CF Eclipse RDS DataView *broken* need some advice here...

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Edward B.

5. ágú. 2007, 22:10:035.8.2007
til CFEclipse Users
hello all,
I am rather new to ColdFusion and when I attempt to use the RDS Query
Viewer in the DataView Panel .I am receiving an error. ..
// org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: The
file does not exist. //
I have reloaded the eclipse europa J2EE with Web Tools Platform >
Added the CFEclipse plug-ins w/ the ColdFusion extensions (12
extensions) (Obviously) > JSEclipse plugins > and still no luck. I am
running CF 8 on Vista Home Premium with the JRE 1.6 ....I also
attempted to downgrade to Jre 1.5 in order to resolve the error
however, that too was unsuccessful as well. Any Clues ...(?) Do I
need FlexBuilder 2? ......can I use the Flex2 SDK?

Much thanks to whom can help.

Edward B.

Sean Corfield

6. ágú. 2007, 03:13:276.8.2007
On 8/5/07, Edward B. <> wrote:
> I am rather new to ColdFusion and when I attempt to use the RDS Query
> Viewer in the DataView Panel .I am receiving an error. ..
> // org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: The
> file does not exist. //

Please note that this has *nothing* to do with CFEclipse. The RDS
plugin is an Adobe product and any problems with it should be directed
to Adobe.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

Skilaboðum hefur verið eytt

Edward B.

6. ágú. 2007, 08:43:316.8.2007
til CFEclipse Users

On Aug 6, 8:34 am, "Edward B." <> wrote:
> I apologize for not understanding which party is responsible for the
> component which caused the problem, again I am learning ColdFusion and
> as of now, I am a non-programmer.... pardon my ignorance.
...How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.....
Edward Beckett
> On Aug 6, 3:13 am, "Sean Corfield" <> wrote:

> > On 8/5/07, Edward B. <> wrote:
> > > I am rather new to ColdFusion and when I attempt to use the RDS Query
> > > Viewer in the DataView Panel .I am receiving an error. ..
> > > // org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: The
> > > file does not exist. //
> > Please note that this has *nothing* to do with CFEclipse. The RDS
> > plugin is an Adobe product and any problems with it should be directed
> > to Adobe.
> > --
> > Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN

> > An Architect's View --


6. ágú. 2007, 17:54:276.8.2007
On 8/6/07, Edward B. wrote:

> ...How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.....
> Edward Beckett

That was an excellent question, Edward, I wish even 20%
of the ones that come through had that level of detail.

As Sean said, RDS stuff is handled by the Adobe plugin.

The problem may be that the Adobe plugins are aimed at
a <1.4 jre / eclipse 3.2, vs. 1.5+ jre / Eclipse 3.3, which
CFE is currently targeted for.

I've never been a big fan of RDS, so I've only tried out the
plugin once, with 3.2- and it wasn't very smooth. That
was an early beta, tho, so...

I like the component builder part, but I'm already using
stuff that generates those DAOs and whatnot elsewhere.

What's been far more productive, is the Database plugins
for Eclipse- there are a few to choose from, and it depends
on what your target DBMS is as to which is better, but
I've loved having most everything in one spot. YMMV, etc.

Thanks for the well framed question! Good asking!

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