Possible issue with Cap 1.4.1 and net-ssh 1.1.0?

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May 1, 2007, 1:12:15 PM5/1/07
to Capistrano
I'm currently using Capistrano 1.4.1 and I upgraded net-ssh to version
1.1.0 this morning. I'm also using Jim Morris's SCM module for local
SVN access. When I try to deploy, my deployment blows up when trying
to connect to my remote server with the following output (I've replace
my fingerprint and server name to protect the innocent):

* querying latest revision...
* local executing: svn export -q -r15800 svn+ssh://dev/vol2/svn/
fsg/cap-one/branches/PR3 /tmp/CAP_TEMP_1178037278.66282
* local creating tar file: /tmp/CAP_TEMP_1178037278.66282.tar.gz
* sending tar file: /tmp/CAP_TEMP_1178037278.66282.tar.gz to remote /
servers: ["myserver"]
*** [update_code] transaction: rollback
* [update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /var/www/www.myserver.com/releases/
servers: ["myserver"]
** [update_code] exception while rolling back:
Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch, fingerprint my_fingerprint does not match
for myserver
verifier.rb:47:in `process_cache_miss': fingerprint my_fingerprint
does not match for myserver (Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch)
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/host-key-verifier.rb:38:in `verify'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/lenient-host-key-verifier.rb:9:in `verify'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/transport/kex/dh.rb:165:in `verify_server_key'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/transport/kex/dh.rb:232:in `exchange_keys'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/
lifecycle/proxy.rb:60:in `__send__'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/
lifecycle/proxy.rb:60:in `method_missing'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/transport/session.rb:182:in `exchange_keys'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/
ssh/transport/session.rb:143:in `kexinit'
... 57 levels...
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-1.4.1/lib/
capistrano/cli.rb:12:in `execute!'
from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-1.4.1/bin/
from /opt/local/bin/cap:18:in `load'
from /opt/local/bin/cap:18

I rolled back my net-ssh version installed to 1.0.10 and everything
works fine. There weren't any warnings I noticed about version
incompatibilities on the announcement page. Has anyone else
encountered this?

Jamis Buck

May 1, 2007, 1:17:58 PM5/1/07
to capis...@googlegroups.com
Try this:

ssh_options[:paranoid] = false

That'll skip any host key verification.

If you try to use the command-line ssh client to connect to
"myserver", do you get any hostkey mismatch warnings?

- Jamis

Jonathan del Strother

May 1, 2007, 4:54:05 PM5/1/07
to Capistrano
I was getting this earlier, and I don't get it through command line
In my case, I connect to multiple servers through one ip, with
different ports. ssh by default complains about mismatched host keys
with this configuration, until I persuaded it that they really were
different servers by setting HostKeyAlias on each server in .ssh/
I wonder if the same problem is causing problems in net-ssh...

On May 1, 6:17 pm, Jamis Buck <j...@37signals.com> wrote:
> Try this:
> ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
> That'll skip any host key verification.
> If you try to use the command-line ssh client to connect to
> "myserver", do you get any hostkey mismatch warnings?
> - Jamis


May 1, 2007, 4:55:04 PM5/1/07
to Capistrano
Yes, I also had a problem with net-ssh 1.1.0

Error received on a winXP box with current capistrano and other gems
(fresh install)

When doing cap setup:

getnameinfo: address family for hostname not supported. (SocketError)
(see longer log below)

Moving to older net-ssh gem ver 1.0.10
solved the problem.


LarryK in New York City


C:\instant_rails_1.7\InstantRails\rails_apps\am2>cap setup
* executing task setup
* executing "umask 02 &&\n mkdir -p /home2/ma1_deploy /home2/
ma1_deploy/releases /home2/ma1_deploy/shared /home2/ma1_deploy/shared/
system &&\n mkdir -p /home2/ma1_deploy/shared/log &&\n mkdir -p /
servers: [""]
ssh-1.1.0/lib/net/ssh/transport/session.rb:108:in `getnameinfo':
getnameinfo: address family for hostname not supported. (SocketError)

Jamis Buck

May 1, 2007, 5:01:46 PM5/1/07
to capis...@googlegroups.com

I hate Windows.

Can someone with Windows networking chops take a look at that and see
if they can figure out why Net::SSH is choking? Otherwise, I'm just
going to add a caveat saying Windows users are out of luck and should
not upgrade.

- Jamis

Ed Wagner

May 1, 2007, 6:28:54 PM5/1/07
to Capistrano
For what it's worth, I'm seeing the same error on OS X with a pretty
fresh set of gems. The command line ssh works fine, and net-ssh 1.0.10
doesn't complain. The fingerprint that net-ssh 1.1.0 sees is in fact
different than the one that the command line ssh (OpenSSH_4.5p1) sees.

On May 1, 12:17 pm, Jamis Buck <j...@37signals.com> wrote:
> Try this:
> ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
> That'll skip any host key verification.
> If you try to use the command-line ssh client to connect to
> "myserver", do you get any hostkey mismatch warnings?
> - Jamis


May 2, 2007, 10:24:34 AM5/2/07
to Capistrano
I'm also remote deploying from OS X.

