Crow Valley CG (Weld) and Jackson SP (Morgan) on 28Nov

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Nov 28, 2017, 9:45:30 PM11/28/17

Highlights from Crow Valley Campground near Briggsdale (Weld)

COMMON REDPOLL (35) - first one seen in cottonwoods near the main Picnic Shelter, big flock was in the northeast part of the entire area, ne of the Group Area, out the northeasteern gate e of primitive camping spots ("Mourning Dove Trail") along the fenceline leading to the Work Center.  Photos below are two different individuals taken along Crow Creek way out northeast.


Golden-crowned Kinglet (1f) - southwest corner

Townsend's Solitaire (11)

Lapland Longspur (few flyovers heard giving both "teeuw" and rattle)

The redpolls seemed very nervous, never spent much time in any one tree or place, sort of zoomed all over the place along the creek.

Highlights of Jackson Lake State Park (Morgan)

Snow Goose (45) - flock flying over high, might have been a few Ross's but up too high to tell for sure by the time I detected them

Bald Eagle (11)

White Pelican (4)

Western Grebe (2)

California Gull (estimate 5)

Herring Gull (at least 20)

Ring-billed Gull (very few)

Merlin (1)

Watching a gathering of local law enforcement do defensive/offensive driving training on a closed off section of road along west side, complete with extreme braking/screeching of tires

Jackson was like glass, VERY few birds on it.  Most of the gulls (only 20) were on the northwesternmost boat launch jetty which I could not get to because of the closed road.  Nothing of interest that I could find in the Russian-olive thickets between the Visitor Center and the res (that is, NO yellow-rumps, hermit thrushes, varied thrushes, long-eared owls, northern cardinals, spotted towhees or Harris's/white-throated sparrows). I might have heard a ruby-crowned kinglet but could not confirm.

Dave Leatherman

Fort Collins

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