Grups de Google ja no admet publicacions ni subscripcions noves de Usenet. El contingut antic es pot continuar consultant.

Bring back Xah!

15 visualitzacions
Ves al primer missatge no llegit


no llegida,
23 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0023/4/00

> Now I enjoy a flamewar as much as the next guy, but the latest between
> Courageous and Erik has descended well below the proverbial bottom of
> the barrel. It's hard to judge which is worse: fatuous and
> repititious drivel or fatiguing harangues written in interminable
> sentences without the benefit of capitalization.

It's worse than that: *formulaic* fatuous and repititious
drivel followed up by *predictible* fatiguing harangues
which nobody actually bothers to read.

It's as if you're trapped in a nightmarish episode
of Tales From The Dark Side featuring the Energizer Bunny
(but oh so definitely not as cute) where someone with a sense
for things horrific keeps on replacing the batteries.

Boom, boom, boom... and going, and going, and...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Please God, make it stop.

*diabolical laughter echoes resonantly*


Janos Blazi

no llegida,
23 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0023/4/00

Rajappa Iyer <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

> Now I enjoy a flamewar as much as the next guy, but the latest between
> Courageous and Erik has descended well below the proverbial bottom of
> the barrel. It's hard to judge which is worse: fatuous and
> repititious drivel or fatiguing harangues written in interminable
> sentences without the benefit of capitalization.

I am afraid, Erik's style is not genuine. Somebody told me that he composes
his postings using normal language and then he sends the draft through a
filter that deletes three full-stops out of four and also translates upper
case to lower case.
This program is absoloutely flawless and was written by Erik himself in
Visual Basic.

Of course I only know this from hearsay and cannot be sure that it is true.

Janos Blazi

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

Robert Monfera

no llegida,
23 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0023/4/00

Rajappa Iyer wrote:

> Bring back Xah, I say... for he's the only poster in this newsgroup in
> recent memory that has flamed in style

What part of "style" do you not understand?


Erik Naggum

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00
* "Janos Blazi" <>

| Of course I only know this from hearsay and cannot be sure that it is true.

and so another blathering moron feels it's safe to come back. sigh.

can somebody _please_ take Janos Blazi's side and proclaim loud and clear
that they support everything he does and will do in the next eight to
twelve weeks (if the past is any measure of his endurance) and stand by
him with their own personal prestige at stake? Coby Beck? Stig Hemmer?
you guys have an opportunity now to put your money where your mouths are
and actually associate with one of the worst cretins in this newsgroup
and give him your full and lasting support at the time it matters most.
caring early _will_ avoid the problem of having to condone past behavior
when you had no psychological influence over it.


Erik Naggum

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00
* Courageous <>
| *diabolical laughter echoes resonantly*

cease and desist, Joe Kraska. you haven't won the right to continue on
your own, yet. Coby Beck and Stig Hemmer still have to give you their
full moral support, for instance. the newsgroup as a whole must also
give a clear and resounding message to you that we all want more of you.
when you receive the strong "go" signal you apparently take for granted,
you may proceed with the expected abandon. until then, shut the fuck up.


David Bakhash

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00
I personally don't think that this group needs that stuff. Just my
$0.02. There are tons of other groups that have flame wars. One I
remember a friend showing me that was brutal was a couple
of years ago. c.l.l. is a place to discuss a computer language. I
still have no clue why it becomes a warzone. I guess I'd understand
if a bunch of C++ people started hitting it, claiming some kind of
superiority, but that's not the case.

btw, that Xah guy was the stupidest poster I've ever seen on any
newsgroup, by far. He was a waste of resources.


Coby Beck

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00

Erik Naggum <> wrote in message

He has my full moral support to post here. Though why he, let alone you, would think
that matters is beyond me.

I think you and i have very different views on what a newsgroup is. To me, you have
the attitude that might go with a mailing list with restricted access where you are the
committee of one that accepts and rejects new members. Well, i'm sorry, but this is a
public place, the right to be here is inherent. Abuse of that right is inevitable and
unfortunate and with the lack of a moderator, delicate to deal with effectively. But
you, Erik Naggum, are by far and away the worst noise maker here, whatever your


Coby Beck

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00

Erik Naggum <> wrote in message

Janos Blazi, too, is welcome here by me.

