carma molecular dynamics

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What is Carma ?

Carma is a stand-alone molecular dynamics analysis tool tuned for the DCD-PSF world. The program is free, open-source software and is immediately available for download via this page. Carma can calculate the variance-covariance and cross-correlation matrices, do a principal component analysis using both Cartesian PCA and dihedral angle PCA, do a PCA-based cluster analysis, remove overall rotations/translations, calculate the mass-weighted radius of gyration, calculate the average CA-CA distance map and the rmsd from it (for the length of the trajectory), calculate the average structure and atomic rms fluctuations, calculate distances and torsion angles between arbitrary sets of atoms, calculate solute's entropy using both Schlitter's and Andricioaei's formulas, allow a primitive quick view of a trajectory on a X11-capable terminal, calculate CNS- and XPLOR-compatible density maps representing the average distribution of selected atomic species (eg. ions or waters), etc.

What is this group for ?

The aim of this google group is to provide a forum for sharing announcements, bug reports and implementation details for the program. This is a tightly moderated and extremely low volume group that will not disturb your peace of mind. To avoid spammers spamming us to death, the very first message of any member will be moderated.