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pws and scripts

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May 24, 2001, 2:26:00 PM5/24/01

How can I use Perl, PHP, CGI scripts in MS Personal Web Server 4 can any 1



May 24, 2001, 2:43:18 PM5/24/01
On Thu, 24 May 2001 19:26:00 +0100, "Cool"
<> wrote:

>How can I use Perl, PHP, CGI scripts in MS Personal Web Server 4 can any 1

Install the Apache plugin from (It runs as a
separate webserver).

alt.www.webmaster FAQ:
alt.html QuickStart:
Web Dev Wiki:


May 24, 2001, 6:07:01 PM5/24/01
If you are using a Windows machine [or Linnux/Unix -- intel flavors],
you can get the Xitami webserver for free from It is
one of the easiest to set up servers I've ever come across. You can set
up Perl cgi and deal with user access issues, etc... It is a full blown,
medium powered webserver webserver [will handle about 500 accesses per
minute] and very much akin to the Apache webserver [even allows
co-servers for email, etc.]. Unfortunately, it doesn't do server-side JavaScript.

From the Imatix website:

Summary of Xitami Features

Server supports HTTP/1.0, FTP, CGI/1.1, SSI protocols, server-side image
maps, user-defined MIME types, multiple document roots, persistent
connections, on-the-fly server reconfiguration, customisable error
messages, multilingual HTML documents and multilingual CGI scripts, HTTP
GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, MOVE, and COPY methods, customisable HTTP

Security: basic authentication per directory, FTP access rights per user
and per directory, on-the-fly user and password management, Unix setuid,
restrict access by IP address, safe CGIs, SSL option (Xitami/Pro);

Logging: CLF, IIS, XML, and custom log file formats, programmed log file
cycling, asynchronous reverse DNS lookups;

Virtual hosts: multihoming HTTP and FTP hosts, HTTP/1.1 virtual hosts,
full independent configuration (log files, web spaces, access
rights,...) per virtual host;

Configuration: editable config files, or through a web-based
administration interface (WBA) that includes virtual host wizard, server
control (restart, terminate), active connection monitor, and full
configuration of server options, security, users, etc.;

Applications: direct support for CGI scripts in Perl, Awk, Rexx, Python,
WSX protocol for plug-in extensions, SSI protocol for dynamic web pages,
ISAPI under Windows, filter protocol for arbitrary web page filters,
LRWP protocol for persistent (fast CGI) applications in Perl, C, Python,
Java, Java Servlets;

Deployment: installs ready-to-run, portable to Windows, OS/2, Unix,
OpenVMS, fully portable web sites and web applications; Performance:
internal multithreading engine, fast even on slower systems, small
footprint, option to restrict HTTP and FTP connections, FTP quota

Bottom line -- it beats the socks off of MS PWS.

If you're using a Mac, I haven't found a reasonably decent [and free]
webserver that will handle cgi, etc...

Hope this helps,


Rick [Kitty5]

May 24, 2001, 6:45:37 PM5/24/01
I would suggest you develop on the same web server that your creation will
be published online with.

for example if your web host is NT with IIS the either design your site on
IIS (winNT or 2K) or PWS.

if they dont have other plugins \ components etc installed, then dont use
them yourself unless you intend for you host to also install them, or use a
host that supports what you are developing with.


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Mark and Christine McCain

May 24, 2001, 8:12:29 PM5/24/01
So did I miss something in the last 3 posts, or did the original question
not get answered, because I have been working with this for a while as well.
Can PWS out of the box, or with a plug in or something, support CGI, and if
it can, then how?


May 24, 2001, 9:11:28 PM5/24/01

Yes, but it was such a large, amorphous question how could anyone
really answer it? The only real answer is to start reading the f'ing

Personally, I wouldn't waste my time with PWS. If you run Windows 2000
you can use IIS for free (in NT it requires Server).



