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Wine FAQ

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Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

Archive-name: windows-emulation/wine-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 4 Oct 1997 09:22:00 PDT
Version: 5.11b

The Wine (Windows Emulator) FAQ
version 5.11b
(mid October 1997)

The current version of Wine is
Released October 12, 1997

Table of Contents

What's New with the Wine Project

Section 0: General Information

Section 1: Overview
1: What is Wine, and what is it supposed to do?
2: Why call it 'Wine'?
3: What is the current version of Wine?
4: When will Wine be ready for general distribution?

Section 2: What programs can Wine run?
1: Which MS Windows programs does Wine currently run?
2: Which MS Windows programs do you expect Wine never
to be able to run at all, and for what reason(s)?
3: Will MS Windows programs typically run faster or
slower under UNIX and Wine than they do under MS-DOS
and MS Windows? Will certain kinds of programs run
slower or faster?
4: Are there any advantages or disadvantages to running
MS Windows applications under Wine that I should be
aware of?
5: Will Wine support MS Windows networked applications
that use winsock.dll?
6: I'm a software developer who wants to use UNIX to
develop programs rather than MS-DOS, but I need to
write MS-DOS and MS Windows programs as well. Will I
be able to run my favorite DOS and/or MS Windows
compilers under Wine?

Section 3: What do I need to run Wine?
1: Under what hardware platform(s) and operating system(s)
will Wine run?
2: What minimum CPU must I have in my computer to be able
to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?
3: How much disk space will the Wine source code and binaries
take on my hard drive?
4: How much RAM do I need to have on my UNIX system to be
able to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?
5: I have a Drivespaced, Doublespaced or Stackered DOS
partition. Can Wine run MS Windows binaries located in
such a partition?
6: Do I need to have a DOS partition on my system to use
Wine? Does MS Windows need to be loaded into that
partition in order to run MS Windows programs under Wine?
7: If Wine completely replaces MS Windows, will it duplicate
all of the functions of MS Windows?
8: Will I be able to install MS Windows applications in any
UNIX filesystem?
9: Will Wine run only under X, or can it run in character
10: Will Wine run under any X window manager?
11: Will 32-bit Windows 95 or Win NT applications run under

Section 4: How to find, install, configure & run Wine
1: Where can I get Wine?
2: If I do not have an Internet account, how can I get Wine?
3: How do I install Wine on my hard drive?
4: How do I compile the Wine distribution source code?
5: How do I configure Wine to run on my system?
6: How do I run an MS Windows program under Wine?
7: I have installed and configured Wine, but Wine cannot
find MS Windows on my drive. Where did I go wrong?
8: I think I've found a bug. How do I report this bug to
the Wine programming team?
9: I was able to get various MS Windows programs to run,
but their menus do not work. What is wrong?
10: I have run various MS Windows programs but since the
program menus do not work, how can I exit these programs?
11: How do I remove Wine from my computer?

Section 5: How to get help with Wine
1: Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Wine?
2: Is there a WWW site for Wine?

Section 6: How can you help the Wine project?
1: How can I help contribute to the Wine project, and in what
2: I want to help beta test Wine. How can I do this?
3: I have written some code that I would like to submit to the

Wine project. How do I go about doing this?

Section 7: Who is responsible for the Wine project?
1: Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine
source code?
2: Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine
3: Who are the folks and organizations who have contributed
money or equipment to the Wine project?

What's New with the Wine Project

The following things have changed since the last issue of the Wine

4.1: Where can I get Wine?

Also note that this FAQ is now being posted to Usenet from the FAQ
author/maintainer's account at Pacific Bell Internet (see question
7.2). The website address for the html version of this FAQ remains the
same, however.

General Information

This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the Wine development
project. It contains both general and technical information about
Wine: project status, what it is and what it does, how to obtain and
configure and run it, and more. Please read this FAQ carefully before
you post questions about Wine to Usenet to see if your question is
already answered here first.

NOTE: If you are reading this FAQ and it is October 30, 1997 or later,

this document is out of date. Please get a new one from one of the
sites mentioned below.

