Drupal issue on MYISAM

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Nov 3, 2010, 7:43:59 AM11/3/10
to codership

I managed to reproduce the issue I reported here, having with Drupal
on Galera MYISAM.

The site says "no permission to access", and once logging in to the
admin panel, below is what displayed.

Any idea what could be causing this? I have to switch to a different
MySQL server because of this.


# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
cache_menu.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT data, created, headers,
expire, serialized FROM cache_menu WHERE cid = 'links:menu-main-menu-
he:page-cid:user:1' in /site/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
menu_links.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6,
p7, p8 FROM menu_links WHERE menu_name = 'menu-main-menu-he' AND
link_path IN ('user') in /site/includes/menu.inc on line 897.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
menu_links.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6,
p7, p8 FROM menu_links WHERE menu_name = 'menu-main-menu-he' AND
link_path = 'user' in /site/includes/menu.inc on line 902.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
menu_links.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT m.load_functions,
m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments,
m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback,
m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.* FROM menu_links ml LEFT
JOIN menu_router m ON m.path = ml.router_path WHERE ml.menu_name =
'menu-main-menu-he' AND ml.plid IN (0) ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3
ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC in /site/includes/
menu.inc on line 940.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
cache_menu.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT data, created, headers,
expire, serialized FROM cache_menu WHERE cid = 'links:menu-main-menu-
he:tree-data:5d6d3aaaaef5fba302ce62698fa37bbe' in /site/includes/
cache.inc on line 26.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
cache_menu.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: UPDATE cache_menu SET data = 'a:2:
{s:4:\"tree\";a:0:{}s:10:\"node_links\";a:0:{}}', created =
1288784423, expire = 0, headers = '', serialized = 1 WHERE cid =
in /site/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
cache_menu.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: UPDATE cache_menu SET data =
created = 1288784423, expire = 0, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE
cid = 'links:menu-main-menu-he:page-cid:user:1' in /site/includes/
cache.inc on line 109.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
term_hierarchy.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT t.tid, t.*, parent
FROM term_data t INNER JOIN term_hierarchy h ON t.tid = h.tid WHERE
(t.language ='he' OR t.language ='' OR t.language IS NULL) AND ( t.vid
= 6 )ORDER BY weight, name in /site/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
on line 831.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
watchdog.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type,
message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname,
timestamp) VALUES (0, 'locale', 'Parsed JavaScript file %file.', 'a:1:
shadowbox-he.js\";}', 5, '', 'http://www.site.co.il/user', '',
'', 1288784423) in /site/modules/dblog/dblog.module on line
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file '/tmp/
#sql_4ea6_0.MYI' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT s.lid, s.source, t.plid,
t.plural, t.translation FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target
t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'he' WHERE s.location LIKE '%.js%'
AND s.textgroup = 'default' ORDER BY t.plural DESC in /site/includes/
locale.inc on line 2138.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
cache_form.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT data, created, headers,
expire, serialized FROM cache_form WHERE cid =
'form_form-8484efdb171d82eedcf2830397c54c9c' in /site/includes/
cache.inc on line 26.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
users_roles.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: SELECT r.rid, r.name FROM role r
INNER JOIN users_roles ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 1 in /site/
modules/user/user.module on line 179.
# user warning: Out of resources when opening file './site/
watchdog.MYD' (Errcode: 24) query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type,
message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname,
timestamp) VALUES (1, 'user', 'Session opened for %name.', 'a:1:{s:
5:\"%name\";s:5:\"admin\";}', 5, '', 'http://www.site.co.il/user',
'http://www.site.co.il/user', '', 1288784432) in /site/
modules/dblog/dblog.module on line 144.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/
simplenews_subscriptions.frm' (errno: 24) query: SELECT COUNT(s.uid)
FROM simplenews_subscriptions s INNER JOIN simplenews_snid_tid t ON
s.snid = t.snid WHERE s.uid = 1 AND t.tid = 184 in /site/sites/all/
modules/simplenews/simplenews.module on line 758.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/
fckeditor_settings.frm' (errno: 24) query: SELECT * FROM
fckeditor_settings in /site/sites/all/modules/fckeditor/
fckeditor.module on line 394.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/fckeditor_role.frm' (errno:
24) query: SELECT name, rid FROM fckeditor_role in /site/sites/all/
modules/fckeditor/fckeditor.module on line 403.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/blocks.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM blocks b LEFT JOIN blocks_roles r ON
b.module = r.module AND b.delta = r.delta LEFT JOIN i18n_blocks i18n
ON b.module = i18n.module AND b.delta = i18n.delta WHERE
(i18n.language ='he' OR i18n.language ='' OR i18n.language IS NULL)
AND ( b.theme = 'site' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (2) OR r.rid IS
NULL) )ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module in /site/modules/block/
block.module on line 407.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/cache_menu.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM
cache_menu WHERE cid = 'links:navigation:page-cid:user/1:1' in /site/
includes/cache.inc on line 26.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/menu_links.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM menu_links WHERE
menu_name = 'navigation' AND link_path IN ('user/1') in /site/includes/
menu.inc on line 897.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/menu_links.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM menu_links WHERE
menu_name = 'navigation' AND link_path = 'user/%' in /site/includes/
menu.inc on line 902.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/menu_links.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback,
m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title,
m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.* FROM
menu_links ml LEFT JOIN menu_router m ON m.path = ml.router_path WHERE
ml.menu_name = 'navigation' AND ml.plid IN (0) ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2
ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC in /site/
includes/menu.inc on line 940.
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/cache_menu.frm' (errno: 24)
query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM
cache_menu WHERE cid = 'links:navigation:tree-data:
5d6d3aaaaef5fba302ce62698fa37bbe' in /site/includes/cache.inc on line
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/cache_menu.frm' (errno: 24)
query: UPDATE cache_menu SET data = 'a:2:{s:4:\"tree\";a:0:{}s:
10:\"node_links\";a:0:{}}', created = 1288784435, expire = 0, headers
= '', serialized = 1 WHERE cid = 'links:navigation:tree-data:
5d6d3aaaaef5fba302ce62698fa37bbe' in /site/includes/cache.inc on line
# user warning: Can't open file: './site/cache_menu.frm' (errno: 24)
query: UPDATE cache_menu SET data = 'links:navigation:tree-data:
5d6d3aaaaef5fba302ce62698fa37bbe', created = 1288784435, expire = 0,
headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = 'links:navigation:page-
cid:user/1:1' in /site/includes/cache.inc on line 109


