syllabus of Sanskrit Mahavidyalayas

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Sudyumna Acharya

2011. dec. 18. 6:24:092011. 12. 18.
Dear Sir,
I invite your attention to a burning topic relating to oriental
syllabus of Sanskrit Pathashalas and Mahavidyalayas. Every student of
Madhyama, Shastri wishing to assimilate principles of physical science
is expected to keep himself abreast to the doctrines of Nyaya.
Vaisheshika. He should variably go through such doctrines as are not
solvent to the modern science and so they are cast into shade. For
1- Eyes emit the rays while visual perception
2-Air has no weight.
3-Gold is made of fire-atoms.
These doctrines are adhered to without weighing up their pros and
cons. All such doctrines are read and taught for no better reason than
that we are committed to safeguarding Sanskrit.
Through this forum, all thoughtful gentle-men are requested to
interact the matter in order to improve the situation. Your comments
in this regard are most welcome. Hoping to hear from all of you. With

Sudyumna Acharya

Directer-Veda Vani Vitan


Phone No. 07672222664

Madhusoodana Bhat

2011. dec. 18. 8:23:322011. 12. 18.
वन्दनानि ।
My humble suggestion is:
Teach the subject in its original form. However, footnotes may be inserted in the curriculum/while teaching to the different views in modern science. However, this view is open for any correction/alternate suggestion.

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Madhusoodana Bhat

Veeranarayana Pandurangi

2011. dec. 18. 10:23:232011. 12. 18.
thanks for raising this question. 
this is the burning problem. we need to get rid of old ideas.

I am writing such a text book for shastri. I hope I will come with my version ( वीरनारायणीयम् ) of muktavali very soon.
one sample sentence from my work

नन्वाकाशं लाघवादेकं सिद्धं, श्रोत्रं पुनः पुरुषभेदाद्भिन्नं कथमाकाशं स्यादिति चेत्तत्राह-"एकेति"। चैत्रादिकर्णशष्कुल्यवच्छिन्नमाकाशं चैत्रादिश्रोत्रमिति रीत्या आकाश एकः सन्नपि उपाधेः कर्णशष्कुलीभेदाद्भिन्नं श्रोत्रात्मकं भवतीत्यर्थः।  कर्णशष्कुल्यवच्छिन्नं विवरमेव श्रोत्रमित्यस्य कर्णशष्कुली, तदन्तर्वर्तिचर्मादिकं यत्र ग्राहकत्वेनाभिमतमास्ते, तथा शब्दगमनमार्गश्च (विवरं) सर्वं विवक्षितम्। वस्तुतस्तु तत्रत्यनाडीविशेषः (receptor) एव श्रोत्रमिति बोध्यम्, अवकाशात्मकस्य आकाशस्य शब्दाश्रयत्वसंभवेपि शब्दग्राहकत्वासंभवात्।

Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
Head, Dept of Darshanas,
Yoganandacharya Bhavan,
Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Samskrita University, Madau, post Bhankrota, Jaipur, 302026.

