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Contractor in bribery scandal claims GOP congressman taught him how to 'grease palms' -- GOP <-- failing PR Arm of Bush Crime Family, Novemebr is Impeachment Referendum

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Aug 5, 2006, 7:23:12 PM8/5/06

part to save mankind.
(the above link is the html version of a pdf file... please click on
the pdf link it brings up and download the form that lets you help in
getting Bush impeached... you need Adobe to read and print the form)

Note there are also clauses in the Constitution by which we can get
impeached all the corrupt judges that the impeached Bush has stacked
the courts with....

Do Not Give Up Hope.

-- Bush Crime Family Is the "Mountain of Corruption" on which all the
other molehills live(dating back to granpappy Prescott Bush's
patnership with Adolph Hitler) ... it is a symbiotic coupling, cut off
the head of the serpent and the culture of corruption surrounding and
supporting Bush Crime Family will fade. NOVEMBER IS A REFERENDUM ON
IMPEACHMENT OF THE BUSH CRIME your part to save mankind...
vote Democrat (or if the Green Candidate is winning vote Green)

Saturday August 5, 2006

Contractor caught in bribery scandal claims lawmaker taught him how to
'grease palms'


A defense contractor implicated in a bribery scandal claims his
hometown congressman taught him how to "grease palms," according to an
article slated for Sunday's edition of The New York Times.

"In 1992, Brent R. Wilkes rented a suite at the Hyatt Hotel a few
blocks from the Capitol," write David Johnston and David D. Kirkpatrick
for The Times.

"In his briefcase was a stack of envelopes for a half-dozen
congressmen, each packet containing up to $10,000 in checks."

"Mr. Wilkes had set up separate meetings with the lawmakers hoping to
win a government contract, and he planned to punctuate each pitch with
a campaign donation," the article continues.

"But his hometown congressman, Representative Bill Lowery of San Diego,
a Republican, told him that presenting the checks during the sessions
was not how things were done, Mr. Wilkes recalled."

"Instead, Mr. Wilkes said, Mr. Lowery taught him the right way to do
it: hand over the envelope in the hallway outside the suite, at least a
few feet away," The Times reports.

"That was the beginning of a career built on what Mr. Wilkes calls
"transactional lobbying," which made him a rich man but also landed him
in the middle of a criminal investigation."

Excerpts from the Times article:

Last November, Mr. Wilkes was described as "co-conspirator No. 1" in a
plea agreement signed by Representative Randy Cunningham, a California
Republican on the House Appropriations Committee.

In the plea deal, Mr. Cunningham admitted accepting more than $2.4
million in cash and gifts from Mr. Wilkes and other contractors.

A former Wilkes associate, Mitchell J. Wade, pleaded guilty to paying
some of the bribes.


Speaking publicly for the first time since Mr. Cunningham's plea
agreement, Mr. Wilkes said in recent interviews that he had done
nothing wrong and did not believe that Mr. Lewis and Mr. Lowery had
broken the law. Mr. Wilkes, who has not been charged in the Cunningham
case, has refused prosecutors' appeals to plead guilty.

But Mr. Wilkes acknowledged that he was a willing participant in what
he characterized as a "cutthroat" system in which campaign
contributions were a prerequisite for federal contracts.

"I attempted to get help and advice from people who could show me the
way to do it right," Mr. Wilkes said.

"I played by their rules, and I played to win."


If ya needed lessons in corruption, where would you go? To a
Republican, of course.

(see all of Harry Hope's excellent posts as they break, put this link
in your browser, use it, this is a search on google groups, on the
author Harry Hope sorted by date... nothing fancy):

With history moving so fast these days you might also want to sort
Harry Hope's posts by "relevance" particulary if the lies and
misdirection that we are all being sujected to by the extensive Bush
Crime Family Propagand machine are confusing you. Using the "sort by
relevance" option has a way of letting you take in the big picture.

zoro robin hood

Aug 5, 2006, 7:27:16 PM8/5/06
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