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Thomas Stegen CES2000

Aug 11, 2002, 4:04:32 PM8/11/02
In my quest for understanding macros a bit better I have a few

Is using a macro the same as returning a form from a function
and using eval on that form?

Trivial example to show what I mean:

(defmacro madd ()
(+ 5 10))

(defun dadd ()
'(+ 5 10))

Are the following two forms semantically equivalent?

(eval (dadd))

They return the same result, but is there some subtle difference
somewhere? What about in the general case?

And one more question. When is a macro expanded?


Kalle Olavi Niemitalo

Aug 11, 2002, 5:55:53 PM8/11/02
"Thomas Stegen CES2000" <> writes:

> Is using a macro the same as returning a form from a function
> and using eval on that form?

Not quite. The expansion of the macro is evaluated in the
lexical environment of the macro form, but EVAL uses the null
lexical environment. Also, arguments to macros are not
automatically evaluated.

(defmacro sample-macro (var)
`(incf ,var))

(defun sample-function (var)
`(incf ,var))

(let ((x 42))
(sample-macro x))
;; == (let ((x 42))
;; (incf x))
;; => 43

(let ((x 42))
(eval (sample-function 'x)))
;; == (let ((x 42))
;; (eval '(incf x)))
;; error: the variable X is unbound

> (defmacro madd ()
> (+ 5 10))

Note this macro expands to 15, not (+ 5 10).

> And one more question. When is a macro expanded?

The compiler must expand all macro calls so that they won't be
expanded at run time. Note that the compiler normally only
compiles the resulting expansions, instead of running them.

If the code containing the macro calls is not explicitly
compiled, then they will be expanded when they are evaluated,
or possibly earlier. They may be expanded multiple times.

You can also expand macro forms with MACROEXPAND or

Kaz Kylheku

Aug 11, 2002, 7:21:20 PM8/11/02
In article <3d56c366$>, Thomas Stegen CES2000 wrote:
> In my quest for understanding macros a bit better I have a few
> questions.
> Is using a macro the same as returning a form from a function
> and using eval on that form?

Not exactly. If all you are doing is writing macros in the
read-eval-print-loop, then the answer is yes, sort of.

If you write for instance

(setf *foo* 3)

which invokes the SETF macro, then indeed, the evaluation of the macro produces
a form, and that form is evaluated right away as if someone invoked
eval on it.

However, macros may occur in contexts in which their expansion are not
evaluated right away, for instance:

(defun some-function ()
(setf *foo* 3))

Is the macro expansion evaluated now? No, the macro expansion is evaluated
when you call the function. And it's not done in the same way as eval,
because the expansion has access to the lexical environment. Consider:

(let ((lexical-variable 42))
(eval 'lexical-variable))

==> error, lexical-variable not bound

When is the macro expanded? That depends; it may be expanded as late as
the first call to the function.

Lisp is also compiled as well as interpreted language; some-function could be
compiled, which means that the macro could be expanded in the environment of
the compiler.

Perhaps the single best way to understand macros is that they are invoked at
macro-expansion time, to produce a piece of code which is then substituted in
their place, and then in that place subject to the normal evaluation rules as
if it was written there.

Macro-expansion time can happen in a compiler, or the first time a macro form
is evaluated, or as the code is being loaded or read. This multitude is
a consequence of the various situations in which Lisp code can be processed.

> Trivial example to show what I mean:
> (defmacro madd ()
> (+ 5 10))

This macro actually computes the number 15 at expansion time, and
returns that. So the integer 15 is substituted for the macro call.

> (defun dadd ()
> '(+ 5 10))
> Are the following two forms semantically equivalent?
> (madd)

Consequently, the effect of this is the same as just writing the number 15.

> (eval (dadd))

The effect of this is also the same as writing the number 15, if the compiler
can deduce that the (dadd) always returns the list constant '(+ 5 10)
in every possible context. Since it's a top-level expression that is
evaluated in all the situations when the immediately preceding function
definition is evaluated, it's deducible that it calls that function
and not some other. But if you had this in, say, a function body:

(defun some-func ()
(eval (dadd)))

now there is the suspicion that the function dadd can be replaced with
another one, so this actually has to do the evaluation. It cannot
just be replaced by the constant 15. Adding a (declaim (inline dadd))
declaration to tell the compiler that the function may be inlined
would make that deduction permissible.

Now suppose you have these

(defmacro madd () '(+ a b))

(defun dadd () '(+ a b))

And suppose that at the top level you have

(eval (dadd))

These do the same thing, namely evaluate (+ a b) but this is only
the same only because you are at the top level. Suppose the
evaluation is nested in a form:

(let ((a 1) (b 2))

This is the same as

(let ((a 1) (b 2))
(+ a b))

which of course produces 3.