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।


2011. dec. 18. 10:35:392011. 12. 18.
–, Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma,,, R.Naryana Iyengar, Dr.N.S.Rajaram,, Alex Hankey
dear scholars,
Most of our traditional scholars of today are not conversant with Science as it today or as it was during the Vedic Times.This is so particularly after the great Shankaracharya. So absurd things are being taught blindly. for examples, in the matter of Brahma's appraoch of Saraswati, some scholars commended that the allegory (Rupaka) applies to Ushas, the dawn, as the Mother of divas (day). It is a primary truth that mother and the child will be seen together often, in case of all species. Will any scholars point to me when Ushas and the Divas are seen together.
Science is ignorantly considered by many as if it is a taboo. On the contrary they endorse absurd theories as pilupulakanyaya; which holds that every thing dies every moment and is reborn. According to that, the god who expended one quarter of himself in creating this manifest world; died and instant a three-quarter god was born! Aha. We are making buffoon of ourselves. We cannot regain the prime glory of the Vedic period by sticking to some absurdities blindly.
I promised to post on the suggestion of a scholar some propositions. unfortunately the scholars were focussion on minor grammatical variations (aberrations, may be, according to them); but they could not see the Himalayan truths. That is why the Vedas say that all cannot see the innate truth; but only the outer truth. For example, I posted the correct positions as to the so-called Brahma's incest of his daughter; after a four year research, and the Nasadiya sukta, which commences with Na asat asit; both of which instances have been grossly misinterpreted. How many scholars are interested in bringing out truth, satisfactorily.?
One hope is the Dr. S,Ramakrishna Sharma, Director, Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage, is interested; and has intimated me his intention of meeting me around the 26th inst. to chalk out pratical steps in this regard. Unfortunately, even those scholars who are interested; express interest only in  applications like astronomy or ayurveda giving scope to the absurdities that astronomy originated in Greece; on the strength of one Shloka of Varaha Mihira. Scientist-Historians like Dr.N.S.Rajaram ignore the latest discoveries of evidence in the field of science; which tend towards upholding the Timeframe of Manu than the biblical timeframe that Max Muller chalked out.
The Germans and the Russians have been studioulsy researching into the pure sciences in the Vedas; and we are way behind them.
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Madhusoodana Bhat <> wrote:

Ram Sharma

2011. dec. 19. 1:47:392011. 12. 19.
Oftrepeated imagery of the Mahabharata (Rudras taaraamRgaM yathaa) makes it  very clear that this mythology was a pedagogical device to teach the students about the constellation Aardraa following MRgashiras following RohiNii .Kalidasa's  MRgaanusaariNaM saaksHaat pashyaamii'va Pinaakinam also follows it.
    Ram Karan Sharma    

--- On Sun, 12/18/11, S.R.Krishnamurthy <> wrote:

Jagannatha s

2011. dec. 19. 13:30:542011. 12. 19.
aaryaah, svasti/

Not only in prescribing Shastras but  much to be done even in Sahitya.

For example, Bhojaprabandha has so many stories  like contemporaneity of  Kalidasa and  Magha and their enjoying patronage of  Raja Bhoja, per every letter of  the enchanting verse the poets compose, his donating one lack rupees without iota of hesitation  so on and so forth. When the teacher infuses the students with these stories, it creates bad impact in the minds of students which can not be removable. Some times I am amazed at some(not all) Sanskritists who firmly believe  that every word of Bhojaprabandha is gospel truth.  But there is a dilemma (This is my dilemma too!). The stories are enjoyable and in spite of teachers' knowing the truth, they can not stop telling  them.This Bhojaprabandha is firmly rooted in the Samskrita curriculum over centuries and has become inseparable part of Samskrita teaching culture.

Solution: 1. Tell the story, but in introductory remarks inform the students in very clear words   that most of these stories are imaginary.

2. Prescribe Bhojaprabandha as textbook. But remove the poets' names. Since no story can be enjoyable without any name, employ some false names (But this is highly impractical). 

 I would like to draw the attention of learned scholars on the usages like paashanda-gaja-kesari, vaadi-mattebha-panchaanana etc..Always we are told by hundreds of references that the lion is the stronger and the elephant is weaker.So  the elephant is afraid of lion.

I observed elephants' not showing any sign of fear on seeing lions in the TV Channels Animal planet and Discovery channel. Once I was watching Animal planet. I saw that the lions were meticulously guarding a  pond so that no other animal would enter into that place.The reason is in that particular region, water was a scarcity. But  when some elephants rushed towards the pond, the lions (grudgingly?) left that place! Very rarely young elephant may be attacked by pack of lions and not single lion. So, in praising a valiant,  the expressions  like ``arikula-gandhagajayuutha-panchaananah" are funny.


Jagannatha s

2011. dec. 19. 14:04:282011. 12. 19.
One lack rupees=Please read `one lakh rupees'.

V Subrahmanian

2011. dec. 19. 19:05:052011. 12. 19.

There are some others that need attention too:

There is a 'bhramara-keeTa nyAya' that finds place in Vedanta, especially Advaita.  I do not know if such a thing happens in reality: a keeTa, out of fear of the bhramara, over a period of time, transforming itself into a bhramara.

