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CLisp sample in .NET

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Emre Sevinc

Aug 1, 2005, 1:16:36 PM8/1/05

I was looking for the URLs of Lisp implementations
for .NET (DotLisp, RDNZL [I just realized its connection
with FZ's REDUNZL! :)]) and I have found the following

And yes, I dug into my harddrive to check it out:

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Tool Developers Guide\Samples\clisp

Yes, it was there, I followed the instructions, commandline
NMAKE utility ran without any problems. However the trying

CLisp.exe fibo.lisp

did not produce any output (I have tried much simpler
things without success).

All in all, this was an interesting experience. I wonder
what is the situation of that sample Lisp coded in C#
in VS.NET 2005 Beta. Any ideas? Maybe it works in VS.NET 2005 Beta.

I really wonder why MS included such an example.

My optimism says : Hey, they gave a Lisp example in C#, wow!
My pessimism says: They gave a buggy example on purpose! ;-)

That was the "event" of the day I wanted to share.

Happy hacking,

Emre Sevinc

eMBA Software Developer Actively engaged in:
Cognitive Science Student

Alex Mizrahi

Aug 1, 2005, 6:05:45 PM8/1/05
(message (Hello 'Emre)
(you :wrote :on '(Mon, 01 Aug 2005 16:16:36 +0300))

ES> CLisp.exe fibo.lisp

ES> did not produce any output (I have tried much simpler
ES> things without success).

it produces fibo.exe here, that works.

ES> I really wonder why MS included such an example.

as a simple compiler example

(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
"People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity")

Emre Sevinc

Aug 2, 2005, 12:20:35 AM8/2/05
"Alex Mizrahi" <> writes:

> (message (Hello 'Emre)
> (you :wrote :on '(Mon, 01 Aug 2005 16:16:36 +0300))
> (
> ES> CLisp.exe fibo.lisp
> ES> did not produce any output (I have tried much simpler
> ES> things without success).
> it produces fibo.exe here, that works.

I'll try that (when I get back to the office)

> ES> I really wonder why MS included such an example.
> as a simple compiler example

Maybe it can help people looking for s-exp parser
in C#.

But I'm still curious (especially if they kept the
example in VS.NET 2005 or developed it, etc.)

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