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Previewing the same report multiple times?

閲覧: 113 回

1998/03/19 3:00:001998/03/19

I have a multiple selection list box where the user can choose report
items and then either preview or print the selected ones. All of the
reports use the same "report". So after the user selects one or more
items from the list box and presses the preview or print button I do:

Dim vnt As Variant

For Each vnt in lst.ItemsSelected
Me.Tag = lst.ItemData(vnt)
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptMyReport", Mode
Next vnt

I use the form's Tag property to pass the name of the current list
item to the report. This works well but the problem is I only get one
report previewed. When the loop does the second OpenReport for the
second selected list box item the OpenReport apparently sees that a
report with the same name is already open so it doesn't open a new

How do I get around this?

TIA :)

M. G. Foster

1998/03/20 3:00:001998/03/20

Dim vnt As Variant

TIA :) "

Hash: SHA1


What you need to do is open a single instance of the report for each
ItemDate in the list box's ItemsSelected collection. Here's how.

<-- VBA code snippet -->

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Create a collection in the declarations section of the module
' You will store the references to the objects (the reports) so they
' don't disappear until you're ready for them to disappear.

Dim myReports As New Collection

' This sub creates an instance of the report for each ItemData.
' The "item as variant" is item of lst.ItemDate(vnt).

Sub newReport(item as variant)

' Here is where you create the new instance of the report.
' The format Report_rptMyReport has to match your report's name.
' For example: If your report name was "rptMonthlyAccounts" the Dim
' statement would be Dim rpt as New Report_rptMonthlyAccounts

Dim rpt As New Report_rptMyReport

' I'd suggest you make a module variable in the report's module
' declarations with a name similar to (below) and stuff the item in that
' way; instead of using the calling form's .Tag property (each iteration
' of the "For...each" loop would obliterate the last item before the
' got it otherwise).

rpt.m_ListBoxItem = item

' So the user can see the results.
rpt.Visible = True

' Next place a reference to the report in this module's collection - so
' the report won't disappear when this sub ends.

myReports.Add rpt, rpt.Hwnd & ""

End Sub

' This is an example of a sub which you would call after all the
' reports are printed. It clears out the holding collection so there
' aren't any stray object references floating around taking up memory.

' If this sub was called before the report was printed - the report
' would not be printed - it would disappear.

Sub cleanReports()

Dim rpt As Variant

' If the report is no longer in the collection ignore errors.
On Error Resume Next

For Each rpt In myReports
myReports.Remove 1

End Sub

<-- End VBA code snippet -->

You would have to change your For Each loop to:

Dim vnt As Variant

For Each vnt in lst.ItemsSelected

Call newReport( lst.ItemData(vnt) )
Next vnt

Hope this helps.
- --
M. G. Foster:::mgf
Oakland, CA (USA)
NB: To respond by Email remove 'Higgley' from my address.
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