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Tom Hayden Must Be Stopped

බැලීම් 6
පළමු නොකියවූ පණිවිඩය දක්වා මඟ හරින්න

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 5, 03.00.001997-03-05

Yes, I am a Democrat but I will be supporting Richard Riordan for another
term as mayor of Los Angeles.

At this time in our history, many of Tom Hayden's policy recommendations would
be injurious to the economic renewal of Los Angeles. Tom Hayden isn't even a
real resident of Los Angeles and is a Johnny Come Lately to the city. Tom
panders to special interest groups, but offers no real solutions. Most of his
positions do not seem thought out well at all.

The most recent and most damning remark Mr. Hayden made was his recent
allegations that Universal Studios plans to build gambling casinos in the
Universal City / North Hollywood area. I would like to see what kind of
evidence he has to prove this. Universal has denied it has no plans for such
a thing. What kind of a moron would put gambling at Universal Studios anyway?

I am not a real big fan of Dick Riordan, but he has done some good things. He
is helping (and at least not hurting) bringing new business and new jobs back
to LA. I wish he would use the bully pulpit, but, since there are term
limits, we have next time for a mayor like that.

Electing Tom Hayden would be a mistake and cause a long nightmare for LA.
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1997 මාර්තු 6, 03.00.001997-03-06

There is nothing to stop. He has no chance. The Dems.
are basiclly giving the Mayor a free ride this time out
with the pussy, asshole, moron like Hayden.


Don McKenzie

1997 මාර්තු 6, 03.00.001997-03-06

In article <>,
(Michael Higby) wrote:
> I am not a real big fan of Dick Riordan, but he has done some good
things. He
> is helping (and at least not hurting) bringing new business and new jobs back
> to LA. I wish he would use the bully pulpit, but, since there are term
> limits, we have next time for a mayor like that.
He's done a great job on the subway:-)

> Electing Tom Hayden would be a mistake and cause a long nightmare for LA.

Continuing the great tradition?

Don McKenzie

Republican environmentalists:
Check out <>

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 7, 03.00.001997-03-07
සිට (Jafo) writes:

>What, Michael, this is news? Tom Hayden is an asshole, always was an
>asshole, and, by all indications, will never amount to anything more
>than an asshole. His policy concepts are those of liberalism run
>amok, and he'd be well advised to remain in the People's Republic of
>Santa Monica.

I think they might have some job openings there for him.

1997 මාර්තු 7, 03.00.001997-03-07

On Thu, 06 Mar 1997 06:12:11 -0800, (Jafo) wrote:
>On 5 Mar 1997 17:26:03 -0700, Michael Higby wrote:
>>Electing Tom Hayden would be a mistake and cause a long nightmare for LA.
><snip> and he'd be well advised to remain in the People's Republic of
>Santa Monica.

Now wait a minute! We don't want him here in the People's Republic
either. He's done enough damage to last several political cycles
already. I hate to ruin a nice island, but could we exile him to one
of the Channel Islands where he can enjoy the sheep and stay out of
our lives forever?
Even New York has passed him by politically, but he could still make
trouble if he has any of Jane's money left. I'd like to see him gone
somewhere for good, and it can't be far enough away from here...


Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08
සිට (Jafo) wrote:

[...speaking of Tom Hayden...]

>How 'bout Chicago? I seem to recall that he was big back there,
>around the summer of '68...

Right, '68, a good decade or so before Jafo was even conceived.

I know I'll live to regret this, but even allowing that Tom Hayden
isn't the best choice for mayor of LA right now, why is he such a
total and useless 'asshole', Gregg? Are you sad because the Vietnam
war isn't still going on?

Andy Katz

So sophisticated is my Net presence that I
now disdain sigs, ascii and even URLs....

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08
සිට (Jafo) wrote:

>Hayden, sponging off his then-wife, has been a looneytune for years.
>Now, he wants to run LA.

Sure, Gregg, but what politician, aside from Ross Perot, doesn't
sponge off someone? Usually it's the taxpayer, so I'd imagine that
using Jane Fonda's money to win an assembly seat would be the last
thing in the world you'd have against him ... you do, after all, make
frequent references to how your tax dollars are spent.

I wondered whether there were any specific policies, programs,
sponsored legislation, voting record, etc., that you objected to in
Hayden's past. You claim he's a 'looneytune' but I heard speak while
running in the gubanatorial primary a couple years back and thought he
made a lot of sense (though again, since he appears to have bought
into the unfortunate progressive vision of let's trash yet another
half built subway and just add buses, he probably isn't the best
choice for LA Mayor right now. We probably need, as with the Senate,
more mature, intelligent and cultured leadership from NoCal to come
down and wipe our noses for us).

Robert McMillin

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08

Don't bet on it happening. Worse comes to worse (and Tom probably
knows it will happen), he might be out on the street without a dime.
At least he can sleep on the beach.
Robert L. McMillin | | Netcom:
Ever feel like you're being watched? You will.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08
සිට (Andy Katz) writes:

>I know I'll live to regret this, but even allowing that Tom Hayden
>isn't the best choice for mayor of LA right now, why is he such a
>total and useless 'asshole', Gregg? Are you sad because the Vietnam
>war isn't still going on?

I can't speak for Gregg, but I'll tell you Andy why I think Tom is an asshole.
He was right on Vietnam, but he is wrong on LA. He has become the biggest
jerk in local politics this side of Nate Holden.

He is totally opposed to progress. He wants to tear down. He wants to rally
concerned and uninformed homeowners against any kind of concept to improve LA.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08
සිට (Jafo) writes:

andy katz wrote:
>>I wondered whether there were any specific policies, programs,
>>sponsored legislation, voting record, etc., that you objected to in
>>Hayden's past. You claim he's a 'looneytune' but I heard speak while
>>running in the gubanatorial primary a couple years back and thought he
>>made a lot of sense

>What did he say that made a lot of sense?

He basically parroted Jerry Brown's line about campaign finance reform, which
isn't much different from what Ross Perot was saying and nowadays is supported
by just about everyone other than incumbents.

>Not being a resident of the city of LA, I haven't kept up too closely
>with the subway plans. On the news, however, I've seen the tunnels
>collapse and cause a good deal of damage. And, here in earthquake
>country, I'm not at all sure that I'd like to be down there if a
>significant shaker hits.

