
(setf posnew (position-if #'whitespace-p str
:start posold))
(let ((item (subseq str posold posnew)))
(when (< 0 (length item))
(setf (cdr ptr) (list item))
(setf ptr (cdr ptr)))))
(cdr buf))))

Now place the cursor on the paren just in front of the defun in the
first line, and hit ESC followed by <ctrl-Q>.

> If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
> think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
> is why hasn't this already been done.

Because they are so damned regular. After some time you do not even
think about the syntax anymore.

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Oct 4, 2003, 7:41:55 PM10/4/03
to writes:

> But syntactic abstractions *are* a change to the language, it just
> sounds fancier.

Yes, this is obviously true. Functional abstractions also change the
language, even if it's in a slightly different way. Any programming
language is, after all, a set of functional and syntactic

> I agree that injudicious use of macros can destroy the readability
> of code, but judicious use can greatly increase the readability. So
> while it is probably a bad idea to write COND1 that assumes
> alternating test and consequence forms, it is also a bad idea to
> replicate boilerplate code because you are eschewing macros.

I suppose this is about the same differentiantion I wanted to make by
the terms "syntactic abstraction" (stressing the idea of building a
syntax that matches a particular problem area or programming pattern),
and "changing the language" which is just that, not being part of any
particular abstraction other than the programming language itself.

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Terry Reedy

Oct 4, 2003, 7:49:06 PM10/4/03
"David Rush" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 09:36:32 -0400, Terry Reedy <>
> > ... Lispers posting here
By 'here', I meant comp.lang.python ...

>> have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
> > not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could
> > give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

> Do you even begin to appreciate how inflammatory such a request is
> when posted to to both c.l.l and c.l.s?

As implied by 'here', I did not originally notice the cross-posting
(blush, laugh ;<). I am pleased with the straightforward, civil, and
helpful answers I have received, including yours, and have saved them
for future reference.


> compromise system design, for both good and bad


> embedded in it. This cuts both ways, mind you.


I believe in neither 'one true religion' nor in 'one best
algorithm/computer language for all'. Studying Lisp has helped me
better understand Python and the tradeoffs embodied in its design. I
certainly better appreciate the issue of quoting and its relation to

Terry J. Reedy

Ed Avis

Oct 4, 2003, 7:46:26 PM10/4/03
to writes:

>I'd like to know if it may be possible to add a powerful macro system
>to Python, while keeping its amazing syntax,

I fear it would not be. I can't say for certain but I found that the
syntax rules out nesting statements inside expressions (without adding
some kind of explicit bracketing, which rather defeats the point of
Python syntax) and you might run into similar difficulties if adding
macros. It's a very clean syntax (well, with a few anomalies) but
this is at the price of a rigid separation between statements and
expressions, which doesn't fit well with the Lisp-like way of doing

Myself I rather like the option chosen by Haskell, to define an
indentation-based syntax which is equivalent to one with bracketing,
and let you choose either. You might do better to add a new syntax to
Lisp than to add macro capabilities to Python. Dylan is one Lisp
derivative with a slightly more Algol-like syntax, heh, Logo is
another; GNU proposed some thing called 'CTAX' which was a C-like
syntax for Guile Scheme, I don't know if it is usable.

If the indentation thing appeals, maybe you could preprocess Lisp
adding a new kind of bracket - say (: - which closes at the next line
of code on the same indentation level. Eg

(: hello

would be equivalent to


I dunno, this has probably already been done.

Ed Avis <>

Alex Martelli

Oct 4, 2003, 7:53:48 PM10/4/03
Alexander Schmolck wrote:

I suspect you may intend "v[:] = [a]*len(v)", although a good alternative
may also be "v[:] = itertools.repeat(a, len(v))".


Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Oct 4, 2003, 8:11:49 PM10/4/03
Alex Martelli <> writes:

> Sure, but aren't these the examples that are being presented? Isn't
> "with-collector" a general purpose iteration construct, etc? Maybe
> only _special_ purpose ones should be built with macros (if you are
> right that _general_ purpose ones should not be), but the subtleness
> of the distinction leaves me wondering about the practice.