May 24, 2001, 9:20:20 PM5/24/01
As far as I know, you cannot use cgi [any language] with PWS. PWS is a
very limited, minimal web server. Its only purpose is to serve HTTP
pages. I don't really remember, but PWS MIGHT handle Front Page
extensions, but it was a very difficult application with almost zero
documentation -- and what documentation there was, was very difficult to
make sense of. It was never worth the hassle. Xitami supports cgi in
several different languages, it is well (if not overly) documented,
almost as "small" as PWS; faster; handles more accesses; easily
administered; and on and on... it is hard not to use it. I have it
running all the time [as a startup app]. I have never noticed a
performance hit on any [or any number of] applications running
[including 3D games like Diablo II].

The gist of the previous posts was basically: don't use PWS. It's
nothing except free. As for free servers, so are Xitami and Apache.
However, Apache is a DOS app in Windows and a real pain to install and
administer and deal with in general. Xitami is not any of these -- there
are versions for Windows 9x [which works in 2000 I believe], Unix, and
Linnux. Xitami is a "real" webserver, not just a "personal" webserver...
So, if they're all free -- why not get a real server?


Mark and Christine McCain wrote:


May 24, 2001, 10:56:31 PM5/24/01
Cool wrote:

Installing on pws/iis docs for php

perl: get active perl and read the docs

Avoid the Noid
Joe Alexander
Programmer @ Large

Der Dot

May 25, 2001, 2:52:03 AM5/25/01

You can use perl with PWS and set up a cgi bin. Here is how.

1-Download and install active state perl on your machine
2-You need to alter a registry setting so PWS will execute perl as opposed
to view it as source;

This thanks to the Microsoft website;

FP2000: How to Use Perl with Microsoft Personal Web Server on Windows 95/98

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft FrontPage 2000

IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry.
Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if
a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring
the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key"
Help topic in Regedt32.exe.

The following article describes how to set up the Microsoft Personal Web
Server to use the Windows version of Perl. This allows you to run Perl
scripts on the Microsoft Personal Web Server.

This article also includes a sample Perl script that can be used to test the
Perl engine on your computer.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that
may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot
guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor
can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and
Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete
Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in
Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it.
If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you should also update your
Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

How to Configure the Microsoft Personal Web Server to Use Perl
For security reasons, you do not want Perl.exe to exist in any directory
that can be browsed from other computers. With a script mapping in the
registry, you can place the Perl.exe outside of the normal directory
structure and avoid such security risks.
On the Start menu, click Run.

In the Open box, type Regedit and click OK.

Open the following registry key:

On the Edit menu, point to New, and click String Value.

Name the value .pl and press ENTER.

Select .pl, and click Modify on the Edit menu.

In the Value Data box, type <the full path to perl.exe>\perl.exe %s %s

NOTE: The "%s %s" is case sensitive (for example, "%S %S" will not work).

Close the Registry Editor, and restart your computer.

NOTE: Some versions of PERL automatically add this registry key when you
How to Create a Perl Script to Use for Testing
Create a file with Notepad, and type the following lines of code. Save the
file as in a folder in your web. Make sure this folder is marked

In Notepad, type the following:
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

print "<HTML>\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "<TITLE>Perl Test Page</TITLE>\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY>\n";
print "<H3>This is a test to see if Perl is Working</H3>\n";
print "<P>\n";
print "<H5>If you can see this, Perl is properly configured</H5>\n";
print "</BODY>\n";
print "</HTML>\n";
How to Test the Script
To test the script, browse to the Perl script in Internet Explorer. For
example, if you placed the file in a folder named cgi-bin in your
root web, you would type the following in the Internet Explorer address bar:

The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by
vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: PWS

Keywords : kbdta
Issue type : kbinfo
Technology :

Mark and Christine McCain

May 25, 2001, 2:48:49 PM5/25/01
Thanks of all of the comments, except for mister "read the documentation",
which I have and it is less than "insightful". I believe I have finally
found the answer at

I am going to install it tonight and see what happens. I will let you know.

