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Hillary Clinton Failed Bar Exam. Hid Disclosure 30 Years

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Jun 29, 2007, 8:58:05 AM6/29/07
This is another bad scandal for the Clintons. Hillary's flunking
an easy bar exam was revealed
in Carl Bernstein's new biography on Hillary Clinton titled
"Woman in Charge". This disturbing revelation about Hillary
cannot be blamed on smearing by talk radio, or on a "vast right-wing
Carl Bernstein has been a staunch, life-long liberal Democrat and is biased
left-wing politicians like Clinton.

Even loony liberal Ariana Huffington has stated that this embarrassing
revelation about Hillary' secrecy is very disturbing. After all the
Democrat's demeaning of
Republican George Bush as being stupid, we learn that Hillary could not pass
a relatively easy bar exam which would take an I.Q. of about only 115. We
were already aware of
Hillary's deceitfulness but now we have discovered that she is also rather
stupid for even a senator,
let alone a U.S. president.

Not the kind of person we would want for president.

MI Wakefield

Jun 29, 2007, 10:02:27 AM6/29/07

<> wrote in message

Well, if an IQ of 115 would be required to pass the bar exam, we can tell
you're not a lawyer, because someone with an IQ above room temperature would
know that can.politics is a group to discuss Canadian political issues, and
Canada doesn't have a president.

And we all have failures in our past. You, for instance, have failied to
grow the cojones to post using your real name.

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Clay Hunter

Jun 29, 2007, 10:15:51 AM6/29/07
It's simply more evidence in the growing file that proves that everyone loves
Bush and that Newt Gingrich will win the 2008 election, if he sticks to his
Christian Family Values platform.

Ann Coulter was on Hannity and Colmes last night and revealed that Democrats
are minions of Satan who plan on holding massive Satanic rallies on July 4th
where they will barbecue Jewish babies and carve statues of Saddam Hussien.

Someone has to stop them!

The Toad

Jun 29, 2007, 11:21:46 AM6/29/07
On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:58:05 GMT, wrote:
>This is another bad scandal for the Clintons. Hillary's flunking
>an easy bar exam was revealed
>in Carl Bernstein's new biography on Hillary Clinton titled
>"Woman in Charge". This disturbing revelation about Hillary
>cannot be blamed on smearing by talk radio, or on a "vast right-wing
>Carl Bernstein has been a staunch, life-long liberal Democrat and is biased
>toward left-wing politicians like Clinton.

So much for the "smartest woman in the world" bit.

It's not much of a surprise. Reportedly, while
Hillary and Bill were in Harward law school only
PASS or FAIL grades were used, instead of letter
or percntage grades, due of student demands in
the nutty 1960s.

Thus, we have no way of knowing whether Hillary
was one of the stars of her law classes or barely
avoiding failures in them. Judging from her
subsequent performance, the latter is more likely.

I wonder if Bernstein managed to get a look at
Hillary's thesis (or essay?) that she wrote
while at the prepatory college (the name
escapes me but it was a fairly famonus
women's college)? The contents are apparently
so politically embarassing that Hillary and
the college have kept it under wraps since
Hillary got involved in national politics.

Empty barrels always make the most noise.

Jun 29, 2007, 11:30:05 AM6/29/07
On Jun 29, 7:15 am, Jon Lambourn <> wrote:
> said:> Hillary's deceitfulness but now we have discovered that she is also rather

> > stupid for even a senator,
> > let alone a U.S. president.
> > Not the kind of person we would want for president.
> >
> The USA doesn't need a President, they have Bush.
> The greatest leader of all time.

Ross John "Clay Northwood" "cyberpunk" / "Clint Hunter" /
"Perspicacious" Lambourn is a right wing freedom hating hypocrite,
asshole, attention starved loon and liar who resides in Canada sucking
from the social safety net. He has no credibility whatsoever, an IQ
in the low 80's and is a high school drop out who does nothing all
day but lie and distort fairy tales on Usenet in a pathetic attempt to
influence the gullible. Like others of his kind, he's too stupid to
know that no one pays attention to the decrepit ravings of a right
wing drunken extremist fanatic NeoCon Loon except to ridicule him
while exposing his usual idiocy.

He's a seditious America hating traitor who has continually called for
the suspension of the US Constitution and the cancellation of American
civil liberties. That's why he's not allowed into the USA, he's
managed to make Homeland Security no-fly lists and is now turned back
at the border as an undesirable alien.

