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Whjere is a file created?

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Jul 13, 2006, 3:27:21 PM7/13/06
In a monster database, is there an easy way to tell which query creates

MVSGuy (not lovin' Access)

Bob Quintal

Jul 13, 2006, 3:02:04 PM7/13/06
"MVSGuy" <> wrote in

The easy answer is "None of the queries create 'asdf.xls'"

Some code or macro hase to execute an .OutputTo or a
.TransferSpreadsheet method on the query.

The almost as easy answer is that if the programmer used the
default naming, "asdf.xls" will be created by a query named "asdf"
or a table with that name.

If the programmer was a little more ambitious, it could be sourced
from any query. It could even be set up in a way that the SQL
exists only as a text string in a module.

You may be interested in buying a copy of Total Access Analyser ( )

Bob Quintal

PA is y I've altered my email address.

Posted via a free Usenet account from


Jul 13, 2006, 4:16:25 PM7/13/06

> You may be interested in buying a copy of Total Access Analyser (
> )

You're saying access doesn't even have a fricking "find" function?
Wow, I was expecting at least some primitive functionality.

Say what you want about Notes, but the design client will let you do a
stupid find...

MVSGuy (finding less & less to love about access)

Bob Quintal

Jul 13, 2006, 3:44:51 PM7/13/06
"MVSGuy" <> wrote in

So go write your database in fricking "Notes".

Access doesn't have a 'find' for what you want. It has 'find'
functionality for the data in a table or query.

If you are giong to maintain an application in Access, you are
going to bit the bullet and learn some programming and debugging

paii, Ron

Jul 13, 2006, 5:14:18 PM7/13/06

"MVSGuy" <> wrote in message

Open a module and hit CTRL-F, and select Database. Access will search all
modules for the text.

Larry Linson

Jul 13, 2006, 9:45:15 PM7/13/06
Access has a Find function for its VBA code. I don't know how many different
kinds of places Notes has text strings tucked away, but there are many in
Access and the "global find" software that will find text in properties in
forms and reports and macros and in queries, as well as in VBA code, comes
from third parties. Three of the commercial providers of such code are FMS,
Inc., Black Moshannon Systems (, and Rick Fisher
Software (

If I understand correctly, Notes is collaboration tool that can store some
data, similar to SharePoint, but with proprietary client software. Access is
both client software and a database development tool that can use various
database engines, including the default Jet but any ODBC-compliant server
DB. The next version, Access 2007, will be more closely integrated with
SharePoint for shared data storage not requiring a separate server DB.

But, as with any software, if you expect it to be the same as something else
you have liked, you are doomed to be disappointed. And you _will_ find less
and less to like about it, until you learn and use the advantages the new
software has to offer.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

"MVSGuy" <> wrote in message

Terry Kreft

Jul 14, 2006, 4:59:02 AM7/14/06
I can feel your disappointment, I still remember the first time I tried an
orange and it was nothing like the apples I was used to.

If the developer used code you can open a code window and use Ctrl-F to
search through all modules for the phrase you want.

If the "developer" (note the ironic quotes) used macros you'll have to open
each one and search for the phrase manually.

Alternatively invest in one of the third party tools Larry recommends.


Terry Kreft

"MVSGuy" <> wrote in message

Lyle Fairfield

Jul 14, 2006, 6:42:38 AM7/14/06
MVSGuy wrote:

> MVSGuy (finding less & less to love about access)

One might learn to love more about Access were one to phrase one's
questions so that they do not imply a route for the answer. You could

I am not familiar with the Access way. I have inherited a very large
db. It creates an Excel file, adfg.xls. I need to change the data which
is exported. How can I find the code or whatever that creates the
asdfg.xls file?

I also suggest that you post the real thing when you post a problem.
Many times we see someone posting back to say, "Well, your solution
didn't work because the problem I posted wasn't the real problem, it
was just a fake problem I created for posting because I didn't want to
post the real thing."

Can I solve any of the problems (in Access) that you can (in Notes)?
... probably 99% of them, although it is quite possible that Notes has
some capaiblities that it will be hard to match in Access ... and VICE
VERSA. We could respect both.

Denigrating Access may not be your best strategy for getting help. It
may alienate those who could help best, while encouraging the wannabes
to join you in speculative coding ventures.

David W. Fenton

Jul 14, 2006, 8:07:59 AM7/14/06
"MVSGuy" <> wrote in

If you would fricking read the replies to your question, you would
have had your answer on July 3rd:

David W. Fenton
usenet at dfenton dot com

Larry Linson

Jul 14, 2006, 11:07:20 PM7/14/06
"Lyle Fairfield" <> wrote

> Denigrating Access may not be your
> best strategy for getting help. It may
> alienate those who could help best,
> while encouraging the wannabes
> to join you in speculative coding
> ventures.

There seem to be quite a lot of people who think that going into a newsgroup
and saying "your baby's ugly" will put people on the defensive and make them
try to prove otherwise. In my observation, it mostly gets them told "Don't
let the door hit you in the rump on your way out!" But, well, we tend to be
more polite here in Access than in some other NGs (at least, most of the


Terry Kreft

Jul 15, 2006, 3:00:09 PM7/15/06
They end


Terry Kreft

"Larry Linson" <bou...@localhost.not> wrote in message

Terry Kreft

Jul 15, 2006, 3:04:59 PM7/15/06
I'll try not to hit ctrl-enter to early this time.

The ybu crew tend to be the sort who have a toolbox with a hammer in it,
they quite happily drive nails using the hammer. They hear about screws and
buy a screwdriver but then can't understand why hitting the screw with it
"doesn't make it go in like my hammer used to ... "


Terry Kreft

"Larry Linson" <bou...@localhost.not> wrote in message

David W. Fenton

Jul 15, 2006, 9:40:52 PM7/15/06
"Larry Linson" <bou...@localhost.not> wrote in

The annoying thing about this guy is that he's had his answer for
nearly two weeks, but apparently can't be bothered to read followups
to his posts.


Jul 28, 2006, 2:06:29 PM7/28/06
> The annoying thing about this guy is that he's had his answer for
> nearly two weeks, but apparently can't be bothered to read followups
> to his posts.

Yeah, stone the guy who points out the Emperor has not clothes.
Personally, I'm annoyed the Emperor has no clothes to begin with.

Lyle Fairfield wrote:

This is best answer I've had so far!! I've added "On Error Resume
Next" since the rookie creating objects liked to put slashes in object

After I run the script, I do a simple search on the directory to find
all references to an object.

Thank you specifically to Lyle and to all the other 'experts' who tried
to help,

David W. Fenton

Jul 28, 2006, 7:53:14 PM7/28/06
"MVSGuy" <> wrote in

>> The annoying thing about this guy is that he's had his answer for
>> nearly two weeks, but apparently can't be bothered to read
>> followups to his posts.
> Yeah, stone the guy who points out the Emperor has not clothes.

Oh, give me a break.

You were given an answer on how to use the FIND function in code
windows. You were given suggestions for various find and replace
utilities, one of them free.

> Personally, I'm annoyed the Emperor has no clothes to begin with.

You are clearly an idiot.


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