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Bayo Afolaranmi

Sep 11, 2010, 3:11:32 PM9/11/10
Dearly Beloved,
“And Jesus increased in wisdom (in broad and full understanding) and in stature and years, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52 AMP).
The writers of the Gospels did not write much about the early years of Jesus Christ on earth. Apart from His birth narratives (Matthew 1:18—2:23; Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-39) and an incident when He was twelve years old (see Luke 2:42-52), nothing is known about Him from the Bible until He was about thirty years old (see Luke 3:23). Some Bible scholars have referred to these unknown years as the silent years of Jesus Christ on earth. Luke used just a verse to describe these silent years (see Luke 2:52). Almost all other Bible characters had their silent years. Much is not known about the early years of most of these people. These silent years were years when God was preparing each of these great men and women. Most of them did not have the best of time like Jesus in their silent years, but after God had prepared them in various ways secretly, He launched them into their public missions.
Undoubtedly, each one of us nowadays also has our own silent years when no one knew about us before now that we become known. In fact, many people are even still in their silent years. They are not renowned. God is still preparing them for the manifestation of His glory in their lives. Such people are still like caterpillars in their cocoons. They are waiting for the mature time to rip open the cocoons and become beautiful butterflies. Any attempt to open the cocoons prematurely will cause a very adverse effect on the growing butterflies.
Are you still in your silent years? God is preparing you for the manifestation of His glory in your life. The preparation may not be pleasant now. However, wait till when God is done with you. Do not be in a hurry. You will indeed shine for His glory, and people will celebrate you.
In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).
I thank God for my two-week ministry-related visit to Mozambique. I mainly interacted with students and staff of an evangelical theological seminary and some Christian youth in the capital city of the country. My focus of interaction was the introduction of practical ways of using the Internet in Christian ministries. It was a time of refreshing and blessings of God to the people I met in Mozambique and even to me and my ministry.
I am very grateful for the people that provided the resources I used for the visit, and people that prayed with/for me before, during and after the visit. Thank you very much.
I am looking forward for more of such refreshing experiences in the near future.
God bless you!

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