Please also note that since Wine is still alpha code, it may or may
not work to varying degrees on your system. Also note that from
release to release, programs may work and then not work, then work
again. Neither the Wine developers nor the Wine FAQ author/maintainer
can be held responsible for any damage that may be caused to your
computer hardware, software or data by your obtaining, installing,
configuring, operating and/or removing Wine. If you use Wine, you use
it completely at your own risk.

The Wine FAQ is posted monthly to these newsgroups:


The Wine FAQ is reposted mid-month to the following newsgroup:

The plaintext version of The Wine FAQ is available by anonymous ftp
from the following systems:

and quite likely most of the other sites around the globe that mirror
the Wine distribution from the its main distribution site,

The Wine FAQ is available on the World Wide Web (WWW), reachable with
any web browser such as Netscape, Mosaic, Arena or RedBaron, or the
ASCII browser lynx, at the following URL:

If you have any technical questions about Wine, please post these to
the newsgroup If you have any
suggestions for corrections, changes, expansion or further
clarification of this FAQ, please send them to the Wine FAQ author and
maintainer listed in question 7.2.

An Overview of the Wine Project

1.1: What is Wine, and what is it supposed to do?

Wine is both a program loader and an emulation library that will allow

UNIX users to run MS Windows applications on an x86 hardware platform
running under some UNIXes. The program loader will load and execute an

MS Windows application binary, while the emulation library will take
calls to MS Windows functions and translate these into calls to
UNIX/X, so that equivalent functionality is achieved.

MS Windows binaries will run directly; there will be no need for
machine level emulation of program instructions. Sun has reported
better performance with their version of WABI than is actually
achieved under MS Windows, so theoretically the same result is
possible under Wine.

1.2: Why call it 'Wine'?

The word Wine stands for one of two things: WINdows Emulator, or Wine
Is Not an Emulator. Both are right. Use whichever one you like best.

1.3: What is the current version of Wine?

Please see the notation at the beginning of this article for the
current version at the time of the writing of this version of the FAQ.

A new version of Wine is distributed about twice a month. You will be
able to keep up on all the latest releases by reading the newsgroup, where new release announcements are

When downloading Wine from your ftp site of choice (see question 4.1
for some of these choices), you can make sure you are getting the
latest version by watching the version numbers in the distribution
filename. For instance, the distribution released on June 20, 1994 was
called Wine-940620.tar.gz.

Patch files are also available. If you are current to the previous
version, you can download and apply just the current patch file rather
than the entire new distribution. The patch filenames follow the same
conventions as the monthly distribution.

1.4: When will Wine be ready for general distribution?

Because Wine is being developed by volunteers, it is difficult to
predict when it will be ready for general distribution. Between 90-98%
of the functions used by MS Windows applets, and 80-90% of the
functions used by major programs, have been at least partially
implemented at this time. However, the remaining 10% will likely take
another 90% of the time, not including debugging.

What programs can Wine run?

2.1: Which MS Windows programs does Wine currently run?

The newsgroup contains posts that tell
of successes, partial successes and failures to run certain MS Windows
programs under Wine. Also, there are a few web sites that maintain
lists of successes and failures in attempts to run MS Windows programs
under Wine, and these are:

Please keep in mind that although work on Wine has come pretty far, it

is still considered a developers'-only release. Programs may 'break'
and then run again from release to release. But many people have
reported that some of the larger shareware and commercial programs are
now beginning to run under Wine to varying degrees of success.

Windows colors can vary from system to system, depending on your video

card and monitor, but it's been reported that colors are generally
darker under X and Wine than under native DOS and MS Windows.

Some folks have reported that it is now possible, using dosemu, to run

MS Windows 3.1 in standard mode and run major MS Windows software.
Others report that standard mode doesn't work at all, but that
enhanced mode does. Results are inconsistent and thus the results you
get from trying dosemu to run MS Windows 3.1 in any mode will be
equally inconsistent.

Keep an eye on the newsgroup for
up-to-date reports of successes.

2.2: Which MS Windows programs do you expect Wine never to be able to
run at all, and for what reason(s)?

Back when work on Wine was just getting started, it was said that any
MS Windows program that required a special enhanced mode device driver
(VxD) that couldn't be rewritten specifically for Wine, would not run
under Wine. While this is quite likely still a true statement for the
most part, there is preliminary VxD support being added to Wine at
this time.

