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"On Lisp" by Paul Graham

12 peržiūrų
Praleisti ir pereiti prie pirmo neskaityto pranešimo

Jeffrey Keil

2001-11-08 13:06:582001-11-08
Does anyone know where I might obtain a copy of this book. It is out
of print. I tried at bookfinder.com and the out of print book search
with Barnes & Noble with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

Jeff Keil

Ed L Cashin

2001-11-08 16:43:542001-11-08
keil...@yahoo.com (Jeffrey Keil) writes:

Paul Graham has a web page that lists people who are interested in
finding the book. You can write to P.G. to get on the page. See his


--Ed Cashin integrit file-verification system:
eca...@terry.uga.edu http://integrit.sourceforge.net/

Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.

Ed L Cashin

2001-11-08 22:40:482001-11-08
jlo...@hushmail.com writes:

> Try abebooks.com and alibris.com

Searching for it at those sites doesn't turn anything up. Is it

Deepak Goel

2001-11-09 09:21:592001-11-09
> Does anyone know where I might obtain a copy of this book. It is out
> of print. I tried at bookfinder.com and the out of print book search

I got mine recently from amazon.co.uk (also heard of several other
people getting it from there). Note that even though amazon.co.uk may
have copies, don't think amazon.com's book-locator will find it
(didn't do for me).

Deepak <URL:http://www.glue.umd.edu/~deego>
who regrets having to buy books from a company that patents obvious

Eugene Wallingford

2001-11-09 11:18:462001-11-09

Yikes! Why is this book out of print? Does Prentice Hall
have any plans to do another printing? This is the finest
intro Lisp book out there right now.

| Eugene Wallingford wall...@cs.uni.edu |
| University of Northern Iowa |
| Intelligent Systems Laboratory |

Bob Bane

2001-11-09 12:57:572001-11-09
Eugene Wallingford wrote:
> Yikes! Why is this book out of print? Does Prentice Hall
> have any plans to do another printing? This is the finest
> intro Lisp book out there right now.
If the problem is "lack of perceived demand for another Prentice Hall
sized publishing run", it is possible today to generate real, decently
bound paperback books in arbitrarily small runs, from appropriate
electronic source material.

For example, Roger MacBride Allen is a SF author who also runs FoxAcre
Press (www.foxacre.com), a publishing company dedicated to keeping good
SF in print without requiring huge publishing runs. His company's books
are listed on the major on-line booksellers - when they get ordered, the
order gets forwarded to Lightning Source (www.lightningsource.com) and
the books are printed on-demand.

Something like this sounds ideal for On Lisp and the like.

Remove obvious stuff to e-mail me.
Bob Bane

Thomas F. Burdick

2001-11-09 21:53:102001-11-09
Eugene Wallingford <wall...@math-cs.cns.uni.edu> writes:

> Jeffrey Keil <keil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Does anyone know where I might obtain a copy of this book. It is out
> > of print. I tried at bookfinder.com and the out of print book search
> > with Barnes & Noble with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
> Yikes! Why is this book out of print? Does Prentice Hall
> have any plans to do another printing? This is the finest
> intro Lisp book out there right now.

What on earth are you talking about? It's definitely not an intro
Lisp book, it's one step up from there. If it were an intro book
(like "ANSI Common Lisp"), it would still be in print (I feel
justified in asserting this because the same author's intro book is in
print). It is a good book on macros, though, yes, but I couldn't let
that go any more than I could let "The Art of the Meta-Object Protocol
is one of the finest intro Lisp books out there" go by without

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Erik Naggum

2001-11-10 10:23:292001-11-10
* Bob Bane <ba...@removeme.gst.com>

| Something like this sounds ideal for On Lisp and the like.

The third printing of On Lisp was performed by a 600 dpi industrial laser
printer, of a kind that was intended used for on demand publishing. I
have forgotten the details, but the person I talked to at Prentice Hall
was quite excited about it (but probably more so that anyone cared enough
to call and ask :). For unpredictable demand and small runs, it was a
good idea and significantly cheaper than offset, but the quality is not
quite so good (offset is somewhere between 1500 and 1200 dpi) and you can
actually feel the ink on the page. I have no idea why they have not
continued along this line of production.