Do we really have to go through the subway-earthquake thing and why physics
tells us we are safer down there than on the ground?

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08
සිට writes:

>Now wait a minute! We don't want him here in the People's Republic
>either. He's done enough damage to last several political cycles
>already. I hate to ruin a nice island, but could we exile him to one
>of the Channel Islands where he can enjoy the sheep and stay out of
>our lives forever?
>Even New York has passed him by politically, but he could still make
>trouble if he has any of Jane's money left. I'd like to see him gone
>somewhere for good, and it can't be far enough away from here...

Unfortuanately Tom has become the darling of the NIMBY homeowner groups. He's
the new Pander Bear!

Jon Gwynne

1997 මාර්තු 10, 03.00.001997-03-10
සිට wrote:
> On 5 Mar 1997 17:26:03 -0700, (Michael Higby)

> wrote:
> >Yes, I am a Democrat but I will be supporting Richard Riordan for another
> >term as mayor of Los Angeles.
> >
> >At this time in our history, many of Tom Hayden's policy recommendations would
> >be injurious to the economic renewal of Los Angeles. Tom Hayden isn't even a
> >real resident of Los Angeles and is a Johnny Come Lately to the city. Tom
> >panders to special interest groups, but offers no real solutions. Most of his
> >positions do not seem thought out well at all.
> Sounds rather like most Democrats, these days.

Democrats... Republicans... It isn't so easy to tell the difference anymore.
Two sides of the same counterfeit coin.

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 10, 03.00.001997-03-10
සිට (Michael Higby) wrote:

>He has become the biggest jerk in local politics this side of Nate Holden.


>He is totally opposed to progress. He wants to tear down. He wants to rally
>concerned and uninformed homeowners against any kind of concept to improve LA.

Double ouch! Yes, I see, Westside slo-growth, not yet new yorkist. I
ought to have realized. He's become, in other words, virtually
indistinguishable from VCT, only he's too smart to scapegoat Latinos.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 10, 03.00.001997-03-10
සිට (Andy Katz) writes:

>Double ouch! Yes, I see, Westside slo-growth, not yet new yorkist. I
>ought to have realized. He's become, in other words, virtually
>indistinguishable from VCT, only he's too smart to scapegoat Latinos.

But he does pander to them. Usually by sucking up to the BRU shouting chants
of "transit racism" the biggest fantasy since the last Baja Rat post.

1997 මාර්තු 11, 03.00.001997-03-11

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997 13:38:32 -0800, (Jafo) wrote:

:On Mon, 10 Mar 1997 17:26:17 GMT, Andy Katz posted, in a thread
:entitled "Tom Hayden Must Be Stopped":

:> (Michael Higby) wrote:
:>>He has become the biggest jerk in local politics this side of Nate Holden.
:>>He is totally opposed to progress. He wants to tear down. He wants to rally
:>>concerned and uninformed homeowners against any kind of concept to improve LA.

:>Double ouch! Yes, I see, Westside slo-growth, not yet new yorkist. I

:>ought to have realized. He's become, in other words, virtually
:>indistinguishable from VCT, only he's too smart to scapegoat Latinos.

:Got VCT on the brain? A little off-topic, aren't we, Katz? You
:criticize others for doing this sort of thing, but it's *different*
:when you do it....
: ~ Jafo
Jafo! Give Andy a break, afterall, he's made the A-hole Hall of Fame .
. . or is that A-whole Haul of Fame?


Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 12, 03.00.001997-03-12

Michael Higby <> wrote in article

> (Andy Katz) writes:

> >Double ouch! Yes, I see, Westside slo-growth, not yet new yorkist. I
> >ought to have realized. He's become, in other words, virtually
> >indistinguishable from VCT, only he's too smart to scapegoat Latinos.

> But he does pander to them. Usually by sucking up to the BRU shouting
> of "transit racism" the biggest fantasy since the last Baja Rat post.

Oh yes, totally! All tom hayden has to offer the Latino community is his
"Hey, I was one of Cesar Chavez's pallbearers! Look at me, 'essay'! I'd
never venture east of La Cienega, but I'm down with 'Luh Rozzah,' Nyuk
Nyuk!" line. If the minority and religious communities of Los Angeles knew
the real Tom Hayden, he and his lifestyle would be considered rather
offensive. Melrose Larry Green is far more worthy to be mayor than tom

This isn't a very wonderful election, as we have a dumb-ass liberal running
for mayor (hayden, of course), and a dumb-ass conservative running for the
Charter Reform Commission (none other than Paula Boland, the West Coast's
answer to Marge Schott). Vote who you will, as long as you do your part to
stop these "people" from having a say in local politics.


Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 12, 03.00.001997-03-12

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

No doubt. Just heard Tom Hayden interviewed on Minyard & Tilden and he
pointed out just what a moron he really is. He is calling for the Red Line
tunnel construction to stop and to bring the line above ground whereever they
stop tunnelling. Obvioulsy he doesn't read the daily tunnelling report (which
you can link to by visiting the North Hollywood web site, URL below) and
doesn't realize that only a tiny bit of tunnelling is left! Where is going to
bring the line above ground? In the mountains??? He does not know anything
about the project.

He did however, give a lot of reasons why we shouldn't vote for Riordan, but
none why we SHOULD vote for him. Elson maybe you better write in Larry Green
and I will write in Huell Howser. Elson doesn't like Huell because he's not a
native Angeleno, but neither is Riordan OR Hayden. When was the last time we
had a native mayor? Or have we ever? Bradley was from Texas I know. Where was
Yorky from?

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 12, 03.00.001997-03-12
සිට (Michael Higby) wrote:

> "Elson Trinidad" <> writes:
>>This isn't a very wonderful election, as we have a dumb-ass liberal running
>>for mayor (hayden, of course), and a dumb-ass conservative running for the
>>Charter Reform Commission (none other than Paula Boland, the West Coast's
>>answer to Marge Schott). Vote who you will, as long as you do your part to
>>stop these "people" from having a say in local politics.

Why isn't Boland in Sacramento anymore....? She lose an election,
retire? Run out of velvet jogging suits?