'serpents guarding a nidhi':  It is (was) believed a treasure embedded in the ground is guarded by snakes.  'Pearls being in the head of elephants', 'nAgamaNi' in the head of a serpent', etc. are some others in this list.  


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Jagannatha s <> wrote:

Jagannatha s

2011. dec. 19. 21:20:232011. 12. 19.
What about gandhavatii prithivii?


2011. dec. 19. 23:43:122011. 12. 19.
नैयायिकादिभिः प्रणीतानि लक्षणानि सर्वथा दुष्टानीति यस्य प्रतीतिस्तेन न्यायसूत्रतदनुकूलव्याख्यादीनां परित्याग एवोचितः , स्वन्त्रमतप्रतिपादने आयासश्च विधेयः ।
ननु परिष्कारमात्रस्यास्वीकारे दुष्टग्रन्थेषु श्रद्धैव त्वया प्रकटिता । न चैषा परीक्षकैरादरणीयेति चेत् ।
न । परिष्कारस्यानिषेधात् । परिष्कारव्याजेन सूत्रग्रन्थादीनां सर्वथा दुष्टत्वप्रतिपादनस्यैव हेयत्वस्य विवक्षितत्वात ।
यो हि ग्रन्थविशेषाश्रयेण परिष्कर्त्ताहमेतस्य मतस्येति शोधने प्रवृत्तोऽपि स्वमूलमेव निरस्यति , तेन मतमेव नूतनं स्वतन्त्रग्रन्थरचनादिभिः प्रवर्त्तनीयं न तु प्राचीनग्रन्थव्याख्यायां प्रवर्त्तितव्यं , यथा द्वैतनिरासे प्रवृत्तेनाद्वैतमतम् ।

Veeranarayana Pandurangi

2011. dec. 20. 9:22:192011. 12. 20.

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 7:50 AM, Jagannatha s <> wrote:
What about gandhavatii prithivii?

कात्र कथन्ता। किे गन्धो नास्ति पृथिव्यां, अथवा प्रतीयमानोपि मिथ्या

Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
Head, Dept of Darshanas,
Yoganandacharya Bhavan,
Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Samskrita University, Madau, post Bhankrota, Jaipur, 302026.

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।

Veeranarayana Pandurangi

2011. dec. 20. 9:27:282011. 12. 20.
इदमेव मतं स्वतन्त्राणामिति न दोषः। 

किंच न न्यायसूत्रं दूषितं केनापि भुवि। तर्कसंग्रहस्यैव दूषितत्वात्।

तद्यथा घ्राणेन्द्रियं नासाग्रवर्ति इति अन्नंभट्टः। तर्कसंग्रहपाठनकाले  शिष्येण आधुनिकचिकित्साशास्त्रे परिणतप्रज्ञेन अमितविक्रमेण उक्तं नैतद्युक्तं नासामूलवर्तित्वात् घ्राणेन्द्रियस्येति। नायमन्नंभट्टः ऋषिः गौतमवत्, न वा शरीरशास्त्रं जानाति पाश्चात्त्यॆ भारतीयं वा। त्यक्तव्यमेवैतादृशं सर्वम्। 

आकाशस्य श्रोत्रत्वमपीदृशमेव।

2011/12/20 श्रीमल्ललितालालितः <>

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
Head, Dept of Darshanas,
Yoganandacharya Bhavan,
Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Samskrita University, Madau, post Bhankrota, Jaipur, 302026.

