Lured on through recently fallen snow by promises of coffee and a possible glimpse of a longspur, six hardy participants divided the Flagler count circle into four sections on Sunday. Their efforts were rewarded with 42 species (do Wild Turkey tracks in recently
fallen snow only count as a count week bird?). All were, of course, able to view Lapland Longspurs although the 15 thousand seen Northwest of Flagler, made most other areas' tallies seem puny. Although a substantial number, the 16,373 Laplands found this
year falls far short of the record set in 2012 of 22,374. Perhaps next year we'll be able to come up with a more respectable total. Other notables found for the first time this year included Snow and Cackling Geese, a Lincoln's Sparrow and Brewer's Blackbirds.
A Purple Finch, rare but not unprecedented, was in a large flock of House Finches south of Seibert on county road 14.
Doug Kibbe, Compiler
Littleton, Co.