>He did however, give a lot of reasons why we shouldn't vote for Riordan, but
>none why we SHOULD vote for him. Elson maybe you better write in Larry Green
>and I will write in Huell Howser. Elson doesn't like Huell because he's not a
>native Angeleno, but neither is Riordan OR Hayden. When was the last time we
>had a native mayor? Or have we ever? Bradley was from Texas I know. Where was
>Yorky from?

A place where people talk real funny, with a kind of interrogative
nasal whine that makes me want to click off my safety.

It's true, though, LA's politics, culture, sense of history,
architecture, are all controlled by outsiders, non-native born
Angelenos. Do other major cities experience this? Not to the degree LA
does, I'm sure. Meanwhile we native Angelenos grow up being told that
LA has no history, no culture, no heritage worth preserving because
the folks doing the telling are no more able to recognize these things
in LA than is someone who's blind able to discern yellow.

Say, is Ted Hayes running for mayor again (actually, he's from
Baltimore originally, but still might make a good mayor--Rudy G. may
wear a dress, but *our* mayor would have real dreads....).

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 13, 03.00.001997-03-13
සිට (Andy Katz) writes:

>Why isn't Boland in Sacramento anymore....? She lose an election,
>retire? Run out of velvet jogging suits?

Yup. Folks in Burbank and Glendale, which made up a lot of the Senate
district she was running for, didn't give diddly about Valley secession and
Boland's obsession with it. In the meantime, her opponent Adam Schiff, a
former Federal prosecutor, ran a very good campaign (and probably benefited
from all the Clinton votes out there too).

>It's true, though, LA's politics, culture, sense of history,
>architecture, are all controlled by outsiders, non-native born
>Angelenos. Do other major cities experience this? Not to the degree LA
>does, I'm sure. Meanwhile we native Angelenos grow up being told that
>LA has no history, no culture, no heritage worth preserving because
>the folks doing the telling are no more able to recognize these things
>in LA than is someone who's blind able to discern yellow.

Would it be legal to say that to be elected to office, you have to have been
here? Figure the ACLU would oppose it.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 13, 03.00.001997-03-13
සිට (Andy Katz) writes:

>It's true, though, LA's politics, culture, sense of history,
>architecture, are all controlled by outsiders, non-native born
>Angelenos. Do other major cities experience this? Not to the degree LA
>does, I'm sure. Meanwhile we native Angelenos grow up being told that
>LA has no history, no culture, no heritage worth preserving because
>the folks doing the telling are no more able to recognize these things
>in LA than is someone who's blind able to discern yellow.

It also points to something interesting Phil Hendrie on KFI radio said last
night, in speaking to these "LA idiots" who don't see past their curb and know
nothing about their city, that in years past, we had all these really good
people building up LA into a really great place, that it attracted all the
morons who ruined it, and turned it into Hicksville, USA.

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

> (Andy Katz) writes:
> >It's true, though, LA's politics, culture, sense of history,
> >architecture, are all controlled by outsiders, non-native born
> >Angelenos. Do other major cities experience this? Not to the degree LA
> >does, I'm sure. Meanwhile we native Angelenos grow up being told that
> >LA has no history, no culture, no heritage worth preserving because
> >the folks doing the telling are no more able to recognize these things
> >in LA than is someone who's blind able to discern yellow.


I propose that all these anti-illegal alien laws should be duplicated and
enforced towards
non-native Californians, especially those that do not come here as families
and those who seek a career in the entertainment industry.

In addition, new transplants, upon arrival should be forced to X hours a
month doing community service, both inside and outside their immediate
communities. They should also remember who their city councilmember is, as
well as their L.A. County Supervisor. Those residing in the Westside must
also be required to spend X hours a week east of La Ciene... no,, LA BREA!

After that is fulfilled, they must enroll in Los Angeles History courses,
memorize the name "El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles del Rio
Porciuncula" and must watch
KCET programs hosted by The Only Transplant That Has Ever Really Cared
About Los Angeles, Huell Howser.

They are required to not only visit but eat a meal at Roscoe's House of
Chicken & Waffles,
Tommy's, Zankou and El Tepeyac within a 6-month period. Even if they are a

They are also required to not only arrive at Dodger games before the first
pitch and leave after the final out, but actually cheer for the Dodgers. At
Lakers and Kings games, they must also remember to cheer for the respective
home teams as well.

The worst violators must wear a special device attached to their tongue
that emits a harsh electric shock whenever they say the phrases, "L.A. is
soooo spread out," "L.A. has noooo history," "L.A. people are soooo
superficial," "L.A. has nooooo culture," "People are soooo crazy out here
in La-La- Land" and "Latte, please."

In addition, the device will also emit a shock periodically if the
individual does not actually use the complete name, "Los Angeles" in daily
speech at least once a day.

Further violation will result in further punishment to be carried out
courtesy of the 18th St. gang., in addition to the impounding of their
motor vehicle and cellular phone.

After a transplant has lived in Southern California for the majority of
their lifetime, if they use the terms "Out here" and "Back East" again,
they will be deported to their home state.

Militant Angeleno (tm)

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

Michael Higby <> wrote in article


> (Andy Katz) writes:
> >Why isn't Boland in Sacramento anymore....? She lose an election,
> >retire? Run out of velvet jogging suits?
> Yup. Folks in Burbank and Glendale, which made up a lot of the Senate
> district she was running for, didn't give diddly about Valley secession
> Boland's obsession with it.

Southern California's venerable Nazi Bitch is running for Charter Reform
We'll let her have secession alright. Secession of her head from her body!

> Would it be legal to say that to be elected to office, you have to have
> here? Figure the ACLU would oppose it.

No, but IMHO each candidate must publicly declare how many years they have
lived in their office jurisdiction (i.e. for City Council and County Board
of Supervisor candidates) or how many years they have lived in the city or
county. It's true both our mayoral candidates are transplant scum, but at
least Riordan has his home address memorized.

Militant Angeleno (tm)

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:


>I propose that all these anti-illegal alien laws should be duplicated and
>enforced towards
>non-native Californians, especially those that do not come here as families
>and those who seek a career in the entertainment industry.

