Crow Valley Entrance Fee

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Sep 2, 2024, 6:48:55 PM9/2/24
to Colorado Birds
Maybe people already know this, but Crow Valley Campground now requires a $9 day use fee to go birding, not even to camp. They only accept cash.

--Jamie Simo

Todd Deininger

Sep 2, 2024, 7:18:04 PM9/2/24
to Colorado Birds

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Norm Erthal

Sep 3, 2024, 9:36:10 PM9/3/24
to Colorado Birds
Is a golden eagle type pass usable. Is this a per person fee or per car

Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

Sep 3, 2024, 9:46:34 PM9/3/24

Just talked to the Forest Service. This is a concessionaire mandated fee. It is $9 per vehicle. No information on whether they accept any passes. Would have to ask the concessionaire out there directly. 

Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

On Sep 3, 2024, at 3:36 PM, Norm Erthal <> wrote:

Is a golden eagle type pass usable. Is this a per person fee or per car

Susan Rosine

Sep 3, 2024, 10:17:22 PM9/3/24
to Colorado Birds
I think I just won't go there anymore. I would hate to pay, then only stay a few minutes (for whatever reason). 
Thanks for letting us know. 
Susan Rosine 
Brighton, Adams County 

James Bruening

Sep 3, 2024, 11:26:14 PM9/3/24
to Susan Rosine, Colorado Birds

Twenty years ago,  the Joe Himmels and Warren Finches of the Colorado Birding landscape were already saying that CVCG wasn't what it used to be.  Then they shut off the water and turned off the drip, took out an amazing food source in the Russian Olives (introduced, I know).  It just feels so sterile and any time I leave there I feel like I wasted a good amount of hope.  And there used to be good reason for hope there (not just the current two days a year if the winds are right).  Hard to blame camp hosts for wanting to make an extra buck when the place has been neglected for so long...

Nostalgia: it ain't what it used to be

I'll keep my $9.

Bird is the word!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 3, 2024, at 4:17 PM, Susan Rosine <> wrote:

Peter Burke

Sep 3, 2024, 11:37:02 PM9/3/24
to Colorado Birds, Susan Rosine, James Bruening
I visited Crow Valley Campground on Sunday with John Vanderpoel. We didn't know about the fee, and I didn't notice any signage. However, it is notable that there is water in the ditch. According to the caretaker we spoke with, heavy rains in Wyoming caused them to release water from a dam, so for the first time in maybe a decade, there is water in the campground. It will be interesting to see if this attracts fall migrants in Sept. and perhaps beyond. The only change I noted was mosquitoes, so be warned!

Good birding everyone!

Peter Burke
Boulder, Colorado

Camille S

Sep 4, 2024, 4:57:02 PM9/4/24
to Colorado Birds
The National Park Service offers Senior Passes to US citizens and permanent residents who are 62 or olderThese passes provide access to national parks, national wildlife refuges, and day use fees at national forests and grasslands. They also offer discounts on amenities like camping, swimming, boat launching, and specialized interpretive services. 

it works! 

T. Luke George

Sep 4, 2024, 9:00:26 PM9/4/24
to Camille S, Colorado Birds
I have no problem paying a small user fee to visit Crow Valley. The USFS budget has been cut to the bone. If paying a user fee helps keep the campground open, I’m happy to pay.
Luke George 

T. Luke George, PhD
Master Instructor, ​Colorado ​State University
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Wagar 110
P​rofessor Emeritus, Humboldt State University
"what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

Sep 5, 2024, 12:56:41 PM9/5/24
to Colorado Birds
I was made aware of this at the USFS Mogote Campground this spring. The campground host told me of the fee, and it was regardless of any of the Golden Eagle passes. She said if you park and bird for 30 minutes or more, you need to pay. As a former USFS employee, I thought I was being scammed. But I guess it is legit. 

I ended up doing a bit of a work around. I park elsewhere and it has worked out fine. 

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

Adrian Lakin

Sep 9, 2024, 6:27:20 PM9/9/24
to Colorado Birds
I contacted the concessionaires via email and they said that the fee is per car; there is no fee if you walk in (as John Rawinski said before) and all the National Parks passes (America The Beautiful, Senior pass, etc.) allow you in for free.

Adrian Lakin,
Mead, CO 

Susan Rosine

Sep 9, 2024, 9:50:58 PM9/9/24
to Adrian Lakin, Colorado Birds
Thanks for checking into this. I have a National Parks pass, so I'm happy!
Susan Rosine 

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Charlie Chase

Sep 9, 2024, 11:57:07 PM9/9/24
to Adrian Lakin, Colorado Birds
Thank you Adrian, for the very useful clarification.

Charlie Chase

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