Adding "ssh_options[:paranoid] = false" does solve the problem.
Looking through the 1.0.10 docs, it looks like no hostkey verification
was performed, so this option will set 1.1.0 to behave as it was

Command-line ssh into the server works fine as it always has, so I'm
still not clear on why Net::SSH is throwing Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch.

Chris Andrews

May 2, 2007, 11:45:19 AM5/2/07
to Capistrano
[repost from correct address, i hope]

This is coming from the 'peer' method in lib/net/ssh/transport/

# Returns info about the remote peer
def peer
@peer ||= begin
addr = @socket.getpeername
ip_address = Socket.getnameinfo(addr,
{ :ip => ip_address, :port => @port.to_i, :host => @host }

I was able to replicate this problem on windows, with this code:

require 'socket'
include Socket::Constants
socket = Socket.new( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )
sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( 80, 'www.google.com' )
socket.connect( sockaddr )
addr = socket.getpeername
ip_address = Socket.getnameinfo(addr, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST).first

which gives:

test.rb:11:in `getnameinfo': getnameinfo: address family for hostname
not supported. (SocketError)
from test.rb:11

It looks like this solves it:

ip_address = Socket.getnameinfo(addr, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST |

I've not tested this in capistrano or even Net::SSH (though I will
later, on OSX), but it should help.

I suspect the reason we don't see this everywhere is that it depends
on the combination of IPv6 support in your kernel, in your resolver
and in your ruby build.


Michael Hartl

May 8, 2007, 1:35:33 PM5/8/07
to Capistrano
I found this thread by dropping the error message into Google. I'm
having the same problem on Linux (CentOS). Setting
ssh_options[:paranoid] = false works for me as well.

My command-line ssh works fine currently, but errors like this do
happen when hosts move; fixing them usually involves editing the
~/.ssh/known_hosts file. Might something like that work here? Where
does the net-ssh host key cache live?


Jamis Buck

May 8, 2007, 2:32:06 PM5/8/07
to capis...@googlegroups.com

It uses the same known_hosts file as the OpenSSH command-line client

- Jamis

casey helbling

May 8, 2007, 5:35:12 PM5/8/07
to Capistrano
Agreed. OSX has the same problem and ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
works around it.


Michael Hartl

May 8, 2007, 7:28:39 PM5/8/07
to Capistrano

> It uses the same known_hosts file as the OpenSSH command-line client
> (~/.ssh/known_hosts).

That's good to know. It turns out that the fault was mine: I hadn't
put the right user keys in all the right places. Once I did, it
worked. It took a while to figure out partially because there was no
error message; I would type "yes" to add the host and it would just
hang instead of prompting for a password.

Knowing that net-ssh uses the same ~/.ssh/known_hosts file is a big
help, since it eliminates (or at least identifies) one source of




May 15, 2007, 6:12:41 AM5/15/07
to Capistrano
on winXP the ssh option (ssh_options[:paranoid] = false ) proposed by
Jamis did not work. Though rolling back to net-ssh-1.0.10 did the

Khaled Hassounah

May 23, 2007, 9:22:19 PM5/23/07
to Capistrano
the common theme in all I have read in this thread is that it is not
just that Capistrano fails, but that command line ssh doesn't warn
about keys. the server I was deploying to was in my ~/.ssh/known_host,
Capistrano was complaining about it. So I set HOME to my rails root
and that solved the problem.

What it did is that it created a .ssh file in my rails root which
contained the keys of all the servers Capistrano talked to. Since I
haven't thought through why this works, it is still officially a work
around. But I believe it is safer than disabling ssh paranoia
(ssh_options[:paranoid] = false).


On May 1, 10:17 am, Jamis Buck <j...@37signals.com> wrote:
> Try this:
> ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
> That'll skip any host key verification.
> If you try to use the command-line ssh client to connect to
> "myserver", do you get any hostkey mismatch warnings?
> - Jamis

Chris Andrews

May 24, 2007, 6:03:01 AM5/24/07
to capis...@googlegroups.com
It works because this creates a separate $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts for Capistrano / Net-SSH to use. The issue people are seeing is when OpenSSH and Net-SSH share a known_hosts file, and there's already a (say DSA) host key in there from OpenSSH, and Net-SSH receives a RSA host key -- it doesn't take into account that different key types for the same host *shouldn't* match, and raises the exception you see.

I've suggested raising a different exception in this case, which by default could cause the key to be added to known_hosts as for a truly unknown host. Genuine same-type mismatches should still raise, of course.

The suggestion to change $HOME is good - thinking about it, instead of that, I'd like to see the location of known_hosts be configurable, and default to (say) $RAILS_ROOT/config/known_hosts. You could then prepopulate that with the keys for your servers, which would be an improvement on just accepting them the first time you deploy.


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