Login failed despite correct password?

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Ken Aston

Mar 17, 2011, 3:09:38 AM3/17/11
to Clipperz
Is there any possibility that login fails? I have been using my
password for years and suddenly I can't login any more (Clipperz
installed on my own server).

Alrik Bronsema

Mar 17, 2011, 7:43:49 AM3/17/11
to ken...@googlemail.com, Clipperz
Did you upgrade the server? Or your browser? Can you login using a different browser and/or computer?


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Mar 17, 2011, 7:49:36 AM3/17/11
to ken...@googlemail.com, Clipperz
Hello Ken,

if you didn't apply the patch, there was a problem due to MySQL
truncating data overflowing the capacity of the index card field that
was basically corrupting the whole data account.

You should be able to check if this is the case, as the content of the
usrhdr main table field (don't remember its name by heart) will look
truncate at the end.

Sorry for the trouble.


Giulio Cesare

Ken Aston

Mar 17, 2011, 10:17:19 AM3/17/11
to Clipperz
Thank you. I checked the database and strangely all tables are empty.
How could this have happened?


Mar 17, 2011, 10:55:24 AM3/17/11
to ken...@googlemail.com, Clipperz

if all tables are empty, I suppose you have updated some components or
run some sysadmin scripts that have messed with the configuration.
The application itself should not be able to remove all the data altogether.
Only the POG setup page may be able to perform such an action, but I
am don't know about it to confirm this.

Giulio Cesare

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Ken Aston <ken...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thank you. I checked the database and strangely all tables are empty.
> How could this have happened?

Ken Aston

Mar 17, 2011, 11:24:10 AM3/17/11
to Clipperz
Guilio, Thank you. Strange, I never did anything else than logging in
to check my passwords. It's installed on a hosted server, so I can
only assume an update on their side caused the problem. My other
databases on the same server have not lost any data though.


Mar 17, 2011, 11:44:02 AM3/17/11
to ken...@googlemail.com, Clipperz
That's really weird. If you can understand what has happened, please
share it with the group, as it would be really useful for everybody to

Giulio Cesare

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