On Jul 28, 10:14 am, TenThousandThings <
hello.ras...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm going to try to buy one today, and will report back as soon as I
> know.
They went on sale today -- I got one, and it works on my first-
generation Intel Mac Pro. There are, however, some things to note,
including one bug:
1. You must be using 10.6.4 (this is required for the Magic Trackpad
anyways, so moot) and obviously you need Bluetooth, and you must run
Software Update after you have installed the trackpad to get Magic
Trackpad and Multi-Touch Trackpad Update 1.0:
2. After you've got this installed, make sure the trackpad is
connected and then open System Preferences > Language & Text > Input
Sources, where "Trackpad Handwriting" will appear as an option under
both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. If it doesn't appear right
away, then deactivate all your Chinese input methods, restart, and
then reactivate them.
3. BUG: On a MacBook, an option to select "Trackpad Handwriting"
appears in the Input Menu options when you have a Chinese input method
active. At this point on my machine, after several restarts and some
fiddling around, I still don't have that menu option. Nonetheless, I
can start up the handwriting input using the control-shift-spacebar
keyboard shortcut, so it's not a huge problem.