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।


2011. dec. 22. 20:31:292011. 12. 22.
– भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
It is a welcome sign that syllabus reformation is discussed. However,
the methodology of Nyaaya is basically sound logic and it has inbuilt
techniques to correct itself. Instead of taking 'prithivi' to be this
'earth' if it is taken as set'P' with a given definition, as an
intellectual exercise, the tradition is too precious to be forgotten.
The conflicts that come up with generalizations such as 'taijasa-
shariira' (an example) need changes in the form of new 'commentaries
or explanations'. If 'Yogi pratyaksha' is acceptable this has to be
amplified through new commentaries in Sanskrit.
The greatest strength of PaaNini was in proposing a meta-language (or
symbolism) for handling, describing and rationalizing the day to day
'S'ravaNendriya-janya-jn~aana' (not an exact definition!) called
'language'. classical music accepted representation of abstract 'svara-
sthana' in terms of syllabic symbols. Later Biija-GaNita or algebra
adopted 'unknowns' in terms of symbols.
I feel use of symbols is an area worth investigating by the younger
generation of Naiyyaayikas
After all nava-navOnmes.a-s'aalinii prajn~aa buddhih.||

The conflict between observable reality and tradition comes up
glaringly in Jyotisha and its practice through Pan~caangas. The real
"UttaraayaNa PuNyakaala" was over yesterday but the TV-jyotishis will
conduct their preaching on January 14-15th. Religious leaders and
purohits being blind followers of the 'printed book' are not bothered
about bringing harmony between celestial events and purported
religious observations. They try to brush aside wrong practices under
the garb of 'S'is.t.aachaara'. I sincerely pray and hope intellectuals
of the Mahavidyalayas address this issue.


RN Iyengar

On Dec 20, 7:27 pm, Veeranarayana Pandurangi <>

> इदमेव मतं स्वतन्त्राणामिति न दोषः।
> किंच न न्यायसूत्रं दूषितं केनापि भुवि। तर्कसंग्रहस्यैव दूषितत्वात्।
> तद्यथा घ्राणेन्द्रियं नासाग्रवर्ति इति अन्नंभट्टः। तर्कसंग्रहपाठनकाले
>  शिष्येण आधुनिकचिकित्साशास्त्रे परिणतप्रज्ञेन अमितविक्रमेण उक्तं
> नैतद्युक्तं नासामूलवर्तित्वात् घ्राणेन्द्रियस्येति। नायमन्नंभट्टः ऋषिः
> गौतमवत्, न वा शरीरशास्त्रं जानाति पाश्चात्त्यॆ भारतीयं वा।
> त्यक्तव्यमेवैतादृशं सर्वम्।
> आकाशस्य श्रोत्रत्वमपीदृशमेव।

> 2011/12/20 श्रीमल्ललितालालितः <>

> > नैयायिकादिभिः प्रणीतानि लक्षणानि सर्वथा दुष्टानीति यस्य प्रतीतिस्तेन
> > न्यायसूत्रतदनुकूलव्याख्यादीनां परित्याग एवोचितः , स्वन्त्रमतप्रतिपादने
> > आयासश्च विधेयः ।
> > ननु परिष्कारमात्रस्यास्वीकारे दुष्टग्रन्थेषु श्रद्धैव त्वया प्रकटिता । न
> > चैषा परीक्षकैरादरणीयेति चेत् ।
> > न । परिष्कारस्यानिषेधात् । परिष्कारव्याजेन सूत्रग्रन्थादीनां सर्वथा
> > दुष्टत्वप्रतिपादनस्यैव हेयत्वस्य विवक्षितत्वात ।
> > यो हि ग्रन्थविशेषाश्रयेण परिष्कर्त्ताहमेतस्य मतस्येति शोधने प्रवृत्तोऽपि
> > स्वमूलमेव निरस्यति , तेन मतमेव नूतनं स्वतन्त्रग्रन्थरचनादिभिः प्रवर्त्तनीयं
> > न तु प्राचीनग्रन्थव्याख्यायां प्रवर्त्तितव्यं , यथा द्वैतनिरासे
> > प्रवृत्तेनाद्वैतमतम् ।

> > *श्रीमल्ललितालालितः <>
> > lalitAlAlitaH <>*

> >  --
> > अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
> > ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
> > तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
> > निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)
> --
> Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
> Head, Dept of Darshanas,
> Yoganandacharya Bhavan,
> Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Samskrita University, Madau, post
> Bhankrota, Jaipur, 302026.
> अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
> ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
> तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।

> निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

subrahmanyam korada

2011. dec. 23. 1:15:292011. 12. 23.
नमो विद्वद्भ्यः

As far as the syllabus in Mahavidyalayas is concerned  I think that there should be a Course introducing Vedangas and Darsanas .

