(def-foreign-call CreateDatabase () :returning :foreign-address)
USER(59): (createdatabase)
Error: Attempt to call #("createdatabase" 1669872020 0 2 1669872020) for which
the definition has not yet been (or is no longer) loaded.
[condition type: SIMPLE-ERROR]
Now the dll has been loaded with :ld peval.dll and if it hadnt the (def-foreign-call ) would have caused an error, so I'm not sure whats wrong here. Its quite clear to me that the function has been half defined sort of.
Any suggestions?
the error message is a dead give-away that it's calling the wrong
function. instead, try
(def-foreign-call (create-database "CreateDatabase") ()
:returning :foreign-address)
also note that you're much better off always specifying Lisp name as a
symbol and foreign name as a string literal, since you really don't want
to mix naming conventions between languages. the case hypersensitivity
of C and Unix in general is a bug that there is no need to perpetuate.
(defun pringles (chips)
(loop (pop chips)))