Though obviously the line about supporting "everything he does and will do" is not a
reasonable pre-condition for being welcome. How many people do you think support
*everything* _you_ do and say, Erik?


Janos Blazi

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00

Erik Naggum <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> * "Janos Blazi" <>
> | Of course I only know this from hearsay and cannot be sure that it is
> and so another blathering moron feels it's safe to come back. sigh.
> can somebody _please_ take Janos Blazi's side and proclaim loud and
> that they support everything he does and will do in the next eight to
> twelve weeks (if the past is any measure of his endurance) and stand by
> him with their own personal prestige at stake? Coby Beck? Stig Hemmer?
> you guys have an opportunity now to put your money where your mouths are
> and actually associate with one of the worst cretins in this newsgroup
> and give him your full and lasting support at the time it matters most.
> caring early _will_ avoid the problem of having to condone past behavior
> when you had no psychological influence over it.

hey Erik, I was joking, of course I know that your style is genuine and you
do not have to rely on such a filter I described in my message. and of
course I know that you would never have written it in visual basic. now be a
good sport and understand a joke, do not be so dead earnest all the time.
janos blazi

Erik Naggum

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00
* "Janos Blazi" <>

| hey Erik, I was joking,

you always are. after the fact. now go away.


Erik Naggum

no llegida,
24 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0024/4/00
* "Coby Beck" <>
| Though obviously the line about supporting "everything he does and will

| do" is not a reasonable pre-condition for being welcome.

it's not about being _welcome_, and you know it. I suggest you support
him early instead of later when you have no influence over what he does.
right now, you can change his behavior so he doesn't need flaming. if
you don't want to do this, don't even _consider_ complaining when he
becomes the blaterhing moron he always has been and always will be, and
the consequences pile up. (yes, this is a rare judgment of a _person_.)


Erik Naggum

no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
* "Coby Beck" <>

| He has my full moral support to post here. Though why he, let alone you,
| would think that matters is beyond me.

great! you are now responsible for his actions, and he for hurting you
through his mindless activity. I hope you enjoy morons.

| But you, Erik Naggum, are by far and away the worst noise maker here,
| whatever your motives.

you don't even read what I wrote, preferring to read into it whatever you
like, so tell me why your fantasy is of any concern to me before you want
me to become part of it.

merely refrain from annoying me with more of your pathetic blathering,
and there will be less noise -- it's that simple, and always has been.
do _your_ part in making this a quality newsgroup. if you don't _want_
to make it better, you have no business complaining about anything. if
you have other ways to make it better than mine, by all means, _use_
them. if they don't work, you will of course accept defeat. if they
work, preferably better than mine, I have no need to do anything. this
should be a golden opportunity for you to get the newsgroup _you_ want.
make the most of it, Coby. _accept_ the responsibility of a complainer.



no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00

> becomes the blaterhing moron he always has been and always will be, and
> the consequences pile up. (yes, this is a rare judgment of a _person_.)

I thought you said you were going to stop?


Erik Naggum

no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
* Courageous <>

| I thought you said you were going to stop?

you mean you and Janos Blazi are the same person? that explains a lot.

cease and desist, Joe Kraska.



no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
Dave Dakhash & reader,

I'm tired of veracious rants, so i'll be straight forward.
I will apologize not because it is my style, but to make myself clearer.
Sorry about the mess i wrung in February, and i appreciate you lending me an
ear for a moment of mutual understanding now.

I do not know lisp, really, thus i do not appreciate many deep discussions
here. However, I think the word 'appreciation' is under appreciated. If i
were suddenly to converse with Einstein, his relativity would be nonsense to
me. If i were to hark Beethoven in his time, his 9th would fall on deaf
ears. If Shakespear were to travel in time, similarly, i'm sure he would not
understand my talking of the Internet.

I remember watching an episode of The Simpsons cartoon, where a Jazz
musician is playing an unusual piece in a bar. One audience grumbled "What
was THAT?" and Lisa Simpson said helpfully: "you have to listen to the notes
not played", then the guy said "I can do that at home!".