Nov 3, 2010, 7:48:46 AM11/3/10
to codership
Clarification - INNODB on same Galera server are working fine, this
only happens with MYISAM.

MYISAM on stock server is working fine.


Nov 3, 2010, 7:52:16 AM11/3/10
to codership
More details - trying to mysqldump the MYISAM DB produces following

mysqldump -p site > site.sql
Enter password:
mysqldump: Got error: 1016: Can't open file: './site/
content_field_description.frm' (errno: 24) when using LOCK TABLES

mysqldump --single-transaction -p site > site.sql
Enter password:
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'cache\_views\_data'':
Can't read dir of './site/' (errno: 24) (1018)

Once I restart the Galera MySQL, it would work fine.

Any idea what causes this?

Alex Yurchenko

Nov 4, 2010, 6:20:18 AM11/4/10
to SyRenity, codership

I guess there is a file descriptor leak somewhere - never really tested
it with MyISAM.

Seppo Jaakola

Nov 4, 2010, 6:27:33 AM11/4/10
to codership

On 4 marras, 12:20, Alex Yurchenko <alexey.yurche...@codership.com>
Note that MySQL/Galera does not support MyISAM replication, it only
works with InnoDB tables. Reason is that MyISAM is not transactional
storage engine, we cannot sort out (and rollback) cluster wide

It is possible to support MyISAM replication in Master/Slave topology,
but currently we have not enabled this mode.



Nov 4, 2010, 8:22:50 AM11/4/10
to codership

> I guess there is a file descriptor leak somewhere - never really tested
> it with MyISAM.

Any chance to resolve it, or my best shot is to use separate DB for


Nov 4, 2010, 8:26:03 AM11/4/10
to codership

> Note that MySQL/Galera does not support MyISAM replication, it only
> works with InnoDB tables. Reason is that MyISAM is not transactional
> storage engine, we cannot sort out (and rollback) cluster wide
> conflicts.
> It is possible to support MyISAM replication in Master/Slave topology,
> but currently we have not enabled this mode.

I don't need a MYISAM replication right now - just need the MYISAM
engine to run reliably enough within Galera, as it required for

I did consider to upgrade to INNODB - unfortunately all the guides are
saying to keep at least several tables in MYISAM for performance,
which means I'm going to hit this issue sooner or later again.


Nov 4, 2010, 8:34:53 AM11/4/10
to codership
Hi again.

> I guess there is a file descriptor leak somewhere - never really tested
> it with MyISAM.

I went forward and re-created it.