"Der Dot" <> wrote in message

Der Dot

May 26, 2001, 4:46:27 PM5/26/01

"PropART" <> wrote in message > Personally, I wouldn't

waste my time with PWS. If you run Windows 2000

Which most people at home dabbling and learning do............ not ......

B.P. -

May 27, 2001, 12:44:07 AM5/27/01

"PropART" <> wrote in message

Assuming the person has Win2k and/or wishes to cough up the cash for it.

PWS is a very good product for use as a local development environment. You
cna run ASP, PHP, Perl, Python TCL etc. you can use COM objects, the
scripting engine updates itself when you update IE, you can connect to any
database in the world, integrate with most windows based application and a
kazillion other things..

Furthermore, PWS is IIS4, at least the webserver part of it.



May 27, 2001, 5:22:45 AM5/27/01

Thank you for all your help


"Cool" <> wrote in message


May 27, 2001, 7:29:42 AM5/27/01

> PWS is a very good product for use as a local development environment. You
> cna run ASP, PHP, Perl, Python TCL etc. you can use COM objects, the
> scripting engine updates itself when you update IE, you can connect to any
> database in the world, integrate with most windows based application and a
> kazillion other things..
> Furthermore, PWS is IIS4, at least the webserver part of it.
> B.P.

No major disagreement - if you have no interest in learning new
technology to help you professionally (say, you just need to set up a
local webserver to work on your own scripts). However, since no one
has the time to learn anything but a fraction of the technology out
there, part of the decision in what to learn (and what to use) is
influenced by what you need to know professionally. If you want to
develelop in the MS world you're not playing to its strengths if you
don't learn IIS, Visual Studio, ASP, ADO etc. Viewed from that angle,
learning PWS, is a false economy...


GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion

May 27, 2001, 11:14:15 AM5/27/01

I disagree at least partly. I may not be a power-user, but I found using
PWS or IIS very similar, especially with Visual Studio 6. I use to
program JavaScript on ASP on IIS (Win2000) at work, and use the exact
same configuration on PWS (Win98) at home. I don't really see a
difference between both, except of course that IIS is more powerful when
you want to set authorizations (but it's a Win2000 feature, not
something special of IIS).

I find very comfortable to be able to use same ASP programs and same
development environment at home and at work.

GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion
Webdesign, Java, JavaScript:
Darjeeling teas:
Support children in Calcutta:


May 27, 2001, 3:36:34 PM5/27/01
> I disagree at least partly. I may not be a power-user, but I found using
> PWS or IIS very similar, especially with Visual Studio 6. I use to
> program JavaScript on ASP on IIS (Win2000) at work, and use the exact
> same configuration on PWS (Win98) at home. I don't really see a
> difference between both, except of course that IIS is more powerful when
> you want to set authorizations (but it's a Win2000 feature, not
> something special of IIS).
> I find very comfortable to be able to use same ASP programs and same
> development environment at home and at work.
> Laurent

Well, I hope I never came across as dogmatic, but I felt that it was
worth offering a different philosophy to the posters I responded to...
Those guys obviously felt that that opinion was of no use to them, but
that's OK. I still hold that running *exactly the same stuff at home
that you run on a production system is the way to go. I've never used
'95 or '98 on my home systems. In fact I haven't even run NT
workstation for a couple of years. But whatever works for you...