>In addition, new transplants, upon arrival should be forced to X hours a
>month doing community service, both inside and outside their immediate
>communities. They should also remember who their city councilmember is, as
>well as their L.A. County Supervisor. Those residing in the Westside must
>also be required to spend X hours a week east of La Ciene... no,

As someone who works counseling immigrants to be citizens of the US, and has
to work with them to make sure they learn their civics and US History, I
agree! We can have nightclasses in LA-ology at all the night school, and once
a month have swearing in ceremonies at the Convention Center and maybe the
Coliseum during summer months.

And those who live in the Valley should be required to spend X hours a week
south of Mulholland.

>After that is fulfilled, they must enroll in Los Angeles History courses,
>memorize the name "El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles del Rio
>Porciuncula" and must watch
>KCET programs hosted by The Only Transplant That Has Ever Really Cared
>About Los Angeles, Huell Howser.

And Ralph Story's programs too! And hell - make them watch those Dr. George
shows on LA Cityview (another point - they must all get cable and watch at
least one hour of LA Cityview a week!)

>They are required to not only visit but eat a meal at Roscoe's House of
>Chicken & Waffles,
>Tommy's, Zankou and El Tepeyac within a 6-month period. Even if they are a

Add The Pantry, Phillipe The Original, Grand Central Market and any one of the
non-Starbucks coffeehouses in North Hollywood (not Studio City or Toluca Lake

>They are also required to not only arrive at Dodger games before the first
>pitch and leave after the final out, but actually cheer for the Dodgers. At
>Lakers and Kings games, they must also remember to cheer for the respective
>home teams as well.

And they must bring a friend to a Clippers game.

>The worst violators must wear a special device attached to their tongue
>that emits a harsh electric shock whenever they say the phrases, "L.A. is
>soooo spread out," "L.A. has noooo history," "L.A. people are soooo
>superficial," "L.A. has nooooo culture," "People are soooo crazy out here
>in La-La- Land" and "Latte, please."

or "I wouldn't go downtown - its not safe there!" and "LA doesn't need a rail

>In addition, the device will also emit a shock periodically if the
>individual does not actually use the complete name, "Los Angeles" in daily
>speech at least once a day.

>Further violation will result in further punishment to be carried out
>courtesy of the 18th St. gang., in addition to the impounding of their
>motor vehicle and cellular phone.

>After a transplant has lived in Southern California for the majority of
>their lifetime, if they use the terms "Out here" and "Back East" again,
>they will be deported to their home state.

There should also be classes for their native born children who also emulate
any of the above offending phrases.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

>IMHO each candidate must publicly declare how many years they have
>lived in their office jurisdiction (i.e. for City Council and County Board
>of Supervisor candidates) or how many years they have lived in the city or
>county. It's true both our mayoral candidates are transplant scum, but at
>least Riordan has his home address memorized.

I think that's a good idea. Its ludicrous that Tom Hayden moved into the
district just a few months before qualifying for the election. I am suprised
that Riordan didn't key in on this.

What I also hate is some of the call in shows on the radio about the Mayor's
race (what few there have been) have been taking a preponderance of calls from
folks in live in places like Pasadena, Orange County, San Gabriel, etc. Who
gives a shit what those people think. They should only take calls from folks
who live in the City of LA, or at least a majority of calls.

The funny thing was on one of the shows, a guy was calling in from Buena Park
and the hosts asked him who he was voting for - he was about to say Riordan,
but he then stated "oh wait - I can't vote in that race, I live in Buena Park!"

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

"Elson Trinidad" <> wrote:

>I propose that all these anti-illegal alien laws should be duplicated and
>enforced towards
>non-native Californians, especially those that do not come here as families
>and those who seek a career in the entertainment industry.

You know, Elson, while such laws probably wouldn't past Constitutional
muster, just proposing them might be useful, useful in reminding
people of the very problem. I must admit, I don't know myself which of
our elected officials are born and bred Angelenos (but I'm hoping the
number is small). But such a law, a proposition perhaps, could
highlight the problem and suggest to people that it's time that
committed Angelenos take the reins of the city and stop kowtowing to
eastern and midwestern sensibilities.

>In addition, new transplants, upon arrival should be forced to X hours a
>month doing community service, both inside and outside their immediate
>communities. They should also remember who their city councilmember is, as
>well as their L.A. County Supervisor. Those residing in the Westside must
>also be required to spend X hours a week east of La Ciene... no,

Oh Elson, you are so radical!! (But I like it ... if they complain we
could just tell them sweetly that it was initially proposed that they
clean the restrooms at MacArthur Park....).

>After that is fulfilled, they must enroll in Los Angeles History courses,
>memorize the name "El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles del Rio
>Porciuncula" and must watch
>KCET programs hosted by The Only Transplant That Has Ever Really Cared
>About Los Angeles, Huell Howser.

One thing New York has that's incredibly useful is New York One, a
cable (basic of course) station that runs news and some features about
NYC 24 hours a day (they also give weather and wind and forecasts,
which you really do need here, unlike LA). Next to the Mayor in a
dress, NY One seems to be a major unifying force for the city. One
doesn't hear the squabbling Westside vs Valley vs Hollywood style that
so characterizes LA. And, interestingly, I'll never know New York
geography the way I knew LA because I don't drive, and I'm not
atypical in that. Many people who live in say, the Carroll Gardens
section of Brooklyn have no idea what Crown Heights looks like because
they've never been there. While Angelenos usually get around, at least
now and then, to most sections of the city in their cars.

It seems ironic, however, that a city built largely on image and media
(the film industry, etc.) is more mobile in actuality, but less
unified in reality. More than anything, I believe, LA has to decide
(as New York did years back) that it *is* a city and will begin acting
like one. Something like LA One would help. Just before the World
Series, in fact, NY One did a feature on the nicer, or more liveable
part of the Bronx. 'That's what South-Central needs' I told my wife.
Because like the Bronx, it's not the unregenerate hellhole outsiders
are taught to believe.

>They are required to not only visit but eat a meal at Roscoe's House of
>Chicken & Waffles,
>Tommy's, Zankou and El Tepeyac within a 6-month period.

I've never been to El Tepeyac:-(

But, yes, the rest are solid. (Particularly as there is or was a
'Roscoe's without tears' on Gower). Make sure, though, that they go at
least one time to the Original Tommy's on Rampart. That's essential.

>They are also required to not only arrive at Dodger games before the first
>pitch and leave after the final out, but actually cheer for the Dodgers. At
>Lakers and Kings games, they must also remember to cheer for the respective
>home teams as well.