There is a huge list of following descriptors below, which indeed
causes this issue:

mysqld 20134 mysql 132u REG 9,1 32768
320070 /tmp/MLXZjoIv (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 133u REG 9,1 32768
320037 /tmp/MLvgcqKd (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 134u REG 9,1 3936256
320031 /tmp/MLRhgEHS (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 135u REG 9,1 65536
320217 /tmp/MLH3StTz (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 136u REG 9,1 143360
320705 /tmp/MLLLSLUJ (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 137u REG 9,1 32768
320082 /tmp/MLPmTWyn (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 138u REG 9,1 1818624
320061 /tmp/MLJHyLof (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 139u REG 9,1 32768
320058 /tmp/MLtM2CUQ (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 140u REG 9,1 40960
320039 /tmp/MLdxcUvJ (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 141u REG 9,1 32768
320054 /tmp/ML9EHZv1 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 142u REG 9,1 45056
320013 /tmp/ML7xLfro (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 143u REG 9,1 32768
320167 /tmp/ML35awcI (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 144u REG 9,1 1273856
320028 /tmp/MLfhrzzj (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 145u REG 9,1 32768
320086 /tmp/MLtok0sn (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 146u REG 9,1 32768
320125 /tmp/MLPs3HLM (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 147u REG 9,1 32768
320057 /tmp/MLnCxGMy (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 148u REG 9,1 356352
320072 /tmp/MLnPetCL (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 149u REG 9,1 32768
320131 /tmp/MLRjHvuW (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 150u REG 9,1 32768
320102 /tmp/MLPCGixl (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 151u REG 9,1 753664
320022 /tmp/MLXpJRuw (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 152u REG 9,1 32768
320026 /tmp/MLzBLEnG (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 153u REG 9,1 32768
320108 /tmp/MLvb0tyB (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 154u REG 9,1 32768
320094 /tmp/MLJI4pMW (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 155u REG 9,1 196608
320069 /tmp/MLnU2XFL (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 156u REG 9,1 32768
320080 /tmp/MLp0S8t7 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 157u REG 9,1 753664
320020 /tmp/ML76jCY2 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 158u REG 9,1 32768
320097 /tmp/MLV1pJkH (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 159u REG 9,1 2220032
320010 /tmp/MLd4rrdD (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 160u REG 9,1 32768
320087 /tmp/MLV3FHCt (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 161u REG 9,1 65536
320202 /tmp/MLPi4539 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 162u REG 9,1 32768
320105 /tmp/ML5IXAl3 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 163u REG 9,1 32768
320110 /tmp/MLPptpEU (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 164u REG 9,1 32768
320218 /tmp/ML7NvX3N (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 165u REG 9,1 32768
320065 /tmp/MLV9lc8L (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 166u REG 9,1 602112
320029 /tmp/ML9C1Pg9 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 167u REG 9,1 32768
320111 /tmp/MLjy3iio (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 168u REG 9,1 978944
320077 /tmp/MLzAdu2Y (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 169u REG 9,1 32768
320175 /tmp/ML1Ir1oO (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 170u REG 9,1 32768
320171 /tmp/MLpojRZi (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 171u REG 9,1 1040384
320021 /tmp/MLxrjmg6 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 172u REG 9,1 32768
320106 /tmp/MLVe0HxI (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 173u REG 9,1 65536
320297 /tmp/MLR4CqCv (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 174u REG 9,1 32768
320198 /tmp/MLrhLfBK (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 175u REG 9,1 32768
320119 /tmp/MLbUMrrk (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 176u REG 9,1 978944
320018 /tmp/MLheAGlC (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 177u REG 9,1 32768
320267 /tmp/MLHO1UBo (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 178u REG 9,1 176128
320048 /tmp/MLvMLeUe (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 179u REG 9,1 40960
320019 /tmp/ML1czz6r (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 180u REG 9,1 32768
320120 /tmp/MLBWK2Sd (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 181u REG 9,1 32768
320124 /tmp/MLd6pjit (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 182u REG 9,1 2105344
320016 /tmp/MLlQTMPF (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 183u REG 9,1 1040384
320023 /tmp/MLhPg2qr (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 184u REG 9,1 32768
320112 /tmp/ML9pBnn5 (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 185u REG 9,1 118784
320064 /tmp/ML1rqIFP (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 186u REG 9,1 880640
320049 /tmp/MLrpkvsZ (deleted)
mysqld 20134 mysql 187u REG 9,1 32768
320113 /tmp/MLpx04k9 (deleted)

Can this be fixed in the coming 0.7.5?


Alex Yurchenko

Nov 4, 2010, 11:10:36 AM11/4/10
to SyRenity, codership

I guess it will be fixed, but it is very unlikely that it makes into

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