2.3: Will MS Windows programs typically run faster or slower under
UNIX and Wine than they do under DOS and MS Windows? Will certain
kinds of programs run slower or faster?

Programs should typically run at about the same speed under Wine as
they do under DOS and MS Windows.

2.4: Are there any advantages or disadvantages to running MS Windows
applications under Wine that I should be aware of?

As with OS/2, you will be running 16-bit MS Windows applications in a
32-bit operating system using emulation techniques, so you will have
similar advantages and disadvantages.

There will be crash protection. That is, each MS Windows application
running under Wine will be running in its own X window and its own
portion of reserved memory. If one MS Windows application crashes, it
will not crash the other MS Windows or UNIX applications that you may
have running at the same time.

Also, MS Windows programs should run at about the same speed under
Wine as they do under MS Windows. When Wine is finished, you will be
able to run your favorite MS Windows applications in a UNIX

However, be aware that any application written for a 16-bit operating
system will run much less efficiently than its 32-bit cousin, so if
you find a 32-bit application that fits your needs, you will be much
better off switching.

2.5: Will Wine support MS Windows networked applications that use

Yes, Wine will support such applications. You will be able to run MS
Windows applications such as Netscape and Mosaic, WS-FTP and TrumpTel
and the like (though there are 32-bit native UNIX versions or analogs
of most of these programs available now).

2.6: I'm a software developer who wants to use UNIX to develop
programs rather than DOS, but I need to write DOS and MS Windows
programs as well. Will I be able to run my favorite DOS and/or MS
Windows compilers under Wine?

Wine testers report that dosemu, the DOS emulator for Linux, supports
DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface). This means that folks can run MS
Windows in standard mode under dosemu, and can also run (with varying
degrees of success) the Microsoft and Borland C++ compilers.

However, at last report, Wine itself cannot run these compilers, nor
is it able to run any MS Windows debuggers, and may not be able to for
some time.

Keep in mind that Wine is being designed to run existing MS Windows
applications. A custom MS Windows program specifically written to be
compatible with Wine may not work the same as when it is run under DOS

and MS Windows.

What you need to run Wine

3.1: Under what hardware platform(s) and operating system(s) will
Wine run?

Wine is being developed specifically to run on the Intel x86 class of
CPUs under certain UNIXes that run on the x86 platform. UNIXes
currently being tested for Wine compatibility include Linux, NetBSD,
FreeBSD and Unixware, and there is now support for SCO OpenServer 5.
The Wine development team hopes to attract the interest of other
commercial UNIX and UNIX clone vendors as well.

3.2: What minimum CPU must I have in my computer to be able to run
Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?

Wine won't run on any x86 CPU less than an 80386. It is known to also
work in the 80486 and Pentium CPUs. Beyond that, the basic test is, if

you can run X11 now, you should be able to run Wine and MS Windows
applications under it. As always, the faster your CPU, the better.
Having a math coprocessor is unimportant. However, having a graphics
accelerated video card supported by X will help greatly.

3.3: How much disk space will the Winesource code and binaries take on

my hard drive?

It is anticipated that when Wine is completed, you will need
approximately 50 megabytes of hard drive space to store and compile
the source code.

3.4: How much RAM do I need to have on my UNIX system to be able to
run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?

If you can run X smoothly on your UNIX system now, you should be able
to run Wine and MS Windows applications just fine too. A typical Wine
workstation should realistically have at least 16 megabytes of RAM and
a 16 megabyte swap partition. More is better, of course.

If you wish to be part of the team and program Wine itself, be aware
that the new debugger is rather memory intensive. Some have suggested
that 64 megabytes is the minimum RAM you need for Wine development,
although some are able to work (albeit slowly) with 24 megabytes of
physical RAM and lots of swap space.

3.5: I have a Drivespaced, Doublespaced or Stackered DOS partition.
Can Wine run MS Windows binaries located in such a partition?

