I came up with an implementation that overcomes these problems, here
is a usage example:
struct B {};
struct B1 : B {};
struct B2 : B {};
struct D : B1, private B2 {};
typedef char Test[SuperSubclass<B, D>::result];
typedef char Test[SuperSubclass<B1,D>::result];
typedef char Test[SuperSubclass<B2,D>::result];
typedef char Test[!SuperSubclass<int,D>::result];
The above code complied fine using Comeau C/C++ and VC7.1
Without further ado, here is the SuperSubclass implementation:
template <typename B, typename D>
struct SuperSubclass
typedef char (&yes)[1];
typedef char (&no) [2];
template<typename T>
static yes check(D const volatile &, T);
static no check(B const volatile &, int);
struct C
operator B const volatile &() const;
operator D const volatile &();
static C getC();
static const bool result =
sizeof(check(getC(), 0)) == sizeof(yes);
// Additional specializations needed (e.g. void, reference types)
template <typename B>
struct SuperSubclass<B, B>
static const bool result = true;
The implementation is based on an answer by Daveed Vandevoorde to an
overload question: http://tinyurl.com/502f
I also abused the fact that overload resolution prefers non-template
function when it has the same match as function template.
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