I like it. Interestingly, Brooklyn seems to believe that it's going to
get the Dodgers back, now that the O'Malley's are gone. The way you
hear it here, Brooklyn *expelled* the Dodgers and is now grudgingly
willing to accept the prodigal team back. Just because George
Steinbrenner still can't walk the streets sans bodyguards, doesn't
mean that the new Dodger owner won't be made to feel at home ... New
York style!

>The worst violators must wear a special device attached to their tongue
>that emits a harsh electric shock whenever they say the phrases, "L.A. is
>soooo spread out," "L.A. has noooo history," "L.A. people are soooo
>superficial," "L.A. has nooooo culture," "People are soooo crazy out here
>in La-La- Land" and "Latte, please."

Oh, can you say, 'Hallelujah!!!'

(Increase the amperage if they come from NYC and bring their ugly and
expensive shoes and eyewear along.)

>After a transplant has lived in Southern California for the majority of
>their lifetime, if they use the terms "Out here" and "Back East" again,
>they will be deported to their home state.

This is the most important point, by all means. Elson, you're a softie
for letting them live ... but okay.

Andy Katz
An Angeleno who's really 'out here'.

Victor Eijkhout

1997 මාර්තු 14, 03.00.001997-03-14

In article <> (Andy Katz) writes:

> Many people who live in say, the Carroll Gardens
> section of Brooklyn have no idea what Crown Heights looks like because
> they've never been there. While Angelenos usually get around, at least
> now and then, to most sections of the city in their cars.


In the two years that I've lived in Los Angeles I've been
from Thousand Oaks to San Bernardino, to San Pedro, to Laguna
Beach, but I've met people from the South Bay area who hadn't
crossed the 405 in years, who hadn't been over the 110 in 10 years,
and my favourite spot for seeing the Hollywood sign was culled
from a post by Elson who responded to someone from Santa Monica (?)
who claimed never to get east of the 405.

405 Hilgard Ave ....................... `So I told the interviewer that it was
Department of Mathematics, UCLA ............ true that vampires are everywhere
Los Angeles CA 90024 ...................... in Los Angeles, but because of the
phone: +1 310 825 2173 / 9036 ............... muggers they're afraid to go out at night.' [Paul Barber]

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 15, 03.00.001997-03-15
සිට (Victor Eijkhout) wrote:

>In the two years that I've lived in Los Angeles I've been
>from Thousand Oaks to San Bernardino, to San Pedro, to Laguna
>Beach, but I've met people from the South Bay area who hadn't
>crossed the 405 in years, who hadn't been over the 110 in 10 years,
>and my favourite spot for seeing the Hollywood sign was culled
>from a post by Elson who responded to someone from Santa Monica (?)
>who claimed never to get east of the 405.

Victor, when they talked to you, did they drop their Rs?

'I don't get ovah they'ah too often.'

Do they have to take the gum out of their mouths, place it carefully
behind their ears prior to speaking, then quickly reinsert it?

Did they seem to have bathed recently?

See, I'm starting to get a feeling here......

Andy Katz

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 15, 03.00.001997-03-15

Andy Katz <> wrote in article

> "Elson Trinidad" <> wrote:

> number is small). But such a law, a proposition perhaps, could
> highlight the problem and suggest to people that it's time that
> committed Angelenos take the reins of the city and stop kowtowing to
> eastern and midwestern sensibilities.

Thank you. See my problem really isn't the *presence* of transies
(<transplants> hey, we need to invent a derogatory term for them...), but
the fact that they are in charge. Even if the city was 70% transies but
real Angelenos ran the show, I'd still be happy.

> Oh Elson, you are so radical!! (But I like it ... if they complain we
> could just tell them sweetly that it was initially proposed that they
> clean the restrooms at MacArthur Park....).

That's a good idea...
If only they knew where it was. Most of them still only think "MacArthur
Park" is just a bad 70s song.

> One thing New York has that's incredibly useful is New York One, a
> cable (basic of course) station that runs news and some features about
> NYC 24 hours a day (they also give weather and wind and forecasts,
> which you really do need here, unlike LA).

Is NY1 run/owned by the city?
In Los Angeles there's LA CityView on Cable channel 35, which broadcasts
City Council meetings, and certain events.

Thing is, thanks to Mt. Wilson (its transmitters reach a very wide area)
and a wealth of activities in the southland, the Los Angeles Metropolitan
Area is actually the smallest per capita metropolitan cable market in the
country. I don't even have cable, and don't really care for it personally.

> It seems ironic, however, that a city built largely on image and media
> (the film industry, etc.) is more mobile in actuality, but less
> unified in reality.

Technically, the film industry didn't really build Los Angeles (the
agriculture (the SFV was all farms, remember?), oil and manufacturing
industries (we were once one of the leading airplane and rubber/tire
manufacturing cities) did, but yes, the entertainment industry does have
heavy influence on *contemporary* Los Angeles

More than anything, I believe, LA has to decide
> (as New York did years back) that it *is* a city and will begin acting
> like one. Something like LA One would help. Just before the World
> Series, in fact, NY One did a feature on the nicer, or more liveable
> part of the Bronx. 'That's what South-Central needs' I told my wife.

South Central has Ladera Heights and Baldwin Hills, which aren't really
South Central per se, but Westsiders never consider it part of the
Westside. but everyone cals it 'The Black Beverly Hills'.

But yes, I do agree there should be a mass media outlet by Real Angelenos
and for all Angelenos, immigrants and transies as well. I'm trying to start
a webzine ("128") but currently lack the time and a dedicated server to put
it on.

> Because like the Bronx, it's not the unregenerate hellhole outsiders
> are taught to believe.

And even *our* ghettos have tree-lined streets, parks and sunshine...

> But, yes, the rest are solid. (Particularly as there is or was a
> 'Roscoe's without tears' on Gower).

There is a Roscoe's on Gower. Big film industry hangout, though. It's
obviously slicked-out for those who dare not to venture to the 'hood.

But there is hope - Along the 'Shaw (Crenshaw, that is), in Leimert Park to
be exact, there are two popular jazz clubs, 5th St. Dick's and World Stage
which are incredibly popular with even upscale snooty Westsiders. Both
clubs are the undisputed center of the Los Angeles jazz scene...Degnan St.
is the new Central Avenue!