The point of 'appreciation' -- besides the 'thankful' meaning -- is that
developed artifacts require conditioning and sometimes significant intellect
to _appreciate_. Honestly, how many of you here can understand Chinese
calligraphy? Count Bach's counterpoint? Perceive Dickinson's furor on paper?
Visualize theories of polytope? Or, how many of you would smile when a pun
in French is spoken? How many of you can _get_ "Perl poetry"?
How many of you can realize a Picasso?

An elegant Scheme would not sing in front of an industrious C droid; i'm
sure many of you can appreciate that one!

There are 'infinite' number of developed artifacts and one cannot develop
appreciation for them all. It would be all right to not understand
something, but it would be imbecilic to put judgements on things one don't
understand. This is especially important in newsgroups, because almost every
public posts are now archived. Anyone can in minutes discover all writings
and thoughts of another on the net. If i don't understand lisp, it would be
wise to not bray about how lisp is stupid or otherwise criticize, because my
stupidity would be archived and open for all in the know to see. (By the by
the way, i have committed no such stupidity. (i hope))


I had a fictitious dream yesterday, where i was nominated a Nobel Prize
laureate in Literature and was going to give my reception speech to a
thousand voracious lurkers in appreciation, then a voice in the crowd

>btw, that Xah guy was the stupidest poster I've ever seen on any
>newsgroup, by far. He was a waste of resources.

Then i saw this guy loomed up and become quite _naked_. His belly, clear in
sight, grew like the way a balloon bloats. It is growing so quick and huge
that it is filling up the entire auditorium and is going to squash me like a
meat patty. At that point, i awoke and found out that there is a post in
comp.lang.lisp waiting for me to reply to.

Thank you Dave Dakhash for your plebeian ear. I fully appreciate your raw
candor. If everyone in the world are guile and cunning like me,
'appreciation' would be fucked in the ass.

PS There was Planner, there was Conniver, and we have Guile and we have
Scheme. Can we have Cunning? (i wanna be a cunnilingual programer.)

PS while composing this message, there comes,8377,62066,00.html
That, is serious shit. My god it stinks.


no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
In article <>,

A better solution would be to take Erik away instead... to Xah's
psychiatrist if possible.

Sent via
Before you buy.


no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 02:41:11 -0700, Xah <> wrote:

>Dave Dakhash & reader,
>I'm tired of veracious rants, so i'll be straight forward.

Thanks God it was "straight forward"! };-DDD

>I will apologize not because it is my style, but to make myself clearer.
>Sorry about the mess i wrung in February, and i appreciate you lending me an
>ear for a moment of mutual understanding now.

[huge amounts of nonsense elided]

It's strange that immediately after Erik stated that if he ever
stopped flooding the NG with his crazy rants we would be invaded by
"cretins", a true "cretin" (Erik dixit) comes back to life...

Funny coincidence, indeed. ;-) Obviously, someone has too much free
time on his hands to prove his point of view. Get a life, "Xah".

// Fernando Rodriguez Romero
// frr at mindless dot com

Michael Hudson

no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
Fernando <spa...@must.die> writes:
> It's strange that immediately after Erik stated that if he ever
> stopped flooding the NG with his crazy rants we would be invaded by
> "cretins", a true "cretin" (Erik dixit) comes back to life...
> Funny coincidence, indeed. ;-) Obviously, someone has too much free
> time on his hands to prove his point of view. Get a life, "Xah".

Oh, come on. That post by Xah was one of the most entertaining things
to turn up on this newsgroup in weeks! (Admittedly it's been a pretty
tiresome couple of weeks for cll...)


8. A programming language is low level when its programs require
attention to the irrelevant.
-- Alan Perlis,

Erik Naggum

no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
* Michael Hudson <>

| (Admittedly it's been a pretty tiresome couple of weeks for cll...)

is this a cry for help to learn how to instruct your newsreader to ignore
threads? I have always labored under the "misconception" that USENET is
a medium where selectivity in reading is as much a requirement as with
any other news medium -- namely that if you aren't selective, you'll go
mad from sheer information overload. to aid those who agree with this, I
don't change the subject of threads unless I want to break continuity,
and that happens almost as seldom as changing the newsgroup. (speaking
of which, why is it a good idea to bug a new and different audience with
a topic if the only constructive element to a "take it elswhere" is to
get rid of noise?) I'm very disappointed that this is not appreciated by
those who obviously don't want to read "tiresome" material, and I get
annoyed when they go out of their way to make more noise about the noise,
usually blaming others for their meta-noise in the process, triggering
the _normal_ and _expected_ reactions to false accusations and general
blame-throwing. the only way to reduce noise is to figure out what it
comes from and help fix the core problem. complaining about noise _is_
noise, by definition.

