Help Russia to prevent velvet revolution today

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Feb 4, 2012, 11:29:21 AM2/4/12
to End of our civilization
Help Russia to prevent velvet revolution today
Snow revolution in Russia acts in interests of same World elite, which
set Putin for power. Putin has already exposed himself with his
deceitful policy, and people may nominate their own leader. Not to
lose their "clout" in power, the world's elite puts forward its
protege under the cover of Putin's disclosure. Color revolutions are
fulfilled in the interests of elite, not common people. And interests
of elite contradict interests of people, whichever country is
There does exist a real opposition in Russia. It's the VOLYA party and
its leader Svetlana Peunova. Today we appeal to you for informational
support. Inform everybody about what the Russian media is prohibited
to inform. Help people of Russia to stop the snare of color
revolutions today, and tomorrow Russia will help you.
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