It is a subtle distinction, just like a lot of other issues in
programming are quite subtle. And I think this particular issue
deserves more attention than it has been getting (so far as I know).

As for the current practice, I know that I quite dislike code that
uses things like with-collector, and I especially dislike it when I
have to look at the macro's expansion to see what is going on, and I
know there are perfectly fine alternatives in the standard syntax. On
the other hand, I do like it when I see a macro call that reduces tens
or even hundreds of lines of code to just a few lines that make it
immediately apparent what's happening. And I know I'd never want to
use a language with anything less than lisp's macros.

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

David Golden

Oct 4, 2003, 9:10:46 PM10/4/03
Sugar exists.

+ 1 2
+ 3 4
+ foo bar

Sander Vesik

Oct 4, 2003, 10:22:12 PM10/4/03
In comp.lang.scheme Grzegorz Chrupala <> wrote:
> (MetalOne) wrote in message news:<>...
>> Scheme
>> (define vector-fill!
>> (lambda (v x)
>> (let ((n (vector-length v)))
>> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
>> ((= i n))
>> (vector-set! v i x)))))
>> Python
>> def vector_fill(v, x):
>> for i in range(len(v)):
>> v[i] = x
>> To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
>> how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
>> boggles my mind.
> Pick a construct your pet language has specialized support, write an
> ugly equivalent in a language that does not specifically support it
> and you have proved your pet language to be superior to the other
> language. (I myself have never used the "do" macro in Scheme and my
> impression is few people do. I prefer "for-each", named "let" or the
> CL-like "dotimes" for looping).

Whiile true, if solving a problem requires you to use a lot of constructs
that one language provides and for which youave to do lots of extra work
in teh other, one might aswell take the pragmatic approach that the other
language is better for the given problem at hand.

> Cheers,
> --
> Grzegorz


+++ Out of cheese error +++

Sander Vesik

Oct 4, 2003, 10:55:21 PM10/4/03
In comp.lang.scheme David Rush <> wrote:
> On 03 Oct 2003 14:44:36 +0300, Toni Nikkanen <> wrote:
>> It's be interesting to know where people got the idea of learning
>> Scheme/LISP from (apart from compulsory university courses)?
> Emacs. I've noticed over the years that people don't really get Emacs
> religion until they've started hacking elisp. I know that the frustration
> of having almost-but-not-quite the behavior I wanted on top of having all
> that source code was a powerful incentive for me to learn Lisp. Of course
> my apreciation of Emacs only increased as I went...

I have at times almost gnawed off my hand to avoid going down that path.
I'd rather write cobol than elisp...

> The thing that sealed it for me was re-programming SCWM's behavior so that
> I could use X w/no mouse &cet. That got me hooked on Scheme (I had been
> hacking SML at roughly the same time while looking for the foundations of
> OOP), which was really just about perfect semantically.
> david rush


Kenny Tilton

Oct 4, 2003, 11:10:00 PM10/4/03

Sander Vesik wrote:
> I have at times almost gnawed off my hand to avoid going down that path.
> I'd rather write cobol than elisp...

Mileage does vary :):

That page lists people who actually cite Elisp as at least one way they
got turned on to Lisp. I started the survey when newbies started showing
up on the c.l.l. door in still small but (for Lisp) significantly larger
numbers. Pail Graham holds a commanding lead, btw.


Paul Rubin

Oct 4, 2003, 11:23:22 PM10/4/03
Kenny Tilton <> writes:
> That page lists people who actually cite Elisp as at least one way
> they got turned on to Lisp. I started the survey when newbies started
> showing up on the c.l.l. door in still small but (for Lisp)
> significantly larger numbers. Pail Graham holds a commanding lead, btw.

I'd fooled around with other lisp systems before using GNU Emacs, but
reading the Emacs source code was how I first got to really understand
how Lisp works.