> >They are also required to not only arrive at Dodger games before the
> >pitch and leave after the final out, but actually cheer for the Dodgers.
> >Lakers and Kings games, they must also remember to cheer for the
> >home teams as well.

> I like it. Interestingly, Brooklyn seems to believe that it's going to
> get the Dodgers back, now that the O'Malley's are gone.

The O'Malleys still own the Dodgers, they have only announced that they are
putting it up for sale, but as of yet no one has formally made an offer. I
predict the O'Malleys will still own the Dodgers by the '98 season and will
not make a total sale, but gradually sell away majority interests over the
next couple of years. There's even a movement here to make the Dodgers a
publicly-owned enterprise (a la the Green Bay Packers), which is popular
with the City Council and Dodger fans, but unpopular with the MLB.

Besides, O'Malley stipulated that the next owner(s) is/are forbidden to
move the team to another city.

One more note on the Dodgers - during Think Blue Week a couple years ago,
one of the winners was interviewed on the Diamondvision and was quoted as
saying, "I make sure I teach my kids...When you go see the Dodger game, you
have to stay for the _whole_ game!" (Interesting Fact: Technically in most
other cities, people do leave in the 7th inning, but due to the
architecture of Dodger Stadium, the sight of cars leaving the parking lot
is easily visible).

> >After a transplant has lived in Southern California for the majority of
> >their lifetime, if they use the terms "Out here" and "Back East" again,
> >they will be deported to their home state.

> This is the most important point, by all means. Elson, you're a softie
> for letting them live ... but okay.

But I want them to live...ideally they should be our slaves and under our
complete control...but they should live.

> Andy Katz
> An Angeleno who's really 'out here'.

In your case, you are "Out Here". :)

Real Californians never use the phrase "back east"...unless they move to

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 15, 03.00.001997-03-15
සිට (Andy Katz) writes:

>One thing New York has that's incredibly useful is New York One, a
>cable (basic of course) station that runs news and some features about
>NYC 24 hours a day (they also give weather and wind and forecasts,

>which you really do need here, unlike LA). Next to the Mayor in a
>dress, NY One seems to be a major unifying force for the city.

I've thought the same thing. Orange County has something similar called
Orange County News, and I know that Headline News does something with KCAL to
do local inserts.

We do have LA Cityview 35, but they have no money. It would be great if the
city could have a local media outlet take it over (while still preserving the
City Council coverage and the city produced programs.) There is a lot of time
when they just air stupid graphic charts, etc. The media outlet that takes it
over could do news, etc. and sell ads. LA Cityview has a movie show with Tom
Hatten called "City Cinema." They could do more of that kind of stuff too.

But - the rule should be - that anyone who runs that station has to have grown
up in LA!

Charles P. Hobbs

1997 මාර්තු 15, 03.00.001997-03-15

Michael Higby wrote:

> We do have LA Cityview 35, but they have no money. It would be great if the
> city could have a local media outlet take it over (while still preserving the
> City Council coverage and the city produced programs.) There is a lot of time
> when they just air stupid graphic charts, etc. The media outlet that takes it
> over could do news, etc. and sell ads. LA Cityview has a movie show with Tom
> Hatten called "City Cinema." They could do more of that kind of stuff too.
> But - the rule should be - that anyone who runs that station has to have grown
> up in LA!

Hmm.. . maybe you guys could have old Channel 69 . . .oops, Channel

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 18, 03.00.001997-03-18

Michael Higby <> wrote in article

> "Elson Trinidad" <> writes:
> He did however, give a lot of reasons why we shouldn't vote for Riordan,
> none why we SHOULD vote for him. Elson maybe you better write in Larry
> and I will write in Huell Howser. Elson doesn't like Huell because he's
not a
> native Angeleno, but neither is Riordan OR Hayden. When was the last
time we
> had a native mayor? Or have we ever? Bradley was from Texas I know.
Where was
> Yorky from?

Whoa, Mike, you twisted my words there. I never said I didn't like Howser
because he wasn't a native, I basically meant that if you wanted a total
"outsider/break the rules" candidate (as you are suggesting by using
Howser), it would be better to choose a native. I also pointed out that
Howser doesn't have any political aspirations, and that a person like him
is probably more influential out of office than he would be in. (The entire
discourse was done via private e-mail, for the record). Huell Howser is a
great guy; if only the transplants in this town had even 1/10th Howser's
enthusiasm for this city, then we just might be a better place.
Unfortunately, Howser is somewhat of an aberration.

As for Melrose Larry Green, I only used him as a point of reference; Do I
want Green to be mayor? No way! I personally consider him to be a big joke,
but COMPARED TO a moron such as Hayden (an even bigger joke), Melrose Larry
*looks* like mayoral material. Comprende?


p.s. Sam Yorty was from...another era.

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 18, 03.00.001997-03-18

Michael Higby <> wrote in article


> "Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

> The funny thing was on one of the shows, a guy was calling in from Buena
> and the hosts asked him who he was voting for - he was about to say
> but he then stated "oh wait - I can't vote in that race, I live in Buena

Probably a transplant who probably thought "L.A. is soooooooo spread out"
that Buena Park is a district... :)

Clue to new arrivals and miguided transplants who don't know what city
they're in: Look *very closely* at the street signs.

You can also try dialling 911 and find out which city's police department
shows up at your door.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 18, 03.00.001997-03-18

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

>Michael Higby <> wrote in article

>> The funny thing was on one of the shows, a guy was calling in from Buena

>>Park and the hosts asked him who he was voting for - he was about to say
>>Riordan, but he then stated "oh wait - I can't vote in that race, I live
>>in Buena Park!"
>Probably a transplant who probably thought "L.A. is soooooooo spread out"
>that Buena Park is a district... :)

What I find funny is folks in live in a named district of the City of LA, such
as Van Nuys, Brentwood, etc. who don't realize they live in the City of LA.
I've had people tell me, no Van Nuys is not part of LA City but LA County.
When I ask them, "Well then is it the City of Van Nuys??," they stutter and
stammer "Uh, no, its just LA County!" Then I say "But don't we have the LAPD,
the police department of the City of LA?? Don't we vote for the Mayor of LA?"
Their answer "Yea, I guess you're right. Huh. I didn't know we lived in LA!"