Yes, but only if the operating system supports mounting those types of

drives. Currently, NetBSD and FreeBSD do not. There is a Linux
filesystem driver that will allow read/write access through
Doublespaced and Drivespace 1.0 drives. More specifically, it supports
mounting DOS 6.0 and 6.2 Doublespaced, DOS 6.22 Drivespaced, and
Windows 95 Doublespaced compressed partitions (read and write access
works fine, but write access is slow). It can be found at

3.6: Do I need to have a DOS partition on my system to use Wine? Does
MS Windows need to be loaded into that partition in order to run
MS Windows programs under Wine?

Unlike WABI, you do not need a licensed and installed copy of DOS or
MS Windows to install, configure and run Wine. However, Wine has to be

able to 'see' an MS Windows binary if it is to run it.

Some folks have successfully installed and run some small programs in
their UNIX filesystem without having a DOS partition or MS Windows.
However, not all programs will work this way yet. Some applications'
installation programs want to distribute some of the package's files
into the /windows and /windows/system directories in order to run, and

unless these exist on your system, those programs will not install
correctly and probably will not run right or run at all.

If you have a DOS partition with MS Windows installed in it, make sure

that your UNIX system can 'see' this partition (check your /etc/fstab
file or mount the partition manually) so that Wine can run the MS
Windows binaries located in the DOS partition.

When it is finished, Wine will not require that you have a DOS
partition on your system at all, meaning that you will not need to
have MS Windows installed either. Wine programmers will provide an
application setup program to allow you to install your MS Windows
programs straight from your distribution diskettes into your UNIX
filesystem, or from within your UNIX filesystem if you ftp an MS
Windows program over the Internet.

To run without a DOS partition, you need to set a UNIX path to be your

drive C:, and make sure that the /windows and /windows/system
directories point somewhere that actually exist. Here's an example,
copied from a machine which has no DOS partition but successfully runs

[Drive C]


In /var/lib/wine/windows, you will need put a win.ini that you might
find on a typical MS Windows 3.1 machine. The directory
/var/lib/wine/windows/system exists, but doesn't need to contain
anything. To use MS DLLs, you can copy them into that directory.

3.7: If Wine completely replaces MS Windows, will it duplicate all of
the functions of MS Windows?

Most of them, yes. However, some applications and applets that come
with MS Windows, such as File Manager and Calculator, can be
considered by some to be redundant, since 32-bit UNIX programs that
duplicate these applet's functions already exist.

3.8: Will I be able to install MS Windows applications in any flavor
of a UNIX filesystem?

Wine is written to be filesystem independent, so MS Windows
applications will install and run under any filesystem supported by
your brand of UNIX.

3.9: Will Wine run only under X, or can it run in character mode?

Being a GUI (graphical user interface), MS Windows does not have a
character mode, so there will be no character mode for Wine. So yes,
you must run Wine under X.

However, Win32 does have a character mode. Currently, Wine must have a

display even to run console-only Win32 apps.

3.10: Will Wine run under any X window manager?

Wine is window manager independent, so the X window manager you choose

to run has no bearing on your ability to run MS Windows programs under

Wine. Wine uses standard X libraries, so no additional ones are

Wine has its own window management, which acts like MS Windows. It can

be turned off to use the native window manager with the -managed
command-line switch.

3.11: Will 32-bit Windows 95 or Win NT applications run under Wine?

Wine developers have already incorporated some Win32 code into Wine,
and improvements appear with every new release of Wine.

How to find, install, configure & run Wine

4.1: Where can I get Wine?

Because of lags created by using mirror, word of this newest release
may reach you before the release is actually available at the ftp
sites listed here. The sources are available from the following

It should also be available from any site that mirrors tsx-11 or

Notes from the latest release:

[ begin included text ]

This is release 971012 of Wine, the MS Windows emulator. This is still
a developer's only release. There are many bugs and many unimplemented
API features. Most applications still do not work correctly.

Patches should be submitted to Alexandre Julliard
<>. Please don't forget to include a ChangeLog

WHAT'S NEW with Wine-971012 (see ChangeLog for details):

Improvements to printer driver support.
More common controls functions.
Win32 relay code changes.
Lots of bug fixes.

See the README file in the distribution for installation instructions.