Rayiner Hashem

Oct 4, 2003, 11:38:37 PM10/4/03
> Not in R^nRS not in Scheme.
True, but that's not really that big of a deal if you're willing to
stick to a specific implementation. In a lot of cases you're tied to a
specific implementation in CL-land as well. For example, if you use
some of AllegroCL's advanced libraries, you can't just migrate them to
CMUCL if you want.

> Why not use CL then?

Because you refer Scheme?

> Bigloo is not a standard Scheme.

Specifically, Bigloo's type declaration syntax is not standard Scheme.
But if you're willing to stick to Bigloo, then it doesn't make a whole
lot of a difference. Nobody uses just the 50 pages of Scheme defined
in R5RS. There is no reason to. People writing apps in Scheme use
implemenations that provide rich libraries and features on top of
standard Scheme.

David Eppstein

Oct 4, 2003, 11:46:36 PM10/4/03
In article <crIfb.14315$>,
Kenny Tilton <> wrote:

Heh. Does that mean former TECO programmers will get turned on to Perl?
Hasn't had that effect for me yet...

Sander Vesik

Oct 4, 2003, 11:59:22 PM10/4/03
In comp.lang.scheme David Rush <> wrote:
>> Exceptions no yes
> yes, via continuations which reify the
> fundamental control operators in all languages

the exceptions SRFI and saying it is there as an extension would imho be a
better answer.

>> Implementations >10 ~4
> too many to count. The FAQ lists over twenty. IMO
> there are about 9 'major' implementations which
> have
> relatively complete compliance to R5RS and/or
> significant extension libraries

And the number is likely to continue increase over the years. Scheme is
very easy to implement, including as an extensions language inside the
runtime of something else. The same doesn't really hold for common lisp.


Oct 5, 2003, 12:16:25 AM10/5/03
james anderson wrote:
> ? do you know of a macos port of this? or even a linux/ppc port?
> i was perplexed when i looked at the islisp description. in particular, it is
> not obvious why they decided that it was appropriate that it is best that "the
> correct syntax of filenames is implementation defined." especially for a
> system which intends wide portability it seems couterproductive to establish
> such an impediment to application portability.
can you say anythiing
> about how applications which have been used on various of the islisp
> implementations cope with this?
> ....
> synthespian wrote:
>>Hello --
>> I would just like to point out that there's more choice out there in
>>the Lisp family than Scheme - Common Lisp.
>> In particular, I would like to mention ISLISP, which is an
>>ISO-standard Lisp. Apparently, the story goes somewhat like this: when
Hi James --

There are only two ISLIP implementations that seem ok (as in:
usable), to me (personal view) - TISL and OpenLisp. TISL seems to be an
easy case of taking the source and compiling (has been for me). The
other japanese implementaion seems to have disappeared somewhere inside
the company that supported it, probably being embeded in some of their
software. The last one being a java implementation, that's interesting
for that very reason.
I don't know if I came across in a clear way on my last post, but the
point was: 1) there is something called ISLISP that's /actively/
developed, it's a Lisp, it's worth taking a look at, particularly when
you take into consideration the portability that the OpenLisp
implementation achieved; 2) In particular, the OpenLisp implementation
has outstanding portability, maybe beating Perl/Python; 3) it is more
"complete" than Scheme. So, it's a real, feasible, alternative if you
need portable code.
I made no claims to what is "best".
So, in answer to your question, I'd tell you to take a look at the
extensions to the ISLISP spec available at the OpenLisp manual. If you
consider that you have an implementation that has compiled on 60
platforms, is actively maintained on 20, this becomes a non-issue.
The problem I see with OpenLisp is the free for non-commercial use
license, but this might change. You might want to get in contact with
OpenLisp's main developer, he's a very accessible guy. Additionally, you
might wanna help the development of TISL.



