this might be of interest for here:
> this might be of interest for here:
This is a revised third edition, which has never been published by
Addison-Wesley. I added a few sentences to the WikiPedia entry of PL/0
about it.
Hey, good idea to put this into wikipediea; I added the link
to the german wiki, also for PL/0 (blindly following your
example/suggetion ;-)) and also in the section "Compilerbau",
which means "compiler construction".
Our fourth and last example exhibits the structure of expressions. The
symbols E, T, F, and V stand for
expression, term, factor, and variable.
E = T | A "+" T.
T = F | T "*" F.
F = V | "(" E ")".
V = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d".
E = T | A "+" T.
Where does A come from?
[Looks to me like it's a typo, and should be E. -John]
It comes from "Ausdruck" which means "expression" in German. ;-)
expression f. der Ausdruck i
expression f. das Ausdrücken i
__Pascal Bourguignon__
"Logiciels libres : nourris au code source sans farine animale."