If you submitted a patch, please check to make sure it has been
included in the new release.

If you want to get the new releases faster, you can subscribe to the
wine-patches mailing list by sending a mail containing 'subscribe
wine-patches your_address' to

[ end included text ]

Some of these ftp sites may archive previous versions of Wine as well
as the current one. To determine which is the latest one, look at the
distribution filename, which will take the form:


Simply replace [yymmdd] in the distribution filename with the numbers
for year, month and date respectively. The latest one is the one to

Patch files are also available, so you don't have to download, install

and configure the entire distribution each time if you are current to
the previous release. Patch file release names follow the same
numbering convention as do the general releases, and take the form:


Patch files are available from the following sites:

Note that any mirror of tsx-11 will likely carry the Wine distribution

and diff files, but may not be listed here in this FAQ. If you are
mirroring the Wine distribution from the tsx-11 site and wish to be
listed here in this FAQ, please send email to the FAQ
author/maintainer listed in question 7.2.

4.2: If I do not have an Internet account, how can I get Wine?

Some CD-ROM archives of Internet sites, notably those from Walnut
Creek that archive and, may include some
versions of Wine on their CD releases. However, the age of these
distributions should always be questioned, as the 'snapshot' of the
ftp site may have been taken anywhere from 1-4 months (or more) prior
to the CD's pressing date.

Your best bet to get the very latest distribution of Wine, if you do
not have your own Internet account, is to find a friend who does have
an Internet account and have him/her ftp the necessary file(s) for
you. If you have an email account on a BBS that can reach the Internet
through a gateway, you may be able to use 'email ftp' to get the Wine
release sent to you; check with your BBS system operator for details.

If you are running a BBS that is not connected to the Internet but
does offer the Wine distribution for download, and would like to be
listed in this FAQ, please forward such information to the FAQ
author/maintainer as listed in question 7.2.

4.3: How do I install Wine on my hard drive?

Just un-gzip and un-tar the file, and follow the instructions
contained in the README file that will be located in the base Wine

4.4: How do I compile the Wine distribution source code?
4.5: How do I configure Wine to run on my system?

All of the directions to perform these two steps are located in the
README file that will be located in the base Wine directory after you
ungzip and untar the distribution file.

4.6: How do I run an MS Windows program under Wine?

Assuming you are running X already, call up an xterm window. Then, at
the shell prompt, type:

wine [/path/progname]

Another X window will pop up on top of the shell window and the binary

should begin to execute.

Let's assume that you want to run MS Windows' Solitaire. Under DOS,
you had previously installed MS Windows on your C: drive under the
subdirectory /windows. Under UNIX, you have mounted the C: drive under

/dos/c. To run MS Windows Solitaire, you would type 'wine

4.7: I have installed and configured Wine, but Wine cannot find MS
Windows on my drive. Where did I go wrong?

First, make sure you have mounted your DOS partition into your UNIX
filesystem, either by putting the entry into /etc/fstab, or by
manually mounting it. Remember too that unless your version of UNIX
can see through it, or you are running a utility that can see through
it, your DOS partition must not be located on a Drivespaced,
Doublespaced or Stackered partition, as neither Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD
or Wine can (without add-ons) currently 'see' files located in these
compressed DOS partitions.

Next, check your path statements in the wine.conf file. No capital
letters may be used in paths, as they are automatically converted to

4.8: I think I've found a bug. How do I report this bug to the Wine
programming team?

Bug reports should be posted to

4.9: I was able to get various MS Windows programs to run, but their
menus do not work. What is wrong?

Wine is not complete at this time, so the menus may not work. They
will in time as more of the MS Windows API calls are included in Wine.

4.10: I have run various MS Windows programs but since the program
menus do not work, how can I exit these programs?

Kill the xterm shell window that you called up to run your MS Windows
program, and the X window that appeared with the program will be
killed too.

4.11: How do I remove Wine from my computer?

All you have to do is to type 'rm -fR [/path/]Wine*'. Make sure that
you specify the exact path when using the powerful 'rm -fR' command.
If you are afraid you might delete something important, or might
otherwise delete other files within your filesystem, change into each
Wine subdirectory singly and delete the files found there manually,
one file or directory at a time. Neither the Wine developers and
programmers, nor the Wine FAQ author/maintainer, can be held
responsible for your deleting any files in your own filesystem.

