"The Tower of Babel" by Joseph Y. Lee --- 9/11

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Sep 11, 2010, 2:10:31 PM9/11/10
The Tower of Babel
By Joseph Y. Lee

I have debated with my non-Christian father on the
authenticity of the book of Genesis. He believes it
is a collection of fables, not based on historical
fact. My non-Christian father could not believe that
God would punish the descendants of Noah for building
the Tower of Babel and not punish the people in New
York City, Seoul, LA, Tokyo, Chicago, and many other
cities for building skyscrapers a lot higher than the
Tower of Babel. My father asked, "Why did God spare
the people in New York City, Seoul, LA, Tokyo, Chicago,
and many other cities and not the people in Babel?"
I would say, "Isn’t it obvious?" God simply shows
His mercy and compassion on the people in New York
City, Seoul, LA, Tokyo, Chicago, and many other
cities. (Romans 9:15) Why did God punish the people
in Tower of Babel? Isn't it again obvious? The people
in the Tower of Babel are sinners. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)

We all know what happened on 9/11. It was very easy
for sinful man to destroy the World Trade Center in New
York City. Sinful man has the ability to destroy. The
World Trade Center could be a reminder of what had
happened at the Tower of Babel. It seemed odd that
the news media broadcasted that only Americans died
in the World Trade Center when actually, the attack
on the World Trade Center was an attack on the whole
world. Many Christians, Muslims, and Jews died in the
World Trade Center. Many Chinese, Koreans, Japanese,
Europeans, Iranians, Iraqis, Saudis, Americans, and
many others died in the attack by Muslim extremists,
who would even kill their own people. Did it seem
obvious that God could destroy every skyscraper in
the world when sinful man did it so easily in 9/11?

Even though God had that power to destroy the Tower
of Babel, he never physically destroyed the Tower of
Babel. He only confused the languages of the world
and made them speak in tongues. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
When the descendants of Noah at that time were speaking
in different languages and speaking in tongues, God
was pronouncing His judgment and anger for their
rebellion. Their rebellion was obvious in Genesis
11:4 in terms of their pride and arrogance.

In my opinion, my non-Christian father did not ask
the right question. He should not ask, "why?" but

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be like the
days of Noah." Matthew 24:37

The smarter question is, "When will God destroy all of
the Tower of Babels in New York City, Seoul, LA, Tokyo,
Chicago, and many other cities?"
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