but frankly, complaining about news _volume_ (which is what this boils
down to, much more than signal vs noise) means you have missed a crucial
point about communication. tuning in and tuning out, focusing attention,
and following up the listening with _caring_ is so fundamental to our
ability to sorting signal from noise in real life that I can't imagine
how people work who are irritated by stuff they profess to ignore, and so
it always amazes me that people think it's somebody _else's_ fault if
they care about the noise they "suffer".

the best possible remedy to news overload is to read news on a machine
that displays messages fast enough that you can actually browse them and
let your trained reader eye spot information that is _important_ to you
among all the noise that _inevitably_ fills up your sensory input system.
it may be one of the great "failings" of artificial intelligence and the
Internet as a whole that _all_ information has an air of _importance_
associated with it, simply by virtue of requiring nonzero effort to come
by it, but being able to discard the unimportant and leave the important
is _crucial_ to surviving in the information age.


Michael Hudson

no llegida,
25 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0025/4/00
Erik Naggum <> writes:

> * Michael Hudson <>
> | (Admittedly it's been a pretty tiresome couple of weeks for cll...)
> is this a cry for help to learn how to instruct your newsreader to ignore
> threads?

No, it was a throwaway remark.



If i don't understand lisp, it would be wise to not bray about
how lisp is stupid or otherwise criticize, because my stupidity
would be archived and open for all in the know to see.

-- Xah, comp.lang.lisp


no llegida,
26 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0026/4/00
Fernando Rodriguez Romero,

> [huge amounts of nonsense elided]

- ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

it is apparent that you not only have a poor diction, but also wanting of
erudition. The sea of your will and knowledge, seethes and fumes like a
boiling pot of piss.

i have a lesson for smart asses,
that poesy is not found in thesaurus,
but thesaurus is the foundry of poem,
only if you are not an ass.

> It's strange that immediately after Erik stated that if he ever
> stopped flooding the NG with his crazy rants we would be invaded by
> "cretins", a true "cretin" (Erik dixit) comes back to life...
> Funny coincidence, indeed. ;-) Obviously, someone has too much free
> time on his hands to prove his point of view. Get a life, "Xah".

chick a flirt,
raging a cock,
don't have it you?
fuck off.

PS just checked my archived messages. Haven't you said you killfiled both me
& Erik in message id ?[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=587614997&CONTEXT=956813950.1829

I guess it's the revival of the living dead.



no llegida,
27 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0027/4/00
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 23:09:37 -0700, Xah <> wrote:

>Fernando Rodriguez Romero,

>PS just checked my archived messages. Haven't you said you killfiled both me
>& Erik in message id ?

Yes but your filter expired. Thanks for the tip

Stig Hemmer

no llegida,
29 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0029/4/00
Erik Naggum <> writes:
[To Courageous <>]

> the newsgroup as a whole must also give a clear and resounding
> message to you that we all want more of you. when you receive the
> strong "go" signal you apparently take for granted, you may proceed
> with the expected abandon. until then, shut the fuck up.

Is this rule just for Courageous or for everybody?

Stig Hemmer,
Jack of a Few Trades.

Erik Naggum

no llegida,
29 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0029/4/00
* Stig Hemmer <>

| Is this rule just for Courageous or for everybody?

the rule applies to those who appeal to the public for moral
support. clearly, that's what you do, too, so it applies to you.


Stig Hemmer

no llegida,
30 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0030/4/00
David Bakhash <> writes:
> c.l.l. is a place to discuss a computer language.
> I still have no clue why it becomes a warzone.

I would like to appologize for my contributions to the war.



no llegida,
30 d’abr. 2000, 3:00:0030/4/00
Stig Hemmer <> writes:

> I would like to appologize for my contributions to the war.

war is an inappropriate analogy; "flame war" is a misnomer.
in any usenet exchange, the only casualty is time.
there are better uses for regret.


Joe Marshall

no llegida,
1 de maig 2000, 3:00:001/5/00
thi <> writes:

> in any usenet exchange, the only casualty is time.

