First Workshop on Indian Languages under LREC platform in Istanbul May21, 2012

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Girish Nath Jha

2011年12月24日 02:43:382011/12/24
Dear members
Indian langauge resources and technologies are being featured for the first time under ELRA (European Langauge Resource Association) sposnored event called LREC in Istanbul, Turkey. The website address is given below.
Kindly advertise the event and submit papers - the preferred areas would be Sanskrit (and other Indian languages) linguistic/lexical resources.
warm regards
girish n jha

Shrivathsa B

2011年12月24日 13:05:572011/12/24
hariH OM,

one hates to spread negativity (i apologise to everyone in the group for this, but i hope you will take it in the right spirit), but it amuses one to see such grand declarations like:
"The MHRD through its language agency called CIIL and many academic institutions across the country has set up a Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages (LDCIL). This consortium, being set up in the lines of the LDC at the University of Pennsylvania (USA)"

The LDCIL site hasn't been updated since 2008... one may see the following page:
one feels amused that the same people who haven't even digitized a good dictionary in a searchable form are talking such grand things.

The apte sanskrit dictionary has been digitized by university of chicago in addition to several other regional language dictionaries. almost all sanskrit dictionaries online have been put up by westerners, so also text corpuses (gretil comes first to mind). Leave alone text corpuses, the much celebrated DLI project has poured money into scanning books where the indexing would have been done better if primary-school children would have handled it (just try searching for a book and you will understand)! What is more, they won't even allow google to crawl their meta data!

As always, in bhaaratam, individuals are putting in efforts where the government has failed (Indian-Lexicon-Kalyanaraman, sanskritdocuments, sanskritworld etc. etc.)

I hope that this workshop doesn't stop at pontification.


2011/12/24 Girish Nath Jha <>

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)


2011年12月30日 02:31:442011/12/30
收件人、Dr.Girish Jha、Shrivathsa B
Dear Sirs,
In my research of Valmiki Ramayana and some Vedic hymns, I have given new connotations to some Sanskrit word apprpriate to the context; in the absence of which the texts have been misinterpreted. For example, I had already posted on this platform the word 'Khara' in Valmiki Ramayana where it has been annotated as 'gardabha' on the basis of Amarakosha; whereas the word stands for 'aeroplane' (khe ramhatiti kharaH). It is fully described in my unpublished book "Enigmas in Valmiki Ramayana Explained".
There are several such words in the field of philosophy which are misinterpreted; and thereby have become bone of contention unnecessarily. Is there any Indian agency, official or otherwise, which is documenting such efforts for public use?
 For example, Ushas is misinterpreted as the mother of the Day! Mother and child are commonly seen together. At no time the Dawn and the Day can be seen together. Yet our scholars blindly accept such misinterpretations without questioning and arriving at the right solutions; thereby endorsing such absurdities as Brahma had incest with his daughter Saraswathi; which is patently false.
I shall be obliged for any suggestion from any quarter to thwart all such infamous misinterpretations in our commentaries of ancient texts.
s.r.krishna murthy
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