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The REAL majority of Canada - taking action this Saturday, OCT 15

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Oct 12, 2011, 6:19:23 PM10/12/11
"We the people" . . . . will be joining the people in the country south of us to let our
governments know that we're tired of corporate power and abuse. We're tired of governments who
are minions of those corporations who abuse THEIR power once elected. We, the people, are about
to OCCUPY CANADA and we will be stopping Harper and his big business profit pigs any way we can
between now and the next federal election - when a government of merged parties takes over
running this country.

'Occupy Canada' protest plans take shape

Canadian cities are expected to get their first taste of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement this
weekend amid questions about what reception the north-of-the-border version of demonstrations
against corporate greed, wealth concentration and other grievances will get.

While the mass demonstrations enter their fourth week in the United States, it is unclear how
much public support the Canadian events will draw � or how long the planned "occupations" will

Toronto and Vancouver, the two Canadian cities expected to attract the largest number of
participants, are still coming to terms with June's post-Stanley Cup violence and the G20 summit
protests in 2010 � two highly different crowd events that nonetheless have triggered intense
debate over how they were policed.

MAP The Occupy Wall Street movement swells

Organizers in Vancouver have called for people to gather at the city's art gallery on Saturday
morning to form a base of operations, where marches on other downtown locations can be

Student activists have told local media that they expect to occupy the site for several weeks.

In Calgary, activists have already set up camp on St. Patrick's Island ahead of the official

The city said it will assess the Occupy Calgary camp on a daily basis to ensure there are no
health or safety issues.

Similar events are also being organized for Montreal and Edmonton.

With just four days to go, details of the Occupy Toronto Market Exchange movement, which is
encouraging people to gather somewhere in the city's downtown financial district, remain

The movement has no self-described leader or spokesman, and a website purportedly set up as a
forum for organizers has become a lightning rod for debate over transparency and distrust for
the media and police.

The website features a graphic suggesting a focal point of the Toronto event will be Bay Street
and York Street, but an exact location has yet to be announced.

Some of the website's forum contributors have expressed concern that disclosing a predetermined
location would allow police to set up barricades and undermine the event's goals. But others
have argued organizers should be as open as possible about their plans for the event.

"Transparency is our strongest suit," one commentator wrote. "We are are the 99%. It will take
time to get ourselves organized, so be patient. Listen to each other. Reign in that frustration.
There is TONS of support out there, we can tap into it if we are open and genuine. And ALWAYS
keep it non-violent."

Yet other online commentators on forums have suggested a "media blackout" over concerns the
mainstream media would "white-wash" the movement's message.

The website says a general assembly will be held on Thursday evening at the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education to reach consensus on Saturday's event.

Police petition urges restraint

Meanwhile, a petition to Toronto police posted online this week calls on the force to respect
the rights of protesters to gather peacefully. The petition calls for the force to prevent a
"repeat" of mass arrests conducted during the G20 protests in June 2010.

The force and Chief Bill Blair have been heavily criticized for tactics used during the two-day
summit, as well as numerous accusations of excessive use of force against peaceful protesters,
as well as people caught up in demonstrations.

"It is the responsibility of the Toronto Police Service to insure the safety of citizens, insure
that individual rights are upheld and that property is protected, not to act as political agents
on behalf of the current government," says the petition, which had received

275 online signatures as of Wednesday morning.

"Perhaps, if the Occupy Toronto actions go well, the rift between Toronto and its police that
opened as a result of the 2010 G20 meeting can begin to heal."

Toronto police have been tight-lipped about their plans. Toronto police spokeswoman Const. Wendy
Drummond said the force has prepared a "variety of contingency plans" for the event, but would
not speculate on "what ifs."

"We are aware that this is being planned to happen here in Toronto and we do have a plan in
place," Drummond told CBC News on Wednesday. "The bottom line is we're here to ensure public
safety and a peaceful protest."

Officers in Vancouver's police media relations department were not immediately available for
The Occupy Wall Street protests began on September 17 when a few dozen demonstrators tried to
pitch tents in front of the New York Stock Exchange but were turned out by police.

Since then, hundreds have gathered at their base at Zuccotti Park, not far from the exchange,
while activists have shown solidarity with the movement in many U.S. cities, including Los
Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Texas and Providence, R.I.

"We CAN look after each other better than we do today.
We CAN have a fiscally responsible government.
We CAN have a strong economy; greater equality; a clean environment.
We CAN be a force for peace in the world." - Jack Layton

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Greg Carr

Oct 12, 2011, 10:06:48 PM10/12/11
On Oct 12, 3:19 pm, "40% onned" <40%> wrote:
> "We the people"

We the ppl voted for a stable, national govt.

. . . .  will be joining the people in the country south of us to let
> governments know that we're tired of corporate power and abuse.  We're tired of governments who
> are minions of those corporations who abuse THEIR power once elected.

Harper has not abused his power that is why he was reelected.

