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Parrot 0.5.3 "Way of the Parrot" released! [zz]

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风催草低 - 明月何尝不照人

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 27, 2008, 11:00:51 AM2/27/08
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develooper Front page | perl.perl6.announce | Postings from February 2008
Parrot 0.5.3 "Way of the Parrot" released!
Patrick R. Michaud
February 21, 2008 01:15
Parrot 0.5.3 "Way of the Parrot" released!

On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.5.3
"Way of the Parrot." Parrot (http://parrotcode.org/) is a virtual
machine aimed at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 0.5.3 can be obtained via CPAN (soon), or follow the
download instructions at http://parrotcode.org/source.html.
For those who would like to develop on Parrot, or help develop
Parrot itself, we recommend using Subversion or SVK on the
source code repository to get the latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 0.5.3 highlights:

The Perl 6 on Parrot compiler has now been given the name
"Rakudo Perl". More details on the new name are available
from http://use.perl.org/~pmichaud/journal/35400 . In addition,
Rakudo now has more support for objects, classes, roles, etc.,
and a better interface to the official Perl 6 test suite.

More languages are being converted to use the Parrot Compiler

Parrot 0.5.3 News:
- Documentation
+ PDD09 (garbage collection) - approved
+ PDD28 (character sets) - draft started
+ added function documentation to some core functions
+ PCT beginners guide, optable guide and PAST nodes guide, bug fixes
- Compilers
+ IMCC: plugged various memory leaks and other cleanups
+ PCT:
. add "attribute" as a scope variant to PAST::Var nodes
. add 'shift' and 'pop' methods to PAST:: nodes
+ NQP: add '=:=' op, tests for scalar and list contextualizers, \x escapes
- Languages
+ APL: reimplementation with PCT
+ Cardinal (Ruby): reimplemention with PCT
+ Ecmascript: reimplementation with PCT
+ lolcode: improved expression parsing, ifthen, IT, YARN
+ lua:
. aligned with Lua official release 5.1.3.
. added initial PCT-based implementation.
+ Punie (Perl 1): refactor to use standard PCT-based filenames
+ Pynie (Python): add functions
+ Rakudo (Perl 6):
. rebranded, formerly known as 'perl6'
. passes many more official Perl 6 Specification tests
. added 'perl6doc' utility
. oo including meta?classes, objects, methods, attributes, role composition
. match variables, while/until statements, traits
. many new methods for Str, List, Hash, Junction
- Implementation
- Deprecations
+ PCCINVOKE syntax for named arguments using []; use () instead.
+ see DEPRECATED.pod for details
- Miscellaneous
+ pbc_to_exe refactored for code reduction, portability, and maintainability
+ various bug fixes
+ #line directives added to generated JIT files, improving debugging
+ consting, attribute marking, refactoring, warnings cleanup

The next scheduled Parrot release will be on March 18, 2008.

Thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our
sponsors for supporting this project.


* Parrot 0.5.3 "Way of the Parrot" released! by Patrick R. Michaud

Comments to Ask Bjørn Hansen at a...@perl.org | Group listing | About

Putty 0.60 中文显示和输入:
* 远程 Linux 主机用 UTF-8 的 locale,比如 en_US.UTF-8,可以用 locale 命令确认。
* Putty 设置:Window->Appearance: Font 设置为 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, 10 pt
Window->Translation: Character set translation 设置为 UTF-8
注:设置 Putty 时先选择 Session->Saved Sessions 中的 "Default Settings",设置好后点击 Saved Sessions 对应的 save 按钮才能保存为默认设置,对其它会话需要重填 IP 并在设置好后点击这个 save 按钮才能保存设置。
对 GB2312/GBK 的 locale,选择新宋体,编码选择 "use font encoding"。

[m [1;31m※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 61.49.140.*] [m


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2008, 8:10:33 PM2/28/08
para kay

> Comments to Ask Bj?rn Hansen at a...@perl.org | Group listing | About

风催草低 - 明月何尝不照人

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2008, 9:08:07 PM2/28/08
para kay
在 Parrot 代码根目录下有个 README,里头有编译步骤,很容易的,
对于常见 OS 应该是可以顺利编译。

在 README 里也说明了从哪里开始学习 Parrot:

perldoc -F docs/parrot.pod
perldoc -F docs/intro.pod

在 intro.pod 里就有个简单的 Hello world 例子:

.sub main
print "Hello world!\n"

保存成 hello.pir,用 parrot hello.pir 就可以执行了。

Parrot 可以直接执行三种格式的文件,可以认为这些是内置的语法:

.pbc Parrot bytecode, 相当于 Java 的 .class 文件,不能手写
.pasm Parrot assembly, 可以手写,但比较繁琐
.pir Parrot Intermediate Representation,可以手写,比 PASM
高级一些,可以认为是宏汇编,PIR 出来后慢慢取代了 PASM。

.pasm 和 .pir 可以用 parrot 执行也可以先转换成 .pbc 再被 parrot
执行,用 parrot --help 可以看到帮助。

在 NQP(Not Quite Perl,Perl 6 的子集) 出现前 PIR 是 Parrot 上
推荐的编程方式,其它语言的编译器以及现有的库绝大多数都是用 PIR
写的,现在似乎 NQP 开始被推荐了,毕竟高级语言编程方便些。

PIR 的例子很多,比如 examples/pir, examples/tutorial。
Parrot 上的 Perl 6 实现在 languages/perl6,这下面有个 README。

【 在 garcia. 的大作中提到: 】
: 谁知道怎么用Parrot
: 据说未来的perl6和python都是运行在parrot上的,那样的话,至少可以让python可
: 以调用强大的cpan,但谁知道这方面的知识阿,共享一下吧
: ...................

For people new to the list, the message is:
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/27/focus=217 I think I've quoted this link at least three times on this list;
I consider it is _the_ most important message in the whole list archive. If you haven't read it, read it now, print it out, read it three more times, place it under the pillow before you
sleep tonight. Repeat that until you can recite the whole message. It should not take more than a week.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Example Cogito Addon - cogito-bundle Junio C Hamano

[36m※ 修改:·Dieken 于 Feb 29 10:08:06 修改本文·[FROM: 211.157.41.*] [m
[m [1;37m※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 211.157.41.*] [m


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2008, 10:58:46 PM2/28/08
para kay
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