Re: Jeff, Listen to Bob. In Christ, Joseph

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Jul 28, 2010, 4:08:30 PM7/28/10
In a message dated 2010-07-29 A.M. 4:56:59 대한민국 표준시, writes:
B A Berean <> Jul 27 06:38PM -0700 ^
On Jul 27, 4:12 am, Jeff Donovan <>
> We spoke recently regarding myself being a member of the LDS church.
> Often, people associate LDS with Polygamy.
> This however is misleading.
Greetings Jeff,
Your portrayal of the reasons most Chrsitians reject Mormonism is
highly over-simplified and your statement about polygamy being
relegated to the fundamentalist Mormons is only partially true.
The LDS church's position in the not so distant past has been that of
a polygamy requirement.
However, lets look at more fundamental beliefs that differ True
Christianity from Mormonism.
Mormonism - Jesus was the first born son of Elohim (God) through
sexual relations with one of his spirit wives.
Biblical Christianity - Jesus was ALWAYS God and was eternally
existant with the Father and the Holy Spirit which make up the
Mormonism - The plan of salvation for this earth. The counsel of the
gods met on the planet Kolob (spelling may be wrong) to decide on the
plan of salvation for this earth.
The Mormon Jesus presented his plan and Lucifer (the second born son
of Elohim through sexual relations with one of his spirit wives and
therefore, Jesus' brother) presented his plan.
Jesus' plan was accepted and Lucifer's was rejected. Lucifer rebelled
and took one third of the heavenly host with him. Lucifer and his
followers were cursed with black skin.
Biblical Christianity - The Triune God had a plan of salvation.
To be fair, the Mormon church has changed its scriptures many times
over the years and no longer teaches that black skin is the curse.
Their Book of Mormon has been changed in the various places that
taught that they would not be accepted until they becam "white and
delightsome". These passages now read "pure and delightsome".
You see Jeff, there is far more that separates True Christianity from
Mormonism that simply polygamy.


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