Rene van Bevern

Oct 5, 2003, 8:04:10 AM10/5/03
On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 13:11:49 +0100, David Rush <> wrote:
> Emacs. I've noticed over the years that people don't really get Emacs
> religion until they've started hacking elisp. I know that the frustration
> of having almost-but-not-quite the behavior I wanted on top of having all
> that source code was a powerful incentive for me to learn Lisp. Of course
> my apreciation of Emacs only increased as I went...

hm. i really like LISP, but still don't get through emacs. After i
learned a bit LISP i wanted to try it again, and again i failed ;) i
know vim from the in- and out- side and just feel completely lost in

i also like vim with gtk2 support more. not because of menu or toolbar,
which are usually switched off in my config, but because of antialiased
letters. I just don't like coding with bleeding eyes anymore ;)

*to me* vim just looks and feels much more smooth than emacs, so i don't
think that hacking LISP influences the choice of the editor much. it of
course makes people *try* Emacs because of its LISP support.


Oct 5, 2003, 3:05:33 PM10/5/03
Alex Martelli <> writes:

> Python draws a firm distinction between expressions and
> statements. Again, the deep motivation behind this key
> distinction can be found in several points in the Zen of
> Python, such as "flat is better than nested" (doing away
> with the expression/statement separation allows and indeed
> encourages deep nesting) and "sparse is better than dense"
> (that 'doing away' would encourage expression/statements
> with a very high density of operations being performed).

Having written macros and higher-order code in languages that make a
firm distinction between expressions and statements, I can tell you
from experience that doing so doubles the amount of higher-order code.

The issue is that the higher-order code may expand in either a
statement or an expression context, and the key mechanism for
returning a value, the RETURN expression, is *required* in one
context, but *forbidden* in the other. Additionally, whether a code
fragment is an expression or statement is usually implicit (depends on
what context it is used in), and therefore not available to the
higher-order code. The end result is you write two of everything, one
that returns a result, one that does not.

I think the Zen of Python can be summed up as
`Guido's style is better than yours'

Matthew Danish

Oct 5, 2003, 3:28:51 PM10/5/03
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 10:04:10AM +0200, Rene van Bevern wrote:
> hm. i really like LISP, but still don't get through emacs. After i
> learned a bit LISP i wanted to try it again, and again i failed ;) i
> know vim from the in- and out- side and just feel completely lost in
> emacs.

Of course, a good way not to feel lost in emacs is to use C-h t, C-h b,
or the variety of other C-h commands, as it recommends on start-up.

; Matthew Danish <>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."

Rene van Bevern

Oct 5, 2003, 7:22:22 PM10/5/03
On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:28:51 -0400, Matthew Danish <> wrote:

yup, i know that, using that a lot ;)

> Of course, a good way not to feel lost in emacs is to use C-h t, C-h b,
> or the variety of other C-h commands, as it recommends on start-up.

well, these are actually one of the reasons i feel quite lost ;) i have
to read a lot of stuff just to be able to do things i could do
immediately in vim. of course it needed me to read vim's help too. but
it is actually the point, that there is no real reason for me to switch
to emacs, which is what i wanted to express refering to the statement
that one needs lisp to get emacs' religion.

i didn't get its religion, neither with nor without lisp ;)


Matthew Danish

Oct 5, 2003, 9:37:31 PM10/5/03

Well, once someone "gets lisp" so to speak, he realizes that emacs's
lisp is rather sucky and has only the advantage of being widely used.

Personally, I use vim quite a lot too (for example, this post), but I
never found the lisp editing capabilities of vim to be very highly
developed. As bad as ILISP is, it does integrate enough to be
worthwhile using. Emacs is not that great, it's just good enough and
readily available. (who says worse is better doesn't apply to lisp? ;)

Oct 6, 2003, 6:16:58 AM10/6/03
In comp.lang.functional Erann Gat <> wrote:
:> I can't see why a LISP programmer would even want to write a macro.
: That's because you are approaching this with a fundamentally flawed
: assumption. Macros are mainly not used to make the syntax prettier
: (though they can be used for that). They are mainly used to add features
: to the language that cannot be added as functions.

Really? Turing-completeness and all that... I presume you mean "cannot
so easily be added as functions", but even that would surprise me.
(Unless you mean cannot be added _to_Lisp_ as functions, because I don't
know as much as I'd like to about Lisp's capabilities and limitations.)

