I've added trampoline to ease the conversion/creation of mutually recursive algorithms in Clojure.
Hear, hear! +1 Can I only vote once? +10
Hm, maybe a general compile-time assert would be in order, once we
have real tail-call optimization, so that even in the mutual-recursion
case you could get a nice error if you make a mistake like:
(def foo []
(+ 10
(tail-call bar 1 2)))
Although something less ugly might be nice.
On Tuesday 25 November 2008 06:05, Rich Hickey wrote:
> I've added trampoline to ease the conversion/creation of mutually
> recursive algorithms in Clojure.
> ...
Clojure's new trampolines for mutually recursive functions has caught
the attention of the Scala folks. There's a nice thread going on in the
Scala-Debate list beginning with one user's mention of this new
capability in Clojure. Two people there (one of them being Martin
Odersky, the head architect of the Scala language) showed a comparable
solution written in Scala.
Check it out:
- Subject: "Tail calls via trampolining and an explicit instruction"
- <http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.scala.debate>
- <http://www.nabble.com/Scala---Debate-f30218.html>
Randall Schulz
big snip
> To convert to a trampoline, simply return closures over your tail
> calls, rather than direct calls. This is as simple as prepending #
> (declare bar)
> (defn foo [n]
> (if (pos? n)
> #(bar (dec n))
I'm curious about this syntax. I thought if #(function-name args)
creates a closure then I can put one in a variable and execute it
later. I entered this in a REPL.
(def myClosure #(prn "Hello"))
How can I execute the closure in myClosure now?
R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
user=> (myClosure)
or now,
user=> (trampoline myClosure)
I entered this in a REPL.
(def myClosure #(prn "Hello"))
How can I execute the closure in myClosure now?
I've maybe missed something, but will this work if one wants to make
the final return value of the tail call a closure ?
Thanks! In the meantime I came up with an even simpler example that
demonstrates capturing a parameter and a local variable in a closure.
(defn greet-closure [name]
(let [salutation "Hello"]
#(println salutation name)))
(def my-closure (greet-closure "Mark"))
outputs "Hello Mark"
If you want to return sets, keywords, maps, or everything that
implements the fn interface this is also an issue. Does trampolining
on keywords make sense?
> interface "fn" that distinguishes
The interface is "clojure.lang.Fn".
Am 28.11.2008 um 22:56 schrieb André Thieme:
>> Maybe I have a wrong understanding of "closure", but
>> as far as I understand, every function definition in
>> Clojure - be it defn or #() - finally translates to (fn ...).
>> And fn creates a closure.
I tooled myself up and looked up the definition of "closure"
on Wikipedia. It seems that the definition says "one or more
bound variables". I still don't see why the "empty" environment
should that much of a special case. Why not just say:
"a closure keeps its environment". Why should it matter
whether its empty or not?
> Well, from my experience I can say that a lot of people
> think that “anon function = closure”, which would be
> fn in Clojure or lambda in Common Lisp.
> This however is not generally correct. In my previous
> posting I gave an example of how a named function
> became a closure.
There is no thing like a named function. defn expands
to (def ... (fn ...)). So an anonymous function is assigned
to a Var which has a name.
anon function != closure. This happens to be a feature
of Clojure, that it turns functions into closures.
Consider the GCC C extension for inner functions:
struct some_thing
do_something(int x)
return x + 1;
return call_with_fun_pointer(do_more);
do_more could be considered an "anonymous"
function since it is only available inside do_something.
But it is not a closure. Suppose call_with_fun_pointer
stores away the pointer and returns.
Calling do_more later on is invalid, because the
stack was unwound and x doesn't exist anymore.
This is exactly, what a closure prevents.
But the whole issue is only a misunderstanding on
my side about what a closure is, and some philosophical
point, whether the empty environment is a special
case or not...