>Clue to new arrivals and miguided transplants who don't know what city
>they're in: Look *very closely* at the street signs.

Or get a parking ticket.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 18, 03.00.001997-03-18

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

>Whoa, Mike, you twisted my words there. I never said I didn't like Howser
>because he wasn't a native, I basically meant that if you wanted a total
>"outsider/break the rules" candidate (as you are suggesting by using
>Howser), it would be better to choose a native. I also pointed out that
>Howser doesn't have any political aspirations, and that a person like him
>is probably more influential out of office than he would be in. (The entire
>discourse was done via private e-mail, for the record). Huell Howser is a
>great guy; if only the transplants in this town had even 1/10th Howser's
>enthusiasm for this city, then we just might be a better place.
>Unfortunately, Howser is somewhat of an aberration.

Okay. That's basically what I meant was that you didn't like him for mayor.
Nonetheless, I can't think of any natives (other than you) who could shake up
the system. That's the problem, its inherent to Angelenos to be cautious,
laid back and personally conservative (though not necessarily politically

Think of the "from the inside" guys they want for police chief - Croaker,
Parks, Gascon, etc. - all laid back, quiet, by the books type guys. Hardly
revolutionaries, and though maybe all nice guys, not the type to use the bully
pulpit to get Angelenos to support the police. Willy Williams did a good job
at that. A William Bratton would do the same, but maybe have a better chance
at rallying the troops as well.

>As for Melrose Larry Green, I only used him as a point of reference; Do I
>want Green to be mayor? No way! I personally consider him to be a big joke,
>but COMPARED TO a moron such as Hayden (an even bigger joke), Melrose Larry
>*looks* like mayoral material. Comprende?

I'd vote for Howard Watts, Eileen Anderson (even though she's dead), Cal
Worthington, or Farmer John over Tom Hayden.

>p.s. Sam Yorty was from...another era.

Even back then he was!

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 21, 03.00.001997-03-21

Michael Higby <> wrote in article

> Okay. That's basically what I meant was that you didn't like him for

> Nonetheless, I can't think of any natives (other than you) who could
shake up
> the system.

Oh, they're out there; it's just that they don't post to la.general :)

That's the problem, its inherent to Angelenos to be cautious,
> laid back and personally conservative (though not necessarily politically

> conservative).

I'd like to debate that, though I see some truth in it. Now that you
mentioned it, I actually am cautious, laid-back and personally (though not
politically) conservative. 90% of the time when I encounter transplant scum
do their obligatory Los Angeles-bashing within earshot I keep my mouth
shut, even though I'm trying to change that. I can understand others do the

But perhaps there's a reason for those qualities you mentioned; generally
native Angelenos are comfortable and more or less content with living here;
so I guess we don't have to resort to desperation (89% of L.A.'s homeless,
street children and prostitutes are not from the Southern California area -
that is fact!) or obnoxiousness (remember, the tranplants have the
attitudes) that those who come here in search of That Film Deal exhibit.
It's also a matter of exposure; I personally never got exposed to
transplants until I got more involved in my music carreer, and when I went
to USC the exposure hightened. Had I stayed in Cal State L.A. and also
decided not to pursue a side-career as a musician, I probably wouldn't have
been bothered by these people.

But I wouldn't dismiss all true Angelenos as apathetic (which sounds to me
is what you're trying to get at). There are movevents city-wide to do
redefine and improve their communities (it took the '92 Riots to bring that
out; speaking of which were those guys at Florence & Normandie 'laid
back'?), and I'll bet there are thousands of others who want to make an
impact but just don't know how or where to take that first step. The
problem is that it's not that we are apathetic, we just don't have a real
voice, and even further, don't realize there's a need for a voice.

We don't realize that the transplants have their influence. Do you know why
the Proposition BB school district bond measure failed last November (and
unfortunately will fail in April)?
Because most of the people who would support it can't, since they're
ineligible to vote, and those who can support it won't, because they never
went to LAUSD schools, nor do they have kids who do. They may think
education is an important thing in the general sense, but they don't care
about the kids in the schools, they don't know that the 1996 _Time_
Magazine Man of The Year was a product of the LAUSD, they don't care about
real Angelenos. They just want to hang out at Buzz Coffee, read the New
York Times, chatter on their cellphones and look cool.


Victor Eijkhout

1997 මාර්තු 21, 03.00.001997-03-21

In article <> (Michael Higby) writes:

> What I find funny is folks in live in a named district of the City of LA, such
> as Van Nuys, Brentwood, etc. who don't realize they live in the City of LA.

What's the status of areas such as Palms, Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park,
that are indicated on the map (Thomas Guide), but seem to be part of LA?
I live behind Hamilton High, and I thought that was Palms, but it
seems to be Cheviot Hills. When my phone was connected, PacBell
actually showed my address to be in Palms, not LA. Palms is not
a city, is it?

> >Clue to new arrivals and miguided transplants who don't know what city
> >they're in: Look *very closely* at the street signs.

Will do that as soon as I get home tonight.

> Or get a parking ticket.

BTDT. And not again, I hope.

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 21, 03.00.001997-03-21

Michael Higby <> wrote in article


> What I find funny is folks in live in a named district of the City of LA,
> as Van Nuys, Brentwood, etc. who don't realize they live in the City of

> I've had people tell me, no Van Nuys is not part of LA City but LA
> When I ask them, "Well then is it the City of Van Nuys??," they stutter
> stammer "Uh, no, its just LA County!"

Hey! Another reason why Valley Secession will fail!

Paula Boland - The West Coast's Marge Schott!

-: Dongerous :-

1997 මාර්තු 21, 03.00.001997-03-21

In article <>, (Victor Eijkhout) wrote:

> In article <>
(Michael Higby) writes:

> > What I find funny is folks in live in a named district of the City of
LA, such
> > as Van Nuys, Brentwood, etc. who don't realize they live in the City of LA.

> What's the status of areas such as Palms, Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park,
> that are indicated on the map (Thomas Guide), but seem to be part of LA?

They are names for neighborhoods and they have no legal stauts. They're
just as much a part of LA as Watts.