 We, the people, are about
> to OCCUPY CANADA and we will be stopping Harper and his big business profit pigs any way we can
> between now and the next federal election - when a government of merged parties takes over
> running this country.

The NDP and Liberals are nowhere close to merging. Harper just might
win another majority govt he has wrestled unemployment to 7.1%

paul tatarewicz

Oct 13, 2011, 12:25:31 AM10/13/11
On Oct 12, 4:19 pm, "40% onned" <40%> wrote:
> "We the people" . . . .  will be joining the people in the country south of us to let our
> governments know that we're tired of corporate power and abuse.  We're tired of governments who
> are minions of those corporations who abuse THEIR power once elected.  We, the people, are about
> to OCCUPY CANADA and we will be stopping Harper and his big business profit pigs any way we can

The anti-corporate protest in Canada is just plain dumb. Corporations
have done an excellent job in providing food, transportation, energy
plus many pay dividends to stockholders who realized jobs would not
always be available and so invested in companies for a source of
income which increasingly is being generated by automation.

If there's any legitimate issue to protest it is the preoccupation
with and subservience of politicians, particularly of Canada's
HarperCons and national politicians in the US, to Organized Jewry
because of its pivotal role in funding/running election campaigns.
This has resulted in much of the West squandering trillions of dollars
on wars to ensure Israel's security instead of concentrating on
domestic employment and other issues.

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Are you Canadian, or liberal?

Oct 13, 2011, 8:42:41 AM10/13/11
On Oct 13, 12:25 am, paul tatarewicz <> wrote:
> On Oct 12, 4:19 pm, "40%  onned" <40%> wrote:
> > "We the people" . . . .  will be joining the people in the country south of us to let our
> > governments know that we're tired of corporate power and abuse.  We're tired of governments who
> > are minions of those corporations who abuse THEIR power once elected.  We, the people, are about
> > to OCCUPY CANADA and we will be stopping Harper and his big business profit pigs any way we can
> The anti-corporate protest in Canada is just plain dumb.  Corporations
> have done an excellent job in providing food,  transportation,  energy
> plus many pay dividends to stockholders who realized jobs would not
> always be available  and so invested in companies for a source of
> income which increasingly is being generated by automation.

Take away the flashmob's iphones and see how far they get without
their corporate toys.


Oct 13, 2011, 9:24:50 AM10/13/11

"Are you Canadian, or liberal?" <> wrote in message

Don't expect the idiots on the left to understand that the very entities
they hate and want to destroy are the ones making possible for them to do
their whining in the public eye.
If it wasn't for capitalism and corporations, they would be sweeping the
streets with straw brooms in some governemtn make-work program, so they
could get their daily ration of rice and beans.


Oct 13, 2011, 4:13:52 PM10/13/11
>"Greg Carr" <> wrote in message

>We the ppl voted for a stable, national govt.

Actually, only 40% of the 60% who voted at all wanted YOUR government. They had to buy key
ridings by stealing our tax dollars and greasing palms. Nothing "stable" about your government,
Carr - they're gonna get the ride of their lives in this next couple of years. And those
whipping them will be the working people, the Supreme Court, international rights groups and
even some very influential American spokespersons. 'Stable' won't be a word anyone will be able
to use about the Harper government. Tyrants and bullies don't deserve respect or peaceful

M.I. Wakefield

Oct 13, 2011, 4:25:07 PM10/13/11
"40%��onned" wrote in message news:xDHlq.4$Ka...@newsfe08.iad...

And if this vision is as accurate as your previous predictions, Harper will
be PM until about 2035.

Greg Carr

Oct 14, 2011, 2:00:22 AM10/14/11
On Oct 13, 1:13 pm, "40%®Çonned" <40%®Ç> wrote:
> >"Greg Carr" <> wrote in message
> >news:499d68e2-67d0-4928-87ed->e092008a8__BEGIN_MASK_n#9g02mG7!__...__END_MASK_i?a63jfAD$

> >We the ppl voted for a stable, national govt.
> Actually, only 40% of the 60%

40% were so satisfied with the govt of the Tories that they didn't
vote at all.

who voted at all wanted YOUR government.  They had to buy key
> ridings by stealing our tax dollars and greasing palms.  

Not true.

Nothing "stable" about your government,

It is a very stable majority govt and the Liberals and the NDP and the
BQ can't do a thing about it.

> Carr - they're gonna get the ride of their lives in this next couple of years.  

I doubt it.

And those
> whipping them will be the working people,

With the unemployment rate going down there will be more working ppl
than ever before.

the Supreme Court, international rights groups and
> even some very influential American spokespersons.

Doubt it.

 'Stable' won't be a word anyone will be able
> to use about the Harper government.  Tyrants and bullies don't deserve respect or peaceful
> existence.

If everyone in Canada protests the govt still has a stable majority in

Barry Bruyea

Oct 14, 2011, 6:09:58 AM10/14/11
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:25:07 -0400, "M.I. Wakefield" <none@present>

Especially with the protesting mob, who, in the main, don't even vote
which in itself is a joke.

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