How to get help with Wine

5.1: Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Wine?

Yes, and it's called The newsgroup's
charter states that it consists of announcements and discussions about

Wine. The newsgroup serves as a place for developers to discuss Wine,
and for minor announcements for the general public. Major
announcements will be crossposted to other appropriate groups, such as
the following newsgroups:


If your Usenet site does not carry these newsgroups, please urge your
sysadmin and/or uplink to add them.

There is also an archived version of the newsgroup at

5.2: Is there a WWW site for Wine?

Here are the URLs for a few sites reachable with your favorite web

If you are installing or maintain a WWW page pertaining to Wine that
would be useful for others to read, please inform the FAQ
author/maintainer as detailed in question 7.2 for inclusion in the
next edition of the Wine FAQ.

How you can help with the Wine Project

6.1: How can I help contribute to the Wine project, and in what

You can contribute programming skills, or monetary or equipment
donations, to aid the Wine developers in reaching their goal. To find
out who, what, where, when and why, please post your desire to
contribute to

6.2: I want to help beta test Wine. How can I do this?

Beta testers are currently not needed, as Wine is still Alpha code at
this time. However, anyone is welcome to download the latest version
and try it out at any time.

6.3: I have written some code that I would like to submit to the Wine
project. How do I go about doing this?

Send your weekly code contributions to Alexandre Julliard

You should verify that your code was included in the subsequent
release of Wine, as project managers cannot guarantee that the mail
server will not suffer some computer failure that will cause loss of
your message and code after it is received.

Who's responsible for Wine?

7.1: Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine source

Wine is available thanks to the work of Bob Amstadt, Dag Asheim,
Martin Ayotte, Peter Bajusz, Ross Biro, Uwe Bonnes, Erik Bos, Fons
Botman, John Brezak, Andrew Bulhak, John Burton, Niels de Carpentier,
Jimen Ching, Huw D. M. Davies, Roman Dolejsi, Frans van Dorsselaer,
Paul Falstad, David Faure, Claus Fischer, Olaf Flebbe, Peter Galbavy,
Ramon Garcia, Matthew Ghio, Hans de Graaff, Charles M. Hannum, John
Harvey, Cameron Heide, Jochen Hoenicke, Onno Hovers, Jeffrey Hsu,
Miguel de Icaza, Jukka Iivonen, Lee Jaekil, Alexandre Julliard, Bang
Jun-Young, Pavel Kankovsky, Jochen Karrer, Andreas Kirschbaum,
Albrecht Kleine, Jon Konrath, Alex Korobka, Greg Kreider, Anand
Kumria, Scott A. Laird, Andrew Lewycky, Martin von Loewis, Kenneth
MacDonald, Peter MacDonald, William Magro, Juergen Marquardt, Ricardo
Massaro, Marcus Meissner, Graham Menhennitt, David Metcalfe, Bruce
Milner, Steffen Moeller, Andreas Mohr, Philippe De Muyter, Itai
Nahshon, Michael Patra, Jim Peterson, Robert Pouliot, Keith Reynolds,
Slaven Rezic, John Richardson, Johannes Ruscheinski, Thomas Sandford,
Constantine Sapuntzakis, Pablo Saratxaga, Daniel Schepler, Ulrich
Schmid, Bernd Schmidt, Yngvi Sigurjonsson, Stephen Simmons, Rick
Sladkey, William Smith, Dominik Strasser, Vadim Strizhevsky, Erik
Svendsen, Tristan Tarrant, Andrew Taylor, Duncan C Thomson, Goran
Thyni, Jimmy Tirtawangsa, Jon Tombs, Linus Torvalds, Gregory
Trubetskoy, Petri Tuomola, Michael Veksler, Sven Verdoolaege, Ronan
Waide, Eric Warnke, Manfred Weichel, Morten Welinder, Jan Willamowius,
Carl Williams, Karl Guenter Wuensch, Eric Youngdale, James Youngman,
Mikolaj Zalewski, and John Zero.

