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readable syntax for control characters in strings

69 peržiūros
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Erik Naggum

1996-10-29 03:00:001996-10-29

would an ANSI Common Lisp implementation that allowed the single-escape
character followed by a character other than the single-escape character or
the double-quote in string literals to mean something other than that
character be conforming?

example: according to the specification: "foo\nbar" is interpreted as a
7-character string whose fourth element is #\n. would an implementation
that returned a string whose fourth element were #\Newline be conforming?

Those who do not know Lisp are doomed to reimplement it.

Barry Margolin

1996-10-30 03:00:001996-10-30

In article <30555845...@naggum.no>, Erik Naggum <er...@naggum.no> wrote:
>would an ANSI Common Lisp implementation that allowed the single-escape
>character followed by a character other than the single-escape character or
>the double-quote in string literals to mean something other than that
>character be conforming?

No. The standard specifies precisely how "\n" should be interpreted,
leaving no room for implementation dependencies. Thus, a programmer should
feel safe including such a string in his programs without affecting their
portability among CL implementations.

Barry Margolin
BBN Planet, Cambridge, MA
bar...@bbnplanet.com - Phone (617) 873-3126 - Fax (617) 873-5508
(BBN customers, please call (800) 632-7638 option 1 for support)

Erik Naggum

1996-10-31 03:00:001996-10-31

* Barry Margolin <bar...@tools.bbnplanet.com>
| No.


given that a syntax familiar to Emacs Lisp (and C) users is unavailable,
how would one accomplish the same goal: to embed a (named) control
character in a literal string in source code that is likely to travel
across all sorts of information-losing channels?

for an arbitrary character, either of the following forms produce the
desired result, but I find them clumsy. do others do something else?

#.(format nil "foo~Cbar" #\Newline)
#.(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar")

(incidentally, my actual problem case involves lots of escape sequences for
a form printer now written in Emacs Lisp with the `cl' package. it is
trivially portable to Common Lisp except for the string literals.)

I feel I must have overlooked something or think in the wrong terms.

Rob Warnock

1996-11-01 03:00:001996-11-01

Erik Naggum <er...@naggum.no> wrote:
| given that a syntax familiar to Emacs Lisp (and C) users is unavailable...

| #.(format nil "foo~Cbar" #\Newline)
| #.(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar")

You realize, I assume, that this particular example can already be
done easily in CL, like so:

#.(format nil "foo~%bar")

And (if you don't mind tabs being expanded) for "foo\tbar\nbaz\tgorp\n\f"
you can use:

#.(format nil "foo~9,8Tbar~%baz~9,8Tgorp~%~|")

So back to the general case...


| how would one accomplish the same goal: to embed a (named) control
| character in a literal string in source code that is likely to travel

| across all sorts of information-losing channels? ...

| I feel I must have overlooked something or think in the wrong terms.


I suspect the latter. Look, Lisp is a language for building languages,
right? So design a "language" for expressing the kind of strings you
want, and build a mechanism for translating that into Lisp.

Oh? You say you already *have* the language you want, namely, good old
familiar C strings? Fine! Then simply write a function that takes C
strings as input (in the form of "control strings") and gives you Lisp
strings as output. Something like this:

(cstr->string "First line:\\ttext\\nSecond line:\\tmore text\\007\\n")
==> "First line: text
Second line: more text(*ding!*)
" [i.e. ^G ]

(Unfortunately, if you want the use "backslash" as your escape character,
you'd have to double them everywhere [as shown] to get them into your
control string. And if you want to use C strings in "format" calls, you
probably don't want to use "~", either. How about "%" or "^" or "&"?)

Then if you wanted to use these inside "format", perhaps to print lines
with fields prefixed by the tab character and suffixed by (say) <cntl-A>,
you could do something like this (let "c2s" be an alias for "cstr->string"):

(format nil #.(c2s "\\tfield1=~A\\001\\tfield2=~A\\001~%") 123 456)
==> " field1=123 field2=456
a.k.a. ==> "^Ifield1=123^A^Ifield2=456^A^J"

By the way, with some work (well, probably quite a bit more!), a similar
hack would enable one to rewrite C "printf" control strings into "format"
control strings (at least, for those things that map):

(pf2fmt "foo = %8.8x, bar = %d\\n")
==> "foo = ~8,'0X, bar = ~D~%"

so you could say:

(format nil #.(pf2fmt "foo = 0x%8.8x, bar = %d\\n") 123456 789)
==> "foo = 0x0001e240, bar = 789


| (incidentally, my actual problem case involves lots of escape sequences for
| a form printer now written in Emacs Lisp with the `cl' package. it is
| trivially portable to Common Lisp except for the string literals.)


So write yourself a "c2s" function, and with a little editing to double
the backslashes and wrap #.(c2s ...) around the strings, you're home.


Rob Warnock, 7L-551 rp...@sgi.com
Silicon Graphics, Inc. http://reality.sgi.com/rpw3/
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. Phone: 415-933-1673 FAX: 415-933-0979
Mountain View, CA 94043 PP-ASEL-IA

Erik Naggum

1996-11-01 03:00:001996-11-01

* Erik Naggum <er...@naggum.no>
| given that a syntax familiar to Emacs Lisp (and C) users is unavailable,

| how would one accomplish the same goal: to embed a (named) control
| character in a literal string in source code that is likely to travel
| across all sorts of information-losing channels?

| I feel I must have overlooked something or think in the wrong terms.

I did. reader macros.

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