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Loading Half Life Models

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Martin Stich

غير مقروءة،
24‏/04‏/2000، 3:00:00 ص24‏/4‏/2000

Does anyone have some C++ code that loads a half life model and displays it
in Direct3D?? I have tried the HL-Standard SDK code for the model viewer but
it's OpenGL which is not what I am using...and I can't port the code to D3D!

Please help I am DESPERATE!! ;)


Martin Stich (mst...@susi-networks.de)


غير مقروءة،
26‏/04‏/2000، 3:00:00 ص26‏/4‏/2000
you can goto the website http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ and
download the program Milkshape 3D. install it and run it. goto tools >
half-life > and decompile Halflife Mdl then goto import > Half-life smd and
there are the models and animations from there you select the objects you
want to export goto export > 3d Studio 3DS this can then be converted into
an .x file with a program you will have to search for

Martin Stich wrote in message <8e2ch3$qg2$1...@galilei.primusnetz.de>...

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