September 2022 Birds, Woodland Park Yard Area and Beyond

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Oct 13, 2022, 3:35:40 PM10/13/22
to Colorado Birds

September 2022 Birds, Woodland Park Yard Area and Beyond

Canada Goose-

Many at Lake San Cristobal on 9-6


Common Merganser-

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, 1F


Hooded Merganser-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 1M, new Teller County species for me


Double-crested Cormorant-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 1 im.


Turkey Vulture-

Gunnison, a few on 9-6


Golden Eagle-

Great looks at an adult that flew low right over vehicle on 9-8, along Hwy. 149 near Powderhorn

Manitou Lake on 9-15, report of adult Golden Eagle hunting ducks



Lake San Cristobal, one on 9-6 diving into lake, nest platform there too with large stick nest


Sharp-shinned Hawk-

Crystal Res. on 9-26


American Kestrel-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, recent report


Peregrine Falcon-

South Trout Creek on 9-15, special sighting, loud whooshing directly overhead, then saw it flying away with Brewer’s Blackbird


White-tailed Ptarmigan-

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, 2 or 3 near Spalding Gray Wolf saddle at about 13,000


Wild Turkey-

Near Crystal Res. on 9-3, flock of 6 juavs., at about 9500 feet


Solitary Sandpiper-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 1


Belted Kingfisher-

Manitou Lake on 9-15

South Trout Creek on 9-15


Mourning Dove-

South Trout Creek on 9-15, flock of 8

Garden of the Gods on 9-28, flock of 5


Great Horned Owl

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, calling at Silver Creek TH

Calling near Lake San Cristobal on 9-8


Northern Saw-whet Owl-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, about 1 mile up the Silver Creek trail, calling at around 6:00 AM


Band-tailed Pigeon- 9-4


Broad-tailed Hummingbird- a few around most of the time, last seen on 9-20

Crystal Res. on 9-3

Highlands Ranch on 9-23

Daniels Pass and Sweetwater Trails on 9-25, at 7250


Callliope Hummingbird- 9-6, dipping at bath, 9-4, 9-14, 9-13, 2 on 9-15

Crystal Res. on 9-3, mobbing Red-tailed Hawk


Rufous Hummingbird-

Crystal Res. on 9-3


Downy Woodpecker- 9-8, 9-20, 9-18


Red-naped Sapsucker-

South Trout Creek on 9-15


Northern Three-toed Woodpecker-

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, 1 male, right next to Downy Woodpecker


Northern Flicker- a few around some of the time, flock on 9-5 juvs.

South Trout Creek on 9-15, 4


Olive-sided Flycatcher-

South Trout Creek on 9-15, call


Western Wood-Pewee-

South Trout Creek on 9-15


Cassin’s Kingbird-

South Trout Creek on 9-15, unusual new sighting for Teller County, at 7750 feet, called a few times, fairly tame, appeared to be first year bird


Barn Swallow-

Crystal Res. on 9-3, small flock, juvs., mobbing Red-tailed Hawk

Crystal Res. on 9-16


Steller’s Jay-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, descending from Sundog above treeline, about a mile from any trees, one at about 13,000 feet


Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay- 9-15, new sighting for yard area, at 8500 feet.


Gray Jay-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, just below treeline


Clark’s Nutcracker- 9-1, 9-4

Crystal Res. on 9-3

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, 2

Crystal Res. on 9-17

Crystal Res. on 9-26


American Crow-

Crystal Res. on 9-3, 2

Lake City, some on 9-6


Common Raven-

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, flock of about 20


Gray Catbird-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 1 call, below spillway


Ruby-crowned Kinglet-

Along Lake Fork Gunnison River near Lake City on 9-8, sang briefly

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, flocking with Mountain Chickadees


Golden-crowned Kinglet-

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, along Mount Evans Highway


Western Bluebird- a few on 9-11, 9-18, 2 juvs. on 9-20


Mountain Bluebird-

Along Lake Fork Gunnison River near Gateview on 9-8, juvs. too

Pikes Peak above treeline on 9-30


Hermit Thrush-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, right at treeline

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12

Daniels Pass Trail on 9-25, at about 7500 feet


American Robin- 5 on 9-14, 9-20, 9-21

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7

Manitou Lake on 9-15, a few

South Trout Creek on 9-15, a few

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, near Spalding summit at about 13,600

Crystal Res. on 9-26, 9-30


Mountain Chickadee- flock of 6 on 9-6, juvs.


