Re: Erlang vs Clojure

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Krzysztof Kliś

Oct 5, 2008, 8:20:49 PM10/5/08
to Clojure
Hello Rich,
I know this is an old post, but did you consider using Terracotta
( for clustering Clojure? It might fit the
Clojure concurrency model much better than MPI, and you wouldn't have
to mix Java with Erlang (or any other external technologies). You can
already cluster other JVM based programming languages like JRuby
terracotta/) or Scala (

> Even with actors, Clojure will not yet have a distributed concurrency
> story, but I am considering just adopting Erlang's wholesale, using
> Jinterface for Clojure<->Clojure or even Clojure<->Erlang distributed
> processes. Maybe that will look like Termite when it is done. Stay
> tuned.
> Rich

Rich Hickey

Oct 7, 2008, 4:58:15 PM10/7/08
to Clojure
I am very much interested in Terracotta. I did some experimenting with
it when designing Clojure. At the time, it had a problem not
preserving identity semantics for interned Strings which I believe
they have since changed.

There was a time when I had the Clojure STM running on Terracotta, not
sure if it still uses the subset of the Java lib that Terracotta

If anyone wants to do some exploring of this I'd be very interested in
the results.


Krzysztof Kliś

Oct 8, 2008, 9:59:34 AM10/8/08
to Clojure
Due to my interest in Erlang and functional programming in general,
for some time I have been following a blog by Jonas Bonér at
This guy is an expert on Terracotta and he managed to cluster JRuby
and Scala using Terracotta (he described it on his blog). I think it
would be a good idea to talk to him and ask him for support. I am by
no means an expert on Java, not to mention Terracotta or Clojure, this
is why I haven't done it by myself. I think it would be much better if
some Clojure guru did it, but if you don't have enough time at your
disposal then I can try to talk to Jonas.

Rich Hickey

Oct 8, 2008, 10:38:00 AM10/8/08
to Clojure

On Oct 8, 9:59 am, Krzysztof Kliś <> wrote:
> Due to my interest in Erlang and functional programming in general,
> for some time I have been following a blog by Jonas Bonér at
> This guy is an expert on Terracotta and he managed to cluster JRuby
> and Scala using Terracotta (he described it on his blog). I think it
> would be a good idea to talk to him and ask him for support. I am by
> no means an expert on Java, not to mention Terracotta or Clojure, this
> is why I haven't done it by myself. I think it would be much better if
> some Clojure guru did it, but if you don't have enough time at your
> disposal then I can try to talk to Jonas.
> Chris

I think it is best not to bother him until someone from the Clojure
community has made a best effort with the Terracotta docs. If you're
not up to speed on TC/Java/Clojure perhaps someone else will


Luc Prefontaine

Oct 17, 2008, 8:01:06 PM10/17/08
I am not very far from tackling this issue. In our bus messaging system, we are using Terracotta with some Java components
and it's a matter of weeks before we start to investigate how we can bridge Clojure and Terracotta.

A customer asked us about some new functionality today and I see a need to fill the Terracotta/Clojure gap

I'll comeback toward the end of November with some proposal.

Any comments Rich about how you would see this integration and what Clojure semantics you would like to share through Terracotta ?
I might enlarge the scope beyond what we need in our system even if not all the pieces are delivered in the very short term.


Jeremy Dunck

Dec 5, 2008, 1:42:31 PM12/5/08
to Clojure

On Oct 17, 6:01 pm, Luc Prefontaine <>
> I am not very far from tackling this issue. In our bus messaging system,
> we are using Terracotta with some Java components
> and it's a matter of weeks before we start to investigate how we can
> bridge Clojure and Terracotta.
> A customer asked us about some new functionality today and I see a need
> to fill the Terracotta/Clojure gap
> somehow.
> I'll comeback toward the end of November with some proposal.

Luc, I'm interested. How's it going?

Luc Prefontaine

Dec 5, 2008, 2:38:26 PM12/5/08
We just started to look at the issue. Got late in the user acceptance tests because of the radiology equipment supplier
is dragging it's feet.

I feel we will start before Xmas to put together a prototype.

I really want this to come to life because we could use cooperative Clojure instances on our bus. This would also
provide us another form of persistance. Presently we rely on ActiveMq queues but to maximize parallelism we
need another model and building that from queues would be harder.

I'll keep everyone posted. As soon as I can get my hands on it without being interrupted by the current
release of our bus we launch this.

We are scheduled to go live January 5th so that's why I am struggling and pushing on that other supplier to get his act together.
Grrr ! They're big, we're small and we move 1000 times faster. It's frustrating. They need 3 people to do the job of one of us
and still they can't turn on a dime like us.


Daniel Jomphe

Jan 13, 2009, 4:14:00 PM1/13/09
to Clojure
On Dec 5 2008, Luc Prefontaine wrote:
> I feel we will start before Xmas to put together a prototype.
> I really want this to come to life because we could use cooperative
> Clojure instances on our bus. This would also
> provide us another form of persistance. Presently we rely on ActiveMq
> queues but to maximize parallelism we
> need another model and building that from queues would be harder.
> I'll keep everyone posted. As soon as I can get my hands on it without
> being interrupted by the current
> release of our bus we launch this.

For the record, if anyone is watching only this thread post, Luc has
posted an update here:
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