He's a consumed with hate, geriatric, jobless bloodsucker who collects
welfare in Lucan Ontario.

He's known for his early morning, booze fuelled rants which rarely
make sense and serve no other purpose than to give him the attention
(mostly negative) that he craves. He can be found under dozens of
sockpuppets, including: "Cerberus", "Supply Sider", "Prescience",
"Counterspin" "Bruce
Roberts" "Classical Liberal" "FA Hayek Jr" "Deflector", "Chameleon"
"Hedonist" "Ludwig Von Mises Redux" "Cognizance" "Libertarian" "Erik
"Nemo" "Proteus""ciceroii" "Supply Sider" "Libertarian" "Prescience"
"scotus" 19th-century liberal ect.

I guess that it's true when they say that being Conservative is a sign
of mental illness.

Jun 29, 2007, 12:06:09 PM6/29/07
On Jun 29, 7:15 am, Jon Lambourn <> wrote:

Hey Lambourn, you wanker, they did a poll about you.

More than half of all Canadians lack sufficient knowledge about Canada
to pass a citizenship test, according to a new poll released just days
before Canada Day.

Clay Northwood

Jun 29, 2007, 1:02:54 PM6/29/07

It's not that all "liberals" are ignorant.
It's just that what they do know is
wrong".---Ronald Reagan
<> wrote in message

Another mindless rant by-- Hansel? Sounds like you are quite a follower and
latent admirer of JRL, who died some time ago.

Peter White

Jun 29, 2007, 1:25:33 PM6/29/07


That you are cheap, insidious, lying, scummy cocksucker is more than


Bob Loblaw

Jun 29, 2007, 10:27:17 PM6/29/07

"Clay Northwood" <> wrote in message
You even disgust yourself, don't you? You're such an utter piece of shit
that you're trying to run away from yourself. That's your punisment--you
have to live with yourself at the end of the day. Eventually you'll off
yourself, and nobody will care.

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Message has been deleted

Clint Hunter

Jun 30, 2007, 8:58:11 AM6/30/07
On Jun 29, 11:30 am, wrote:
> On Jun 29, 7:15 am, Jon Lambourn <> wrote:
> > said:> Hillary's deceitfulness but now we have discovered that she is also rather
> > > stupid for even a senator,
> > > let alone a U.S. president.
> > > Not the kind of person we would want for president.
> > >
> > The USA doesn't need a President, they have Bush.
> > The greatest leader of all time.
> Ross John "Clay Northwood" "cyberpunk" / "ClintHunter" /

The little dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

David Johnston

Jun 30, 2007, 11:37:03 AM6/30/07
On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:58:05 GMT, wrote:

>This is another bad scandal for the Clintons. Hillary's flunking
>an easy bar exam was revealed
>in Carl Bernstein's new biography on Hillary Clinton titled
>"Woman in Charge". This disturbing revelation about Hillary
>cannot be blamed on smearing by talk radio, or on a "vast right-wing
>Carl Bernstein has been a staunch, life-long liberal Democrat and is biased
>left-wing politicians like Clinton.
>Even loony liberal Ariana Huffington has stated that this embarrassing
>revelation about Hillary' secrecy is very disturbing. After all the
>Democrat's demeaning of
>Republican George Bush as being stupid, we learn that Hillary could not pass
>a relatively easy bar exam which would take an I.Q. of about only 115.

Bar exams aren't IQ tests.

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Clint Hunter

Jul 2, 2007, 4:15:26 PM7/2/07
On Jun 29, 1:25 pm, Peter White <> wrote:
> The Toad wrote:
> ===========================================================================­===

> That you are cheap, insidious, lying, scummy cocksucker is more than
> 'apparent'.
> ===========================================================================­=========================

> > so politically embarassing that Hillary and
> > the college have kept it under wraps since
> > Hillary got involved in national politics.
> > Toad-Beneath-the-Harrow
> > -----------------------------------------
> > Empty barrels always make the most noise.
> > ------------------------------------------ Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Typical, hate-filled, rhetoric and vitriol from an ignorant Canadian
leftist fuckwit who has nothing to say.

Greg Carr

Jul 2, 2007, 6:23:09 PM7/2/07
Reality check. Time magazine once listed Hillary Clinton one of the 50 most
powerful lawyers in America. Nothing to do with can.politics anyway.

"Clint Hunter" <> wrote in message

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