Still, I ask, do you want to go into a technical interview and talk
about PWS? :)


GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion

May 28, 2001, 4:52:19 AM5/28/01

I'll probably mention IIS and PWS. Knowing both cannot harm, can it? *S*

I didn't take your post as dogmatic. I just mention that Win98 is more
frequent than Win2000 at home, and that it shouldn't make people feel
bad about it. To learn ASP, ADO and other server-side things, it can be


May 28, 2001, 8:35:51 AM5/28/01
> >
> > Still, I ask, do you want to go into a technical interview and talk
> > about PWS? :)
> >
> > --williamc
> I'll probably mention IIS and PWS. Knowing both cannot harm, can it? *S*
> I didn't take your post as dogmatic. I just mention that Win98 is more
> frequent than Win2000 at home, and that it shouldn't make people feel
> bad about it. To learn ASP, ADO and other server-side things, it can be
> useful.
> Laurent

Well, I never would have answered the post at all if I had noticed
that the original clueless poster had cross-posted it... In a group
devoted to PWS, of course no one is going to want to hear - use IIS
instead of PWS. :)

Also, I'm not up on the latest MS stuff, since I now work with a bunch
of Perl Hackers who are strongly anti-MS. However, my wife who's a MS
DB programmer says that the first question that's often asked on the
Wrox forums diagnosing ASP/ADO etc. problems is, "are you using PWS?"

Anyway, take it easy...



May 28, 2001, 10:52:27 AM5/28/01
GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion wrote:

Guess what?
It's is invaluable for learning/developing apache/perl/php as well????

I did it my way,

Brian Steele

May 28, 2001, 10:43:31 PM5/28/01
On the Activestate site, they claim that Perl requires "PWS4.0+". However,
while I've been able to get it to work with PWS2.0 (via the reghacks
described in other responses in this thread), I've been unable to get it to
work with PWS4.0 using the same method.

As I needed PWS solely to do Perl development at home, I use PWS2.0.


"Cool" <> wrote in message

B.P. -

Jun 4, 2001, 2:27:00 AM6/4/01

"GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion" <> wrote in message

Not to mention that it is the scripting engine, MDAC and the other objects
which can be upgraded that separates PWS4 and 5. So if you have the latest
VBS scripting engine and the latest MDAC componants and all the other
goodies installed which are free updates, the pws will be just as capable as
the pws4 in a single user develpment environment. the server itself doesnt
care what system it is on, it only want to serve pages, it is all the
support compnants which matter.

One thing to be careful about, it is easier to have an incompatible
scripting engine on a home machine which is regularly updated compared to an
IIS4 server. I ran into this problem using the regx object. A wonderful 4
line email validation routine using the regex object. worked wonderfully on
the local machine, but broke completely on the production server., it even
worked like a charm on the devlopment server. same thing happened with
using the regex object to create an asp equivilant of urldecode() as ASP
will only let you urlencode() but not decode.



Jun 6, 2001, 2:12:32 AM6/6/01
> How can I use Perl, PHP, CGI scripts in MS Personal Web Server 4 can
any 1

try confining your posts to Perl. What does MS Pesonal Web Server 4
have to do with alt.perl?



Jun 13, 2001, 2:19:16 PM6/13/01

go to for instructions on using Perl, Php
and miva with PWS.


"Cool" <> wrote in message


Jun 13, 2001, 2:21:58 PM6/13/01
You can use Perl, Php, Miva, Asp on PWS.

Go To


"Fox" <> wrote in message


Jun 13, 2001, 4:15:39 PM6/13/01
I try'd this and was able to get my perl script running, but still have not
been able to get a script saved as ,cgi and written in perl to run. My
script points to the perl directory and has the use cgi statement in it. if
I run it as a .pl without the cgi statement i can get it to execute but it
hangs trying to get the data or opening outlook express. Any help???

"Der Dot" <> wrote in message


Jun 22, 2001, 7:05:11 PM6/22/01
The .cgi extension will need to be mapped in the registry the same as .pl

Follow the same instructions listed on the site for mapping Perl.


"Russ" <> wrote in message


Jun 23, 2001, 10:37:34 AM6/23/01
I have gotten cgi to work partically with cgi. Still not working completely.
It will execute small simple scripts but my more complex mail script does
not complete. You need to make some registry enteries to get perl and cgi to
work. See They amoung others
explain how to setup PWS.
"Mark and Christine McCain" <> wrote in message
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