I was a UGC Visiting Fellow at Mahavidyalaya , M S University , Vadodara (Vatodaram)during 2000-2001 .

Experience tells me that 99% of Sanskrit Scholars are not familiar with all the Vedangas and Darsanas . One may specialize a Sastram or two or Three but keeps mum while any discussion is taken up in other Sastras/Darsanas .

This is the reason why I started the chain of Workshops .

Soon I may put the material on my personal Website  for the benefit of all .

It would also be nice to train the students in a small portion of Veda in Gurukula system . They have to protect both Vaidikasabdas and Laukikasabdas .


2011/12/23 rniyengar <>

Prof.Korada Subrahmanyam
Professor of Sanskrit,
University of Hyderabad 500046

madhusudan penna

2011. dec. 26. 6:43:552011. 12. 26.
Dear Sanskrit Researchers,Namaskar
Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Nagpur Maharashtra is publishing a research journal under the guidance of Dr. Pankaj Chande Hon'ble Vice chancellor.
Research articles are welcome for publication. Other details will be intimated very soon.
The articles may be sent to:
Dr.Penna Madhusudan
Head, Dept.of Darshana
K.Kalidas Sanskrit University
Ramtek, Nagpur(M.S)

On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 20:54:44 +0530 wrote

>इदमेव मतं स्वतन्त्राणामिति न दोषः। 
किंच न न्यायसूत्रं दूषितं केनापि भुवि। तर्कसंग्रहस्यैव दूषितत्वात्।
तद्यथा घ्राणेन्द्रियं नासाग्रवर्ति इति अन्नंभट्टः। तर्कसंग्रहपाठनकाले  शिष्येण आधुनिकचिकित्साशास्त्रे परिणतप्रज्ञेन अमितविक्रमेण उक्तं नैतद्युक्तं नासामूलवर्तित्वात् घ्राणेन्द्रियस्येति। नायमन्नंभट्टः ऋषिः गौतमवत्, न वा शरीरशास्त्रं जानाति पाश्चात्त्यॆ भारतीयं वा। त्यक्तव्यमेवैतादृशं सर्वम्। 

आकाशस्य श्रोत्रत्वमपीदृशमेव।

2011/12/20 श्रीमल्ललितालालितः

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Hnbhat B.R.

2011. dec. 27. 23:31:082011. 12. 27.
Very Interesting discussion. Now it is really worth identifying myths and truths. From the point of our updated knowledge, they are considered as myths in contrast to the truth as tested by our updated knowledge. They are the myths preserved .

While a group insisting on the Vedic Science as truth and modern science as myth, it is a welcome movement to introspect our Shastraic Science (if it can be termed as such), or at least observations in our Shastra-s regarding the phenomena of nature and physics. 

Belles Literature is dwelling upon the imaginative power of the poets plus their talent in Shastra-s, a moderate synthesis is always to be found in Sanskrit Literature. 

Bhramara-kITa nyaya raised by Subrahmaniam doesn't know as he is not a biologist (nor me), but there is a metamorphosis in insects transforming them into flies. It may "bhramara" or any insect undergoing the metamorphosis. It may be based on a simple deduction from the observation of the life cycle of the flies. Here is the link on the topic:

There are similar fanciful understandings called poetic conventions that the cuckoos sing only Vasanta season only and the Catrka birds drink the drops of water before they fall on the ground from the sky. Cuckoo-s are called परपुष्ट as they lay their eggs in the nest of crows for hatching and as soon as the young birds come out able to fly they fly away. The cuckoos do not build their nest. I don't know whether this is a fact or myth. The epithet परभृत also suggest the similar concept. There are many more which have nothing parallel in daily life. The smile is white etc which are simple observations.

Hope many more may come up.

Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R. M.A., Ph.D.,
Research Scholar,
Ecole française d'Extrême-OrientCentre de Pondichéry
16 & 19, Rue Dumas
Pondichéry - 605 001

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