Truth tends to take a beating as well. That is, if it is a

Will Mengarini

no llegida,
4 de maig 2000, 3:00:004/5/00
David Bakhash <> writes:

>c.l.l. is a place to discuss a computer language.
>I still have no clue why it becomes a warzone.

The technical term is "anus envy".


Will Mengarini <>
Free software: the Source will be with you, always.

"Lisp is an eternal thought in the mind of God."
--Crassus, mutatis mutandi

"If there are aliens, they use Lisp."
--Edward Lasker, mutatis mutandi

"HE'S AHAB, boy; and Ahab of old, thou knowest,
was a crowned king!" --/Moby-Dick/, Ch 16

"I don't well know whether to go back and strike him, or--what's
that?--down here on my knees and pray for him? Yes, that was the
thought coming up in me; but it would be the first time I ever *did*
pray. It's queer; very queer [...]" --ibid., Ch 29

"For be a man's intellectual superiority what it will, it can never
assume the practical, available supremacy over other men, without the
aid of some sort of external arts and entrenchments, always, in
themselves, more or less paltry and base. This it is, that forever
keeps God's true princes of the Empire from the world's hustings; and
leaves the highest honors that this air can give, to those men who
become famous more through their infinite inferiority to the choice
hidden handful of the Divine Inert, than through their undoubted
superiority over the dead level of the mass." --ibid., Ch 33

"My soul is more than matched; she's overmanned; and by a madman!
Insufferable sting, that sanity should ground arms on such a field!
But he drilled deep down, and blasted all my reason out of me!
I think I see his impious end; but feel that I must help him to it.
Will I, nill I, the ineffable thing has tied me to him;
tows me with a cable I have no knife to cut.
Horrible old man!
[...] Oh, life! 'tis now that I do feel the latent horror in thee!"
--ibid., Ch 38

"[The cabin; by the stern windows; Ahab sitting alone, and gazing
out.] I leave a white and turbid wake; pale waters, paler cheeks,
where'er I sail. The envious billows sidelong swell to whelm my
track; let them; but first I pass.
Yonder, by the ever-brimming goblet's rim, the warm waves blush
like wine. The gold brow plumbs the blue. The diver sun--slow
dived from noon,--goes down; my soul mounts up! she wearies with
her endless hill. Is, then, the crown too heavy that I wear? this
Iron Crown of Lombardy. Yet is it bright with many a gem; I, the
wearer, see not its far flashings; but darkly feel that I wear that,
that dazzlingly confounds. 'Tis iron--that I know--not gold. 'Tis
split, too--that I feel; the jagged edge galls me so, my brain seems
to beat against the solid metal; aye, steel skull, mine; the sort
that needs no helmet in the most brain-battering fight!
Dry heat upon my brow? Oh! time was, when as the sunrise nobly
spurred me, so the sunset soothed. No more. This lovely light, it
lights not me; all loveliness is anguish to me, since I can ne'er
enjoy. Gifted with the high perception, I lack the low, enjoying
power; damned, most subtly and most malignantly! damned in the midst
of Paradise!" --ibid., Ch 37

"What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield."
--Lucifer, 'Paradise Lost', Milton

"What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed?
And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there
plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when
you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?"

"war is an inappropriate analogy; ``flame war'' is a misnomer.

in any usenet exchange, the only casualty is time.

there are better uses for regret."

--thi <>

"Over a hundred years ago, the German poet Heine
warned the French not to underestimate the power of ideas:
philosophical concepts nurtured in the stillness of a
professor's study could destroy a civilization."
--Isaiah Berlin in /The Power of Ideas/

"As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have
its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar,
it will cease to be popular."
--Oscar Wilde

"We are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head,
and sadly need mending." --/Moby-Dick/, Ch 17

Beware the Dark Side of the Net. Seductive it is.
Anger, fear, aggression, the Dark Side of discourse are they.
Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.
Consume you they will. Once you start down the Dark Path,
forever will it dominate your destiny.


no llegida,
4 de maig 2000, 3:00:004/5/00
On 4 May 2000 11:13:43 GMT, (Will Mengarini) wrote:

> Will Mengarini <>
> Free software: the Source will be with you, always.

You forgot

Cool sig....

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