American Dipper-

Many along Lake Fork Gunnison River near Lake City on 9-7 and 9-8, including on flock of 4


House Wren-

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, 2


Rock Wren-

Crystal Res. on 9-17


Red-breasted Nuthatch- 9-13

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12

Highlands Ranch on 9-23


White-breasted Nuthatch- one or two around most of the time

Crystal Res. on 9-16

Daniels Pass and Sweetwater Trails on 9-25


Pygmy Nuthatch- loose flock ofg about 20 on 9-6


Brown Creeper- 9-6

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12

Daniels Pass and Sweetwater Trails on 9-25


American Pipit-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, tracks, look just like an arrow symbol

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, many

Pikes Peak above treeline on 9-30


Western Tanager- F on 9-14, 9-18


Virginia’s Warbler- 1 ad. on 9-5, second yard sighting


Orange-crowned Warbler- 9-21, second yard sighting


Wilson’s Warbler- F on 9-5, M on 9-14, 3 on 9-20, 2 on 9-21, 3 on 9-18

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 6 or 8

South Trout Creek on 9-15, a few

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, 1 near Summit Lake


Yellow-rumped Warbler- 2 on 9-1 at water, 9-5 2 at bath, a few on 9-4, 6 on 9-20, 2 on 9-21

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, at about 13,500 feet, flying over Sundog summit

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12

Manitou Lake on 9-15

Crystal Res. on 9-16, a few

Crystal Res. on 9-17

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, around 13,000

Crystal Res. on 9-22

Crystal Res. on 9-26

Crystal Res. on 9-26


MacGillivray’s Warbler-

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12, 1F


Common Yellowthroat-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, a few


Green-tailed Towhee- 9-5, 3 or 4 juvs. on 9-4, 2 on 9-11


Brewer’s Sparrow-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, about 2 miles in on the Silver Creek Trail, a few just above treeline


Chipping Sparrow- 2 juv. on 9-6, 9-5, some on 9-4, 3 juvs. on 9-14, 9-13, 2 on 9-11, 2 on 9-8, 6 juvs. on 9-20, 2 on 9-21

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12

Manitou Lake on 9-15, some

South Trout Creek on 9-15, lots, including flock of about 30 with lots of juvs.

Crystal Res. on 9-16, a few


Lincoln’s Sparrow- 9-4

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 2


Song Sparrow-

Manitou Lake on 9-15, 2

South Trout Creek on 9-15, flock of 4


White-crowned Sparrow-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7

Crystal Res. on 9-26

Pikes Peak above treeline on 9-30


Dark-eyed Junco- juvs. on 9-5


Brewer’s Blackbird-

Lake City, some on 9-6

Manitou Lake on 9-15, a few

South Trout Creek on 9-15, small flock

Manitou Lake on 9-19, some


Evening Grosbeak- a few on 9-6, some on 9-4, a few on 9-14, a few on 9-18


Pine Siskin- 3 on 9-6, 3 on 9-14, 4 on 9-13, 9-20

Rainbow Gulch on 9-12


Lesser Goldfinch-

Manitou Lake on 9-15

South Trout Creek on 9-15

Pine on 9-19

Highlands Ranch on 9-23


American Goldfinch-

Crystal Res. on 9-29


Cassin’s Finch- F on 9-15


House Finch- 18 on 9-14


Brown-capped Rosy-Finch-

Hike to Redcloud, Sunshine and Sundog Peaks on 9-7, flock of about 60 at Sunshine summit

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, flock of about 20 just above Summit Lake, juvs.


Red Crossbill- a few on 9-12

Manitou Lake on 9-15, flock of about 30, many juvs.

South Trout Creek on 9-15, a few small flocks


House Sparrow- a few around some of the time, including some juvs.



Golden-mantled Ground-Squirrel- 9-10, 9-13


Long-tailed Weasel-

Hike to Mount Spalding, Gray Wolf and Sawtooth on 9-19, below Spalding summit, rapidly digging for prey


Yellow-bellied Marmot-

Crystal Res. on 9-22, odd sighting well below treeline at 9250, perhaps rode down under vehicle hood

Joe LaFleur
Woodland Park, Teller County, 8500 feet

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