In any case, if there is demand for this book, anyone is free to make a
call to the publisher and ask how many guaranteed sales they need to do a
new printing. There should be some business potential in this. Somebody
could make a deal with some big sales channel like Amazon.com or Barnes &
Noble and facilitate pre-ordering and make that guarantee stick. Has
this been tried? If so, why did it fail?

Norway is now run by a priest from the fundamentalist Christian People's
Party, the fifth largest party representing one eighth of the electorate.
Carrying a Swiss Army pocket knife in Oslo, Norway, is a criminal offense.

Janne Rinta-Mänty

2001-11-10 12:21:092001-11-10
Jeffrey Keil 2001-11-08T18:06:58Z:

> Does anyone know where I might obtain a copy of this book. It is out
> of print. I tried at bookfinder.com and the out of print book search
> with Barnes & Noble with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

After reading a lot of this kind of posts here I was very surprised
when I got On Lisp from BOL <URL:http://www.bol.com/index.html>.
I don't know about their current situation.

Janne Rinta-Mänty

Kenny Tilton

2001-11-10 13:37:172001-11-10
Maybe the ALU should buy the rights to out-of-print Lisp books and find
a "books-on-demand" publisher for them. When Lisp takes off the ALU
could make a pretty penny. :)


Tim Bradshaw

2001-11-10 15:34:412001-11-10
* Erik Naggum wrote:
> | Something like this sounds ideal for On Lisp and the like.

> The third printing of On Lisp was performed by a 600 dpi industrial laser
> printer, of a kind that was intended used for on demand publishing. I
> have forgotten the details, but the person I talked to at Prentice Hall
> was quite excited about it (but probably more so that anyone cared enough
> to call and ask :). For unpredictable demand and small runs, it was a
> good idea and significantly cheaper than offset, but the quality is not
> quite so good (offset is somewhere between 1500 and 1200 dpi) and you can
> actually feel the ink on the page. I have no idea why they have not
> continued along this line of production.

I wonder about this. One issue I think is that you have to deal with
all the costs of setting up the system to cut pages, bind it, make a
cover and so on, and these may dominate the cost for low production
runs. Of course it should now be possible to have clever small-run
printing machines which do all this by magic (for instance you could
print quite respectable covers with a photograph-printing machine, at
horrible unit cost but negligible setup cost since you don't need
plates &c), but then you have to weigh the cost of the small-run
printing setup against the number of small-run books you expect to
have to print and so on. In addition small-run stuff is non-trivial
to distribute - publishers are set up to ship appreciable batches of
things but this doesn't work for small-run stuff.

Your point about Amazon is interesting, because Amazon *are* set up
for delivering very small batches (like 1), so a publisher could get
into bed with Amazon and ship a single batch to Amazon. But then they
probably find that their traditional channels hate them, so they have
to assume they will lose sales they would have made there. And
Amazon prpbably haven't completely sorted out the delivery issue
either - I think that one of the nasty shocks that hurt a lot of the
more credible dot-coms like Amazon was that fulfillment costs were
hard to get as low as they thought.

I'd like to see it happen though.


Kenny Tilton

2001-11-10 17:03:582001-11-10
Here is the place my friend picked for his book, of which I have a copy
(looks perfect, hardbound too):


They pop out books one copy at a time on demand. Amazing.



2001-11-10 12:33:562001-11-10
Deepak Goel wrote:

>>Does anyone know where I might obtain a copy of this book. It is out
>>of print. I tried at bookfinder.com and the out of print book search
> I got mine recently from amazon.co.uk (also heard of several other
> people getting it from there). Note that even though amazon.co.uk may
> have copies, don't think amazon.com's book-locator will find it
> (didn't do for me).

I tried to order it from the uk site but after accepting my order as a
backorder it later decided that there were no more copies. This was a
couple of months ago.

Nils Goesche

2001-11-12 10:36:192001-11-12
Erik Naggum <er...@naggum.net> writes:

> In any case, if there is demand for this book, anyone is free to make a
> call to the publisher and ask how many guaranteed sales they need to do a
> new printing. There should be some business potential in this. Somebody
> could make a deal with some big sales channel like Amazon.com or Barnes &
> Noble and facilitate pre-ordering and make that guarantee stick. Has
> this been tried? If so, why did it fail?

I think Amazon is actually trying something like this. Go to
www.amazon.com and search for ``Blow Up'' in DVD's, for instance.
Don't know if they ever succeeded, though.

Nils Goesche
"Don't ask for whom the <CTRL-G> tolls."

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