: For example, imagine you want to be able to traverse a binary tree and do
: an operation on all of its leaves. In Lisp you can write a macro that
: lets you write:
: (doleaves (leaf tree) ...)
: You can't do that in Python (or any other langauge).

My Lisp isn't good enough to answer this question from your code,
but isn't that equivalent to the Haskell snippet: (I'm sure
someone here is handy in both languages)

doleaves f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)
doleaves f (Branch l r) = Branch (doleaves f l) (doleaves f r)

I'd be surprised if Python couldn't do the above, so maybe doleaves
is doing something more complex than it looks to me to be doing.

: Here's another example of what you can do with macros in Lisp:

: (with-collector collect
: (do-file-lines (l some-file-name)
: (if (some-property l) (collect l))))

: This returns a list of all the lines in a file that have some property.

OK, that's _definitely_ just a filter: filter someproperty somefilename
Perhaps throw in a fold if you are trying to abstract "collect".

: DO-FILE-LINES and WITH-COLLECTOR are macros, and they can't be implemented
: any other way because they take variable names and code as arguments.

What does it mean to take a variable-name as an argument? How is that
different to taking a pointer? What does it mean to take "code" as an
argument? Is that different to taking a function as an argument?


Marco Baringer

Oct 6, 2003, 7:22:03 AM10/6/03
to writes:

> Really? Turing-completeness and all that... I presume you mean "cannot
> so easily be added as functions", but even that would surprise me.

well you can pass around code full of lambdas so most macros (expect
the ones which perform hairy source transformations) can be rewritten
as functions, but that isn't the point. Macros are about saying what
you mean in terms that makes sense for your particular app.

> : Here's another example of what you can do with macros in Lisp:
> : (with-collector collect
> : (do-file-lines (l some-file-name)
> : (if (some-property l) (collect l))))
> : This returns a list of all the lines in a file that have some property.
> OK, that's _definitely_ just a filter: filter someproperty somefilename
> Perhaps throw in a fold if you are trying to abstract "collect".

no it's not, and the proof is that it wasn't written as a filter. For
whatever reason the author of that snippet decided that the code
should be written with WITH-COLLECTOR and not as a filter, some
languages give you this option, some don't, some people think this is
a good thing, some don't.

> : DO-FILE-LINES and WITH-COLLECTOR are macros, and they can't be implemented
> : any other way because they take variable names and code as arguments.
> What does it mean to take a variable-name as an argument? How is that
> different to taking a pointer? What does it mean to take "code" as an
> argument? Is that different to taking a function as an argument?

You are confusing the times at which things happen. A macro is
expanded at compile time, there is no such thing as a pointer as far
as macros are concerned (more or less), macros are passed pieces of
source code in the form of lists and atoms and return _source code_ in
the form of lists and atoms. The source code is then compiled (whith
further macro expansion in need be) and finally, after the macro has
long since finished working, the code is executed.

Another trivial example:

We often see code like this:

(let ((var (foo)))
(if var

So write a macro called IF-BIND which allows you to write this instead:

(if-bind var (foo)

The definition for IF-BIND is simply:

(defmacro if-bind (var condition then &optional else)
`(let ((,var ,condition))
(if ,then ,else)))

But what if the condition form returns multiple values which we didn't
want to throw away? Well easy enough:

(defmacro if-bind (var condition then &optional else)
(etypecase var
(cons `(multiple-value-bind ,var ,condition
(if ,(car var) ,then ,else)))
(symbol `(let ((,var ,condition))
(if ,var ,then ,else)))))

Notice how we use lisp to inspect the original code and decide what
code to produce depending on whether VAR is a cons or a symbol.

I could get the same effect (from an execution stand point) of if-bind
without the macro, but the source code is very different. Macros allow
me to say what I _mean_, not what the compiler wants.

If you want more examples look in Paul Graham's OnLisp
( book for the chapters on
continuations or multitasking.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen

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