Canterbury Hackspace

Contact owners and managers
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This is the mailing list for a potential Canterbury based Hackspace!  

Our aim is to build up a community of Kent based tinkerers, makers and builders, and provide them with a place to learn, build and create, free from commercial influence.  We want to provide our members with the tools, space, community and support they need to get their own projects off the ground - and make it open to anyone regardless of ability.  

Right now, we want to amass people who are interested in this project and begin to organise regular meetings to meet together and build a community.  Anyone is welcome to join us.  We are already reaching out to local groups who may have an interest, as well as other hackspaces around the country.  

UPDATE: Started an IRC channel: #canterburyhackspace on

Eck, we've got a Tumblr blog as well:

We have a google calendar, too!