- Don

"I don't believe you can find any evidence of the FACT that I had changed government policy solely because of a contribution" - President Clinton, 3-7-97

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 21, 03.00.001997-03-21

Michael Higby <> wrote in article

> I'd vote for Howard Watts, Eileen Anderson (even though she's dead), Cal

> Worthington, or Farmer John over Tom Hayden.

I know Howard Watts (unfortunately) personally; believe it or not he also
lives in East Hollywood. Actually, if Howard Watts ran for office, he'd
more likely run for City Council than mayor anyway...

I like the idea of Farmer John running for mayor, but since he's a resident
of Vernon, he's disqualified.



1997 මාර්තු 22, 03.00.001997-03-22


1997 මාර්තු 24, 03.00.001997-03-24

Elson Trinidad ( wrote:
: Michael Higby <> wrote in article
: <>...

: > (Andy Katz) writes:
: >
: > >Why isn't Boland in Sacramento anymore....? She lose an election,
: > >retire? Run out of velvet jogging suits?
: >
: > Yup. Folks in Burbank and Glendale, which made up a lot of the Senate
: > district she was running for, didn't give diddly about Valley secession
: and
: > Boland's obsession with it.
: Southern California's venerable Nazi Bitch is running for Charter Reform
: Commission.
: We'll let her have secession alright. Secession of her head from her body!

Careful, or Big Brother Lungren's Secret Police will have you arrest for
threatening a public offical on the Internet....
-- - Luna Information Services.
... trust memory over history. Memory, like fire, is radiant & immutable,
while history serves only those who seek to control it. Those who would
douse the flame of memory in order to put out the dangerous fires of truth
- beware these men, for they are dangerous themselves and unwise. Their
false history is written in the blood of those who might remember and of
those who seek the truth.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 24, 03.00.001997-03-24

"Elson Trinidad" <> writes:

>I know Howard Watts (unfortunately) personally; believe it or not he also
>lives in East Hollywood. Actually, if Howard Watts ran for office, he'd
>more likely run for City Council than mayor anyway...

Then why does Howard have to come up and rabble rouse up here?

>I like the idea of Farmer John running for mayor, but since he's a resident
>of Vernon, he's disqualified.

Whatever happened to Ralph Williams? He'd be a good choice over Rior-Hay-den.

Michael Higby

1997 මාර්තු 24, 03.00.001997-03-24
සිට (-: Dongerous :-) writes:

>They are names for neighborhoods and they have no legal stauts. They're
>just as much a part of LA as Watts.

Actually, isn't Watts unincorporated LA County???

Andy Katz

1997 මාර්තු 24, 03.00.001997-03-24
සිට (Michael Higby) wrote:

> (-: Dongerous :-) writes:
>>They are names for neighborhoods and they have no legal stauts. They're
>>just as much a part of LA as Watts.
>Actually, isn't Watts unincorporated LA County???

No. Watts is City of LA (though I used to think the same thing before
acquainting myself with Thomas Bros ... maybe Watts is like
Sunland-Tujunga, a more recent acquisition than other regions).

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 25, 03.00.001997-03-25

Andy Katz <> wrote in article


> No. Watts is City of LA (though I used to think the same thing before
> acquainting myself with Thomas Bros ... maybe Watts is like
> Sunland-Tujunga, a more recent acquisition than other regions).

Watts has been in the City of Los Angeles for quite a while. BTW (in case
you didn't know this before, folks), Watts was the quintessential white
middle class Southern California bedroom community in the 1940s.

Susan Biddlecomb

1997 මාර්තු 28, 03.00.001997-03-28

In article <01bc313c$223db740$6805d5cf@default>,
Elson Trinidad <> wrote:

>South Central has Ladera Heights and Baldwin Hills, which aren't really
>South Central per se, but Westsiders never consider it part of the
>Westside. but everyone cals it 'The Black Beverly Hills'.

fwiw, "South Central" is a recent label. I grew up on Crenshaw Blvd at the
foot of Baldwin Hills (well actually View Park) and everyone always called it
"Southwest L.A." Still do. Just because it's mainly black doesn't make it
part of South Central (which is the area within a reasonable distance of
Central Ave -- hence the "Central" in South Central -- and within that area
folks talk of the "eastside" and "westside" which are the delineated by the
Harbor Fwy), 'leastwise that was what folks used back in the early 90s when
I lived in the 20's a couple of blocks from Central Ave.

Enjoying this interchange, haven't checked this newsgroup for a while.



1997 මාර්තු 29, 03.00.001997-03-29

The democratic party, completly out of touch with reality has given
LA the white versin of Harvey (Gnant) or whatever his last name.

As you know, Harvey is the black man who was destroyed twice by the
Black killer - SEN. Helms. The last election was a prime opportunity
for the DEMS to take away Helms seat with a quality man, but they went
with good old (I can never win) Harvey to placate the democratic power

Now, the democratic powers-to-be in LA have selected a white Harvey
to battle the mayor. End resut: REPUBLICAN WIN.

How the hell can a sleeze-ball, jerk-off, who helped the enemy
kill and torture American Service men ever be elected to any office
of importance. Tom should move to CUBA and try his political
luck there as he has NO CHANCE of winning in LA.



1997 මාර්තු 29, 03.00.001997-03-29

Why try to stop him, he is running in last place and has no chance
to win. Let him keep on running- all the way to defeat.


gonzalo vergara

1997 මාර්තු 29, 03.00.001997-03-29
සිට xona

I agree. Hayden is a cowardly swine whos is hiding behind the dead
bodies of Viet Vets cause he was too much of a pussy to put his ass on
the line. Eat S... Hayden!


Charles P. Hobbs

1997 මාර්තු 29, 03.00.001997-03-29

xona wrote:

> How the hell can a sleeze-ball, jerk-off, who helped the enemy
> kill and torture American Service men ever be elected to any office
> of importance. Tom should move to CUBA and try his political
> luck there as he has NO CHANCE of winning in LA.

Hmm. . .Fidel isn't getting any younger, you know . . .

Elson Trinidad

1997 මාර්තු 30, 03.00.001997-03-30

xona <> wrote in article

> Why try to stop him, he is running in last place and has no chance
> to win. Let him keep on running- all the way to defeat.

I recently saw a Hayden attack ad on TV from the Riordan camp. I hate
Hayden too, but come on, talk about shooting a dead horse!


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