(defvar a 0)
(defvar b 0)

(let ((a 1) (b 2))
(eval (dadd)))

produces 0. The lexical environment is not available in the eval,
so it simply refers to the dynamic bindings of a and b, established
in the defvar forms.

So that is a huge difference, which makes it incorrect to say that
macro expansions are subject to eval.

> And one more question. When is a macro expanded?

I think I answered that; it can happen in a number of contexts. Most of the
time it doesn't matter; though a macro ought to be written so that it expands
properly in all these various situations, most of the time this doesn't pose
any challenge.

Sometimes macros need to be broken down into functions, because they
are too complex to write as one big function. They also may refer to
variables or constants. Then the macro expansion time starts to
matter, because if a Lisp compiler expands the macro in its own bowels,
the functions are not available by default. Suppose you are compiling
the following:

(defun cool-expander (...) ...)

(defmacro cool-macro (args) ... (cool-expander ...))

The compiler might do something like this: it will read cool-expander,
compile it and deposit the results into the object file, but it won't
actually evaluate the defun to instantiate the function! That would just waste
space and time in the compiler. The compiler's job is to produce translate the
function definitions, not to carry them out, right? Most of the time,
it doesn't need the definitions, only the target program needs them.

And so then the macro refers to an undefined function; when an expansion is
attempted, it will fail. Because the macro does need the function at compile

To make the compiler define the cool-expander function to itself, so that your
macro can call it during expansion, you have to surround the defun with this:

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun cool-expander (...) ...))

The arguments to eval are the ``times''; they refer situations in which the
code may be processed, and specify that you want want the enclosed forms to be
evaluated when it is processed in these situations (and no others).

Erik Naggum

Aug 11, 2002, 7:38:11 PM8/11/02
* Thomas Stegen CES2000

| Is using a macro the same as returning a form from a function and using eval
| on that form?

Not precisely correct, but pretty close. A macro invocation is replaced by
the return value from the macro (expansion) function, and this would, when
evaluated or compiled, retain the lexical environment of the form. If you
have used a macro in a different setting, which is certainly possible, you
would find that it would not necessarily be evaluated.

| Are the following two forms semantically equivalent?

Yes, but this is a very special case that probably only confuses you.

| They return the same result, but is there some subtle difference somewhere?

Well, yes, the call to `eval´. :)

| What about in the general case?

In the general case, a macro is called when encountered in the recursive
evaluation of each argument. Recall that `eval´ is a recursive function
that effectively does (funcall (car form) (mapcar #'eval (cdr form))) for a
function call. For this to work properly, the innermost `eval´ call must
return a form that works in the environment of the next outer `eval´. For
this to work, the macro function stored in the function slot of a macro
takes two parameters, the whole macro form and the environment in which it
is to be understood. This is not entirely trivial to explain, since the
environment has to be queried to find the macro expansion function.

You can try this, instead

(let ((form '(madd)))
(funcall (macro-function (car form)) form nil))

| And one more question. When is a macro expanded?

When the form is about to acquire its meaning in the compiler or interpreter
as defined by the language. This need not necessarily lead to evaluation
right away, but sooner or later it normally will. At issue is how late this
happens and how much environmental baggage the evaluation requires.

In general, a macro is called with all the information that the enclosing
forms present to the expander. This is much more than just `eval´ does.

I think the best way to understand macros is to study an implementation of
`eval´. Using the traditional Scheme textbooks and exercies for this will
work, if you remember that a macro call is replaced by its return value and
then re-interpreted as if the return value was the original form and that
this does not mean immediate evaluation, except insofar as the macro
function has side-effects. (E.g., it could perform some book-keeping.)

Erik Naggum, Oslo, Norway

Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder.
Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.

Thomas Stegen CES2000

Aug 12, 2002, 5:20:19 AM8/12/02
"Erik Naggum" <> wrote in message
> * Thomas Stegen CES2000

> | Are the following two forms semantically equivalent?
> Yes, but this is a very special case that probably only confuses you.

Hehe, Yep. But in the end it showed me that macros and functions
aren't that different. I thought that (defmacro madd () (+ 5 10))
would return '(+ 5 10). That it does not, seems like a good thing
to me.

And thanks to all of you.


Approaching singularity.

Erik Naggum

Aug 12, 2002, 2:23:14 PM8/12/02
* "Thomas Stegen CES2000" <>

| But in the end it showed me that macros and functions aren't that
| different. I thought that (defmacro madd () (+ 5 10)) would return '(+ 5
| 10). That it does not, seems like a good thing to me.

Not to belabor the obvious, but it occurred to me that you need write

(defmacro madd ()
`(+ 5 10))

to make it return the list (+ 5 10). Note the backquote/grave, but you
could have used a simple ' in this case. If you want it to return '(+ 5
10), you actually have write

(defmacro madd ()
''(+ 5 10))


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