7.2: Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine FAQ?

This FAQ was written and is being maintained by Dave Gardner
<>, who is not involved in coding Wine. Please do not

email technical questions about the Wine project to the FAQ
maintainer, but rather post them to the newsgroup

7.3: Who are the folks and organizations who have contributed money or

equipment to the Wineproject?

People and organizations who have given generous contributions of
money and equipment include David L. Harper, Bob Hepple, Mark A.
Horton, Kevin P. Lawton, the Syntropy Institute, and James Woulfe.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The Wine FAQ is Copyright © 1995-1997 by P. David
Gardner, c/o Asgard Network Productions, 1107 Fair Oaks Ave., #175,
South Pasadena CA 91030 USA. Voicemail (818) 441-5180, Fax (818)
441-2089. Email: Dave Gardner,, Personal URL: Permission is granted to link to,
copy, archive and republish this FAQ, provided that all information
contained herein is kept intact and that no portion is altered in any
way without prior written permission of the Author. If you have any
questions concerning these permissions, please email or write me at
one of the addresses contained herein for further clarification.

Uwe Bonnes

Oct 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/16/97

Jelle Foks <> wrote:
: Dave ( wrote:

: > 1.2: Why call it 'Wine'?

: > The word Wine stands for one of two things: WINdows Emulator, or Wine
: > Is Not an Emulator. Both are right. Use whichever one you like best.

: Isn't it tue that Microsoft holds a registered trademark for the work
: "windows" in relation to computer software? Wouldn't that make it illegal to
: call it Wine as an abbreviation of "Windows Emulator", leaving "Wine is not
: an Emulator" (which, btw, seems true to me) as the only valid explanation
: for the name "Wine"?

That can't be true, as X existed before MS-Windoze

Uwe Bonnes

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
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Mikko Rauhala

Oct 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/16/97

On 16 Oct 1997 09:03:32 GMT, Uwe Bonnes wrote:

>Jelle Foks <> wrote:
>: Isn't it tue that Microsoft holds a registered trademark for the work
>: "windows" in relation to computer software? Wouldn't that make it illegal to
>That can't be true, as X existed before MS-Windoze

Where does the term "windows" appear in X? A common mistake is to call X
"X-Windows", even though the X consortium specifically discouraged this
behaviour (and rightly so). X is X11 is X Window System.

Mikko Rauhala, kapiaissivari - -

Jelle Foks

Oct 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/16/97

Dave ( wrote:

> 1.2: Why call it 'Wine'?

> The word Wine stands for one of two things: WINdows Emulator, or Wine
> Is Not an Emulator. Both are right. Use whichever one you like best.

Isn't it tue that Microsoft holds a registered trademark for the work

"windows" in relation to computer software? Wouldn't that make it illegal to

call it Wine as an abbreviation of "Windows Emulator", leaving "Wine is not
an Emulator" (which, btw, seems true to me) as the only valid explanation
for the name "Wine"?

Cya, Jelle

Uwe Bonnes

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

Mikko Rauhala <> wrote:

: On 16 Oct 1997 09:03:32 GMT, Uwe Bonnes wrote:
: >Jelle Foks <> wrote:
: >: Isn't it tue that Microsoft holds a registered trademark for the work

: >: "windows" in relation to computer software? Wouldn't that make it
illegal to
: >
: >That can't be true, as X existed before MS-Windoze

: Where does the term "windows" appear in X? A common mistake is to call X
: "X-Windows", even though the X consortium specifically discouraged this
: behaviour (and rightly so). X is X11 is X Window System.

But even you call it "X Window System" System. So I doubt that Miccysoft can
hold a regitered trademark on "Windows"


Wilhelm B. Kloke

Oct 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/20/97

In article <62766p$93i$>,

Uwe Bonnes <> wrote:
>But even you call it "X Window System" System. So I doubt that Miccysoft can
>hold a regitered trademark on "Windows"

Note the singular case.
Dipl.-Math. Wilhelm Bernhard Kloke
Institut fuer Arbeitsphysiologie an der Universitaet Dortmund
Ardeystrasse 67, D-44139 Dortmund, Tel. 0231-1084-257 montags und dienstags

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