Caspian Terns at Blanca Wetlands

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Jul 29, 2015, 9:29:13 PM7/29/15
to, Joyce Takamine
Today while doing some bird surveys, I chanced upon 2 Adult Caspian Terns at the Blanca Wetlands Wildlife Area (Alamosa County). The area is now open and the birds were alternately using pond 115 and 107. This is possibly only the second and third records for the species in the San Luis Valley, with Mlodinow finding one last year at Smith Reservoir.
The shorebirds were well represented. Between my wife Lisa and I, we observed Western, Least, Baird’s, Spotted and Pectoral Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs, BN Stilts, close to 1500 Wilson Phalaropes,  Peregrine Falcons, and one Gray Flycatcher. So shorebirds are on the move and this is a great increase in numbers since we last surveyed a few weeks ago. Lots to see.....
John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO
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